Whitby Free Press, 15 Jun 1972, p. 15

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Automobiles TT1~IYT~rTr' SALES SERVICE PARTS ;I RKNGOVAR KING ST. E. OSHAWA 731 (1 MieEtof H.m %# Râ.) 2 el Fargo dump truck run- ning. Engine and hoist i ngood cond i tion, needs body wvork. Seli as is. $500 firm. 839- 5036. ________________________________________________________ rant enzies 1970 G.T.O. Jucige Convt. Balance of mileage warr- anty.400 cubic engine, automatic, power steer- ing, power brakes, Radio. Sahara gold exterior with ail matching vinyl inter- ior. A hot car for the hot buyer. Licence. 135964 $3195 I 1l970 Chevelle SS 2 dr. Htp. 29,000 miles. Balance of warranty. 450 Horsepower motor, 4 spd. transmission, power disc brakes, radio. 1Imperial blue outside with ail matching interior.A sporty car for the sporty buyer. Licence 375192 $3195 TED CAMPIN MOTORS CARS WANTED »SU1VING A rifW CAR" Se.Il your usd çer to "e" Taik cash te the New Ca« 723-4494 R.o. 725-3574 1250 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-Ç843 - 4 PORT PERRY 985-3201 1970 Cyclone 2 dr. Htp. 429 motor 4 spd. trans- mission, power steering, power brakes, radio. Canary yellow exterior with ail vinyl interior. A youthful car for the young at heart. Licence 27598 A $2895 1971 Mustang 2 Dr. Htp. 302 motor, automnatic transmission, radio, Red exterior with al1 vinyl interior. A much desired car at your price. Licence 55690A $3095 APARTMENTS FOR RENT Rosslynn Arrns zpts. * SHAWA'5 MOST GRACIOUS LIVING * ELECTRICALLY HEATED This Is o stiperîrfr building, weli hilt andi excellenlIy main- toîned-ond caters to those people requrînqa o etler woy of living. NO LAsr MCNrHi'S RENT REQUIRED 745 STEVENSON RD. N., OSHAWA 723-1009 If No Answer 579. 1413 -*.-~- ~ ....v - ~.eVeeN9çÇV -e- -e~~ ARTICLES FOR SALE WHITBY FREE PRESS 1Thursday, dune 15, 1972, page ADVERTISINÇLG..~.e Legal L*g.I 4 I 1 or propane lantern. REniTAL GENERAL ELECTRONIC RENTAI.S T.V.'s Tape R.coeduv ec. MUNTZ CENTRE 728-1122 NOTICE 0F APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY TO DISPENSE WITH A VOTE 0F THE ELECTORS Tel evîslon'chesterfield 54"1 bed coffee table bird cage and stand boys clothes'l12-14 yr. Cal i 725-8370. Antique chesterfiold, twoQueen Anne chairs i ke new, uphostered in crus.hed velvet. 655-3070. Girls CCM bicycle, good condition, $25. Phone 668-4595. Day care avaliable for chiidren any age. For sale electrîc blender, baby bottie sterilizer. Cali 668-9862. Aquariums and supplies, swinger camera road race sets pcelIlet pistol p 1 eas e cal 1 668- 5639. Car r i age vh ich con- verts into car bed and s t r ol1er, walker and commode chair com- plete. Caîl 668-9920. For sale 12-piece set R ie fle r d rafting in-, st rum en ts. Perfect condition. $30. 668- 7062. Duro pressure sys- tem. Large tank $40. 120 base accordian and caselikenew. $125-00 725-9277. T h ree femal epoodl e puppies for sale and one maie. AIl black. Calîl 668-3060. Daycare available in the home of responsib- leWhitbywoman. Chil- dren any age accepted. Rea sonabl e rates. Cali668-3609. #R.UGS# lnoor - Ouldoor ibx ' ....... S17.'ls «dP Elmr'"s Fumtui 24) Slow St. E.. Ouhes 32 471. SMITH-CORONA Iodeor 1The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Vhi tby in- tend s to apply to the Ontario Muni- ci palI Bo a rd for approval of the construction of Industrial Drive at an estimated total cos tof $ 60, 000. 00 and that the sum of $ 6 0,000. 00 shail1 be raisedby the sale of debentures payable ou t of the g encraI rate over ap er i od not ex- cecding 10 years. 2. Applicationwill be made to the Ontario Muni cipal EBoard made to theOnt- a r io Mu niîc ipal [Board for an order to dispense with thc assent of the el ectors to the un- der taking of the s a id works. Any ratepayer may vvîthin 21 days af- ter the first pub- l ication of this notice sendby post prepaid to the Clerk of the TowNn of Whi tby at the address given be- tweefl notice L.. wvriting stating his o b jection to such appr oval and the grounds of such objec t ion. 3. The Ontario Mun- i c i p ai Board may order put-suant t o thc statute that t he assent of the c I e c t o r ate shal I not bc requircd and may approve of the saidwvorks but be- fore doingso itmay appoint a time and may approve of thc saidworks but be- fore doingso itmtay appoint a time and place for a Public H eariîng whcn any objections. vwill be consi dered. D a t ed at 'he Town of WVhitby this lSth day of Jun e, A. D. , 197 2. william H. Wallace, A.M.C.T.. Clerk. 