Whitby Free Press, 27 Jan 1972, p. 5

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Thursday, January 27th, 1972, Page 5 WHI TBY FREE PRESS, Resident Offers Council Traffic Advice "FOR THOSE WHO WOULD NOT COMPLAIN DUT LOUD"1 if council1 isnit certain of the where- abouts of Arthur Street, Mr. Russ Wi Ide of 1201 Brock Street South is. 'lit i s the first street turning west, n o rth of the 401 hi ghway," I wrote Mr. W ild e , c oming right to the point in a letter to council. "This street was changed to a one- way street for the safety of children go i ng to K a th leen Rowe School, Il he reminded town fathers, t'and there are now no children from the wvest side of Brook going to that school. Il Besides that, most famili1es 1living in t he s ou thern section must travel in a round-about way to get home, Mr. Wilde explained, elaboratlng that one coming from the 401 or points south must travel n o r th of the park to Trent Street then so u th on Byron, Centre or Henry and south almost to the 401. Suggesting that if Arthur Street must be aonewvay street, it shoul d be changed from Henry to Brock to Brook to Henry, Mr. WilIde ended his letter indicating t ha t h is 1letter was wri tten for "lthose who would not complain out loud". Mr. Wildels suggestionswill be taken up by council's operations committee for examination of the feasibil ity of re- v e r s i ng the present east-west traffi c flowv on Arthur Street. - ed r (*e[1I'IAIi ( Duell Ewing Ab ove Douglas Ewing, Hali!fax, N. S. and Chr istine Duel!, Ajax following their last Saturday evening wedding. Sir; 1IwouId 1like to compl iment you for J im Quail1s story "Good New s or EBa d Ta s te".I strongly disagree with the opinion tha t the news should be censor- e d. It seems that these days every- one must be his own censor, and 1 think that it is imp- ortant that we hear and see as much of the facts as we want. 0f course, if y ou d o.nIt 1like what is being pre- s e n t e d to you by the media, you can always turn it Off. CREDIBILITY GAP_ Do you still bel- i e ve e ve rything thepoliticians tell you ? If c e ns o r s h i p cou Id be imposed i n t h is country, you wNoutd bel ieve them because you wouldn'tbeable to tell the difference betwveen rumour and fact. Rumour and fact, think about it. Most Amn- enicans would still believe in the off- iciai reasoning for their presence in Viî et Nam today if i t wveren't for the pub I ishing of the "1P e n t a gon Pap- e r s.lA n d I wouldn't have bel- i e ved the rumour th at pr isoners wvere being unjust- 1lyexecuted in Viet Nam , ifl1hadn't s e en it mysel fon tel evis ion. Too of ten, the public i n t h is c o unty, even i n th is com- mu niîty have been g iven misleading information to in- fl1ue n ce not only th eir buying hab- its, but also their vo tin g h abit S. Ne ver before has the public needed the tangible proof th e I"free press"I can offer, when- ever i t can. Allan Kirby, WVhiîtby. 'CANDLELIGHT CUISINE' An exciting sertes of Gourmet Demonstrations featuring fresh and elegant food ideas. Thîee Distinctive O emonstrations s Le Déjeuner Elégant A Complete Luncheon Menu for 8.. Presentation of Fine China and Table Setting Ideas. a Theatre Preludo Complete Buffet Menu . * Town and Country 'Brunch' menu from Brennan's, the Famnous New Orleans Restaurant Latest Trends in Floral Arrangements e Cocktails at 7, Dinner at 8 Formai Dinner Menu.:. For Effortiess Entertaining Three Wednesday Evenings February 9th, I6th and 23rd F r om 7:3 0 - 9:3 0 p. m. Reserve Now! Use t h i s registration Presented by the Wonderfue/ Home Service Department formConsaemsureGof y ou r t i ckets. C m n m G $4. 00 Covers the Blue Fiarne Room, 101 Consumera Drive, Whitby, Ontario Camplete Series Mail this registration form taday ~Send to: REGTATNR1 O FO Home Service Departmnent Consumners' Gas NM 101 Consumers Drive NM IWhitby, Ontario Enclosed pleaso find $ ............. 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Miss Renie bullde, tours, ond reduces. your à"CHARGEX". No Contracte - No Stmenuous Exerelslng - Studsnts Ili PR ICI Miss René Figure Salons OSHAWA Swuss Chalet Plaza 579-2231 lmported Ioys Wooden Toys Puppet Tea Set 519-2643 Oshawa Wind -Up Toys Did You GAINl con. Use WHITBY lair Park Plaza 668-9011' IIt oc4fmme 1

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