Whitby Free Press, 25 Nov 1971, p. 5

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, November 25th, 1971, Page 5 PARKING REINSTATED ON DUNDAS WEST THE PROS VERSUS CONS The pros and cons of Dundas Street W e st parking w e re equal Iy strong in counci I debate on Monday night, but after an arbitrary airing of bath, the pros won out, and parking excepting during 4:30 to 6:30 p. m. wiI11 be reinstated by by- Iaw on Dundas West. Businesses would, suffer Cal lingon council'Isresponsibility ta the town "ta do the best you can for the comrnunity"l, Merchant Associa t ion Presi dent Joe Ottenbnite, said that if the b an on p ar king continued on1 Dundas, Many businesses wvould suffer and per- haps even relocate. Representing a deputat ion of about 25 merchants, Mr. Ottenbnite explained that complaints were not only'comiflg from the business people along Dundas b ut f rom residents as weII1, since the completion of street reconstruction. Cox oredicts future problems Council1lor Geral dOox, s pe ak în g from his experience as traffic committee chairman, opposed the bid for on-street p ark ing on Dundas and warned council1 that Dundas Street is the only east-west arteril road betwveen the 401 and Ross- land Road. The road has created a bat- tleneck situation at times he said, add- ing that if the parking wvere reinstated, there wouîd be real problems in a year's time. C o un c i1lor Kenneth Hobbs said he w ou 1 d be prepared to concur wi îth the return of the parking, but only if there GALS!4 have you beon noiced lotely ? If Miss René' bas the. onswor. Get shape now for flt ond winter foshi< were restrictions during rush hours. In strong favour of parking for Dun- das, Reeve Tom Edwards advi sed coun- cil ta have a very careful look at "1what we are doing toour people". Suggesting the town staff report where special study was needed duning the no parking per- i o ds, the Reeve rem inded counc il that "lthere are stili1 viable businesses in the downtowvn area we have ta, support. White opposed "lThere a re 7,00people com ing in with the new subdivisi on", warned Coun- ci 1lor Whi te. That road cost this munici- pal ity $550, O00Oand if you thi nk by put- ting cars back on the street youtre going ta rejuvenate the downtown core', youtre crazy. The only way the downtown can be helped is if the mérchants wiII help th e ms elves, but they donit want ta do that. Il CouncilIlor White referred ta the mot- ion ta reinstate parking on Dundas as a "lpahitical gimmick"l. Council1lor Vernon MacCarl, as r v 20 to drests ize 14 Sim.ifesevings On, other short trms pvogroms. Why $ion'- up j2 t. <itessize 16 fer 2 or 3 y.ovs when you con met yeur resuftu et Mis& Rn.'. ln much shortertime.. .. .. .. No Oonfracfs - ne Strsnuious, Exeroisimg - Sfudes i ItPRIGE Mis eéFigue Salons' OSHAWA Swims Chalet PIcke 579-2231 WHITBY Viri Park Plaza 668-9011 spokesman for the operations committee w ho recommended the motion said that the committeels recommendation was not based on politics, and onîfy came after much study was made in the Dundas area. M o re support f or the motion came f r arn Counc i I1lor Heber Down who sai1d t hat some of the Wh!itby merchants had been paying business tax ta the town for "lyears and years. IlI wviI11 support Mr. MacCarils motion, and arn in sympathy wl th the merchants who share with us the municipaîity, Il he said. Mayor offers key Perhaps Mayor Newman had the key ta the camplex problem when he said that aîthough there were parking lots in the downtown core, none of them were real I y exposed ta Dundas Street. If people cauld see them as they drove by, theywavuld not sa easily fail1 into the c hoiîc e o fdriv-ing straight through ta someplace else. Mr. Newman, sympathetic ta the mer- chantis cause because, 'Il think they are Gant inued on Page '7. RE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT VOTE ONTARIO FORM 405 P RO0C LAM A TIO N THE MUNICIPALITY 0F THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY Amnalgamated Area Public noice is hereby given, ttiat In accordance with the provisions 0f The Uiquor Licence Act, ani in pursuance of a by-law passed by the municipal council of the said Municipality on the 27th DAY 0F SEPTEMBER I require