'-.Page 10, Thursday, November 25th, 1971, WHITBY FREE PRESS MUNROy CUSHING QUALI FY FOR FINALS in dunlop bonspiel W h itby-Four teams have now quaili- fied for the quarter-finals of the Ontario D unilop Invi ta tional Bonspiel at the Whitby Curling Club. Bruce Munro Stili Undefeated Defending Champion Bruce Munro of Toronto Terrace stretched his Dunlop w i n ning streak to nine games over two yearsby defeating Bill Lewis of Kings- t on 7 - 5, Doug Macl n tyre of Toronto D ixie 8-3 and Bill Creber a former D unlIop Champion of Toronto Royals, 8-7. 1In the final s against Creber, Munro and hi steam of Bob Hol i ngshead, Gord Cavanagh and Ray Burton di spilayed sup- erb shotmak ing. Munro himsel f, consi s- tentlyhad the pressure on Creber, ex- ecuting precis ion come-arounds and hi t &rolls. With aIl who watched this game hemustnow be a favourite to retain the t i t l e o f this bonspiel which he gained Iast season. Tom Cushing Tom Cushing with Bob Morrow third, K e i th Munro second and Dave PhiIllips 1lead, de fe ated Bob Denny of Stroud 10 -7; f o rmer Canadian Champion AIf P hi 1Il ips Jr. of Toronto Terrace 9-5, and Lou Ross of Annandale 8-6. With th e se t hree wins, Cushing of Toronto Terrace has joined Bruce Munro Ted Cl arke of Humber Highl and and Ted Brown of K ings ton Cataraqui in the main event finals to be played Saturday, Dec- ember 4th. QuaI1 ifying for the third event final w ere Lou Ross and Bih1 Creber. Ross defeated Ian Auld of Royals and Frank Ne i Ibert of Kitchener; Creber downed JimWaiteof St. Thomas and Dave Sal- mon of Avonlea. Sloane Sargent of Dixie and Jim WVaite both return in the fourth event, winning two games each. Footnote -A Family Affair; Brothers, Fathers, Sons. Bruce Munro is the younger brother of Keith Munro who plays sec- ond for Tom Cushing. Tom is the older brother of John Cushing, Iead for the CI arke rink. Dave Phil11ips, Cushing's 1lead i sthe younger brother of AIlfie Jr. and their father is AIf Phil11ips Sr. Lou Ross is the father of John, third on Aif Ph i1iips Jr. ' s team. To add to the con- fusion, Gary Munro second on the Buchan rink is the youngest of the Munro broth- e rs. Às you can see, if someone men- tions Munro, Pl-ill1ips, Cushing or Ross, and the subject is curling, it would be wise to get a first .m. . . Mercury Outboards. The best reason to buy our Snowmob«iles. When you have a reputation, like Mercury, for building the world's finest outboards, you settle for nothing less with everything else you make. That's why ail Mercury Snowmobiles-Hurricane, Lightning and Rocket-have s0 many exciting features. Like Mercury Thund-,rbolt ignition, a capacitor-discharge system for sure cold-weather starts. Like the injection-molded Lexan cowl, con- sidered stronger than any other plastic at sub-zero temperatures. Like our "spoiler" windshield that 14akegYourin NORTH BROCK MO (now 2 toc L516 Brock St. N.& 507 Brock St. N. directs the elements up and over the driver's head. And our completely rubber-mounted engine that provides a vibration-free ride. When you have a reputation to live up to., you have to do a lot of things the others don't and won't. So stop in at your local Mercury Snowmobile Dealer. See the Merc Hurricane, Lightning and7 Rocket. The oe with eputaion. Kekhaefer Morcury/Oîvîsion 0f Brunswick Corp./ Fond du Lac, Wîs,/CanadaLtd./Australia Pty. Ltd. liup on îiVerc. ITOR SALES LTD. %ations) 668-9112 Whitby Ont DEFENDING CHAMPIMYNrBRULCE*fMUNRO -ON THE ROAD TO SUCCESS .AGAIN THIS YEAR Soccer News The Wh itby Mi nor Soccer Association ,vvill be holding a meeting on Saturday, November 27th at 10 a. m. in the Whitby Arena. A note of interest coming from a rec- ent meeting regarding playing soccer on Sunday, has l ed the execut ive to conf irm that there wil11 be no games scheduled for this day, and the Ontario Minor Soccer Association wil I be so informed. [ For cIasslfied aétion, CA LL "6W6 lW'HA UL 24 hîs. 7 days a wk. DEARBORN SHELI 1603 Dundas St. E. 728-1849 NOW OPEN in WHITBY Repairs to ail makes We specialize in colour service Component Stereo Sales. fflmmà mmmmwmwmý