Whitby Free Press, 22 Jun 1972, p. 15

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WHI TBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, June 22, 1972, page 15 Automobiles SALES SERVICE PARTS Fargo dump truck run- ning. Engine and hoist in good condition, needs body work. Sel1 as is. $500 firm. 839- 5036. TED CAMPIN MOTORS CARS WANTED *#ffUYING A ?4EW CAR'o Seili y=ur u tod'çer t Teit cah e b N"w c« Damier.dw v" 723-4494 R«. 723-5574 HELP WANTED Whitby Psychiatric Hospital COOK *130-130 - *1393.00 per week TheWhitbyPsychiatric Hospital has an opportun- ity for a cook wvho has two years of volume cook- i ng; Grade 10; and possession of a Journeyman Chefs Certificate as issued by the Department of Labour. Fninge benefits include three weeks annual vac- ation; ail statutory hol idays; attendance credi ts; subsidizedheal th, life and long-term income pro- tection insurance; and generous pension plan. Please apply in vriting 1:- PE=RSONNEL OFFICER, WHITEBV PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL, L -,O/X "1270. WHITC-Y, ONTARIO. Eookeeper. Ful 1 set of SEVIE books to trial balance. SRIE At 1least 2 years exper- ience. Salary to com- Wholesale! Beef sides miensurate with exper- or quarters, cut and i e nce. Cal I Toronto wrapped f o r freezer. 284-8739. Caîl 655-3326, APARTMENTS FOR RENT .Rosslynn Arlins Apts.* *OSHAWA'S MOST CIRACIOUS LIVING ELECTRICALLY HEATED This Ils superir building, well hiiilî oitrf exrrllenîly main- toined-and caters to those penple #equiring a better woy of living. NO LASr7 MONrH'S RENT Rt:QUIRED 745 STEVENSON RD. N., OSHAWA 723-1009 If No Answer 579-1413 ARTICLES FOR SALI ITi OIYIQTOT TAI 1 îg to trade for trunks rpropane lantern. GENERAL ELECTRQNC RENTALS Tr.V."s T«RseftcardeOc. MUNTZ CENTRE 728-1122 6 6( ir or ADVI ERISING L- -.--' NOTICE 0F APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WNITB' TO DISPENSE WITN A VOTE 0F THE ELECTOR KING ST. E. OSHAWA (1 Mile EUI of 44srnmV Rd.> 2 al #t Single room to let with citchen and television )rivil1edges in clean N hit by home. Femal e de al for woman-w th n e c hild as landlady i Il1 keep child during lay. Reasonable. Cai 58-3609. boms for rent. Cen- ai location 142 Perry ýreet. 668-2105. mmý 1~ 15 WORDS FOR $1 UN- ADVANCE F c d 2 Ns h c c (r s r Tel evis ion chesterflet 5 4 Ilb ed coffée tabi bird cage and stanc Soys clOtheS 12-14 yr Cali 725-8370. Antique chesterfield, twoQueen Anne chairE I ike new, uphoisterec in crus.hed velvet. 655-3070. Girls CCM b icycl1e, good condition, $25. Phone 668-4595. Day care avallable for chlldren any age. For sale electric blender, baby bottle sterîlizer. Cali 668-9862. Aquariums and supplies, swinger camera road race sets p elI let pistol pl1ease cati 668- 5639. C ar r i age which con- verts into car bed and s t r oi 11er, walker and commode chair com-, plete. Cali 668-9920. For sale 12-piece set Rieflfer draftingiîn- struments. Perfect condition. $30. 668- 7062. D uro pressure sys- tem. Large tank $40. 120 base accordian and case likenew. $125. 00 725-9277. Th r ee femal e poodi e puppies for sale and one maIe. Ail black. Cal I 668-3060. )ayc are available in :he home of responsib- eWhitbywoman. Chil- dren any age accepted. Reasonable rates. Cali 668-3609. "'RUGSIO Indoor - Oiatdmo Elm.r's Fumltuw. 