the presence of the voters at the MUNICIPAL BUILDING of tme sald Municipality of the Town of Whitby IAmalgamatd Areal On the 2Oth DAY 0F NOVEM BER, 1971 at one o'cîock in mhe afternoon, Standard Time, at which tUme I will announce the names o1thme persons appolntedl to act for the Affirmative and formte Negative respectively upon the poil to be held under Section 72 of The Liquor Uicence Act, upon mhe fQlowing question(s): ARE YOU IN FAVOUR 0F THE ES- ARE YOU IN FAVOUR 0F THE AU. ARE VOU IN FAVOUR 0F THE SALE AR YOU IN FAVOUR 0F THE SALE *TABUSNMkENT 0OF GOVEAMMAENT THORIZATION 0F ONTARIO WINE O F BEER ONLY UNDER A PUBLIC O F BEER ONLY UNDER A PUBLIC *STORES FOR THE SALE 0F BEER STORES FOR THE SALE 0F NOUSE LICENCE FOR CONSUMP- HOUSE LICENCE FOR CONSUMP- mONLY FOR RESIDENCE CONSUIdP. ONTARIO WINE ONLY FOR RESI. TION ON LICENSED PREMISES TOM TION ON LICENSED PREMISES TO LIOON [ MPTION? WIHWMNARE AOMITTEO7 HC MNONYARE AOMITTEO? ARE YOU IN FAVOUR 0F THE SALE MM O f BEERI ONLY UNDER A PUBLICM ARE YOU IN FAVOUR 0F THE SALE [ ARE YOU IN FAVOUR 0F THE MHOUSE UCENCE FOR CONSUMP. 0F BEER ANDO WINE ONLY UNDERM SALE 0F LIQUOR UNDER A DINING ARE YOU IN FAVOUR 0F THE SALE * ION ON LICIENSEO PREMISES TOM A F DININO ROOM LUCENCE FOR CON- LOUNGE LIC ENCE FOR CONSUMP- O F LIOUOR UNDER A LOUNGE *WHICH 801H bMEN AND WOMEN SUMPTION ON LICENSED PREMISES TION ON LICENSEO PREMISES WITH LICENCE FOR CONSUMPTION ON MYBE AOMITTEO WNETHER BING- WITH FOOD AVAILABLE? FO VAILBLE? LICENSEO PREMISES? LY OR ESCOR'TEOI And further, that for the purpose of revising the list of voters, as directed by mhe Chief Election Dficer, I shahl be at my office at THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING,- .405 DUNDAS STREET WEST, WHITBY on THE 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, and 27th DAYS 0F NOVEMBER, 1971 betwveen the following hours: -10:00 a.m. and 12:00 o'clock noon -4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.mi. And notice is further given that mhe vote wili be taken upon the same question(s) in the manner provided by law at a poilita be opened on the FOURTH DAY 0F DECEMBER, 1971 from mhe hour of 8:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. (Standard Time) at the following places: Palln9Staicon No. 1: Located ai the restdence Oi Mr. Chester Lee. one-hall mode mesi of te lrd 0Whitby Town Limit, Nortir ide of Higirway n2 PoliIng Sub.Disriaton Ho. l-Boundaey: Comprrsing tire mhole ai tire Brokren Frontais anti 2ntiConcessions West of the Town of Whiity anti 3rti Con- cession cesi of the centre limeofa Cochrane Street, Poling Stations, No, 2, 3, 4, 5 andi B: Localed ailrthe Dr. RobertTirornion Public School niuante ai Scott Street anti Hazelwooti Roadin tire Town of Whilby. Poiing Sub-DîiIioe, No. 2, Boundaey: Coaprsing ihal part of the former Township of VWhiby in tire Broken Front Concession and Concession f siuaied nasr ni the former Tows of Whirîby, nase anti nocepi thenrih haloas oi Lois 18 anti 19, Concession i oi the sardîTiownship, Poiing Sub-Dinision No. 3, Boundary: Coniprising ihai part aifrire formner Townsip of Whirîby boundeti on tire nnîiir by lire centre ion ni Rossiand Road. on ihe ceai Sp ire centre lin oi Carraîti Finat. on rire soufir by rire centre linof igircay #2; anti on tire nasi Sp lire easierly liainiflire sai Townsip. Pofing Sub-Oivlsion No. 4, Boundary: Coaprising thiaIpart ni lin iorrnair Townsip ni Whirby comiiencngait ire Junclion oi Hîghcay #2 andtihie e.iirerly lîmîf niflire saîi former Towe- sip irence wealnrly along ihe centre in ni Hîgiray #2 ta Scott Street, tirence noriirerly along ire centre fine ai AtoltiStreertaoMMnning Rd., fronce wnstnrly along tire centre ineofn Manning Roati to tire cesterly îtiraio Loi 19, Concession 2, tirence soutirer- y atoîg lire cesterly tirmît of Lai 19 ta thre soutircesi angle ni tire nortir iraIt ai Loi 19, Concession 1, fronce easterly olong tire Bonis liait oi tire north haines oi Lots 19 anti 18, Con- cession 1Iotatire easterly irait ni tire saîd Township, fronce nortirerly along tire easterly lrmit ni sai Tomnsip ta Higircoy #2. PotIing Sub.Oîvtao,1 No. S, Boundarit: Comprîsîng ailtirhat pari of tire former Townsirip bonnted on tire nortir by tire centre fine oi Rossant Rond an tire ceai by tire cesterly liait oi Lai f9, Concession 2. f0 Manning Road, tirence easterly alono lire centre finn ni Manning Road ta Scott Strent anti sootirerly alang tire centre ise oi Scott Streer fa Hîgircay a?: on tire Soth bytire centre ine ni Hircay #2. anti on tire nasi S lire confie fine ai Garrarti Rond, Pottîng Sub-Dtiiion Ne. 6, Boundary: Comprising tire îrole ni Lots 20 atnd 2f andtihie narlir mIses oi Lois 22. 