IHeifer offers more thanLM0!_ Lvi mof W'uI traclitional pub fare If you haven't visited downtown Whitby's ncwest pub, the Heifer and [tie Half Pint, you owe it to yourself to check it out, Not only will yoù find a traditional pub atmosphere, you will disco v er s ome great food at great pnces. Adriani and, Nancy Downs have retently op ened the Heifer and the Haif Pint after a spending a number of montbs looking for a suitable location. They found it at the Prospect of Wbitby. "'We visited the Prospect several times and found it a beautiful place in a good location," says Adnian Downs. 'We aisci saw tliere were areas where we. could improve." Downs is, a graduate of George Brown College and has worked in the food industry for 14 years. "Most recently, I've been working for a pub chain and going into various locations to help turu business around," Downs says. "After doing [bat for six years, I feit it was time to put the [ime and effort into my own pub rather than making somneone else moncy." Nancy Downs also bas extensive experience in [lie food service industry. The first order of business when [the Downs took over [the Whltby pub was to change the nam e. Downs explains lie felt i[* was best to star[ fresli with a new naine especially if [bat naine rcflectcd traditional pubs of Great Britain. "My wife and I collect cow para- phernalia. We bave always found them very funny so we knew [bat it liad to be part of thie naine," Down.s says. ",As for [lic otlier part, we have a two-and- a-half ycar old daughtcr whom we cal 'the half pint.' That is [lhe story bebind our naine." Tbe nex[ step for Downs was [o make his pub different fromi other pubs. "We have [tie largest.selettion of draft beer In Durhamn Region, but we feel our food is wha[ makes us differ- cnt."9 Downs draws on bis experience in fine dining restaurants to make thé food be offers at the Heifer and tlie Haif Pint. He uses fresb herbs in mak- ing dressings, Frenchi fries are band cut and "*we even cut and fry our own nacho chips," lie says. "People bave a misconception about pub food," explains Downs. "In Britain, pubs are famnous for offering good food at reasonable prices. That is my aim. To let people know [liere is great food bere." The prices at [lie Heifer and [the Haif Pint are indeed excellent. Everything on [lie menu is priced under $7 and [lie pub offers a varie[y of çlaily lunch spe- cials in the $4.95 [o $6.95 range. Downs says that starting in January, [lie Heifer and Uic Haif Pint will also be offening $4.99 businessinan's lunch specials. He guarantees, "We will serve great lunches real fast." m.. The Heifer and the Haif Pint is licensed for 200 people. The pub is divided into two sec- tions. There is a rooni where pub patrons will find dar[ boards, a pool table, big screcn TV and 3 ive entertainmnr on 4 ~ Fridays and Saturdays. ~L The other side is sui[cd for enjoying thie conipa- ny of faznily or frlends, "where you can have a drink or sonctliing to cat in a quicter, lcss bec- tic a[niosphere." The pub also offers smoke-free mras during peak dlning hours. Cail [lie Heifer and [tie Haif Pint [o find out about group bookinigs. OUR ALREADY DUSCOUNTED PRICE ON ALL CHIRISTMAS LIGHTS CHRISTMAS CARDS SU. WRAP DECORATIONS, ORNAMENTS, GUFT BOXES GooD) CHRISTMAS STUFF AT GREAT PRic