Whitby Free Press, 27 Apr 1972, p. 2

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Page 2, Thursday, April 27, 1972, WHITBY FREE PRESS Editorial .an Where is Chairman Councillor Robert At tersley's point of view - "that by taking the municipal building to Rossland Road, council is admitting it is taking the core out of the downtown" - is well taken. Perhaps that is not what is intended by our honourable members of council, but that nonetheless, is what appears to be happening. Mavor Desmond Newman, chairman of the downtown action committee and p u b i i c advocate of a 'new centre on Rossland Road', assures the concern- ed council1 lor that the library will remain in the present town core at the m un i c i p a l building. The library he says, and not the municipal building is the biggest 'people-drawer'. So the RosslandRoad location will not affect the downtown says his worship. CouncillorAttersleyisnot so sure. Itmakes sense to him that council should invest in redeveloping the downtown core because residents wi ll still consider it the core of Whitby despite this new centre publicly pro- posed for Rossland Road. Sirs; In response to a pro-All Star let- ter, whichl can only concl udemust have been written by an AIl Star coach's wife , there are approx- i mately 130 boys pe r l1eague and a very select few (approximately 16) a r e chosen to the elite AIl Star team. These chos- en few are not necessarily the boys w ith the most potential or hockey ability. AillStar boys in- deed have more pr ivileges at the same registration fees, while the down-trodden, t i ck et -seIlling, House League boys, without whom the AIl Star team couldn't ex- ist, are honoured with one game per week, andacouple o f p r actices per year. In r e f e rence to equipment alloted, an i n v e s t igation wouid show that the All Stars rec- eive not only the two items men- tioned in hast week's letter, but they receive as w el 1 , e q u ipment that includes ev- erythingfrom hel- mets to suspen- ders. This season' the / F(Voice of the County Town) Heiwn papvof Wbtbys Brooldtin, Myrth uid MhbuM. Publshd evry thursday in an for othe peole of itby. OfCbes - 301Byron S. S. Whitby - Bx 206, Whitby - 668-6111 - W. iN ODurkoe - Judy Durh Wi Saff - J. Quail - Ron Winstanley - Srry Schroder Uon Besides he says, if the municipal complex is moved to Rossland Road, the n u m b e r o f downtown vacancies which the Central Ontario Joint Plan- ning Board says Whitby has the most of, will increase ten times. 'Ilsn't the intention of the downtown a c t i on commi ttee for downtown re- development?', he asks. B o t h t h e downtown core and the proposed new Rossland Road Centre will be sources, hopefully, for future development. So on Monday night, if the d e c i s i o n to carry through wi th plans for development includes con- struction of the municipal building at thenew centre, Mayor Newman should resign as chairman of the downtown action committee. Could it be that someone with a I ittle more faith and lots more enthusiasm for the present core is needed to take N e w m a n is place as chairman of the downtown action committee? Yes, it could. AIl Star teams r eceived so much free ice time from minor hockey, they couldn'tuse it all! All Star ice - t ime was witnessed by several per- sons standing vac- ant at $20.00 per hour. Dogs in the manger - they didnt t even have the courtesy to offer it to the House League boy s. Not only should the Al1 Star par- entssubsidize this snobbish, selfish group, but the Wh i tby Hockey Assoc. should not encourage dis- crimination among juveniles. The spendthrift All Star teams should be ent itled to no more than the House League boys, unless their own parents are p r e pared to pay! The House League p a rents are tired of gimmicks to raise money for All Star teams! It doesn't re- quire a mathemat- i c i an to rea lize that the House League parents pay and pay and pay for the meager crumbs they rec- e i v e - by regis- tration fees, spon- so rship and Rec- reat ion Depart- ment grants, which we again pay for via taxes. The t h r e atened (if they don't sel I tickets, told their 1 i m i t e d ice time wili be cut off), do w n - t r o d den, u n d erprivileged, t i c k e t-s e 1lling, House League boy s and parents are reminded of the very appropri- ate old adage, "You can fool some of the peop- le some of the time; but not ail of the people al of the time!" We understand that it israther expensive to rent buses for the All- Star out-of-town games! The Underdogs (House League) A Concensus of Opinion. (Names withheld). Mass Meeting Planned The W h i t b y area POP committee i s s ta g ing a mass meeting to be held Wednesday, May 10 at 8 p.m. in the Whitby Centennial Building. D r. Char les Godfrey, POP com- m i t tee chairman, Clark Muirhead, a Pickering Township councillor and p resident of Muirhead (aeronautical) Engineers and John Livingstone, the p r e s ident elect of the Federation of O n tario Natur alists will be in atten- dance. I n v i tations have also gone out to M. P. P. for Ontario South Bill New- man, M. P. for Oshawa-Whitby Ed B r o adbent and Norm Cafik M. P. for Ontario Riding. Conf i r m a t i o n of attendance has b e en received from the office of Mr. Newman. Publ ici ty people for the Whitby g r o u p a n t i cipate a turnout of more than200, and an invitation to the pub- lic at large is extended. ý 4 EMok Phver MvrUy CWC"u ýXf 'Davis Airlines' From stories that have been revealed, the Tories have been far afield, from Cuban coast to Vermont hills leaving us to pay the bîils. The lands and forests planes i t seems, are cabinet ministers' limousines. W h e n Queen's Park's too much of a strain, just cali a lands and forests plane. .They'll fly you where you want to go, from Ottawa to Mexico. Bert Lawrence, he was Cuba-bound, the lands and forests flew him down. "Trade Mission" was the term he used, a term it seems that's been abused. "A strictly business trip", said Bert We wouldn't want his feelings hurt. i guess he was presenting briefs, while scuba diving on the reefs. In the meantime Premier Bill, was skiing on a Vermont hill. The lands and forests flew him there, and lucky us, we paid the fare. But Premier Bill's not happy yet, he'd like to buy a brand new jet. The Premier has to go in style, no matter what the cost per mile. So we pay more to drive a car, enjoy a beer or a cigar. We even pay more for our gas, so Premier Bill can go first class. by Bruç Duggan 353 Rosedale Dr.

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