Whitby Free Press, 20 Apr 1972, p. 15

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- - ~Y~TTw,,,êw', j - -~ WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, April 20, 1972, Page 15 ....... ....... .............- _SIIDAD SN 1 -Moitoaqes Mortgagea I --~ - - - - - ANNOUNC1NG LOW COSI MORTGAGE LOANS THAT CAN PAY OFF ALL YOUR BILLS - AMP (CUT VOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS'UN HALF OR LESS# ln other words you con make one re- duoed payment a month instad of many. Here's What to Do to Got A Low-Cost Mortgags boan Cal , Write or corne in. The service is fast, so make your New Start today. We've heîped home-owners through- out Ontario consolidate their debts this easy way and ev',rything is con- fidential. 2nd. MORIGAGE MONEY AVAILBLE .e 5VEAR TERM OPEN MORTGAGES e NO BONUSES a NO CREDIT CHECKS e NO INQUIRY 0F NEIGHBOURS a CON FI DENTI AL AR RANGEMENTS MADE IN VOUR OWN HOM4E e BORROW AS LITTLE AS $1,6W0 e FAST SERVICE CL Mr. wiiNs 942-2611l'or 69l9-1121 Toronto Real !tote For Sol@ R e n t.&pw n, $149.0 onthi y 0 maî11 bungal ow,0 $300. O0movou yuln, 3IOPerry Streîet, Whltby, open hou se 10:30 - 2:30 over week end. Forced to Rflocate ? We have an e xcel lent se lPec t i on of farms, w a t e r f r o ntp>rope r- ties, building lots, retreat propçrties and town houses for sale. F9r complete detaîls caîl 476-3078 o r 476-2822 anytirne. CORY WAL.RAVEN, REAL ES TATE BROKER, 128 MAIN STREET, PICTON, ONT. $1,000 down. $22, 000 f uI I price. 3-bedroomn semi, close to Oshawa Shopping Centre. Fen- ced. 725-8645. TED CAMP IN MOTORS CARS WANTED 0011UYING A NEW CAR" Seli your used çor to "Ted". Talk cash to the New Cor Dealer ernd "Save". 723-4494 Ras. 725-5574 SALES PARTS INGasST. E. OSHAWA 7317 (I MleEatof;Harmiony 1o 72 417 IU~If you own a British ccar and (% CO cnt fond 'a mechonic to care _______ for it, thie guyS at Common- wealth Motors have the patience, experlence and know-how to care for it. For friendly service and excellent workmanstilp. Cali 576-8652 Commonwealth Motors 1 I 119 Court St., OSHAWA SERVICES Horses boarded. Reasonable rates, ex- cel lent ridinq area, r iding lessons for beginners. 655-3070. GUARANTEED MUFFLERS FOR SALE Ses Kaith Troganna et the 0Yahom PAdu Muf 1er shop for a free exhaust system in spect ion- 116 Bond Street, West Oshawa Just east of Ontario Motor Sales Caîl 57".111 J. NADON CARPENTRY Recreotion roomsu & kitchens. Free Estimates. Ail workmansh.,p to satisfoction. 576-2991 0. ROCCA, floor end' WalIl tt lsaMb masa îc. Rea..on1bfroi". ExpOtIfiecec. pa.ntinq & Decoratung MASTERS Painting And Paper Hangglng. nierior, Exterlor. Frtc estimates. Cili ,Mdt.rcycl« '67 Harley Davidson el ectri c start, full dre sser. Immaculate condition. Asking $1, 6 7 5. 0 0. Phone 668- 2410. A nnouncemelt Oshawa Obedient Ass o c i a tion Pub l ic Dog T r acking Course will com mence April 16. For information cali1 728-0794. J. Paul Fletcher Barrister, is pl eased to announ- c e the removal of his offices for the p rac tice of lavv, from 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa to 130 King Street East, Osh- aw a. Custom -But Instal led 735-0586 "Ru GS" idoor - outdoor bx 9 .......$7.9S and up 9 x 12....... $2995 end up Eilmer's Furniture 253 Bloor' St. E., Oshowo 'nt- 3473. GENERAL ELECTRQNIC RENTALS T.V.'& Tope Recorder tic. MUNIZ CENTRE 728-1122 SARGEANT'S RENTALS Mink Stolos, Clown Costumnes Cof fe. Urns, Punch Bowls, Banquet Hall Rerttol, Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, Tables, Chairs, Linens. 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 1LOSI Lost: Whi te, husky d og. Ap r i1 10t h, in Highway 7 area. Fam- ily pet - reward. 655- 3540. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - losslynn Arrn8 Apts. *OS1*iWA'S MOST GPRACIOUS LIVING* ELECTRICALLY MEATED T1hia is a auperlor building, well bulit and %xcelIerit molntoined ond cotera ta thos. people vwqirlng a better Woyof livin. NO LAST MONTH'S RIENT REQUJRED 745 STEVENSON RD. N., OSHAWA 723-1009 ofNomAasmu 579.1413 Wh h tby District Local A s sociation 'Night of Cards' Monday, April 24, 1972 at Amber Room. Refreshmentse Doorprizes. For tick- ets calil 668-8790. L e gion Hall1 Rummage Sal1e Saturdayp April1 2 2 10 a. m. to 3p. m. Auction sale North- minster United Church. S aturday, Apr il 22 at 9:30. Baking & Books. ARTICLES FOR SALE Beverley & Parkwood c ont inental beds $35 up. Bunk beds $99. 95 up. Bedroom suites from $169. Chargex, layaway. McKeen Fur- niture, 524 Simcoe Street South, 725- 5161. B edr oom suite with 2 night tables. Sofa and chair <gold). Fridge and stove (green), 251" Adm iraI1 TV (3&W). Phone anytime 668- 3417. Tub-style orlon plush chesterfield suites. Shepherd casters $259 regular $379. Dînette suites from $44.50. C h a rgex,1lay away. M cK een F ur niturep 524 Simcoe South, -725-5165. OXFORD PARK TOWERS 822 Glen Street One bedrom', $130 monthiy. Two bedroom, $145 monthly stove, refrigerator, Cobte TV, ho«t included, hydro er. AVAILABLE NOW 723-2347 SmNOrr IN OR BRINO IT 14 TO OUR OFFICE AT 301 BfYRON ST.S AND WEWILL RUN VOUR WANT- AD 0UNTIL SOLD or maximum of 5 weeks. PLIAS! PRINT WORD il.# <2.) <3.> MAIL TO;: WHITBY FREE PRESS BO0X 2069, WHITBY Acknowidgsm.wnts or receiptsamaet noin in. respeu. te choque or money ordei.t. ash ent through the mail os et the. adv.rtis.ra rIsk. NAME .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHONE NO ............................ 4 4-i. e-%,I F- 1 omIng Events AIl typf ster.elons m'bd Installallonse. *Kitc*e *Electrîcal etc. 73~MA MM KITCHEN COUNTER TOPS oArborite oformiica Mortgages LJIM.L mwý ---L. 1 ýJkPclrfments Foq Rent -

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