Page 12) Wednesday, August Ilth, 1971, WHITBY FREE PRESS HANDICAPPED CONSTRUCT BRIDGEÉ Lets go,. Fred Beckett of the Whitby Recreation Department off icial ly opens theSomerset Park bridge. The bridge was buMi by t en perceptually handicapped children from the Oshawa- Whitby area. 1 -. Local Jobs ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN ~~4 Enjoy the water safely by Iearning SURVIVAL SWIMMINGU 00 0 000 0 0 0000 0 00 0CUTOUTHERE 0*S00SS*&O0*419S0000S0O0 RESCUE BREATHING (MOUTH-TO-MOUTH) THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY+ Start immediately: The sooner you start, the greater the chance of success. Open airmay by lifting neck with on* hand end tilting the hbud bock with the other hand. Pinch nostrils to prevent air leakage. Maintain open airway by keepîng the neck *levated. SeaU your mouth tightly around the victim's mouth and blow ini. The victim's chest should rise. E E E. Remove mouth. Releise nostrils. Listen for air escaping f rom lungs. Watch for chest to fal. A vacancy exdsts for a fully exper- i e n ced electronic technician to work on electronic devices and do trouble- shooting. Prospective applicant must have a knowledge of tapes and colour tv. Rate $100 to $125 per week. NURSE, GENERAL DUTY Urgently required is agraduate regis- tered nurse to work in a nearby nurs- ing home. $28. 00 per day. STATIONARY ENGINEER Aniother vacancy exists for a certif ied third cl ass stationary engineer to op- erate gas and coal f ired bolIers. Rate is $3.51 Per hour Plus shift bonus. HOUSEKEEPERS There are a number of vacancies 1 isted wlth the Canada Manpower Centre for housekeepers, Iaundry helpers and waitresSeS with varlous employers at various rates of pay. SALESPERSON, PARTS An o p e n i n g exists for an auto parts Counterman experienced in GMC auto parts. Starting rate is $ 100 per week. The CANADA MANPOWER TRAIN ING Program has seats aval able for clilents who can qual ify and are interested in the following courses - business equip- ment servicing, refrigeration and air conditioning and welder fitter. F or f u r t h e r information regarding these and other job opportun it les, con- tact your Canada Manpower Centre at 9 42 - 1273 in Ajax, or 728-4631,ý 600 King Street East, in Oshawa. e e e " REPEAT LAST THREE STEPS TWELVE TO FIFTEEN TIMES PER MINUTE.e " IF AIR PASSAGES ARE NOT OPEN: Check neck and head positions, CLEAR mouth ande " throat of foreign substances. lu For infants and children, cover entire mouth and nose with your mouth. Use smail puffs *of air about 20 limes per minute. *USE RESCUJE BREATHING when persons have stopped breathing as a resuît of: DROWNING, *CHOKING, ELECTRIC SHOCK, HEART AUTACK, SUFFOCATION and GAS POISONING. * Don t give up. Send someone for a doctor. Continue until medical help *arrives or breathing is restored. es**,* 000 000CUTOUTHERE 004 00 0000 060000 UNE EVBg PRCE I UNBELIEVABBLE SAVINGS