Whitby Free Press, 11 May 1972, p. 15

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WHIBY REEPR:ESS, Thur sUas, May' 11, 1972, Page 15 I Mortgagc Mortgogesmor!fflges . SERVICES-*Aot., FrRn ANNOUNCiNO LOW COSI MORIGAGE LOANS THAT CAN PAY OFF ALI YOUR SILS ,- AMP CUl YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS IN HAIF OR LESSU In othir words you con mdci on@i n- ducsd paymmnt a moftth instuad of miany. Hoe's What to Do to Gt A Low-Cost Mortgsg Lon caiI, Wite or come in. The service is fast, so make your New Start todlay. We've hed homo.owners through- out Ontario conmoîidate their debts ths easy vwy end evmything iscoen- fidential. Znd. MORTOAGE MONEY AVAILBLE e5 6VEAR TERM OPEN MORtGAGÈS " NO BONUSES " NO CREDIT CHECKS " NO INQUIRY 0F NEIGHBOU RS " CONFIDENTIAL. ARRANGEMENTS MADE IA( VOUR OWN HOME " BORROW AS LITTLE AS $1 ,600 " FAST SERVICE LÉJ F: Reali914ots For Ssl@ Foreed t. Rioct. We have a n e xcelle nt s e 1 e c t i o n of farms, w a t e r f r o ntproper- tics, buIldIng lots, retreet propçrtles and town housos for sale. Fgr complote d e tail1sdcal 476-3078 o r 476-2822 anytime. CORY WALRAVEN, REAL ES TATE L3ROKERI 128 MAIN STREET, PICTON, ONT. Private three bedroom home. $ 2, 800. 00 dow,,n $20, 800 full price. Paved drive, fenced yard. 725-8645. TED CAMPIN MOTORS CARS WANTED '"BUYING A NEW CAR" SalI your used çor to "Ted". Tolk cash te the. New Cor Dealer ond Se. 723-4494 Roi. 725-5574 Geore Byleven Realtor Phone 623-5300 0Os h awa:* Verywvell1 kept 9-room brick in- come home on iarge iot wîth 1 3 fruit trees. S e pa rate entrances. L a r g e f irst mortgage a t 8il. Asking price $29, 900. Bowmanviîl1e Beach: 5 room frame home with 3-p iece bathroom. New oil1 furnace wi th 40 feet sandy beach. Asking pr ice $ 12, 900 wi th 1 ow down payment. Give us an offer. Bowmanvi 1 le: A handy- m a n s special is this older brick home wiîth n a t u r al as furnace and 3-piece bath. Try a n of f er with $1,5 00 down. Newcast l e: Large building divided into a 7-room and a 5-room ap a rtment, wi th room for expansion. Priced at $19, 900. ~J~J~A ALES PARTS INOTOIS KIGST. E. OSH A 7317 0 Mile East-of -Mermony R., 2Jl7 SERVICES P 1 a stering repairs of al 1kinds. Free esti- m a t es. Cal 1 668-3550 for f u r t her informat- i on. GUARANTEED MUFFLERS FOR SALE Sms Ke.th Tisepin. et the oehaws t"dus Muff lmi Shop for a fret oxhaust syste.m .inspeOCt ion - 116 Bond Street, West Os haswa Justtst of O)ntario Motor Sales CaII 57"-111 J. NADON CARPENTRY Rocreation roomi & kitcher&s Fre.e Estirrale.s. Ail workmonship to satisfocticn. 576-2991 0. ROCCA, flooç am* WuilI tf la nouir- R@4.on&bIorates.. RI.iMco& T.Ilpont 635.4531. Painting & Decoroiting mASTERS Painting And Paper'Nanring. inierior, Extertot'. Preo. éesi. Cati P r i v a te - New three bedroom twin home. $ 20, 500 p a ved drive fenced y ar d , central 725-8645. .-->ivate- Oshawa eIe- yen room income pro- p e r ty, $800Odown Zoned f or Apts. lover $500 monthly income. 725 -86.45. 69 Falcon 4-door, 200 cubic inch, 6 cylinder a ut om atic. Interior 1 i ke n ew. Licensed, F i t n e s s certif icate. Onlyl12,O000miles. C a 1 I evenings af ter 6 p. m. 668-5025. 1967 Volvo. 