Whitby FREE HOME DELVERY Volume 2, Number 18 Thursday, May 4, 1972 Desision to cost Taxpayer near dollars in a vo te which gained a majority b y two votes, council endorsed con- s t ruction of the controversial Ross- landRoad police and municipal build- ings Monday night. The final vote of endorsement dif- f ered f rom consistent split council votes over the past two years by one more "l"vote, and was recorded with Musselman, Attersley, Cox and Hobbs "againstl", w i t h Newman, Edwards, Goodwin, Emm, MacCarl andWhite "lfori". 8 efore the pass ing of the approv- ing bylaw, appealswereheardby r e presentatives of the Whitby Citiz- ens Study Group and by non-affilI iated private citizens. Stating that Whitby taxpayers had had very little opportunity to cast an opinion on the complex, Study Group s pok e s m a n Harry lnkpen implored council not to be the pallbearers for the Whitby merchants. "We find it very difficul t to justify the need for this taj mahal on the hil1, sai d the former member of Whitby council. "Is it (municipal building) to be the Whitby White House or a white el ephant?" "D o we need to build a dormitory town ?", he asked making reference to the already spiralling tax increases. "Big c i t y a dm i nistration has taken o v e r o u r little town, " he continued a dding that a neighbour had only rec- en t 1 y d e c 1ared to him, "We can do without these million dollar brains at town hall. " "The m o v e to Rossland Road has al ready been label led a sell-out of the d o w n t o w n merchants, " he warned. "Make tommorrow's headlines good, sound and attractive. The merchants in this town need an injection, gentle- men please give it to them. " "The decision should not be taken I ightly by either town council or the people of WhitbyI" said Whitby citi- zen Gord Hanna. Mr. Hanna, one-time Whitby reeve, also stated that the present council's p I an "to create a new town on Ross- land Road" was indirect contradiction to the t ow n 1s officiai plan. He cited as an exampl e of publ ic unrest because of a council move to take administra- tive headquarters out of the core, the Town of Oakvil le, where the municipal s ta f f had in the end, isolated them- selves from the people of the town. "I wouldhope, "endedHanna, "that this region instead of being dominated by p o 1 i tical power, would be staffed b y p e o ple who are creative in their t h i n k i n g with the good of Whitby at heart. I" S tudy group member Ralph Strat- f o r d w a s the only speaker from the floor asked by the mayor to hasten his address. I t was Mr. Stratford's contention thatcouncil in its dealing of the issue was in gross contravention of its own bylaws "by reconsidering an issue ai- ready formailly closed. Il The proced- u r e policy for reconsideration which is outlined in those bylaws was al so not followed, " he said. The DesP Seet Who thes to th Happ MOn who trapped Newman. editorial, page 2. at lt's likq to go from ghettos of Mississippi ie top ... 'I t Couldn't pen Here'. Page 5