wVHITBY RPCY 9206- WHITBY. ONT FREE (Voice of the County Town) PRESS FREE HOME DEl-IVERV Telephone 668-6111, Thursday, JanLtafy 2Oth, 1972 Volume 2, Nurnber 3. e,« v ~ V .1 IL 1;' /1 i I I THE S TORY 0F IN VERL YNN a a a u1m * Council doesn't give a 'hoot' about the storm victims says an editoîial..page 2. '0 Local sports, hockey & Iast weekend's Bosch Invitational, Pages 8 & 9. Looking tor a Whitby home? See the Fiee Press classitied sectiooPages 10 & I .........*.. .. Friday, Satunday and Sunday \/vi 1be modenately coldci Chance of snow on flurnies on b o thFnîd a y and Saturday. Much-1mil1den Sundaywvith a c ha n ce of rnaiîn. Tempen.a- t urne s Fniday a nd Saturday: L ow 's ne anr 20, hîghs in the 30's. Sun - lv's.02h a inside 1 -"ý ýqý 'vý ý ýý ýý ýB ujýwlf MM'à ý f,ý ý ý m»mý ýw ýmâl ýl Ment mi a a a a 1 a 1% ât ai , -.Ammm6mmblý AR ý - a a . a 1 Un iil a ( a m 1-