Whitby Free Press, 20 Jul 1972, p. 9

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, July 20, 1972, page 9 Reviewing LeadiSngBusines and Professions Bob Burns & Sons CORAL SWIMMING POOLS LTD. ARE'WELL RECOGNIZED SWIMMING POOL SPECIALISTS 843 KING ST. W. 728-0935 A firm that is well recognized for their quality n ne o f p o ol1 s and equipment Is CORAL SWIM- MINGPOOLSLTD. , successfully managed by Jim Hemby. Thefoundation of this business is service, for which they are unequalled. They feature a quality Sine of reinforced concrete p'ools, well designed and quai ity engineered POOL PACKAGES, CHEM- ICAL S, POOL ACCESSORIES, INSTALLAT- 1 ON S. Never before has such a complete POOL SERVICE been available to the area. They feat- ur e everything in Swimming Pool Equipment and and Accessories - which meet the highest stand- ards. Each year when the ho t t e r weather arrives, everyone starts to think about swimming and usually about that time, it is near impossible to have a pool installed ir. time. Now is the time to arrange for an early installation with Jim. We a r e pleased to review and recommend the service of CORAL SWIMMING POOLS LTD. where "TheDifference in Pools is their Excellent Qual- ity and Service". BURNS CO. LTD. WIDELY RECOGNIZED FOR STYLES, FASHION AND PROPER FIITNGS 1 KuINo ST. W. 726-4611 Burns Co. L t d. is a trusted name associated with footwear for the entire family. This business isenjoying great success through care anid atten- tion inproper fittings in moderately priced, highly styled shoes. Donhas assured customers of shoes manufactured b y the most experienced craftsmen ln the shoe industry, featuring such well recog- nizedbrands as Cars, RedCarpet for Ladie's fam- ous McHale, Richie, Sismar for men, also chil- dren, sports, footwear and Samsonite Luggage. BURN'S SHOES is a valuable contribution to the retail business district of Oshawa and to the complete assurance and satisfaction to customers in regard to anything in Fashion Footwear without price penalties. They have aided the children and t e e n s o f the area to a better walk of 1life, wi th leading styles without exorbitant price tags. You can buy with confidence better quai ity shoes in today 's fash ion f r o m DON BURNS and we are pleased to refer this store to all our readers. KING WEST GARDEN CENTRE THE MOST EXPERIENCED FIRM OF ITS KIND IN THE AREA 847 KING ST. W. 728-9429 Landscaping of a property is like the frosting on a cake. It adds to the beauty and attractive- ness of a home or business if done properly. The r e is no greater asset to property than beautiful trees, shrubbery, lawns, etc. They add beau ty and an extensive variety of color, and incidentally, add value to your home or business. Anexperiencedfirmlike KING WEST GARDEN CENTRE established in 1967 and capably owned and operated by Herb Lamers and assisted by Landscape designers with years of experience who have the know-how to blend the landscaping and home or business together in complete harmony. it takes training, plus naturai aptitude to be able to select suitable locations for various trees and shrubs. A well planned landscape can be a source of year round enjoyment, not only for the home owner, but the Community as well. This firm engages professionally in the art of designing and supervising the layout of gardens and grounds both public and private. Landscaping planning demands a knowledge of plants, the cap- abilities and needs. We are therefore very pleased in this review to refer and recommend the services of King West Garden Centre who are recognized as the best in the business to all our readers. I TUE GENOSHA HOTEL OSHAWA'S FINEST AND LARGEST. A CREDIT TO THE ARIA 70 KING ST E. PHONE 723-4641 Th is hotel, located in down-town Oshawa, is noted throughout Ontario for its fine service and excellent appointments. The GENOSHA HOTEL is viewed with great favour by the travelling public and commercial trade aIl ofwhompartake with keen enjoyment of the luxurious facilities of this well- establ ished hotel. The manager Harry Finer and staff str ive at all times to please their guests, and the management is widel y rec gnized for its super ior congenial Ity and fr i endliness. Their dining-room and coffee shop is highly recommended for the excellence in diningpleasure, which is air conditioned, furnish- ed and decorated for your comfort. They have un- exce Il1 ed receptions in their famous Picadilly Room, Corvair Room, Fleetwood Room and the fabulous Starlite Room. Also there is ample park- ing facilities at this hotel. We t ak e great pleasure in recommending this excellent hostelry, which has been established since 1928, and operates under the Ilicense of the OntarioLiquor Control Board, and to congratulate t h e d ir e ctors of Hotel Genosha (Ontario) L td. , al s o the management and staff, ail of whom have do n e so much to make it one of the finest In this d i s t r i ct. We do not hesitate to suggest that you visit this popular stopping place, anytime you are i n Oshawa, as a cordial welcome is always ex- tended to you. TONY NAVE TRAVEL AGENCY A MOST RESPECTED NAmE IN THE BUSINESS 340 SIIICOE S. 725-7594 There are man y reasons why this agency has become the preferred travel centre for thousands of people in the area and is one of the most res- pected firms in handl ing tours and travel of every description throughout