Paldng ltap-roblem hi nýdowntownWhitbyI h may n«t always bc «aM to find a pakig spot when yoe need one, but parkin in downtown Whitby offers consum a varioty of on-stxe and off-stoeet facilities to ýallow you to take advantage of the retails ,sabihmns and ser vices in the downtown area. dmtoa , thmeae a total of 596 paring spaces in the' downtown core. Municipal L parking lots cam accommodate 351 vehicles, while parkting wmutr account for - 245spots .. There arc twoý differet type of paring Nuer. Forty-two of theniallow for pai*ng Là up to 160 miinilte and the remaining 203 have an 80-minut un limit. he rate for ail meters is $1 fer 80 minutes and hours of operaton arc from Monday to Fziday flome[ 9 a.m to 6 pm Weekends and holidays are, Mmbee are a total of six municipal parking lots in Whitby's downtown core. Ail lots OP e -atem from 8 am to 6 p.m from MondayE to Friday, and cary a rate of 25 cents per hour of parkring. Weckends and holidays arc exccpted hrm the above regultons. T»o of the lots - one au .... the corner of Coîbomne and Grcen streets and one off Byron St., betwcen Mary and Elm sceus - have a capacity for 89 vehicles cach. 1hm paring lot off Peny St, just south of Mary St. bas 82 -------- parking spaces. The lot off Green St. south of Coibomn Su., holds 50 vehicles. GLSERT ST- la lot at uhe coxner cf lm mnd Byron sureets has a capacity of 23 vehicles. The_____ smallest municpal parking faCillty Î isR 81EET locatedl at the intersection of Coiborne md Byron streets mnd can accommrodate 18 Vehicles. Ail but dma Colbom Su.-Byron St. lot NEWMAN en- have handicapped parking spaces. Lesed puring is avaibk* in ail sections of the downtown core. LIIIIL- LI III1111 II ST. JOHN1 STREET ... r-.......r-i r L2à rr K L LJ~LI w ~i~I continued from page 21 RaSuTAURANT aiud PASF000OUTLTS EARL ovr DuREAM DzmN 227 Brock St S. 666-2211 0c-GO PMa a ue 701 Owdas St. W. 668-871 Goum DRAGON COUR 118 Duncbs st w. 668428 O«» GAIE RESWfoeRM 103 Sock st S. 6S>.2222 Kunuoe FRE mm Ml1 Dun1bs St. W. 668480 ica 990=mo M Q&MM St. E,. #12 66-8039 PEAnSwwS FM Damin 10315EVStW. 430-7870 PIMuoee lm etockst W. 666-950 PMA, N90 113 SrMi St S. 430-8»S PM&i PMU 315 Cuncb St L. 666-M0 PJes RESTrAURAN 315 IroCk St S. 668-7151 RAiNDN RESTAURANTr 163 Stock St N. 66-9069 701 0Unds St W. 666-9632 1100Uoc St. N. 66-4859 118 Ath(i St 666-3366 TaE CENTREi CAPE Cowm Suou 2M 0WidasSt W.. 9 103 430-1572 TEE Lmo a TME UNICoEN 112 Co«tMs St E. 666-3034 TMs 0w Cousr T&A ROOu 124 AtOlSt 668-577 Tum Paom'uc op Wurei 101 ary St W. 66600m3 201 CunM$S tW. 6-5653 601 OUftkSt SW. 666880 Ar=BSOB RPAI 111 Oundas St W. 666-1228 Lou= Msuc CLurc 126) DUIC. St W. 668-4711 106 Coboanw St E. 430-7717 BRIOONLIN CYCLE & MARDS LTD. 114 Duridn St E. OUTDOOR DMN 3M5 Srock St N. PEACOCE FAILT à» TRorHIE 110 A»tio St SKATUNG FASHIE 420OMMet SS TRANSPORAIr lm"~ & BOWUMIa 109 Diinms tW4 Cam Tm 128 EWoc St N. 666-1666 668-0474 TILDEN CAR RENTAL 209 Duiidas st w. 666-2628 TRAVIIL AGENCES DONALD TRAVEL 102 Brock St S. 668-8867 WESLET'S WORtLD OP TaWM 301 Brock St N. 668-7955 VARUTY mTa$ 7-11 ConVENIEcu 5701w 403 SroClc St S. 430-1648 A et J CONVENIECE 701 DundasSt w. 666-0136 DPORTS ]BECuMMOS 5&14 201 Stock St N. 668-4971 66-11 CHEmCaieRS AREi& 430-6614 601 OtUidaS St W. 668-7675 100 MACOS CONVENIENfCE AI STORE 6898 313 soa St S. 66U-5317 $uoMT's Cimsa STong 66-66 121 mroc St N. 66-36I TUB CORNER STORE 200 Broclc St S. 668-6431 VU1IRNAIANS MACRAY ANIMAL CLINIC 421 Dundas St E. 668-8861 YARNS, DRMOPES, PASR1mS & ALTEAIONS AR'rS QA*URT LIE. 159 Broçk St N. 66-3322 Cmm'sl àulERTION & i CuSToa. TAII.ORIG 133 Byron St N.. 2nd fIr 430-6550 FgîROUSON'S KNVITTINO MM'. 121 Stock St S. 666-1933 MIo's TALolumf 101 undla St W., 0 204660-8131 OLDE SILVERt TnuEIMLEl 'QUIT Suopm 10 Stok St S. 430-«9 Wà=ui ?Ana= -1 2ISunda.St &. 88481 -A -------L-L------- ---L-- CHESTNUT STREET WALNUT ST I tJH STE T i I I ]ULiEi...