23, 24, Concession 2 niflire former Townsirip oi Whiriby Pettîng Station No. 7 ai lire Sinclair Public Sciroof. situiSte on Taunton Rtd n Part oi Lot 23, Concession 4. in tire TomsniWhitirp Potting Suir-Olision No. 7, Boundary: Coaprising lire irole of tire 3rd anti tir Concessions nasi niflire centre ine 0iHigirwopai?2 Poling Station No. B8aitlira Meadow- crest Publc Scirool, situate on Vîponti Rond ni Montgomery Avenue. Brook- lin, Ontario. Potting Sub-Dtvîaion No. S,Ocundary: Comprisînig tire4tir anti 5fr Conces- sions ceai ai tire centre inenofai-ir cap No. 12 andtihie 3rti Concession tram tire centre lime oi Higircnp #12 cent to tire centre finn ni Cacirrane Street Poling Stations No. 9S&B10lit IBrook- lin Communiîy Centre, sîtunte ai tire intersection oi Cassels Ronti East anti Cirurcir Street. roirfin. Ontario, Poiliing Suir-Dinîsion No. 9, Boundary: Comprîsîno an area nr Lofa 23 anti 24 n tire 6fr Concession boontieti Sp tie centre fine ofni Hgircap i2on tire norlir wesi, bp t3ueen Si. on tire east anti Counlp Roati No. 3 on tire soutir Potttng Suir-Dînision Na. 10. Boundary -Compîîsîng tire choIe aiflire Sur and 7in Concessions nasi ai Inn centre fine ofni lgirwap 0t2asdtihie wirnle ni tire Sur Concession nasr ni tire centre ai tire roati anti iigircay belween Lots 22 anti 23. Pottlng Station No, Il ai Brooktin Royal Canadien Legion Hait, sîtuate on Baldinî anti Campbell Stpets. Brookin. Ontario, Pollng Sub-Olvision No. 11, Boun- tiary: Coaprîsîng tire (iri anti 7tir Con- cessions west anti sari ni tire centre lineofaiHigircay #12, Capbell anti Vîponti Streets andti irir projections,. anti cent of tire ceslerly liait of Lot No. 25 irom tire protection ai Vîpooti Street soutirerlp te tire centre fine of Hîgircnp #7. Poli m Station No. 12 aI Meadow- croit Publie Sciroot, siuate on Vîponti Roati ai Montgomery Avenue, Brooir- lin. Ontario. Poîing Sub-Divislon No. 12, Boun- dary: Comprîaing an arno le Lots 23 anti 24 in tire Sur Concession bounet on tire soutir by tire centre fine oi Higirwnp #7, on tire cesiSp tire cestertp timît 0f Lot Na. 25, on tire nortir p tire centre fine of Campbell anti Vipont i Sreets andti irir projec- lions anti on tire nasi Sp tire centre lise ai Higircap 012. PotIing Station No. 13 aI Myrila Coin- munity Hait, sîfoate en Part oi Lot 2f. Concession B.in tire TowenifWiritby Polting Sub-Oivlilon No. 13, Boue. darp: Comprîsîng lire 8fr and ti urCon- cessions nasi oi tire westerly fiait oi Loi No.24. Poiting Station No. 14 ai Burns Pres- irylerian Cirurcir, situate un Conces- sion 8. pari of Loi 27 in tire Village of Asirburs Poling Sub-Division No. 14, Boun- deugy: Coaprîsîng tire 81h and9ur Con- cessions westoth ie weslerlp liait of Lot No. 24. And further that at THE TOWN 0F WHITBY, MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 405 DUNDAS STREET WEST, WHITBY On THE 6th DAY 0F DECEMBER at the hour of 12 noon (Standard lime) I shaîl open the ballot boxes, add up the votes given upon the said question, or questions and declare the result of the said vote in the said Munîcipality of which ail persons are hereby required to take notice and govern themseîves accordingîy. Given under my hand at THE TOWN 0F WHITBY THIS FIFTEENTH DAY 0F NOVEMBER, 1971 G0D SAVE THE QUEEN Eoery persan Wwi îillp lydestirys. injures or oblîlerain r , f causesta Li-rie topîiId. inîurod ni 0Sf iterarlit a Wrît ai Electior,, Fir-rure tir a Wrît of EIle viii Poil Boîok, Lit ni VoI-irs, Piiiliiiq LuAf Crrtiicate or Aifidavil, or olier documeont or appoi oale .îrpi.t iiir ra.t cii iii ini t iii i andof a icorroptipr.îlice and onisri-uiiriacoitioilini15liatili-lIoiarfii-ortinit niaiî-tliîiri $000 WILLIAM H. WALLACE' RETURNiNG ODFfICER w z ONTARO0 1-A ýý Lkp, o4motce:

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