Whitby Free Press, 6 Apr 1972, p. 7

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Page 7 GABL E FOR WH I TBY ~ AT LAST County Town to have «its own Televisilon Studio Tel ev Is ion vi ewlng - with more channet setection, clearer vision, and a realm of selected sports will be Whitby's at last. Oshawa Cabl e TV has the green 1l g ht- from the Canadi an Radio Tel ev- i s i on and w i I t introduce the conven- i ence of cabl1e in Whitby during the ne>t few months. O sh a wa Cable TV was oneof four appt icants for a licence to cable Whitby al1on g w ith Maclean-Hunter Cable TV L td. , a nd t wo local appl icants: Ted Curi and Richard P. Matthews. The de cision favouring the Oshawva c om pany al so means 1less red tape for Whitby since the company had previous- ly cabled 25% of the town before it ran into difficulty four years ago. With the comiflg of the cable, Whitby wil11 al so have i ts own studio, and again there will n aitngproda Ohw Cabl1e TV President Bill Leask says Warehouse Sale Childrens Wear Up to 75% off retail price Sale on until everything sold to the bar. walls 801#2 SIMCOE ST. N. (rear of Cooks office equipmsent) Ev.ryW.dneSday, Thursd.y, Frlday & Saturday Ilýam to 6pm Now hi scompany Ispreparedto go ahead wi th the c r e a tion of a Whi tby studio "lright from the outset."I One advantage of the local studio wil 1I be more comprehensive election cav er age during poliîtical campaigns. A Whi1t by io ri,ented studio coul dal so se rve to promote various local sports a nd o ther activities, and would boost local clubs and organizations. When Bell Tel ephone began taying the cabl e in Whitby four years ago, o ne t ho usand Whitby originated tel e- p h one c ati1s for install1ation were re- c o r ded at the offices of Oshawa Cabl e TV. "The only regret 1 have,"I says Leask "li s here we are four years lat- er in the same position we were then."I Mr. Leask says he looks forward to working with the mayor and council of the town. "'They too, have been push- ing for cable for Whitby,"I he says. Industrial Park creat.ng inbalance "l9 0 % of the tenants at the Hopkins S tr e et i n dustrialrfmail1have vacated local buildings ta take tenancy there,"I Depu ty Re eve John Goodwin told the "IWhitby Free Press"l on Monday. The town , therefore, should be a t it t Ie m or e c autiaus in the upset of normal balance it isprmoting, he el aborated.1 'lt bo thers me that while some of ou r local people are trying ta rent out office space, the municipaltity is luring po t ent i al1t enants into the industrial plaza. As a result we get vacant build- i ngs that just seem ta sit. One of the best exampîesof th!is is the corner pl aza at Girard Road and Highway 2, across from the K-Mart Shopping Plaza."I ""No June Election Despite Speculation", says Local Grit President "Un less there is a radical change in Ottawa, there will certalnly be no June el ectian - and that is despite aIl the specul ation otherw ise,"I says Terrence McCarl, Liberal Association President for the Oshawa-Whitby area. M r. M c Carl1 was commenting on a statement made earlier ta a daily news- paper regarding the passibi 1ity of Mayor Desmond Newman as Liberal candidate for the Oshawa-Whitby*Riding. "t1 did not say thatMr. Newman w oulId be running for certain,"I he an- s we r ed a query for the IUWhi tby Free Pres s". "lWhat 1 did mean ta say, 'il1 say again and that is that the possibil- ity stil1l existsthat Mr. Newman witt stand for nomination in the faIt." I "lRight now, it looks as if there may not even be an election in the faîl. It might not be until 1973. However, it is my pe r sonal1 opinion that an el ection will be called for the faîl. "lM r. Newman, he says, "lcan make his own comments at that time. I Deputy Reeve Iln the downtown area,' we stil11 have vacanci es 1lef t by Joe The Pl1umber, and Ferrco Engineering, who are now ten- antsatthe industriat centre. And these are just afew examples "lcited the deputy reeve. As remediat procedures he suggests that the municipality keeps an eye tow- ard current supplies and demands and concentration on drawing more tenants from outside the municipality. ilOtherwise, we'd better be prepared t o suffer the consequences of our act- ions,"I he warns. Five year Guaranteed lnvestment Certificates. Get yours now! WC7OAand TRUST COMPANY BINCE 11889l %4 Cv. $b-m IWHITBYm-HARRISON FUELS LIMITED 211 Brock St. S. Phone:668-36lO LU ST EFFECTIV ANT1SEPTIC MOUTHWASH 80OZ. FOR THE PRICE OF 6 OZ. SPECIALI SUGG. LIST 95C ALBERTO "'BALSAM"' REGULAR, DRY or OILY SHAMPOO NEWI 15V2z OZ. SIZE SUGG. LIST 2.49 BAN "'SUPER DRY"' ANT14PERSPIRANT SPRAY 7 OZ. - REG&JLAR or UNSCENTED SUGG. LIST 1.87 GERITOL S12 OZ. LIQUID or 40's TABLETS SUGG. LIST 3.09 55C 88C 99c 1 71 C URA D "OUCHLESS" BANDAGES66 î200's 1 6 SUGG. LIT 2.99 "LOVING ICARE' LOTION HAIR COLOUR by CLAIROL 1 ALL SHADES- SUGG. LIST 2.50 coRnE.LU Ll'HAMy j SHRS D AmACi bh Ontario Secondary Federation - District School Teachers'- 17 - Ontario County DO YOU KNOW? The Provincial D.partmnnfof Education ha* Initiated anýimçginative and persuasive systern of 9ducotional programming, designed te, increase the invoive * ent anid productivity of both toucher ands%~dent. Several D*prtm.nt-spcnsoied brief s sluch as the Haît-Deýnnis Report have caused us ta questiàn the value and ach. leeet of the traditi.onol opproach to, education. Riïhtîy or wrongîy smre idecs were implemiented b.y the. Depte and its officliIs in sPite of tachers -re* quests ta approach smre questionable changes CaMt- iousily. Further 4o this, recent regulations *èntiti.d Recommen- dations and Information. for' Seconddîry Schooi "Orsan- Izations ieading tg Certifiçafes and Dipiomasr Cî~ir>' lar H.S. 1, enforced I*ndividuaiized and spec4lited programmes for a credit system In cil aur high schýoos. The teachers are res ponsibie for the practicot1mliilem- entation of programming, They devot.J their efforts f0 Impiernenting these specialized programmes and ossisig i the students In changing,thoir option requests accordingiy. Ail of this was don* on the assumption that funds for such programmes sould b. roadiiy av- ailable. The neessav funds ore not viiabIe.ý - Where do W0 the touchers, go from here? - Wili your child receive his course roquests for nex? year? - What happons ta students who n.ed expensIve spec- ici education? -. Wbt happons ta touchers hired fo toach Irn special In this crisis, caln the tocher avoid a reduction Ine quolity education? *CIEAMIc TUE FADI lIN! J. aSm50 PLOOt & WALLCVIRINGS m m 1 r 10

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