Whitby Free Press, 3 Feb 1972, p. 8

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Page 6, Thursday, February 3rd, 1972, "MO'TORING W1TH Miki Burgess The Sports Car Club of Ameri ca (SCCA) and the Canadian Automobile Sports Clubs (CASC) recently ann- ounced a ten-event Canadian-American Ch alIlenge Cup series of International road races for 1972 wi th a purse total ing .neeriv arniH ion dollars. The ten events w 1lle ach pay $75,O00minimumsvvith $55, 0Q0divided between the top twenty finishers, and an additional $20, 000 for the ten fastest qualifiers of each race. Expectations are that another .1pz, OàOOwi 1Il be p o sted by manufacturers bringing the guaranteed $600, 000 purse close to the million dollar figure. The first haîf of the sertes opens June Il at Mosport, followved at two week in- tervalsbyracesat St. Jovite, Atlanta, Watkins Gien and Lexington. Rallyists' share -Whilewe're on the subject ofmoney. . it's ni ce to se e the national ral lyists ge tt ing theiîr share. This year Fiat dr ivers will again have the best deal p i c king up twenty'dol lars per national point i f they belong to Fiat Auto Club, and additional bonuses if they place well1 in the final standings. Ren aul1t w ill pay ten dollars pe r n a t tonal point, plus a lump sum of $1, 0 0 0, $ 750, and $500 to the top three Renault drivers in the final 1972 stand- ings, providedthat they finish in the top ten overail. Ni ssan Motors will now only pay to the top five Datsun finishers in each national event. First gets $250, sec- on d $ 2 00, third $150 and on down to fifth place. THE FRIENDLY "lWe're young, but FLEA MARKET growing fast."I We 23 PRINCE ST bu y and selil any- OSHAWA thirig. 725-9783 Oshawa Optical FAST SERVICE MIDTOWN MALL -OSHAWA SIDEWALK SALE FEB. 10 - 12 PLANO SUNGLASSES PHONE BRIAN CHASE 576-8401 40% OFF MANAGER CHI1N ESE FOODS BREAKFAST SPECIAL BACON & EGGS TOAST & COFFEE OnIy 79c IAnd Lot Your aste Be The iudge" 10% OFF on FREE Home Delivery Pick Up orders FAST Take Out Service SUNLIGHT RESTAURANT AMPLE PARKING AT REAR 116 Dundas St. W.. 668-7021 WHITSBY FREE PRESS C as t r o1 oîIs is giving contingency of $50, $25, and $15 for first, second an.d thi rd places. They will also pay $ 25 0 to the Nat ional1 RaI11ly Champ ion con- t i n gent on using their product. I knewv my loyal ty to Castrol GTX would pay off sooner or later! With the twenty-five event nationa' ral ly calendar, it would be possible trr a Fiat driver using Castrol Qil to 'pick u p over $13, 000! Renault and Datsun d river s are going, to be restricted to $8, 250 and $7, 750 respectively.. . still1 stilînot 'too bad' for the cheapest form of automotive competition. About those false rumours 1 n c idental ly, those rumou rs youive heard about Renault closing their Can- adianfactoryat Soma definitely are not true. I 've just received statements from Andre Martin (President of SOMA), and P i erre Le Godec (General Manager of Re na u1 t -Canada) to this effect. Most north American automobile factories w il 1I occasional Iy reach a point where production exceeds sales (usually in the w in t er m on ths). When this happens production is stopped temporarily (often cal led 'inventory adjustmentl) until1 sales catch up. Since the building of the Canadian- owvvn ed S oma pl ant in Quebec in 1965, annual sales have doubled, and the 1972 objective (if reached) will be triple! So you can rest assured that if Soma ever does stop the assembîy line it vwill only be for a week ortwo..Iike GMand Ford do occasionally! 