Time to> start agarde Each s-pring, millions of recre- ational gardeners across the country enjoy the process of planting, nurtur- mng and harvesting. Whatever your age and whether your garden is a windowbox filled with herbs, a large vegetable patch or a bed of colorful flowers, the person- ai satisfaction of gardening can be immense. And, as we become more aware of the importance of preserving, proteet- ing and replenishing our naturai resources, the benefits - and the necessity * of maintaining a harmo- nious relationship with nature are also increasingly evident. According to The Earth Works Group, publishers of 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save the Earth, there are a variety of ways in which home gardeners can have a positive environmental impact. Below are some of the examples cited in the book: e Lawns are routinely overwatered Morn's the uword!. Hey, Whitby' Tell us about your mom. The Whitby Downtown Business Improvement Area wants 10 help you celebrate Mother 's Day by taking the first special woman in your life out to brnch, courtesy of the BIA and down- town WVhitby's restaurants. Just tell us, in approximately 150 words (that is, one letter size page double spaced), -What my mother means to me." The winners wili get 10 treat mom to brunch on Mother's Day (May 8) at one of downtown Whitby 's fine restaurants. Winners wili also have their motherly feel- ings published in the May issue of Your Downtown on a special Mother's Day page. Just mail your entry to My Mom, c/o Whitb, BIA, P.O. Box 254, Whitby, Ontario LI1N 5S1. Entry deadline is April 22. The contest is open bo kids of ail ages. A panel of experts will look over ail the entries and pick the winners. FANTASTIC STYLES FOR THE WOMAN WHO WANTS TO SET THE FASHION PACE -NOT FOLLOW THE CROWD INTRODUCING OUR FABULOUS SPRING & SUMMER COLLECTIONS FROM: *MURA EUROPEAN FASHION DESIGNS eBOGATO - DUE PER DUE * LOUBEN " GALINDA " SUSAN BURROWS and more! COLOR ME BEAJUL BOUIIUE OSMar St56m (Pearson Lnes) %ff666-5547 See the home front a chÏild's by 20 to 40 per cent. You can do more damage than good by overwa- tering. Avoiding overwatering can save up 10 12 per cent - some 50 gallons per week - of a homeown- er's water usage during the course of the spring and summer. e By choosing the right plants, you can provide na:uralfood and shelter for wildlife. In fact, you cari attract specific birds and animais 10 your garden by including certain plants. For example, hummingbirds like red morning glories and butterflies are attracted 10 brightly-colored fiow- ers in full sunlight. e Oveer trne, trees can remove large quantittes of carbon dsoxidefrom the aimosphere. Planîing -100 million urban trees would reduce carbon dioxide emissions in North America by some 18 million tons and energy consumption by 40 billion kilowatt- hours (worth $4 billion) annually. If you'd like 10 plant a tree but don't know how 10 go about il, con- tact a local nursery, horticuiturai society, arboretum or botanicai gar- den. You are sure to find experts who are eager to assist you in doing your part for the environment. METAL BUNK BEDS ~ Reg 2w sale 599~ Red or WMft PERIGO ~9 ITALY ELEGANTE fom 3399 Baby Shack *Kids Si 6_66-3767 2006 149 en=K ST. NOMT CpeMSw pace hod., Ua& :M pn o.olpJmI ai..efu 19 Boum m Il - - _Lý 1 - 1 . Au perspective If «"accident-proofing" your covers and plugs should be home is a priority home-improve- mnstailed where necessary. mient project, KinderGard wants 10 *Bathroom - Instaîl a thick, help. spongy bathtub spout cover 10 help This 20-year-old company spe- prevent head injuries and a liquid cializing in child protection, has crystal thermometer is a must to published a guide for home safety, measure water temperature easily. called Safechild, for new parents "KinderOard's child protection and grandparenîs. Il recommends products are superior-design, they gel down on ail fours to actu- premium-quaiity products; made of ally see what dangers lurk in their engineering-grade thermopiastics. little ones' worlds aI eye level, the They last longer than inferior, flim- way they see it. sy, loy-grade Asian plastics," says When your baby begins pulling KinderGard's marketing manager. up, crawling or becomes a toddler, "That 's why they work better. parents and grandparenîs should Then, your home cari be a place for consider the foliowing 10 accident- your youngsters to play, explore proof their homes for peace of and discover safely." mind: Free for asking, KanderGard's *Kitchen - lnstalling cabinet and Safechild bookiet is available by drawer latches helps prevent unnec- sending a stamped, self-addressed essary poisoning. envelope 10 KinderGard, Dept. *Bedroom - To prevent electrical MM4, 2154A Chennault, Carolîton, shocks or burns, elecîrical oullet Texas 75006-5022. Mar