Whitby Free Press, 27 Jan 1972, p. 4

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Page 4, Thursday, January 27th, 1972, While the general impression of the commun i ty has beén that the present town council would give the green light on construction of the proposed Ross- 1and Roa d m u n icipal-police complex t h i s y e a r, council has made no com- m ittment on municipal headquarters and w iIl proceed with construction of the new police building only. Construction of the new pol i ce bui 1d- in g w i11proceed at a fraction of the tender cost of the originally proposed municipal-police complex on Rossland Road East. Althoughmisgivings were expressed on the $ I. I mil1 lion municipal-police structure, council was unanimous in its agreement to proceed with construction of the police headquarters as a separ- ate unit. Tenders for the combined complex came in over $300, 000 above the arch- itect's estimate. "We made a lot of mistakes in this thing and the b iggest mistake was to turn the present building over to the library and build a new building, " said WHITBY FREE PRESS PLANS FOR ROSSLAND ROAD MUNICIPAL COMPLEX INDEFINITE, BUT NEW POLICE HEADQUARTERS WILL PROCEED AS Councillor Gerald Cox. Summing up his feeling on the orig- inally proposed complex, Deputy Reeve John Goodwin said the two buildings s h o u I d b e separated instead of being a combined complex. "We s houl d p roceed on the police b u i l d i n g and then in future years we maydecide if the other building is nec- essary, " said Reeve Tom Edwards. The popular question of erecting the municipal buildingcloser to the heart of the town was raised by one Councilor, Robert Attersley who spoke in favour of a downtown location. SEPERATE UNIT A down town location could lead to d o w n t o w n redevelopment said Coun- cillor Attersley, arguing that a down- town building wouldalso be less costly. Whi le the council appeared to be s p i t in any kind of agreement on con- s t ru c t ion of a new municipal building for this year, they will retender for the building all the same. "No words committ us, "saidCouncil- I or Dr. Kenneth Hobbs indicating that retendering for the building would cost nothing. Retendering simply gives us a base line if we do build it in future. MILLION DOLLAR DEVELOPER CHARGED $100 FOR 2' BY 4' SIGN BY TOWN Con s olidated Building Corporation wi I l pay $100 for a 2' by 4' sign dir- ecting the way to new home information on the "Meadows of West Lynde" mill- ion dollar subdivision - if they want to advertise on the corner of Dundas West and Cochrane Street, Whitby that is. C. B. C. which original ly wanted town permission for the placing of an 8' by 16 1 s i gn, received permission for the $100-a-year 2'by 4' on a town decision that the latter was adequate. I?01,BROCK STREET NORTH, WRITBY, ONTARIO. PLUMBING DISCOUNT FIXTURES & SUPPLIES Complete Plumbing Supplies and Fixtures DIRECT TO YOU 20% DISCOUNT Long hours to serve you better: Mon-Fri. 9 a.m.- 9 p.m. Sat 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 668-6601 CHINESE FOODS BREAKFAST SPECIAL BACON & EGGS TOAST & COFFEE Only 79c Ad Let Youî k Tate lk Th e " 10% OFF on FREE Home Delivery Pick Up orders FAST Take Out Service SUNLIGHT RESTAURANT AMPLE PARKING AT REAR 116 Dundas St. W. 668-7021 "A 2' by 4' sign to direct people to a subdivision is unthinkable, "said Councillor Dr. Kenneth Hobbs indicat- ing that it was ridiculous to put a 2' by 4' on a lot the size of the C. B. C. sub- division. Perhaps a 2' by 41 is not adequate, but they (C.B. C. ) are in an essentially residential area, challengedMayor Newman. Both an amendment to the motion sug- gest ing tha t Consol idated Building Corp- oration be permitted a 4' by 81 sign and 1Il6 820 ST., S. 1mmrim mu PRESCRIPTION EYEGLASSES, SUNGLASSES, ALL OPTICAL ACCESSORIES - ALL THE LATEST STYLES FROM THE LEADERS IN EYEWEAR FASHION. 13 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA, ONTARIO PHONE 579-1242 KARL A. BLAKOLMER DISPENSING OPTICIAN an amendment to have the matter tabled for renegotiation on sign size were de- feated. Why don't you charge them $1, 000 r e n tal fee?, asked Councillor Hobbs. They'dbe out of their minds to pay $100 for a 2'by 4', and if they're out of their minds, they may as well pay $1, 000, he reproached council. 1ns te ad council decided to concur w i t h a recommendation from the Dep- artment of Public Work s which supported the original $100 rental fee. "Whiteoaks Of Jaina" At the request of our readers the P ub l ic Relations De par tmen t at C. B.C. tel evision s t u d i os has for- w arded p r o m-o t - i on al material on the television ser- i e s , the "White- o ak s of Jalna" to theWHITBY FREE PRESS. The promotional material cover s the series' cast (family tree, etc. ) Anyone interes- ted may pick up a free copy at the "Free Press" of- fice, 301 Byron Street South. * * WI'ITBY-ýHARRISON FUELS UMITED "Your EXAC Dealer" 211 Brock St. S. Phone: 668361 O Pone: 728-4623 OJLawa Centre BEAUTY SALON Oshawa Shopping Contre Oshawa. Ontcario For The Woman Who Cures Spocialiing in Shaping & Styling Open Tusadcry, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Evermings BUTT RADIO &BAPPLIANCES "Your Electrshome, R.C.A. & Panasonic Dealer" 668-3707 118 BROCK ST.S., WHITBY Fý - il 9r 'Tl lýl «ýl 'Ir 'T' 'ýl 'ýl 'il 7r, = Z, 'Z ýz A rIqqmvl MW e '7-w' 7P-' "T' 'r '7ý' ý 'r 7T' :=' -- -- Z Z, ' !. ýÀ, A ddhL, Idl6ý la 1 Il ý 1996-

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