Whitby Free Press, 24 Feb 1972, p. 6

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Page 6, Thursday, February 24th, 1972, WHITBY FREE PRESS sportsA MOTORING with, Mike Burgess Back to fthe Studded Tire By the tîme this issue .1'hits the str- eets", the Canadi an Automotive Servi ce Show he Id aninualiy at the Automotive Buil1ding, C. N.E., Toronto wiii be haifwaythrough. But if you can make it down there before tommorrow night, you wil i find a gigantic supermarket of auto- m o tiv e parts, àccessories and equip- m e nt. M o re than 300 companies have r e s erved more than 500 booths ta dis- play their products. One display I think rather interesting on the mezzanine floor, is a simuiator equ ip p ed w 1th detaiIed pictoriai and schematic diagrams compiete with push buttons, indicators and controis ta dem- onstrate the principals of operating and trouble-shoot ing a four-stroke engine. Up ta f or ty-three maifunctions can be programmed in, so the student or mec- h a n i c o p e r ating the variaus contrai s might have ta check out the entire en- gine. Needless ta say, one doesn't us- uallyfind "that many"' things wrong with an engime at one time, so it will cert- a i ny present qui te a chal lenge ta any- one daring to tackîe it. Ontario only province outlawing studded tires 1Iha te to soundî1i ke 1lm f1ogging a deadhorse, (I think that's the right ex- pression ), but if 1 complain enough, a nd e n ough people complain with me, maybe something can sti il be done about studded tires. Anyway in a report pre- sented recently taMetroW innipeg Coun- c il, cars with studded tires were found to beinvoi ved in fewer col1iisions dur ing the '70-171 winter. 0f 2, 752 rear-end- ers, 1, 100 invol ved two vehici es wi thout studs; 1, 230 invoived one vehicie with, one wlthout and only 412 cars involved two veh ici1 es wi1th s tuds. The s tudy show- ed asphai twear was increased by 100 to 15 50 % on intersections with stop signs o r t ra ff ic 1Iights and oniy 42% around 'yieid' signs. Stoppirig distances on giare !ce were decreased by rear wheel studs, and sharpiy decreased by studs on ail four wheels (rally style). Winnipegers prefer road damage t. accidents T he Wi1n nipeggers conçiuded, and rightly so, that the safety factor in s t uds outweighed. the damage ta their roads. Ontario continues to be the oniy pro- vince that outlaws studded tires. if the oid famiiy jaiopy 'cranks over' a 1 r ight, but refuses ta start, on these colid winter mornings, you wili probabiy find the cause in the electricai system. As su ming the battery and connections a re in good wvorking order, the plugs, points and condensor might need clean- ing, gapping, or even replacing. If this i s n 1't t he cause, check and make sure t ha t t he automatic choke is operating properi y. A Short? 1 f the en9ine turns over too siowiy, the battery couid be losing it's charge because of a short in the system , or you c ou 1Id n e ed a new battery. Usi ng too heavy an oil wîll have the same effect. Another point ta, remember i s that a p a r t ial iy fuit gas tank is'more apt ta form condensation and hence cause gas 1i me freezing than one which lis usuaiily kept full. The odd can of gas-line anti- freeze when you 'fiil-it-up' won't hurt. Low cylinder compression Ha v ing done, or checked , al1 these things and "lit stili1 wii]1 not go".. you're i n to s om ething a 1litti e more serlous, poss ibI y 1ow cylinder compression, w hi ch couid indicate a need for an en- gine rebuiid. The 'Hughes' newsietter says a man r ef us ed drinks at a party because his wife might have to drive him home -l"and you know how dangerous that is. 