the year. They are widely recognized by major airlines, steamship compan- l e s and hotels around the world and are able to securefast, efficient bookings. This fine business is very successfully guided by TONY NAVE. An e xp I e r e nced staff is ready to serve your your travelling wishes ail of whom have a weaith of experience ready to go to w o r k to make your trip the dream of a lifetime. Wi th a background such as this, you can be as su red the arrangements being made for your trip are the finest possible. Stop In at TONY NAVE TRAVEL AGENCY and aqu a int yourself with the vast service facilities available. Whether itIs a trip overseas, or a hol- i d a y , y ou are assured o f recelving the utmost courtesy from the friendly staff. At T ON Y N A V E TRAVEL AGENCY you can r e s t a s s u red you are recelving the ul timate in modern travel service at best possible rates, as we are pI ea sed to refer their services to our readers. DAVIS MARINE RECOGNIZED AS OSHAWA'S FINEST MARINE CENTRE 617 KINO ST. E. just East of Wilson 728-5565 T h i s business h a s been successfully owned and operated by Barry and Bruce Davis, who offer the outsoorsman the best in sales plus service. T hr o u gh honest deaiIngs with the public and assuring them of service on all products repres- ented by them, residents of the area buy with con- f i d e n c e , knowing that DAVIS MARINE wi Il be around for many years to come. They feature a full line of Boats, Motors and Traliers in all price ranges and include sales and service carrying Mercury outboards, Starcraft, and Ski-doo. Stop in at this popular place which has free parking and acquaint yourself with the service, facilities and products available here, and re- gardless of whether you are buying or shopping around, you will be sure of being made welcome. Bruce and Barry have always extended a cordial welcome to the people of this area. We are pleas- ed to recommend Davis Mar ine to ail our readers. HENRY BIRKS 9 SONS LTD O-FERS IHE LARGEST SELECTION OF JEWELLERY FOR YOUR SHOPPING PLEASURE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-3548 This modern store of Henry Birks and Sons of Canada Ltd. was founded In 1879. "Birksl" can be t r a ce d back as silversmiths before the present company was formed as far back as 1564. The pre- sent firm is recognized as the largest jewellery firm i n the British Commonwealth. BiRK'S great reputation for integrity assures the public of com- plete satisfaction. GARRY GRAHAM, manager of their modernstore, invites you to visit their jew- ellery store. Inspect theiriarge and varied selec- tionondisplay. Amost pleasing assortment of fin- est quality diamonds, silverware, china, crystal, Birk's sterling, nationally advertised watches in ladies' and mens' styles from leading manufactur- e r s , as well as jewellery and watch repairs by to come. We wlsh to compliment BIRK'S for their high quality jewellery and gifts, which they have c h o s e n I n good taste and made available to the peopleofthisdistrict; also in the manner in which business is conducted. You may choose with con- f i d e n c e here as the ir excellent reputat ion war- rants your patronage. For the jewellery and gifts that you give with pride, let BIRK'S be your guide. KINLOCH'S LTD RECOGNIZED AS THE QUALITY STORE IN OSHAWA 10 KINO W. 720-0233 KINLOCH'S LTD. established in 1932 is play- ing a very important part in the success ofOshawa's Downtown Business Section. A completely new interior designed and remodelled store caters to menof all ages and ideas, with the finest selection of Men's Furnishings. BERT J E W E L.L a n d his staff have a natural ability in helping you choose In good taste, styl- Ings and colours to suit the individual personal ity, which is of great benefit to their many highly val- ued customers. They feature a large selection of ready to wear as well as Custom Tallored clothes. Just to men- tion a few items, they feature Brand Names such a s Sh i ffer-Hilman clothes, Arrow shirts, plus sports coats, jackets, slacks etc. On b eh al f of BERT JEWELL, President and General Manager, we extend a personal invitation toour readers to visit this quality store for men, which is more than worl thy of our recommendation. PRINCESS COIFFURES EXTENDS A COMPLETE SERVICE IN BEAUTY CARE 39 SIMCOE N. 723-0301 PRINCESS COIFFURES, which is recognized asOshawa's 'House of Beauty' opened in 1964 and issuccessfully operatedbyMikeCordi andLorenso leraci. They have introduced to this area, onesof the greatest and most beneficial professional services i n creating styles fo r women's hair to suit each p e r s o n a1 i t y as well as complete Hair Styling, and Beauty Care. Women of the area who wish to add a distinctive touch to good grooming, should visit Princess Coiffures, whichhasbeendecorated very tastefully with that 'woman appeal'. Since this exclusive service became introduced to this area, womenofthedistrictstarted making regular visits to this shop. Then the trend began to catch on and soon.every person who had heard of Princess Coif- fu r e s was interested in their most professional service. They a r e certainiy worthy of patronage of al1 the women of the district. Through their well- chosen treatment they are able to bring out those impor tant qualities of youth, dignity and good grooming. by

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