Page 2, Thursday, August 3, 1972, WHIT3BY FREE PRESS Essence Living in Whitby we have the feeling this town is something special. We who live here the year r ou n d know. Early August visitors to the County Town perhaps judge Whitby by the gala County Town Carnival Week- end. To writer LeslJi e McFarlane and Planning Director M. Michaels, Whitby is trees, "old and beautiful trees". Trees crea t ing lacy patterns on a shaded sidewalk, tall elms, draping weeping willows. To others Whi tby is peopl e, "friend- I y, smalltown people"- Harry Arnol d of Arnold's Meat Market, Joe Ottenbrite, Gene the window washer, the cop on the corner. Whitby is the stately Ontario Ladies' College, theold -man with the homemade bike who lives on Perry Street. Whitby is the Centennial Building, the County Town Singers, the Whitby Brass Band. Whitby is a dynamic man called Des Newman, the house with the blue half of Whitby moon s h u t t e r s and profuse garden at Dundas and Cochrane Streets. Whitby is a town where, if you live in the centre, you can see a cheerful John Frost in his round hat walking home with his evening paper; where the sensi- tive and unassuming writer Leslie Mc- Farlane trims his hedge on King Street. Whitby is the enchanting Inverlynn, downtown store windows through a cur- tain of snowflakes, Lynde House, the home of Whitby Ar ts and the Whitby Gar- den Club's benches at the Brock Street bank. To a Whitbyite, Vhitby is a million little, personal things that go on day after day; a town that hasn't grown too big for the municipal building and the post office to truly belong to the people who 1ive there. And to the 25,000 people who live here and the thousands who will visit over this weekend, the Whitby County TownCarnival is the second Christmas in the calendar year. Dear Sir: I read with in- terest in what ap- pears to be your opposition paper the "News Adver- tiser " that Des Newman will again be in the Whitby mayor- ai ity race and that he might even be appointed S u per Mayor of the new region. For Whitby's sake I hope he is not re- elected and if he receives the ap- pointment for re- gional di rector, somebody ought to ha v e their head read. The News Ad- ver tiser is not living up toits name, think- ing they are telI- ing the ci tizens of Whitby "newsl" Phm Staff Adverti w h e n they s tate Des Newman couldbe the first Supe r Mayor. This is not news because he has been spending our tax money for years prepar- i n g for regional government to fur ther hisown political am- bitions forthis very post. He started with amalIgamation, then brought in and selected ail thehighclass ad- m in i s tration he needed, and at high cost of course, sothat we now have: 1. Apaid fire de- department which w as a voluntary unit previously, 2. Increased po- lice staff to han- THE WHITBY FREE PRESS 1 (Voice or the County Town) Hometown piper of Whitby, Srooklin, Myrtie and Ashbum. Published every Thursday in nd for the pople of Whitby. Offices - 3O1lyron St. S Whitby - Box 206. Whitby - 668-6111 - W. Bill"Durke - Judy Durke sing - J. Quail - Ron Wînstanley d i e amalgamated areas, 3. A recreational director and as- sistantand staff, 4. A planning di- rector and assis- tant and staff, 5. A tax depart- ment, 6. An industrial commissioner and staff, 7. A town clerk and assistant and staff, 8. An Engineer and staff, 9. A social ser- vices department, Yes, the above listed are just some of the highly paid staff and there are prob- a b I y others that have not been mentioned. Let's look at some of the huge successes these department heads have promoted: Recreational Di- rector: - Dance hall at Hey den shor e Park at a cost of $1 35, 000; - Promoting a $35,000 bubble over the old swimming hole at Kinsmen Park; - Helped develop and promote the Iroquois Park scheme with ap- proval of our mayor and coun- cil in principle. Fire Chief: - A 100ft. lad- der and truck at a cost of $ 100,- 000 with no high buildings to ser- vice. Industrial Com- missioner: - Nothing. Planning Di- rector: - Allowed the building of a mo- tel shutting off the v i e w from a bay window of a man who has paid taxes in Whitby for 41 years. Has also produced man y green and red charts of the Bradley property w h i c h somebody is promoting be- cause the proper- ty is to be ser- viced. Police Chief: - A new police building. Mayor: - New out of town Municipal Com- plex at a cost of app r ox i mat ely $1,000,000; - Increased taxes in of d town centre by 6. 5 milîs; - Spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on indus- trial land aquisi- tions when we are h a v ing difficul ty selling presently owned property. V dgli gg - Continued from front page. T he y w e r e not where w e origin- ally put them!" Investigation of the fire damage by Bill Holding has further revealed that vandal s have completely stripped the wheelhouse. The fire damage is estim- a t e d a t $1500 t o $2000 replacement cost. At this point ail the Navy League has are the roof rafters and that's ail. 311l Holding said, "All we can do now is hope that somebody will donate another build- ing or the funds to build another one. " The building, after erection on the new site, woul d have been the Navy League permanent headquarters in this area. I t was to have also been a stor- age area for boats and crafts to be shared by the Navy League, the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets, Whi tby Corps and the Navy L eagu e Cadets, Brooklin Corps. Anyone wishing to contribute to the building fund which is presently in op- eration can contact Navy League Sec- retary, Bill Holding at 728-6470. Miss Nude World. . f rom Whitby??? Wh o knows, it 1 s anybody's guess but Sharon Kampis, 23, of Whitby will r e p r e s ent the Town in the Miss Nude World Pageant in Freelton, Ontario. Mrs. Kampis joined a nudist colony this summer and entered the Miss Nude World contest at the suggestion of her husband. She said of the upcoming con- test , "The fact that there willîbe so many people there makes me nervous. " Prizes include a trip to Acapulco, a minkcoatandadiamond ring in the con- t e s t which comes to the bare facts on S u n d a y a t the Four Seasons Nature Club. Just to keep the record straight, Signed: Anothe rmiddle c I a s s taxpayer paying upper class taxes. ori Readers vvrite