'TIi next week, Happy Motoring! 5-Pin WHITBY MENS' LEAGUE (WEONESDAY) HIGH TRIPLES: Hans Zimmpr 842, 373p G. Broome 777t 343, J. _Mifflîn 775, 335, G. Wooclcock 773, 325, P. Bremner 769, 340, Horst Zimmer 752, 2 92, D. Cr awfor d 725, 263, B. Jack 717, 3 00, G. Luke7O6, 273, J. Townson 705, 291p D. WaIk- er 705, 266. HI GH SINGLES: L. Reed 291, M. Campbell 284, F.- K i n ygens 283, R. Val I ant 280, S. Stoneman 280p G. Olan 279, B. Hewis 278, W. Kiers 276, T. DeweIl 274 & B. Smith 274. TEAM STANDINGS: B&R Transport 20, Mifflin's Barber Shop 1'9, Duff Ys Tow ing Service 19, W hi1tby Dodge Chrysl er 19, Hooker'1s 17, Gus Brown Mot- or s I15, Don's Spur Service 15, A&T Mtors 15, J. B. M cM u Il1 an Real Estate 15'; Pickering G. S. 1 4y T o ny 1sMen's Hairstyl îng 13, Shorty & Son B îi11liards 13, Jimbols Pub 9, Royal Hotel 9, Mit- ton Electric 6 & Harold Hughes B. P. 6. ST. JOHN THE EVANGELI&T LEAGIJE H I GH TRIPLES: Fr-an Schatzmann 710 (237, 250, 223>, Robert Godfrey 672 (189, 248, 235), Leonard M y e t t e 6 71 (207, 250, 214), Roland Chiasson 658 (2 64, 206,188), Richard Seko 623 (213, 212,198), T ina SBokkers 598 (176, 246)176), Cathy Arbour 5 96 (183, 228, 185), Agnes Schroer 592 (206, 185e 2 01 ), Dorothy Le B31anc 590 (21-4, 154, 222),' AIllan Oerton 581 (220, 167, 194)' John Frendo-dumbo 576 (17, 1160, 245), & Len Broderîck 565 (214, 201, 150). HlI OH S INGLES: Lina Mcdomb 235, KarI Bloom 228, Jerry Ouellette 224, Bill Schroer 219, Son- ja Hanley 217, Paul Frendo-Cumbo Jr. 216, Phyli is GaI1 I a gher 209, Ric Arbour 208, Lawrence My- e t t e 2 03, Rose Seko 201 and Joe Frendo-Cumbo 197. T EAM S TANDINGS: Sixth D imensionS5, Two + F o ur 5, Hu r ricanes 5, HoIy Bowlers 4, Ups + D o wns 3, F u d de-[Duddles 2, Screvvball1s 2 and Misfits 2. Ladies' Floweî League TE-AM STANDINGS: Lilacs 23, Bluebelîs 8, Or- chi ds 19, Carnations 15, Violets 9, Peonies Il, Tulips 19 & Gar-denfias 16. HI1GH TR IPLES: Dorothy McRae 650 (251, 202), BabeoDuggan 652 (273), Agnes Schipper 649 (303), Ru th W eatherell 634 (212e 248), Muriel Mcîlwain 6 25 ( 2 Il243), Annie Hartford 594 (280), Marie Val 1 1 eres 589 (206, 224>, Mary Ellilott 584'(253, 203>, Mar-g Connelly 602 (202,204), Marg Pascoe 5 69 (221, 218), Janet Ver-non 581 (241), Katie Van Dyke 567 (239). HIGH SINGLES: Jean Br-oderick 204, Ann Gould- ing 203, Margaret Smnith 235, Masie Graves 206, Jean Cathcar-t 226, Ann KIaren 205, Clara Harr- i n gton 2 20, Brenda Miller 236, Doris Stannett 243, Ruth Nor-rie 243, Ann Hender-son 229, Mary Hu tchings 215, Mar-g Ar-mi tage 208, Audrey Bar- ton 214. CANDY BOWL LEAGIJE S E CTION PINFALL; AIl1sor-ts 16, 774; Gumdr-ops 15. 235; HumbUgs 16123. Jel Iy Beans 15, 486; Life- La u gh 1lin 235, M. Brooks 234, G. Gale 234, D. H u i n i nk 233, F. Lott 231,e G. Sandfor-d 230, EE. Aviî s on 228, Marg Sturgess 221, D. Gough 218, D . S ta nnett 215, D. Kehoe 215, J. Pi1ckard 211, M. Read 297, Marion Stur-gess 206, K. Fertile 205, E. Jeppessen203, F. Parsons 201, I. Farn- dale 200 and S. Goldr-ick 200. WHITBY RECREATION DEPT. PRESENTS R.C.A . RECORDING ARTIST Leigh Ashford Un Concert at the NEW HAYDENSHORE PAVILLION' Cor. Dunlop and Water Streets. Friday, March iOtb 8:30 p.m. Admission $2.OO Sunday Marh 19th KING BI-SCUIT BOY SAVEE&Bey om DX Premium eBW'I yFuelOGI *$>DI'OIL

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