Whitby Free Press, 6 Jul 1972, p. 2

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Page 2, Thursday, July 6, 1972, WHITBY FREE PRESS W LL JOHN CHANCE? Some people want to be doctors... dentists. .lawyers.. . archi tects. AII 21-year-old 'Johnny X' wants to be is a Nhitby cab driver. So when John's appl ication for a cab- d r i v e r ' s licence was turned down by the local council, he had his hair cut, shaved his moustache and appeared be- f o r e town fathers t o ask them to re- consider their decision. "My f irst reaction was to sell ev- e r y t hing 1 had to buy a motorcycle and get out of this town,tI said John. "But i c a n n o t run away from my wife and the town where Ilve been brought up. " Unfortunately the list of cannots for John may be a long one. JohnX cannot hold his head up at the four corners anymore. Cannot be bon- ded. Cannot convince people of his own integrity and cannot find a job period, except for the coveted taxi job. Agrimoutlook for a man as young as 21-y ear-old John X and his wife who's still really fnot much more than a bride. But the last person who held out his hand to help John X is also the only one and he's held John's cab job open for four weeks n o w , and af teral i he reall1 y does need somebody to fill that driving position. And the last time John X asked some- oneforhelphewas told at Whitby Coun- cil, "We a p p r e c iate your problem but we (council) must protect the people we represent. X GET A SECOND The Iast timeJohn X had ajobhe w a s s el 1ing a truckload of apples 850 miles away from town, far into the north country. John X also has a young wife to sup- port, but as h i s mother says: "He'lli neve r get another job if he's turned down on the cab licence - not in this t ow n. i k now. 1ive lived here all my life. " "If they want to punish me, why don't they take away my driver's licence and m y c a r k e y s ?", asks John. 'Why do t h e y have to depr ive me of the r igh t to work ?"" W h a t did J o h n X do? Did he rob a bank or assault a neighbour? In 1971 John X was jailed four months after being charged with the possession of $ i 5 worth of hashish with 'intent to traffic'. Wh a t w i1I 1 John do if town counc il turns h i m down on Monday night wi th a final decision? Seil the occasional bushel of apples hundr eds of miles deep into the North country. Fight down the boredom of the d a i l y a f t e r n oon movie behind drawn b I i n d s in his modest apartnient. Avoid thee eyesof his worri ed wife. Hope p e o p ie 1ike h i s potential employer at the Whitby cab company aren't one to a I ifetime. On Monday night, July 10, will coun- c i i rule that John X must pay twice for one crime?... READER'S FORUM READER'SFORUM is a weekly feature f or the readers of the Whitby Free P r e ss. AI 1 questions must be signed and del i vered to Box 206, Whitby. Questions need not be of a political nature but must be of a local nature. Redr wrt To the editor and staff of the Whitby Free Press: Keep your spir- i t s and edi torial s up M r s. Durkee; w e b el ieve even the editor of the Whitby Free Press has the right of free speech, no matter who is holding the public offices of our town. The "Free P r e ss " has sur- vived the "sup- r e s s ive actions" of certain 'intel- ligent and enligh- tened' individuals; hopefully, these persons will have realized their in- discretion, and will not allowthe bad seed of dis- crimination to cloud their future judgements. The Free Press efforts in "Boost- ing the Downtown" (June 8th issue), are to be commen- ded. Whathas happened to the efforts of the d o w n t own action committee? Bog- ged down by the 1 a ck of time and interest, or by the red tape of i ts 'political' chair- man? We're eag- e r 1 y awaiting the resul ts of the July 5th meeting be- t w e e n the action committee and de- velopers, in ref- erence t o the re- development of the town core. Thank you for a most interesting ho metown paper. We're sure that m any "vo ices of the County Town" will join with us, as al1 congratul ate y ou on your ac- comp1 i shmen ts and efforts, as the Whi tby Free Press letters to the editor box 206, whitby flý' THE WHITBY FREE PRESS 1 (Voice ot the County Town) Hometown pper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtle and Ashburn. Mai phone Publish Editor Editoria Staff Display Adverti Published every Thursday in and for the people of 'Whitby. Offices - 301Byron St. S. Whitby - Box 206. Whitby - 668-6111 er - W. Bill"Durkee - Judy Durkee il sing - J. Quail - Ron WinstanleyJ, passed from its firstyear andcon- tinues into its second, which we s in cereîly hope will be even more successful and gratifying. Sincerely, Carol and Paul Wicher, 225 Warden Wi Ave. , Whitby, i son Ont Dear Sir, The Lucien Motel had their grand opening on June 30 at 5 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Charest went to a great deal of time and expense for theopening, tosay nothingof the cost of building such a beau tifu Imotel ($50, 000). I personally telephoned the Chamber of Com- merce, the Whitby Police Department and the Whi tby F i r e Department and invi ted them to the opening. All the Chamber of Commerce were inv i ted including their wives, as well as the Chief of Police and his wife and Mr. Cor- ner of the Fire D e p a r t m ent and his wife. The invitations were very grate- f u 1 I y acknowled- ged, but not one of these people attended the grand opening. You, the Cham- ber of Commerce, the Whitby Police D e p a r t m ent and the Whitby Fire Department will all benefit from the tax return the Town of Whitby will receive from- the Lucien Motel. i think the apathy o r discrimination youhaveall shown is thoroughly dis- gusting. i would b e very interested in see- ing the tax bil1 for the LucienMotel in the coming year. Yours truly, Mrs. Theresa Barry, 5 Glenwood Terrace, Ajax, Ont. Whitby mon charged Fifteen-year-old Pa t ricia Ciehan- skie of 929 --:ntre Street South was struck down from therear last Sun- day as she was walking along Byron Street near Centennial Park. She w as taken to Os ha w a General Hospital w i th in- ternai injuries. Dr iver of the car, F. R. Lewis, of 1009 Byron St. South, was char- ged with careless driving. --------- ----- - -----e ww-oe m- ~ 'Con 1 READER'S FORUM Question A q uest ion f or Mayor Des Newman. May I1k no w from you sir, who owned the I and at the site of the.proposed municipal buildings before it was pur- chased by the town? Doug Sullivan, 606 Stewart St., Whi tby. Answer A by I aw, num ber 356-70, which the clerk's office assures us has been on f i l e for public reference since 1970, authorized the purchase of a site for municipal purposes on Rossland Road b y t h e C o r p oration from a company called 'Harbour Heights'. The Corpor at ion of the Town of W h i t by (as purchaser), agreed to and w i th Wh i t view Investments Limited, Oakpont Investments Limited and Blair- view Investments Limited, carrying on business under the firm name and style of Harbour Heights Company (as ven - dor), through L. S. Snelgrove Company L i m i t e d, agent to purchase property for the sum of $57, 200. 00. Some of the principies connected wi th these companies, why the town was able to g e t such a bargain on the land are presently being studied by the pap- er. "de tete 6»tff« M d'Ir àwàdrb«4*49 4* «VJ»4* 144* av" A* rWAR m ffl

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