Whitby Free Press, 4 May 1972, p. 10

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Paqe 10, Thursday, May 4, 1972, WHITB3Y FREFE PRESS BIRD 'S EVE WIEW My Green Thumbom The Kiss of Death 1 haven't reaily deCided if 1 shouid take another c r ac k at i t th is year. Last year my garden coul d have app- Si e d f or Federal aid as adi saster area. 1 t seems no matter what 1 do 1 al- wv ay s g raow weeds. I tri ed to grow vegetabi es andi1got weeds. So,I thought , l'il try to grow weeds and 1111 getvegetabies. i got more weeds. Rotten weeds. You couldnt'teat them, sMo0k e them, make wine out of them and they vverenIt even good for fer- t i1Î'z e r. i am Convinced my green thumb has the kiss of death. Last year i took great pains to dig up the ground properly. The digging uncovered mare rocks than they have i n al laf Sudbury. i mixed peat mass i n wvith the dirt and churned it al1 up and smoathed it out. i even used a string ta mark out the rowvs. i did, h oweve r, make one littie m i s take. i par took of the deman rum before 1 drapped those littie seeds into the furrows. i don't have to tell you, do 1 ? When ai i the sprouts came up 1 toidpeopie it was a truck garden. They said it was a mess. 1 preferred MY description. 1 reconized the carrots we.hen they came up but after the spinach came up 1iwasn't sure. itwas abigleaf soi1 picked a bunch and cooked it up for supper one night. Let me tell vou steamed ragwveed tastes terrible with p o rk chops. M y ne><t probi em was, wNhat happened to the spinach. P u t hay on the garden they said, i t wiil keep out the weeds they said. The weeds loved it because it stopped the vegetabl es from growing and crowv- ding them out. i de veloped a newvstrain or corn calied microscopic. Out of each staik i g o t about two ears and they wvere oniy three inches long. You rnight say they were bite size cobs. The stalks were magnificent. They grew so weil they prov ided lots of shade for the tomatoes sa 1 got about four tomatoes- competi tion and touch the flowvers or vegetabl es wi1th my green thumb. I t 1 s a cerltln kiss of death. Almost Irnmediately. af te r contact, the plant w 1i1i elther gasp, wither and die or 1 t turns Into the oddest mutation you have ever seen. For those who are reall1y desper- ate 1 wiIl rent out both thumb's simul- taneously. A double whammy on any prî ze wlnnlng rutabaga wî 11 turn,-into a common s0w thîstie within seconds of the fatal e>posure. As for the garden ( 1 use the term loosely ) this year 1 think 1111 pave it overwithgreen Cernent and prop Up a picture of somebody, elseis garden. The way my garden goes the picture wili probably dif-!- On tar i Nes t. On tariao County Is newest schaoi, Harwaood Second- ary in Ajax, is h oid i n gan Open House onMay il from 7 until 9.,30 p. m. Harwvood i s a modern attract- ive \/ocational School, the first in thisarea, where st u dents study a variety of shaps as wveli as acade- mic subjects. Visitors will be able ta see disWi- ays and demonstra- County's Schol tions of students work, in bath shap and academic areas, o r ta buy samples at a Bake Sale. The VWhitby Sea Cadets wilI help entertain the guests. On Mayl10th to 13 Harwaod's Harti- Cu1 t urai depart- ment will have a floral dispiay in H a rwood Mal1 as wvel 1. If an eŽ<xhbitor wvants the campetitionI o ut of the ý.vay before the judging he w Îi h a v e ta rent my, thumb. After j pQay-r-et 1w î11! wander over ta the 44e ut i on creditor, a person entitled te a liiled estale of amentaliiy incompetent person or of a person incapable cf managing his affairs, and a guardian, executor, ad'inistrator or trus- tee in whom land Is vested; 'Ir e g i s t eréd owner I means an owner of 1land wvhose Interest in the landi s def ined and whose name is specified in an instrument In the prop- er r eg i s try, land tilles or sheriff's office, andilr,ciudesaperson shownas a tenant of land on the lasI reviseci assessment roilis; 3. The expropriating authority, each owner who no ti1fies the approving author ity that he des- ires ahearing in respect of the lands intended lo be e xp ropr i ated and any ovvner added a s a party by the inquiry officer are parties to the inquiry. "This notice first publisshed on the 201h day of Ar il1 A. D.,1972." TNE EXPROPIATION ACT NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND IN THE MAlTER 0F an application by The Cor- poration of the Town of Whitby, for approval to ex- propriate land being Part of Lot number 53 according to Fareweéll, Wallace and Kelieris Plan for the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, for the purpose of diversion of Lynde Creek ln conjunction with the widening of Dundas Street West and the reconstruction of the Bridge on Dundas Street West over the said Lynde Creek. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application has been made for approval to expropriate the. land de- scrlbed as follows: A free and uninterrupted right by way of an ease- ment In faveur of The Corporation of Town of Whitby, lts uc ces sor s and assigns to divert Lynde Creek f r om that portion of Lot 53 according to Farewell, Wallace and KelIer's Plan for the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, designated as Part 2 on a draft plan prepared by Horion and Wallace Limited as job number 716470 te that portion of the sàid Lot 53 des- 4gnated as Part 1 on the said draft plan; Together with the right of T he Corporation of the Towvn of Whltby, its successors and assigns, through Its and their servants, agents, employees and work- m~en, togelher with ail necessary tools and equipment, to enter upon the said lands. at al limes and from lime (o lime and to pass and repass thereon for the purpose of diverting the said Creek frorn the said Part 2 to the said Part 1 , for the purpose of fi111ing and grading the exlstingCreekwithin the Ilmits of the said Part 2, for the purpose of inspecting, repairing and, maintafriing the sal1d Creek, together wi th the bank s and bed thereof as diverted or any part or parts thereof, and for al1 other purposes and thirigs necessary for or incidental tt h.e 'ercise and enjeyment cf such easement; Provided however that'ail right, title and interest acquireci with respect to the aforesaici Part 2 shahi lapse and cease to be of any further force and effect as of midnight on the 3ist day of December, 1974. AnIy owner of lands of which notice is given who des i r e s a n nquiry mbt whether the taking of such landi is fair, sound and reasonably necessary in the ach ievem en t cf the objectives of the expropriating a uthor i ty shah so notify the approving authority in wr i tin9. (e>im t he case o f a reglstered owner, served personaliy or by registered mail within thirty days af ter he is served with the notice, or, whenhe is served by publication, within thir- ty d ay s after the first publication of the not- i ce; (b) ln th e ca se of an owner who it, fot a regis- teredowner, within thirty days after the first publication cf the notice. The approving authority is The Councli The Corporation of the Town of Whitby, Municipal [Building, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontar-io. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY William H. Wallace, A.M. C.T. , Cierk, Municipal Building, 405 Dundas Street West, Whltby, Ontario NOTES: i. The ExproprIstions Act provîdes Ihat.

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