4065L)undas Street West, Whltby, Ontario Take Notice That: FOR RENT __________ Single room to let wvith kitchen and television priîv ii1edges in cdean W h itby home. Femal e ideal forwomanwith one ch ild as landIady w ii1i1kccp chiîId during day. Reasonable. Caîl 668-3609. Rooms for rent. Cen- tral location 142 Perry Street. 668-2105. SERVICES M as t crs Painting and Pape r Hanging. Int- erior, Exterior. Free es timates. Cali 723- 3926. G. Rocca, fioorand wall tile, aîsomos- aic. Reasonable rates. Experienced. Tele- phone 655-4531. Sale of Land by TENDER The Corporation of the Town -fVWh i tbyFher eby invites offers for the purchase from it for the followNing land: "That part of Craydon Road bctwvecn Lots 16 and 17 of Plan 497 closed by By-law No. 753-72". This parcel of land has afrontageof 66 feet by a dcpth of 1 24 feet more or lcss and is locatcd i m med i ately south of Craydon Road. AI l offers to purchase shal1 be mailed or de- l ivcrcd to the under- signcd in a scaled en- velope, clearlymarked "1T end e rs for Land"l and shall be accom- 'pan i edby a certificd cheque payable to the Town of whitby, being 10%' of the of fer.. The closing date for Tenders is 2:00 P. m. , June 23, 1972, at which time a I I Tenders rec- eivedwvill be opcned in the Council Chambers. No Tender for less than $9,000. CO will be considercd thehighest or any Tender not nec- essariiy accepted. Wlfiamn H. Wallace, A. M.C. T. , c1.ric. 405 Llunas Street West, Whltby, Ontario NO0TICE TO CRE DI TORS AND OTHERS 1UN THE ESTATE 0F JESSIE JANE ALBERTA STIVER DE CEASED0 AI 1Icdaims against the E s t a te of Jessi e Jane Alberta Stiver, widow, late of the Townof Wfhitby, in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 21lst day of February 1972 must be filed vvith the un- dersigned personal r e presentatives on or b ef o re the 6th day of J u 1 y 197 2, thcereaf ter the undersignedwvill distribute the assets of SCHEDULE "A"' Estimated cost of con- structing Municipal Building $653,538, Estimated cost of con- structing Police l3uiId- i ng $ 29, 352..00 Total Costs $947, 773. 00 L e ss p r oceeds from sale of existing Muni- ci pal Building to the LibraryBoard $275-- 000. 00 Total net debenture for this pur-pose $672, 773. 00 ___ __ __ __ -___ ___ __ __ ____- _ ___ __ __ ___ ___--__ __ __ __a__ __ ........... CLASSIFIED 1019 . . . . . . . . . . NOTICE 0F APPLICATION BT THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WNITSY TO DISPENSE WITH A VOTE OF THE ELECTORS TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1.TheCouncil of the Corporation of the Town of Whi tby in- tends to apply to the Ontario Mun- i c i p a IBoard for approval of the works referrcd to in Schcchiie "A" hecr e to at an es- t imatcd cost of $947,773 and that the sum of $672, 773 shail be rais- c d b y the salecof d eb e ntures pay- a bl1e o ut o f the general rate over the period not ex- ceeding 20 years. 2. App1i cation wiII be made to the Ontario Municipal Board for an or- der to dispense with the assent of theelectors to the undertaking of the sa id works. Any r atep ay er may within 21 days af- ter the first pub- S i ca tiîon of this not ice send by post pa i dprepa id to the CIcr-k of the Town of Whitby a t the addrcss given be- liow a notiîce in writing stating his objections to such approval and the grounds of such objection. 3. The Ontario Mun- icipal Board may pur-suant to the statute that the as sent of the cI- clectors shaîl not be requircd and m ay a pp rove of the saidwvorks but before doing 50 it may appoint a time and pl ace for a Pub1i c Hcar ing

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