Page 0, Thursday, August 17, 1972e WHITEIY FIREE r-RE.-SS HERO...cantînued from Page 7 said, "Sob is sîmpiy tbe wîttiest persan i knaw."I His wife Mary Jean is an attractive b i o n d e who shares ber husband's in- t e r e s t i n travel1 rig and en terta in i rq. Tbey are a ppul ar couIple Social I , alnd according ta, their friends, genierous. Mary Jeants own interests are dis- played in their iovely Camnpbell St. home where she bas tasteful ly arranged rose velvet King Edward IV furniture. She bas decided flair for decarating an-d p 1 a ns ta arrange rooms in the Heroni home in varying per lad decor. Tbe new councillor aiso bas aseriaus side. He deepiy admires deputy reeve John Goodw in whobhesays came up through the ranks and lis doing an ex- cel 1ien-t job for the town. He is also v e ry interested in representatian for the farmer, and at the time of the pro- p o sed Whitby Brookl in merger spoke î n fa v ourf r e tention of 'rooki in s name at the heated town hall meeting. Councililor Heron in his Cberokee Ar- r ow plane wb; ich he recently flew ta Ailaska. A certain *nthuslasmý George SiocuIm, Secretary Manager at Cshawa iAirport whoero Horon has been a neber' for somtirne ie aîid: "E3iob jus t Can)' t do0 el-ough. Hol has a cor ta in uni1que elnthllaSrnI which 1 suspect appliles to ev\erythiïng liecloes. And bosides aI i that hie h as such personal ity. Hie crea tes <luit a stir wherover he goes. Yes, hels cîulte a character. Il It is rather a coincidence that the man who repiaced Heber Down is a younger vers ion jus tas colorful as the wel i 1loved statesman. B3ob Heron is big as i ife, vibrant and almost impassible ta pin down on paper. He iswell1 traveiiled, w/ell1 read, and big enough tatake criticism without return- ing wvr a th. A nd wvith al1 th!is heebas brought ta council not only bis honesty and unpretentiousness 'but an earnest willingness ta iearn - and that deiight- fui brand of Heron humour. Money Winners Launie an d K im Lintner wvho are 13- y ea r -o 1d cousins received a recent chbeq ue fr om Kinsmen Eresident Ted * e 11 a nd Everet t De Har t, Kîinsmen C h a i rman f or County' Town Carnival events. Tbe Lintner girls ,vere \viflf- ers in their class in the log sawving con- tes t.-A f ir st time for thegiristhey d idn 't epect towin - especialîiy over ail those boys - including tDadi. Tack, Leather & Gifts Quality Engiish & Western Saddlery 2336 KINGSTON RD. E. PICKE RING, 839-5811 Cac o Mt h HWY No.2 ONTARIO 942-8371 NOW SHOWING at Aug._17 -18 -19 the l1 PARAMOUNI PICTURES PRESENTS........ A patriotic, chaotic cornedy. A HOWARD W. KOCH Production eON SAME PROGRAM e HAJOLD di ttrtiice and MAUDE RUTH GORDON BUDCORT Children's Matines Sat. 1:30 pm King Kong vs Godzilla Comine Aug. 20-21-22 Medicine BRail Caravan 2 ND FIATtRE C A RRI ERbit sNyoDGRAss iblt A RTH UR H1L L Run STARTS WEDNESDAY AVLT PLAY Il AGAIN -SAM Starring Woody Allen Aduits 1. 75 Students 1. 25 Pio ne 668-3618 Show Starts 7.00 p.m. .Doily FRIE PARKING Children .50 9.1972. DATSUN NOW ON DISPLAy 160 Simc. Se. S. CALL 724-0051 Con ada's impoft car is heret. çiat5urt 1600, 96 hortes, up Io 35. mijos. Io lh , e gallon.- With the klild pf pà tfortnance thag's*'.made il -Cahada'&: mosl' suécéssfui rally car. 'il - yjôülro 'b lanriinq , to, «ý büy an #conc My ca'r. buy the one - that % been 1eýteýJ ',under 'th2 wo.rst pçs- sible conditignp , againÎi. best p6ssible competifion. Patsun, ýÇPO. ft's the le , ader. 942-8371 1 momi 1