Whitby Free Press, 20 Jul 1972, p. 1

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"You're Kidding, Baby DolIls On Green Street? " You never know!1 If you're lucky you may even see a councillor or two c a v o r t i n g down Green Street after Il p. m. on Frlday, August 4th. The event will be a p yj am a parade during the County Town Carnival festivities, and a f e w of the coun- c i 1 o r s have threatened to en- ter t h e parade in their finest frilly nightwear. When asked what kind of 'jammies' he will wear, Councillor Bob White replied, "I've surprised a ,few people before and l1mayhavea surprise this time too! " Deputy Reeve John Goodwin wasn' t very com- mi ttal about his pyjamas but 'Ill have to In the fas books to f I n what's ne pj's. il saId, 1 ook h ion d out w in Who knows Councillor Dr. Ken Hobbs may appear In apure white midi, fas-' h-1Ioned along the Iines of Florence Nightingale. And can't you just picture a bearded Council- 1 or Bob Heron in a pair of baby-doll j ammies. . . should b e qu ite an eye- fui l. Some people m.ight think I t ab- surd having coun- c I Il ors parading the streets in fr i1 I y nightwear but why not?... worse things have happened at coun- cil meetings. rant W I YF RS enzies oLUI voici0 Ofthe county town) FREIE HM© Vol 2i 30BYRON ST. s. WHiTsY, o NTi.DEVE No 29 THURSDAY JUL-Y 20, 1972,- R ABED.3 Acat, which is thought to have come incontactwith a fox now known as rab- id, is causing concern for residents in the Walton Boulevard area of Whitby. The fox, which was shot by town police o n June 21 when a girl reported seeing a fox "acting strangely" on her way home from school, was seen givin'g chase to a c a t on the front lawn of 911 Walton by Miss Yvonne Raczkowski. Descr ibed as dappled grey and of normal s i z e by Miss Raczkowski, the c a t was said t o have been chased and corner ed behind a fence beyond the range of her vision. Acting.on a call for help from con- cerned residents in the area, the Free P r e s s on Monday called the Thickson Road Ontario Humane Society who had repor tedly picked up a second cat on Centre North. The animal shel ter super- visor Mrs. Helen Allen refused to give de ta il1 s on the animal at the shelter b e c a u s e it "was none of the publ ic's business. "Mrs. Allen further reported t he r e was no information the fox had even come in contact with a cat. The original report read back to the Free Press b y D r . Hendry, the vet- erinaryrepresentative for the Health of An i m ai s Branch of the Department of Agriculture, however, s t a ted "animal contactI" ha d been wr itten on the rep- ort which accompanied the rabid fox. The report had been made out by the local Ontario Humane Society. Since the date the fox was killed' lo c al residents h a v e placed calls to both the pol ice department and the animal shelter upon sighting a cat which ac- cording to them has been "howling day and night and acting strangely". The On t a r i o Humane Society suc- c e e d e d i n picking up a cat at Centre Street. The howling continued after the cat was taken away, however, so it is STORY CONTINUES PAGE 2 Wow! Wh at Service 4 i T h e P o s t Office has come under fire r e c e n t I y for changes that have been made but it's not likely anyone will complain about this lovely change. She',s Joan Campney ofDundas Street in Whit- b y and s h e is working part time for now del ivering the mail. Joan hopes to work at the post office fu I 1 time and said she hasn't received much kidding from her fel low mal e work- ers. Although the dogs haven't bothered her, Joan may have a problem with the o c c a s i on al wol f. But sorry fellows, Joan is a Mrs. FOX WAS FOR 1972I N NEXT ISSUE QUEEN CONTESTANTS SEE CARNIVAL

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