Whitby Free Press, 27 Apr 1972, p. 15

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Mortgogem Mortgoges Mortgoges ANNOUNC1NG LOW COSI MORTGAGE LOANS THAT CAN PAY OFF ALL YOUR IILLS - AND (UT YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS IN HALF OR LESS# In other words you con make one ro- ducod payment a month instead of many. Here's What to Do to Get A Low-Cost Mortgae Loan Cali, Write or corne in. The service is fast, so make your New Start today. We've helped home-owriers through- out Ontario consolidato their d.bts this easy ay end everything is con- fidéritial. 2nd. MORTOAGE MONEY AVAILABLE e.6 VEAR TE RM OPEN MORTGAGES " NO BONUSES " NO CREOIT CHECKS " NO INQUIRY 0F NEIGHBOURS " CONFIDENTIAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE IN YOUR OWN HOME " BORROW AS LITTLE AS $1,600 " FAST SERVICE CALL Mr. Wilks 942-2611 or 699-1121 Toronto Real iEttote For Sole Rent. &Pwn, $I49.OOmoenthly, smaIl bungalow, $300. 00moves you trn, 3i0 Perry Streêt. WhltbY, open house* 10: 30 - 12:30 over weeI< end. Fc*d to Reloate ? we have an excellent s e e ct ion of farms, w a e r ntP'roper- t ies , buil1ding lots, retreat propçrtles and towri houses for s al1e. Fçr comp lete d e tals àcal 476-3078 o r 476-2822 anytîme. CORY WAL..RAVEN, REAL ES TATE BROKERl 128 MAIN STREET, PICTON, ONT. Private, Newv three bedroom semiî, paved driveway fenced yard $21,500.00 with $2300 down. caîl 725-8645. Awt.M*WlIe TED CAMPIN MOTORS CARS WANTED "BUYING A NEW CAR" Sali your usad çor to "Ted". Tolk cash to the New Cor Decier and "Sae". 723-4494 Ras. 725-5574 ASALES PARTS moirons KING ST. E. OSHAWA 7317 il Mile East of -Harmony R 1qa 7 3l ~)If you own a British car and ___Can't find a mechonic ta careG ____G_____P for it, t4e guys at Common- welth Motors have the patience, experience and lknow-how to core for it. For friendly service and excellent workmanshlip. Cali 576-3652 ~~ Common weath Motors JIIIll 119 Court St., OSHAWA VVH1i-T"zY FREE 2 E Thur sday, Apnil 27, l'J, h;ag2î- C ASSFI DADV RISII ARTICLES FOR SALE S3ever 1ey & Parkwood c on t inental beds $35 up. Bunk beds $99. 95 up. B3edroom suites from $169. Chargexý, layaway. McKeen F'ur- niture, 524 Simcoe Street Sou th, 725- Sale Dinette Suite ta- ble four chairs wvalnut finish likenew $29.00 calîl 668-8584. Tel evision chesterfield 54"I bed coffee table bird cage and stand -boys cl othes 1 2-14 yr. Cali725-8370. Garage Sale this Sat- urday at 179 Elizabeth CrescentWhitby, many household items refni- gerator, boats, tables. Tub-style orlon plush c hes t e rfield suites. » Shepherd casters $259 regular $379. Dinette suites from $44.50. Chargex, 1layaway. McKeen Eurniture, 524 Simrcoe South, 725-5185. #ORU(JGS"# Indoor - Outdoor > x 9....$17.9S ond up 9 x 12....... $29.95 ond Up Elmer's Furniture 253 Bloor' St. E., Oshowo M11- 3473 968 21-foot Glendette .cabiri trailer. Good condi tion. $ 3700.. F u 1 y equipped. Cal1 728-62/75. Good condition apart- ment size, Moffat re- frigerators and rang- es. $ 109. 00 and $ 89. 00. Cal i 728-61;75. Used automatic wash- ing machine. Asking $ 95.00. Moffat. Cali 728-6475. IMPRESSION Rubber Stamps SUFERVIFORSAL Hoes KIhe nnare ce et inq ra 116 nd Seet, Wstfo Sem at rge t t e Ontario Motor Sales CalI 57".111 J. NADON CARPENTRY Recreotioni rooms & kitchens. Free Estimotes. Ail workmqrnship to sotisfoctîon. 576-2991 G. ROCCA%, floor endWeil til.; alto rrwmic. Rea.on»blu rai.es.Eipriecd. Pei ntinq & Decorating MASTERS Painting An~d Paper Hanginl. iterior, Exterior. Fret estima... Cali '67 Ha rley Davidson electnilc start, full dresser. immaculate condition. Asking' $1, 675. 00. Phone 666- 2410. Sin g 1 e Rooms by the week. Oowntown area 142 Perry St. Whitby. Amuoncement Os hawa Obedient Ass o c 1ation Pub l ic Dog T r acking Course wi11 c o m mence April 16. For information cali1 728-0794. 1967 Firebird Conver- t i b le. 400 cubic mot- or, automatic. $1495. OQor best offer. Good condition. Cali 728-6ý-î 75. APOrtmente Foir Rent# I?osslynn Arrns Apts. *OSIAWA'S MOST GfRACIOUS LIVING* ELECTRICALLY MEATED This is o sfperlor buldn, well bulit ond omcelent mnolntoin.< Mnd cotera to thos e pope roqulring o better woyof IvINg. NO LAST MONTH'S RENT REQUJRED 745 STEVENSON RD. N., OSHAWA 723-1009 HIfAIoe 579-1413 NOW RUNTUNO oxford towers in Ajax 2 - 3 Bedrooms from $ 180. Fottrlng *Ostdoor Swlmmnlng Pool *Sauno Rooms *A recreotion Room, *Por yRosai ~En suite Storoge *En Suite Heot Control *A 20" x 5/6/ Bolcoesy Close te: Shiopping Contre *Publlc, separate, HIgh& vocation. i Schools *Tha'communiti Centre *Modern Aox H ospitol1 *Publie Tronsporatlor, *Go-Traln Fel iftie end the 40t hiphwoy 942-1"61 or 964-3974 POST oxomo OPu TOIfL SAE -ot - if CITY -« WD.I. LFL.4te 1ALL OUH ir iLtAOfO4OLz ~Ll Ail Syp@ of Bet WeSioes Md InstallatIcns. *Electricaî etc. VWOXI<KM»MlPe ~smý OXFORD PARKI TOWERS 822 Glen Street One bedrocm , $130 monthi-4 Two b.droom, $145 monthe stove, refrigerotor, Cable TV ho& lmkcluded vdm ta AVAILABLE NOM 723-2347 SEMO IT IN OR BRINO UT IN TO OUR OFFICE AT 301 13YRON ST. S AND WE WILL RUN VOUR WANT-AD *UNTIL UQW' or maximum of 5 weeks. WORD il> <42.) <3.> MAIL TO; WH ITBY FREE PRESS 11OX 2069 WHITBY Acnrowledemnts owr rctpts are nos sent in, respeu.z toe choque or mnoe ordert. Cash sent through thse mail 's at thse &8Vtir'S ri*c. NAME .. ADDRESS. P.0O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHONE NO ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 'i- -- -. .. . 1. - M a i i i _________________ ,PM* lof 'n Business Pers on a] or Signature 123 a5337 GENERAL ELECTRONIC RENTALS T.V.'à Tope Recorder tic. MUNTZ CENTRE 728-1122 SARGEANT'S RENTALS Mink Stoles, Clown Costumes Cof fe, Urns, Punch Bowls, Banquet Hall RentaI, Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, Tables, Chairs, Linens. *1,1 Ritscn Rd. S. 725-3338

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