PAGLý 4,ýTHIJRSDAY, AIJGLIST 24,1972, WIIIT3Y FRE PREiSS WAGE COMPARISON, town vs cIety One of the most widely discussed topics of the general taxpayers in any given Canadian pnunicipality are the wages of town administrative staff. This week the Whitby Free Press thought it might prove interesting to show a wage structure comparison between the Town of Whitby and the Citv of Oshawa. Below follows a list of safaried city and town employees with explanatory foot- notes. JOB TITLE: OSHAWA WHITBY Industrial Commissioner $16,234 $ 19,386 Clerk Director of Planning Recreation Director Assistant Director of Social Services Deputy Clerk Fire Chief (top range) Town of W[ order: NAME: W.G. Winters W.A. Evans Dr. M. Michael Wm. H. Wallace E.M. Crouch F.N. McEwen J.R. McCorkell G.K. Gelette G.H. Thwaites Wm. Andrews K. Birch J.C. McNamee R.A. Claringbold W.J. Mowat G. Harness 18,238 19,333 14,448 9,607 16,_23 4 12,858 19,576 16,155 18,310 15,078 10,1-31 14,001 11,847 16,155 hitby salaried staff l'ollows ini this POSITION Development Commis- sioner Director of Public Works Planning Director Clerk Fire Chief Treasurer Deputy Director of Public Works and Operations Engineer Recreation Director Social Services D irector Works Supervisor Deputy Planning Director Deputy Clerk Tax Collector & Deputy Treasurer Deputy Fire Chief Construction Engineer 20%r SALARY $ 19,386 19,386 18,3 10 16,155 16,155 16,155 16,155. 15,078 14,001 13,462 12,924 11,847 11,847 11,847 11,308 Off on ail mensa trousers OTTENBRITE'S MEN'VS WEAR 668-3261 103'DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY I BERNIES MOTOR SALES'I American Motors VU GREMLIN X 668-2262 BASELINE ROAD AT WHITBY-PICKER/NG TOWNLINýE E. Kent Chief Operator, Pringle Creek Sew- age Treatmieit Plant F. Beekette Recreation Supervisor R. Thompson Chie f Operator, Cor- bett Creek Sewage Treatinent Plant A point of interest here is that w hile for Oshawa's Industrial Commissioner 10,ý501 10,ý231 9,000 the salary shows a $3,000 decrease trom Whiitby's, the Oshawa Indus- trial Commnissioner (as is the case with other salaried ernployees on city staff) has been with the Corpora- tion a long enougli tirne to warrant a raisc in salary, while ail salaries affixed to the names of' Whitby staff were effective as of April 1, 1 972. Rernuneration for the Mayor of' the City of' Oshawa who maintains his practice of solicitor now stands at $20,000, while Whitby Mayor Des New- man who has- rightly or wrongly - miade a full tine job of the office of' Whitby Mayor, draws the much more miodest amiount of* $9,000. Aldermen and controllers for the City of Oshawa are on record as receiving $3,000 per per- son, and members of Board of' ContraI reccive $2,500. Aldermnen l'or the City of Oshawa on stand- ing commit tees receive an additional $200. Meînbers of Town of Whitby Council receive $ 2,500 with no bonuses l'or conrnittee work. Whiitby Town Council Who like the cinicil' of ...oops WE GOOFED Last week we rep- orted that the log saw- ing contest trophy, won by Gerry Brear and Johin Forbes, was donated by Sullivan Realtor and Frank Real Estate. The log sawing tro- phy was donated solely by George Sullivan of Sullivan Realtor. Guaranteed Investment Certif icates nowi Get yours today at.. VICTORI4A ÊMGREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 308 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY 668-9324 Oshawa Dowrîtowrî Termniai Whîtby Agency <Hwy. 2) Whitby GO Terminal (Brock & 401) Ajax Shopping Centre any other r-nunicipality, sometimes corne under fire for what their constituents consider poor use of their tax dollar could - as was done in both lPickering and Oshawa - give thernselves a pay in- crease by means of a bylaw - but have not. In a submission to the Oshawa Area Planning Board, the town of Whitby presented the following tablé of wage structures. The report in part read: "An examination of the table will show that only in planning which is one of the small but important departments of a municipality does Whitby's staff exceed that of Oshawa. In police the number of people served by an employee is approxir-nately the same for the two municipalities. In Treasury, Public Works and Recreation, the staff employed by the City after allowing for the relative populations, is" more than twicc that required by the Town of Whi tby." 1 6,4Even allowing for sone, cconomics of scale due to the f'ormation of' a centralized staff opera- tion, there can bc little doubt tliat Whitby taxpayers would be facing increased taxes due to maintaining a mnuch larger staff' organization thian this munici- pality lias allowed itself." "4With respect to the fire de'partmient, the an- nexation of Whitby to Oshawa would immediately demnand the providing of a f'ulI-time fire departr-ncnt at a cost of' some $400,000 for manpowcr alone tising, Oshawa's level of- service." Be on the to the EX (Air-Conditioned Bus-Train Service) Oshawa, Whitby and Ajax Bus-Train via Hwy. 401 GO Buses Ieaving every hour. connecting with GO Trains at Pickering. FIRST BUS Oshawa Downitown Terminal Oshawa GO Terminal (401 & Simcoe) Witby GO Terminal (Brock & 401) Ajax Shopping Centre Arriving Exhibition GO Station haurly frani 9:48 ani. Return trips leaving Exhibition Station every hour on the hour:- 12-100 midnight 8-20 a.m. 8 -2 7 a. ni, 8.-34 a.m. 8-42 a.m. last train at A.M. A.M. 8:20 9-20 A.M. 10:20 A.M. 11:-20 P.M. 5:20 8:30 9:-30 10:30 11:30 5:30 8:34 9:34 10:-34 11:34 5:34 8:42 9:42 10:42 11:42 5:42 Connections with GO Trains at Pickering ta, arrive at Exhibition Station at 48 minutes past the hour. Return'trips Ieaving Exhibition Station every hour on the hour: Iast train at 12:00 midnight. Gray Coach buses via Hwy. 2 meet ail trains leaving Exhi- bition Station from 4:00 p.m. until midnight. NOTEý No westbaund Gray Coach Service ta Pickering via Hwy. 2 an Sundays. Sunday horîîebaund connections witilnthe trains leavirig Exhibition at 4:-00 arîd 5:00 p iii. and thie everîîng trains (rani 9:-00 p ru. ta miidnight. For further information cail GO Transit 942-2000 Oshawa Bus Termnral 723-2241 Ajax Agency WhitbyAgencies 668-3675 and 728 0545 Pickering Agency 942-4261 942-4281 41 1RÀNSIr Operated by CN and Gray Caach Lînes For the Province of Ontario ________________________________ Mm NOT E On Séitur diys atrîd Labour Day. service beqîns one I(1011! cariror. (No service via Pickering Village.) Oshawa, Whitby and Ajax Bus-Train via Hwy. 2