Whitby Free Press, 4 May 1972, p. 7

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WHIT13Y FREE PRESS, Thursday, May 4. 1972, Page 7 HOW UT HAPPENED THE VOTE FOR THE ,tIOMPLEX, ON THE HILL' The decision tobu!Ild municipal and pol ice buildings a t the constroversial Rossland Road site for acost of $947, 773-withor without the endor- sement of the people of the Town of Whitby - succeeded by a 6-4 council vote on Monday night. Below, in condensedform, are direct councillor comments leading up ta the historic passing of the bylaw which author- izes construct ion of the buildings expected ta begin this year. Mayor Newman IT h e Rossiland R o adsi te i sa most unselfish site. The new building Mill be a meeting place for the urban and rural1 people of this town - a gift by ail the people of this cammunity ta ail the people of this community"l. Reeve Tom Edwards 11 If 1 dan't vote for this undertaking, thenwhat?\,What are the alternatives? 1 c an n ot honestl y say that 1 arn per- suaded by the point af view expressed by the study graup. 1 arn going ta vote for the complex in the ansence of sornethïng better ta take its place." Deputy Riove John Goodwîn 1< f eel sa depressed when I laok at aur awn iibrary. I have ta vote in favaur. The building is of modest construction. ÀAI 1 the carpet has been rernoved. I Councilhor -'Robert Aleîsley Il My view is weilI known. (CauncilIlor Attersley termed the praposed move of the municipal building ta Rossland Road Il a selI-aut of the downtown merchants" aone week ago). Coufcîllor - Gerald Cox il When the newv design for the struc- ture came in, rny support \/ent aut. I arn afraid that when I arn put in one of those positions wNhere I must choose ail or nothing, I choase nothing." Councillor- Gerry Eim Il Where wvere the interested citizens when t he municipal-pal ice complex w as p raposed at a public meeting in MONTE CARLO NIONT at HEYDENSHORE PAVILlON Friday May 12 8p.me f0 la.nî. Tickets $5 per couple Aya~iobIg et Dowmfowfl Str.' aend ge t Se der. DANCING - GAMES - REFRLSHMENTS - BAR Prrrmeds to WHITSY STOr)M DAMAGE PEUIFF FUND Comncillor- Kenneth Hobbs,.. IlSne coe of 1970 every major- i ty on this issue has been in a6-5 vo te - a 6-5 vote right down the lune* every time , that in it self should suggest something. Do we real Iy know wvhat ts in this building? Let's make sure that it's not going to be a detri- ment to the town. Council1 should pro- ceed wi1th the police building but should takea second look at the muni- cipal building. Il Councillor- Vernon MacCad. Il 1 k n o w the audience i s waiting for me because 1'lm the guy who' s going tornake the change. It has been sugg- e s t e d that the town buy the 1 and for alIternative sights, but the truth is it cannot afford it. 1 changed my mmnd because that is rny prerogative. If the peopi1 e of this town don't 1like aur decision, they can get us at the polis b ecause that is the place ta get us. 1 d on'1t t h in kany deci sion wew\/ould m ak e here vvauld satisfy you people here tonight. Counciflor- James Musselman Il arn for the site but against the stripdown of the tbuildingsH COUÈ& - *RËÈutWlhite "My view has nmt attered. I feel very badl y about voting for sarneM9;rz whlch i s not a popular issue. If we had nts, a 1 r e a d y spent $50, 000, 1 may have b e en p ersuaded ta look at an alter- nate site. If the building were nat s tr ipp edc, 1 wouîd perhaps not vote for it, but thefact is, it has been stripped. I" ED ITOR'S NOTE: The decision on the location for the buildings brings an end ta debate of a contentiaus is- F*M EFFECTIVE NIF AON. MAY 8 TO sue of two years. Whichever side is r i g h t supporters or opposer s of the om pl1ex , one thing is certain. Not onl1y the peopl1e of the Town of W hi1tby, but the administrative body at town hall must livewith that decision- right or wrong. Reflect your personality by stepping ouit in a suit f rom "EVERYTHING FOR THE WELL DRESSED MAN .P 668-3261- 103 DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY. COMMUNICATE WUTH PRUCE ASSOCIÂTES Brochures, Ietter"ieads, envel opes, I eafî ets, etc. ýcomplete facHlities available in Whitby for writing, design, typography, printing. Phono 668m8616 e. Wu'Ite Bx 29 Whitby Lot us meet yotmt. al eom.»Mlcations rn.ds. Whitby Public Meeting of ROR Moky lOth -«- 8iJm Centennial Hall Centre St. Whitby SPEAKERS - Dr. (harles Godfrey CONFIDETS SANITARY NAPKINS 1 2's SUGO. LIST 69c BAND -ADBRAND VARIETY PACK 100% - SUGG. LIST 1.59 r0URTICE-ALUN L.D.A. P1ARMACY 111 kied st. K "n" 4 WHITSeY-- Sic SHORWS l.D.A. PHARMACY "SlIdWl. St. U53»1 smOOLIN Chai rnan POP Mr. Clark Muirhead Councillor for Uxbridge Aeranautical Engineer Mr. John Livingstone Assistant Professor at York University. President-Elect of Federation of Ontario Naturali sts. M P P Bll Newman QUESTION AND ANSWVER PEFRIOD

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