Whitby Free Press, 13 Apr 1972, p. 21

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open Open letter to Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, by Judge Terence M. Moore, Q.C. Dear Mr. Trudeau: The Honourable Donald Jamieson, your Minister of Transport, is reported to have said, in reply to an invitation to corne to Pickering, Ontario to answer questions respecting the place- ment of the proposed airport in Pickering Township, that he did flot think it would be productive to equip its opponents to niount a program,in opposition to what your government considers to be a sensible developuent. Surely it is indefensible that a development of svch far reach ing importance should be con- ceived and implemented secretly and in the absence of thorough and wide ranging public discus- sion. Such a decision should be arrived at oniy after fui). opportunitv for a searching cross-examination of the expert and for the views of ail affec- ted to te aired, with a consen- sus arrîved at through a shared decisior. making process. The Just. Society provided a public forum for the Bilingual and Bicultural Commission. A similar opportunity was afforded the enquiry into the non medical use of drugs, and the Status of Wonen, during which enquiries, ample opportunity was provided for the evidence of experts and concerned citizens alike to te received and considered. Thus the esta- letter: blishment of such a commission has set a precedent as to the procedure to te followed in matters of public interest where the issues have such a profound effect on so many aspects of the citizents life, I refer to the location of one of the country's largest airports. Why has your government by- passed this weli established procedure in the present case? When it was deemed necessary by the United Kingdom to plan a third London airport, a com- mission of inquiry, The Roskill Commission, was created to ad- vise the British Government as to its timning and location. The commission engaged a research team and a number of outside consultants to gather the facts and to carry out a large scale cost benefit analysis. The whole process took two and a half years and included the identification of 78 possible sites, the reduction to a -mediumn list of 29 sites, and to a short list of four sites. Public hearinp's were held locally at each cf the short listed sites to' establish the detailed facts. A further pub- lic hearing was held in London following publication of the cost benefit analysis. In this hearing the cost benefit analy sis, including regional planning considerations, were discussed. The commission then made its decision as to the test site and the date, the new airport would be required. Its report was submitted to the goverrnment in 1970. u The quality and f airness of the hearings is what stands out. Information on noise contours was made freely available in pamphlet form. Cost benefit analyses were f orthcoming and' during the public.hearingo, the commission tooký the position, that it was providing the facto as its research team (a total of 59 personas-of whom 24 woe experts>, sawthem. It was asking the public to argue against them, criticize them and identify their short- cominga. The expert witnesses gave evi- dence upon which they were cross-examin ed by a).) interested parties, who had previously been provided with copies of the evidence. Even then the comission cross-examined its own witnesses 'to ensure that ail the strengths and weakness- es of that evidence would te mnade apparent. This is an excellent example of decisionimaking'"and talking in a democratic societyt Canada is a democratic societyl I urge you Mr. Prime Minister - you have the precedents and the xnethod, and you and you alone can and muet put the "Just" back in the "Just Society"t. Let us have our enquiryt (Judge Moore) Provincial Treasrer Darcy McKeough: Talcing suqsps b avoid unnecessary hardiship or iconvenience. People Or Planes? by Dr. Chailes M. Godf rey On Mai-ch 2nd the Goverrnents of Ontario and Canada informed the citizene of Ontario County that a decision had been made to use approximately 40,00ý0 acres of land to assemble an internation. ai airport and city. The deci- sion wae made in secret and the announcement was not accompanied by any data which supported the need or want for a new airport. Citizens of the area.and of the surrounding Metro area,, reacted to foi-m a group to oppose this dictum. People Or Planes, a volunteer committee ,uade itself known as a spokesman of the How to read by Bill Liahiman If you study the centrefold mapa of the Ontario Governuent Airport Supplement of Mai-ch 24 and attempt to use it for nav- igating in the Township of tJx- bridge, you most certainly would becomo hopelesoly loat. The concession roade are shown running eaut-weat rather than' north-south, and in fact, ity je difficuit to f ind any re-0 lationship between the de-c picted roada and the actualt moade.a When you probe deeper into the t paper and attempt to use It ast a iiavigationa). piece in term S of understanding the facts about ai-porte, again yoube- T~ cous hopelesuly lost. Look at1 the uap of "Noiseland", if you a still have vour copy ( -there w people's resistance to this Governuent move. Despite repeated requeste for information which would give credibility to, the Governuent assertion that we need a new airport, no studies have been released. It je the aim of this Ai-port Supplement #2 to put foi-yard as nîany facte as can be gathered in the absence of the governnient studies to, show what will happen IF the ai-port je bujît. In a democracy, rational deci- siens can be made by the citizer on the basis of facts and the Government were 65,000 printed. True, noise mape don't have eharp corners. Pieces aren't cut out to avoid built up areas. The Governuent noise land map appears to have been drawn in the public relations depart- ment, not the research depart-J ment. Notice how nicely it 1 avoide ail the built-up areas n Aircraft use runways in bethE directions, depending on wind, t yet no noise area je ehown 1 over Whitby. There je moet 1 certainly wind blowing fi-ou a the south-west strong enough e and often enough to warrant a, C south-wrest runway, yet no men- s tion je given of that, for m that would show noise over o Scarborough. T To get off the visual aspect s Into the writing, no where la s an expert's name rnentioned. No B where je reference material o realization that certain sacri- f ices muet be made for the common good. in a democracy there is no place for decisions from on high, based on secret documents and information which la withheld fi-ou the public. The concern for this matter ls flot local. Many residents of southern Ontario and Canada are questioning the wisdon of the Goyernment policy. Ve appeal to all citisens, to continue to prees the government to release the facte on which the decision to build an airport were baeed, .aeand then to hear counter- arguments against those facto, in order to STOP THE AIRPORTI Supplement used. Any one writer could hiave written the.whole issue, and created it as he went, giving a smooth facade to in- still a feeling of well-being in the reader. E could go on and get involved with the pontradictions and niuleading statements, boy- ever, I've juet had word that the Ontario Government ls re- issuing the entire supplement. It appears the original was isoo being used by the Engin- eering Department, and the :hief Project Engineer* je bat souewhere near Atha, and je 0iw awaiting the new issue in Drder to get his, directions. he Governuent supplement is eriously being re-issued, o little more need be said. ýut, who's pay wil. it corne out A SPECIAL SUPPLEMEN4T: PART TWO an This paper This paper was put together by Ai Grahamn# Dawn Lee and myseif. It is our f irst foray into the newspaper field, and was assembled in a week or less. Ail articles and artwork were contributed free anid many thanks goes to ail those who helped. The money involved ($300.00) was put up through P.0.P. funds and other private donations. Thirty thousand copies have been printed. We are interÂding another issue for two weeks time. The con- tribution deadline is Thursday April-l3th for that issue. We need distribution assistance, editorial assistance, typing assistance, etc. If you can help in any way, cal). 294-5;794 or 649-2-918 . ..Bill Lishman A PR.a 4/72 942 5451 PEOPLE OR PLANES COMMITTEE BOX 159, CLAREMONT, ONTARIO M--- (D

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