2t3 bleor Se.E.,Os0"» Il$- 3473. Autenzod SUITI-CORONA Id e 6 s d Take Notice That: 1. The Council of the Corporation of the TownofWhitby in- tends to apply to the Ontario Muni- cipal Board for approval of the construction of lndustrial Drive at an estimated total cos tof $ 60, 000. 00 and that the sum of $ 6 0 ,000. 00 shaîl1 be raisedby the sale of debentures payable ou t of the general rate over a per iod not ex- ceeding 10 years. 2. Applicationwill be made to the Ontario Municipal Board made to the Ont- ario Municipal Board for an order to dispense wvith the assent of the el ectors to the un- d er ta k ing of the s ai d works. Any ra tepayer may within 21 days af- ter the first pub- S i ca tiîon o fthîs notice sendby post prepa id to the Clerk of the Town of Wh itby at the address given be- tween notice i. writing stating his objection to such approval and the grounds of such objec t ion. 3. The Ontario Mun- i c ip al1Boar dma y order put-suant to the statute that the assent of the elIe c tor ate shal I not be required and may appr ove of the saidworks but be- fore doi ng so i tmay appoint a lime and may approve of the saidworks but be- fore doi ng so it may appoint a time and place for a Public H ear ing when any, objections wvill be consi dered. Da t ed at ^he Town of Nhitby this l5th day of June, A. D. , 1972. William H. Wallace, A..MC.TOO Clark. 406 biuncas StrseetWest, Whltby, Otario y S r F t: c James Dennie and Allan Rittenhouse Executors by their solicitors Cattanach, Hindson & Sutton 52 Main Street, North Aarkham, Ontario SERVICES la st ers Painting and :aper Hanging. Int- arior, Exterior. Free DS tiÎMates. Call1723- 926. Rocca, floor and vall tule, alsomos- iÎc. Reasonable rates. =xperienced. Tele- )hone 655-4531. m ei e 3! G ai IIELP WANTED HOW TO EARI MIORE- MONEV i need a full or part- time person tohelp meet the demand for a m uch needed service for motorists. Pleas- an t, dig9nifiîed, good p a ying9work. No ex- p e rie n ce necessary but a car is. For fuil information contact: Harry Grixti, phone 668- 3495. Boys & Girls Earn Part Time Money Be A Whitby Free Press Car rier We need carriers for these areas; St. Lawrence St. Cresser-AI mond Dubl in St. Cail us today at 668-9600 or apply at 301 Byron St. S. I SEND IT IN OR BRINO IT IN TO OUR OFFICE AT 301 BYRON ST. S AND WE WILL RUN VOUR WANT-AD 1UNTIL SOLD"' or maximum of 5 weelcs. PLEASE PRONY WoRil0 > a)2.) (3.) no comnemW / aW.etiurs MAIL TO;8 WHITBY FREE PRESS BOX 20e, WHiIBY Adknowl.dg.nns or reepts art not sont in r«spu 0 Oôb&*%.*.eee . vý 0 9 V, 10-9 -q Lasel 10 choque or mormey orders. at the advertise?'s risk. Cash sont through the mail is ÇçQgroe-ellî mm%ý FOR RENT PHONE NO .................... il 1 k p \A o wA dz Rc tr, st N NAME................... ADDRESS...................... .......... c Se kk: ÏM SSI I D P.0o ......... NOTICE TO CREDI TORS AND OTHERS ON THE ESTATE 0F JESSIEm JANE ALERPTA STUVR DECEASED AI 1Icdaims against the E s t a te of Jess ie Jane Alberta Stiver, widow, late of the Townof Whitby, in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 21lst day of February 1972 must b e fi 1e d wi th the un- dersigned personal representatives on or before the 6th day of J ulIy 1972, thereafter, the undersgned wiii distributethe assets of the said estate having regard only to the dlaims then fiied. DATED at Markham th is 6th day of June, 972. HELP WANTED

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