WHITE3Y FREE PRESS' Thursday, Aprîl 20, 1972, page3 en teftaill,meli guide Clandestine Af fair Discovered in Last Current JALNA A clandestine romance betwveen Eden and PesnPiers' impressionable young wife, is discovered by Finch in Episode 12 of CEC-TV's ,the Whiteoaks of J a I n a , for telecast on the network Sunday, April1 23 at 9 p. m. This is the final episode in the cur- rentdrama series, based-on the novels of Mazo de la Roche. (In the event NHL play-off. coverage is scheduled on CBC TV on Sunday evening, April 26, The NV h i teoaks of dal a epiîsode w il11 be re- schedul ed). Finch.bl1urts out his discovery to P i ers, whi le Edenvand Pheasant make Episode hasty departure from Jaina. The-angry Pe rs is soon in pursuit, and he does find Pheasant and, bringing her home, locks her in her room. At pr e sent-day dalna, the now-el- der 1 y Piers has more unpleasantness to f a ce a s he c on fronts Renny about the serious financial situation. Pheas- a nt s u9gge sts thatdJana besold, but Pierseounters with another suggestion - that he and Pheasant selIl their home and use the money to meet Jal1na'1s debts. Pheasant bitterly opposes the plan, ac- c us ing Piers of throwing his owvn son Chrlstian's inheritance awvay. IH CONCERT m Creedence Clearwater Revival SPECIAL - One of America's most in-' fl uential rock groups, seen in concert at theOakland Coliseum before a capacity a u d i ence and behind the scenes at the g ro u p' s w a rehouse-headq uarters in B er k e 1 e y, known as IlThe Factory" jo0h n F ogerty, 1lead singer/gui tarist, w r i t es a n d arranges allthe gr'oup's saong s a nd i s business manager; his b r ot her Tom Fogerty i s rhythm gui t- a r is t; Doug CIlifford i s drummer; and' S tu Cook plays bass. (Note: Since the tapi ng of this show Tom Fogerty has lef t the group to make acareer as.a solo performer. ) Numbers on this show include: 'Born on the Bayou'; 'Commotion'; 'Green River?; 'T rav el11in Sand'; 'Bad Moon R i sing'; 'Down on the Corner'; 'Proud M ary'; 'For tunate son'; 'Tombstone Shadow'; 'MidnightSpecial'; 'DonttLook Now'1; 'The Right Time'; and 'Whoil Stop the Rain'. The grand finale num-* ber i senti tled, 'Keep on Chooglin.' Thursday April 27 "in the Mood" Band leader Les Brown, the man cred- i ted wi th discovering Doris Day and o th er w el1l-known personal ties, rides high on l'in the Mood"i Thursday, April 27 at9:OO p. m. , inc ol1our on CBC- TV. (if hockey is scheduled to the net- work IlIn the Mood" Il11 be pre--empted). talpaLvax OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE COMPUTERIZED TAX SERVICE WE DO YOUR INCOME TAX FOR COMPLETE SE )RVICE ADVICE 725-7980 CALL GERRY ROY Friduy April 28, Anne Murray 8:00 P. M. Sales 24 months or 24,000 miles Warranty. SevieOWASCO VOLKSWAGEN LTD. WHITBY - OSHAWA Body Shop1425 QUNDAS STREET EAST WHITBY ONTARIO TEL. 668-9383 -4