Page 8, Wednesday, July l4th, 1971, WHITBY FREE PRESS N~EWMA I,+ n Portrait (eontinued f rom page 5) man who does not fully understand his point of view."I "Th area of my difference in opinion vi t h him e xt ends back to his role of O. A. P. A. D. 'S chai rman, where I found him brilliant in urban ideas, but some- tiries guit1ty of tunnel-vision. "l your hydro ' Whitby'Public Utilities Commission 128 r3rock St. South, Whitby, Ont. 668-5878 "'Hawever, a man who puts a town, and the welfare of its people ahead of h is ow nf am il1ylife, has tbecom- mended."I "There has always been a Whitby but he has decidedly put the town an a better position on the map. "l "I1 must aisa, add that he is perhaps one of the brightest sparks in the Osh- awa-Whitby area in many years." Reeve Tom Edwards Perhaps the closest public figure ta Mayor Newman here at home is Reeve Tom rE-dwards. Mr. Edwards*sums up h is ap p raisal ofthe Whtby Mayor in this way: "t1 think he has been the greatest single influence on the Town ofWhitby since Peter Perry. He is probably the most dedicated, consci entiaus, able and infurating persan 1 know. lt's unfartunate that he chose ta re- side in a smaili twn because there simpiy isn't the scope for his abun- dant talents in aur cammunity. 1 fre- quently despair at the extent of his imagination and drive, but Ilm very giad that VVhitby was the recipient af his iiveiy imagination."I "'if 1 accompiish no more in life, 1 can aiways dlaim that 1 was Des Newman's back up man. "l Des Newman is "the Peter Perry Perrys are rare - and a hait apart. often referred ta as of his day"l..-. Peter they corne a century -IBLACK'S1" 1 e SEMI - ANNUAL STORE WIDE SALE BIGGER AN D BETTE R e save 14 to a 1/2 and MORE On Blacks Spring and Summer selection of coats, suits, dresses, pant suits, shorts, tops, pants, blouses~. a Shop now and take advantage of thie8e extra savings. 72 SIMCOE ST. N. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OPEN ALU DAY WEDNESDAY j Mon. to Sat. 9 - 6 p.m. Fri. 9 - 9 p.rn. Acknowledgement Aspecial note of gratitude ta Mr. New- man's secretary, Mrs. Verna Roberts for her kind assistance during the writ- 1fl9 of this article. Photos, courtesy Bill Stannett, Whitby WE CHOOSE TO STAY NEUTRAL Tempted as wNe might be to retort ta theeditor of another Whitby newspaper whosits down and writes himself nasty letters, we choose ta remain neut- rai. Sawethank the authors of letters ta the edi tar in our mail box this week, but must refrain from using thern, on the grounds they may incriminate som ebody el se. The Free Press recei ved three such 1letters (w ith s ignatures , and at your d is- posai) in response*ta that nasty letter. Pardon -two letters and one phone cal1. The Whitby Free Press w1" advise the other newspaper, however, that the contents of those letters received are notexactly flattering ta them. Most es- pecially, a mistiff from a lady about an unpaid bill. Yaou say y ou 1re a new "lboy 1, Mr. Editor. Then perhaps you don't know about the upcoming County Town Car- nival, during whiçh people from ail over Canada and the United States wi 11 be in VVhitby. Some of these good people wiIi undoubtedîS' be taking back local'news- papers as momentous of the event. Corne on nowv fellows, let's be adult about this and show them that Whitby's 1 -- mmý