123 GT. Good condition. El- e c t r i c o ve r d r ive. Michilan tires, radio. Phone 668-2678 after' 7: 00 p. m. 1967 Firebird Conver- t i b le. 400 cubic mot- or, automnatic. $1495. 00Oor best offer. Good condition. Caîl 728-6-1 75. 196ý' Chrysier Station \-Vagon loaded with ex- tras. Ne,. $7000, ask- Si g$ 36 00. Caî11 7,28- 6 :75, .1 Authorizod SMI TH-CORONA Dealer NEWANS OFFICE MOUIMENT Phone 668-3738 117 Trent St. W. ARTIICLIES FOR SALIE For sale 12-piece set Riîe fle r d rafting in- struments. Perfect cond ition. $30. 668- 7062. Television chesterfieldý 5411 bed coffee table bird cage and stand boys clothes 12-14 yr. Cal 725-8370. kitchen suites $44. 50 u p.-C ontinental beds $35 up, chesterfield s u it es from $149. Space saver sfron $69. 95. C hargex lay-away. McKeenis F u rni1ture, 524 Sim- c oe Street South. 725-5181. "RU G S ln&w r- QOOr 6x 9.......$17.9Sodup 9 x1.....$29.s " up EIme's Fumiture 2S3 IOkme St. E., Oshous *"11- 3473. 1968 21-foot Glendette .cab in traiîer. Good condi tion. $J700'. F ull1y equipped. Cal1 728-6A75. Good condition apart- ment size, Moffat re- frigerators and rang- es. $109. 00 and $89. 00. Cali 728-6475. Used automatlc wash- ing machine. Asklng $95.00. Moffat. Cali 728-6475. IMPRESSION Rubber Stumps Os hawa Business Fbersoflal or Signature 723w5337 RENTALS GENERAL ELECTRQNIC RENTALS T.V.'& Topo Recorder Oic. MUNTZ CENTRE 728-1122 SARGEANT'S RENTALS Mink Stolos, Clown Costume.s Coffn Urns, Punch Bowls, Banquet Haslg RentaI, Dishes, Cutlory, Glasses, Tables, Chairs, Linens. LhRitmon Rd. S. 725-3338 8osslynn Arrns Apts. * OSHWAS MMS GRACIOUS LIVING* ELECTRICALL.Y MEATED This Io oauoo buIldino, weil bullt ond «Mcolent rmfni@n< end coton t. t=or peuple rcqulrlng a botter woy of Ivft4g. NO LAST MAONTW'S RENT REQUJRED 745 STEVENSON RID. N.,, OSHAWA 723..1009 mn ifNA S79-1413 NOW RINTINO oxford towers in Ajax 2 - 3 Bedrooms from $180. 1. un i F..tw4fng 11 Oundo Ro Soimne *outd olmlnel *i A roreation Rmmo IlC Paity Resu *En Stite. Hst Centres *A20" 8S// alcon> Clos, t0: Shopping Centre Publec, seperate, llieh voceti..wl Scheole *Th.cn.mmunlty Conte *Mem nA.K H oop itef1 *Publie TrtauiP«otair *06.Traln Pedl ition .od he M0thl@hwey 942»1841 or 964-3974 OSMAVA001 MnI XER S NAWWAV 5041i Toe~AMAU HELP WANTED Reg isterednursing as- sis tant vi th experience in a n u r sing home for night duty. Good salary and personell policy. Ovvn transportation. Cali1 Admin istrator Monday to Friday, 9 a. m. t o 3p. m. 942- 0357ý OX*,.vFORD PARKI TOWERS 822 Glen Street Ont bodroom, $130 monthN Two bodroni, $145 nmthél stove, ofrlge.rotor, CobI o TV ho&t ir.kadod. ydro eotma AVAILABLI NM 723-2347 15WOD FOR $1 W< ADVANCE s-ec rr I OR BRING IT IN TO OUR OFFICE ATr 301 BYRON 8T. S ANDOWE WILL RUN VOUR wANT-AD 'L!NiIQLd' or ms>clmum of 5 weeks. MAIL JO; WH ITBY FREE PRESS Bo0X 2069' WHITBY Achnowt.desoint" m recoipts menetow in li rOpO te choque wi monoy eedoit. Camusant thaoe the milis et the advothus rs., NAME ........... ................... ADDRESS............................ .................................. PHONE NO.............................. CALL Mr. WiNcs 942-2611 or 699-1121 Toronto

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