Page 7 GABL E FOR WH I TBY ~ AT LAST County Town to have «its own Televisilon Studio Tel ev Is ion vi ewlng - with more channet setection, clearer vision, and a realm of selected sports will be Whitby's at last. Oshawa Cabl e TV has the green 1l g ht- from the Canadi an Radio Tel ev- i s i on and w i I t introduce the conven- i ence of cabl1e in Whitby during the ne>t few months. O sh a wa Cable TV was oneof four appt icants for a licence to cable Whitby al1on g w ith Maclean-Hunter Cable TV L td. , a nd t wo local appl icants: Ted Curi and Richard P. Matthews. The de cision favouring the Oshawva c om pany al so means 1less red tape for Whitby since the company had previous- ly cabled 25% of the town before it ran into difficulty four years ago. With the comiflg of the cable, Whitby wil11 al so have i ts own studio, and again there will n aitngproda Ohw Cabl1e TV President Bill Leask says Warehouse Sale Childrens Wear Up to 75% off retail price Sale on until everything sold to the bar. walls 801#2 SIMCOE ST. N. (rear of Cooks office equipmsent) Ev.ryW.dneSday, Thursd.y, Frlday & Saturday Ilýam to 6pm Now hi scompany Ispreparedto go ahead wi th the c r e a tion of a Whi tby studio "lright from the outset."I One advantage of the local studio wil 1I be more comprehensive election cav er age during poliîtical campaigns. A Whi1t by io ri,ented studio coul dal so se rve to promote various local sports a nd o ther activities, and would boost local clubs and organizations. When Bell Tel ephone began taying the cabl e in Whitby four years ago, o ne t ho usand Whitby originated tel e- p h one c ati1s for install1ation were re- c o r ded at the offices of Oshawa Cabl e TV. "The only regret 1 have,"I says Leask "li s here we are four years lat- er in the same position we were then."I Mr. Leask says he looks forward to working with the mayor and council of the town. "'They too, have been push- ing for cable for Whitby,"I he says. Industrial Park inbalance "l9 0 % of the tenants at the Hopkins S tr e et i n dustrialrfmail1have vacated local buildings ta take tenancy there,"I Depu ty Re eve John Goodwin told the "IWhitby Free Press"l on Monday. The town , therefore, should be a t it t Ie m or e c autiaus in the upset of normal balance it isprmoting, he el aborated.1 'lt bo thers me that while some of ou r local people are trying ta rent out office space, the municipaltity is luring po t ent i al1t enants into the industrial plaza. As a result we get vacant build- i ngs that just seem ta sit. One of the best exampîesof th!is is the corner pl aza at Girard Road and Highway 2, across from the K-Mart Shopping Plaza."I ""No June Election Despite Speculation", says Local Grit President "Un less there is a radical change in Ottawa, there will certalnly be no June el ectian - and that is despite aIl the specul ation otherw ise,"I says Terrence McCarl, Liberal Association President for the Oshawa-Whitby area. M r. M c Carl1 was commenting on a statement made earlier ta a daily news- paper regarding the passibi 1ity of Mayor Desmond Newman as Liberal candidate for the Oshawa-Whitby*Riding. "t1 did not say thatMr. Newman w oulId be running for certain,"I he an- s we r ed a query for the IUWhi tby Free Pres s". "lWhat 1 did mean ta say, 'il1 say again and that is that the possibil- ity stil1l existsthat Mr. Newman witt stand for nomination in the faIt." I "lRight now, it looks as if there may not even be an election in the faîl. It might not be until 1973. However, it is my pe r sonal1 opinion that an el ection will be called for the faîl. "lM r. Newman, he says, "lcan make his own comments at that time. I Deputy Reeve Iln the downtown area,' we stil11 have vacanci es 1lef t by Joe The Pl1umber, and Ferrco Engineering, who are now ten- antsatthe industriat centre. And these are just afew examples "lcited the deputy reeve. As remediat procedures he suggests that the municipality keeps an eye tow- ard current supplies and demands and concentration on drawing more tenants from outside the municipality. ilOtherwise, we'd better be prepared t o suffer the consequences of our act- ions,"I he warns. Five year Guaranteed lnvestment Certificates. Get yours now! WC7OAand TRUST COMPANY BINCE 11889l %4 Cv. $b-m IWHITBYm-HARRISON FUELS LIMITED 211 Brock St. S. Phone:668-36lO LU ST EFFECTIV ANT1SEPTIC MOUTHWASH 80OZ. FOR THE PRICE OF 6 OZ. SPECIALI SUGG. LIST 95C ALBERTO "'BALSAM"' REGULAR, DRY or OILY SHAMPOO NEWI 15V2z OZ. SIZE SUGG. LIST 2.49 BAN "'SUPER DRY"' ANT14PERSPIRANT SPRAY 7 OZ. - REG&JLAR or UNSCENTED SUGG. LIST 1.87 GERITOL S12 OZ. LIQUID or 40's TABLETS SUGG. LIST 3.09 55C 88C 99c 1 71 C URA D "OUCHLESS" BANDAGES66 î200's 1 6 SUGG. LIT 2.99 "LOVING ICARE' LOTION HAIR COLOUR by CLAIROL 1 ALL SHADES- SUGG. LIST 2.50 coRnE.LU Ll'HAMy j SHRS D AmACi bh Ontario Secondary Federation - District School Teachers'- 17 - Ontario County DO YOU KNOW? The Provincial D.partmnnfof Education ha* Initiated anýimçginative and persuasive systern of 9ducotional programming, designed te, increase the invoive * ent anid productivity of both toucher ands%~dent. Several D*prtm.nt-spcnsoied brief s sluch as the Haît-Deýnnis Report have caused us ta questià n the value and ach. leeet of the traditi.onol opproach to, education. Riïhtîy or wrongîy smre idecs were implemiented b.y the. Depte and its officliIs in sPite of tachers -re* quests ta approach smre questionable changes CaMt- iousily. Further 4o this, recent regulations *èntiti.d Recommen- dations and Information. for' Seconddîry Schooi "Orsan- Izations ieading tg Certifiçafes and Dipiomasr Cî~ir>' lar H.S. 1, enforced I*ndividuaiized and spec4lited programmes for a credit system In cil aur high schýoos. The teachers are res ponsibie for the practicot1mliilem- entation of programming, They devot.J their efforts f0 Impiernenting these specialized programmes and ossisig i the students In changing,thoir option requests accordingiy. Ail of this was don* on the assumption that funds for such programmes sould b. roadiiy av- ailable. The neessav funds ore not viiabIe.ý - Where do W0 the touchers, go from here? - Wili your child receive his course roquests for nex? year? - What happons ta students who n.ed expensIve spec- ici education? -. Wbt happons ta touchers hired fo toach Irn special In this crisis, caln the tocher avoid a reduction Ine quolity education? *CIEAMIc TUE FADI lIN! J. aSm50 PLOOt & WALLCVIRINGS m m 1 r 10