Whitby Free Press, 11 May 1972, p. 5

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, May 1l, 1972, Page5 BIRD 'S EYE VIEW JMOUA il W ith the arrival of bright, sunny d a y s a n d freezing weather called Spring my thoughts turn to Summer. Ar en 't we always wishing we were in ano ther season? Some days I wish I was in another life, but that's another story. The good old summer time means nice drives in the country on a Sunday. Of course it takes you four hours to get out of the ci ty to start that country drive but no.matter.-.. it's nice to get out in the country. Upon arrivai in the country, you di scover the c i t y must h ave been evacuated because all the city f ol1 k are out here in the country with you. I have spent days lazing in the s un at a smalI park up north and not t o o f ar w est of Brougham, called Chalk Lake Park. It used to bea p lace where you could go and really r e I a x amid natural scenery. There i s a ve ry small lake just great for sw imming. 1'm told the area doesn't a I I ow a ny power boats on the lake w h i c h me ans you can go out on a rubber raft and just float. Ti mes have changed. Now the whole city heads for Chalk Lake and the last time i tried to go swimming I d o v e i n t o the water three times b efore I got wet because there were so many people. Remember those weekend trips in t h e s ummer ? It took four hours to pack the car and after final ly qettinq Chances are y ou r mail i s gett ing to you at a different time these days. If not, your postal route must be one of the few that has remained unchang- ed in Whitby. For the majority of the town the mail is coming at a different time be- causes of recent changes in the mail routes which can be a t tributed to growing pains. Recently the mail sorting operat- ion was moved fromWhitby to Oshawa, as were the employees doing the job, andmany people thought this was the reason for the mail delivery changes. Whitby Post Office Station Mana- ger J. Osier explained that the only peoplevwho might notice a delay in their mail a r e the people who get delivery inmail boxes at the post office. When the mail was sorted in Whitby it was sorted by 1:OO p.m. andput in the boxes the same day but now, with the sorting operation in Oshawa, the mail isn't sor ted until at least 11:30 p. m. and won't arrive in the boxes at the post office until the next morning. As for the regular mail del ivery, Osier explained that the mailmen still receive their sorted mail at the same time every morning. When the sorting operation moved away youhad to turný back after three miles because oneof the kids got left at home. It seems he was going 'toidy' when the car pulled out! An d on ce underway there's that c ontinual, " how much further ? Are we there ye t ? How many more miles ? Can I go to the bathroom? " Don't y o u just love i t ? "And try to expl ain to a cop that you weren't littering and then find out one of the kids was ripping uppaper in the back seat and throwing the pieces out of the w indow. Camping is the best fun of all. P o i s o n i v y , snakes, spiders big enough to take over the world in the I a t e show. Kids with three soakers in one morning and you couldn't find water for three miles in any direct- ion. And h ow about the day you did a b e a u t iful job of 1launching the boat, pulled the car and trailer across the street to park, and came back to see t h e 1 a s t of your boat disappear ing i n to the murky waters. It seems the the drain plug was left out. Where were the kids and thewife? The 'toidy', where else? The kids just love summer trips. They love it so much they fight con- tinuaily all the way up, ail during c a mp-out and al1 the way home. The kids just love it! Motels aren't too bad. Af ter check- ing in you just throw the kids into the pool, I ock the gate and leave them t h e r e for about five rum and cokes, or until the k id s turn blue. .. which- ever comes first. And what is it about a kid t h a t he has to watch Lassie on the T. V. in French when he wouldn't even watch it at home in English? l'm wai ting for them to say on T. V. "Summer, Excedr in headache #548. " B u t actually Summer is a lot of fun, o r a t least so 1've heard! Come on Winter.. from Whitby to Oshawa, the status of the post office changed and so the Wh i tby Post Office no longer has a Postmaster. The Postmaster in Whi tby was transferred to Don Mills as Post- master for that area, and he was re- placed in Whitby by J. Osier. who is called a Station Manager. The sorting staff w e n t to Oshawa w i t h t h e sorting operation, and the only real change was that they would have to work nights in Oshawa. They would also r ec eive a shift bonus be- cause of night shift duty. The sorting operation change did not, as beli eved, involve any layoffs and one additional man was hired. As for any del ays people might have in receiving their mail, Osier é x p 1 a i n e d that because the sorting o p e r a t i o n has moved, and because the routes in Whitby had to be revamp- ed, there is a possibility of mail de- lay. He added that this is due to chang- ing the system and delays in mail are o n I y temporary until the new system is functioning smoothly. "Fish" is in the Swim! Mrs Fran Roney, Public Relations Commi ttee Chairman for the Whitby Fish Emergency Service today repor- ted "the Whitby Fish is in the swim". THE FISH HELP THECANCER SOCIETY? Yes, recentl y FISH had a r e q u est to take a person recovering f r o m an e ye operat ion to a Cancer Society work meeting where she made bandages as had been her habit. This is one of the calls which have avera- g e d about one a day since the F ISH beganoperationon February 13,1972. Transportation for emergencies and help to the aged, ill &blind have been our greatest request, but encourage-, ment, h e I p to find the right serv i ce a g e n c y, and assistance to people of a Il sorts have been given. The FISH i s f or anyone who needs help in an emergency - rich or poor! Some who have had assistance are now training as volunteers themselves. Walk For Fish! Funds for Fish are a perpetual problem. A completely v o l unteer organization offering free services, Fish still must pay the an- swer ing se r vice and the telephone c o m p a n y. Those who walked in the 'M i l e s for Millions' venture on Sat- urday assisted in thisworthwhile w o r k which makes Whi tby a happier and friendlier place in which to live. THE FISH SPAWNS MORE FISH. E a c h i s s u e of FISH international N e w s I e t t e r reports seven or more new FISH organizations. The newest o n e i n t h is area is in Bowmanville where part-time FISH service is now o f fered to the communi ty. This FISH was inspired bythe outreach Commit- tee of the Angli can Church -n Bowman- ville. HA V E YOU A FISH CARD? They wil1l1 be available in Whitby at 200 B y ron Street North, or at the office of the FREE PRESS, 301 Byron St. South, at Westminster United ChurCh and AIl Saint's Church. Look for them aI so in the shops in downtown Whi tby. Who knows ? You might need the FISH tomorrow,! Open Evenings - Tuesday and Thursday IVAN'S (Ladies) HAIRSTYLING 1400 DUNDAS ST. E. - WHITBY "If you want to Iook your best" Whitby Scarborough (416))668-4321 (416) 439-0241 Neither Rain, Nor Sleet, Nor Route Changes Carriers Wanted Newspaper boys are needed in this area to deliver THE WHITBY FREE PRESS. If y ou have a son who'd be i n t e r e sted, or know of some enter- prisingyoungperson, please calil The Whi tby Free Press at 668-61 11. "Busy boys are better boys."

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