'TiI next week, Happy Motoring! WHITBY-mHARRISON % FUELS LIMITED S Your XCO Dealer" >#"21 Brock StS. Phone:668;3610',1% RADIO & APPLIANCES "Yoor Electrohome, R.C.A. & Panasonic Dealer"? 668-3707 118 BROCK ST.eS., WHITBY I701,B3ROCK STREET NORTH, 1=WIfITBV, ONTARIO. PLUMBING, DISCOUNT FIXTURES & SUPPLIES Complete P.Iumbing Supplies and Fixtures DIRECT TO YOU 20% DISCOUNT Long hours to serve you better: IMon-Fr!. 9 a.m.- 9 p.mn. Sat 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 668-6601 668-6601 5-Pin WHITBY MENS' LEAGUE (WEDPESOAY) HI1GH TRIPLES: F. Kingyens 792; 335; A. Vani- derende 784, 308; D. Duncan 761, 287; R. Valltant 732, 277; L. Reed 719, 310; R. Ch!i1ds 718, 316; W. K i ers 705, 264; A. FIl11ier 704, 284; G. Denyer 698, 319; T. Casey 693, 247. HIGHSINGLES:D. King 313e E. Phillips 308, G. Chi lds 281, J. Mifflin 274, T. DeweII 267, R. M o ore 266, N. Buck 261,e D. AIl1an 260, B. Jack 254 & J. Townson 250. TEAM STANDINGS: B&R Transport 13, Duff's T ow i n g Servi ce 12, W hiîtby Dodge Chrysi1er 10, Don's Spur Service 10, Hookers 10, A&T Motors 10, Tony's mens' Hairstyl ing 9, Miffl ints Barber S h op 8, Shortys &Son Bil11iards 8, Gus Brown Motors 8, Pickering G. S. 6, J. B. McMulIlan Real Estate 6, Mitton Electric 5, Harold Hughes B. P. 5, Royal Hotel 5, & Jimbots Pub 3. CANDY BOWL LEAGUE S EC TI1ON PINFALL: AIl1sorts 6, 623; Gumndrops 6, 1 9 7; Humbugs 6, 497; JetIly Beans 6, 126; L ife- s av e rs 6, 2 67; Mapl e Buds 6, 289; Peppermints 6, 594 & Smarties 6, 122. T RI1P LES OVER 500: B. Childs 716, E. Avison 65 9, D. K e hoe 6 40, H. Moore 621, M. Snoddy 621, M. Farquhar 620, R. Roberts 618, M. Lint- n er 5 81 , S. Goldrick 579, M. McLaughlin 572, Marion Sturgess 568, M. Brooks 562, A. Barker 560, A. Powell 558, G. Sandford 546, J. Pickard 5 39,e D. GoughS531, D. JepmaS531, G. Gale 514, E. Ful1ler 5O07, K. Ferti.le 505, D. Moore 504, J. Laundry 503 & F. Lott 502. HI1GH SiNGL ES:BS. Childs 261, 248, 207; S. Goldrick256; D. Kehoe 253, 222; E. Avison 242, 2 IlI , 206; G. Sandford 240, M. Snoddy 238, 206; R. Roberts 236, 212; A. Barker 235; M. Farquhar 2 26, 21 9;M. Lin t ner 225; J. Pickard 225; H. Mo ore 224, 220; D. Jepma 224; D. Stannett 220; Marion Sturgess 218; G. Gale 215; F. Lott 211; A. P o w ell 21 0; A. Baxter 206; D. Gough 205;M. Brooks 202 & M. Thomas 202. Ladies' Flower League TEAM POINTS: Lit acs 9, Bluebelis 5, Orchids 7, Carnations 9, Violets 6, Peonies 9, Gardenias 6 & Tuliîps 9. H 1G H T RIPLES: Dor is Stannett 567 (243>; Ruth Norr ie 592 (203>; Mary El11iott 820 (246, 289, 285); Mary ArnelI 560 (216); Muriel Mcllwain 603 (222); W iI 1y Po vi nsky 567 (211); Mary Reed 559 (253); Masie Graves 575 (243>; Ruby Lee 553 (213); Marg Pascoe 571 (251). H IGH SINGLES: Ann Henderson 203, Ruth W e atherell1 203, Dor is Wol1owec 213, Marg Mus- tard 294, Marguerite Gibbs 222, Audrey Barton 2 1 2 , S h i rl1ey Ba tton 212, Marg Kul1 ik 212, Gwen B3rear 215. ST. MNNTHE EVANGSI TLEAGIIE HIGH TRIPLES: Dorothy Le Blanc 733 (167, 240, 3 2 6), L en Br o derick 669 (172, 214, 283), Paul Frendo-Cumbo Jr. 663 (171, 258, 234), AIllan Qer- SECTION WINNERS: ScrewballIs: Leonard Myette (c ap taîin), Ceaci1ia Huinink, Phyl1i sGalîlagher, T i Il1 y K i r b y, Chri1s Frendo-Cumbo& Gary De- Simio. WEEK END SPECIALS FromS10 PLUS MILEAGE We pay the GAS124 1 24 Hour Service Let us 'ie 401 King St. W. Oshawa. vouir NIIST,

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