bâbfethî ~r Ã"> mr ihTelligi le fmod e rth er.e 6atiid. of cxpreasing itheir desires, or that doctora, Frn "~wm' R'il iwYoi~r. They s 0w a slight dim nutoof the ut n;e,~~o~es êe net wiper 1 How% llchange& are ont improvementa is y sy ber of vessela engse in 1859 ns compared Ã"ftà ihz we h i' of these s weet ite dar- miieand maay thingsa te misnamed But writhli st yesx, but an increase in tonnage a.nd*'ifli baie tatawvslo "utpr'si Iicotead4#,'>icryig utL i,,e tp4p ofit ilmid r e a nhb@Ms ie rcieMlw1 u - v9jç* o mii. sb act tt nd et hv enshnpvbemuse itils i. thiy. «Me 0 t o, lany 1'iM eitnver thitik of giving their Wipe, h aees u a af l ric 47~3M597zanedb , men ; f c h iidî a drn' k'->çfw ater; but, toistop its crie$, and soclcne tives t:e OcoftraTY, tt oeivessein, 125, cf 6;,718 tonnage, and, fetce 1V.17tetasi wihi e ] withtading.The world moves-A i*ru1-1 tilnne y15 o;ttl ,0 es tLh rst twihi ae 9--alM ,Mec8ailmenci;ntotallly1,007ry 501,653 tons sad mqn.ir ktpto q atie -its buniiz;î?>st. tualM linti anL' 50,653tons and16,456 m la In1859 there , 1 w i d, hed Ppoinmenîî1 for, L weree Britisfryvesse cý f 441,547 tonn , ateLtltle stomach ha ben' fified to the fin, en Forfv I W- # rbiniwith thia na1ural food, it cries and an1, .39 9.es-'Ã"zcw -barder 1aà overt. %e bave more Je o tJI et t ,an ,X it. n1J859, than once been 'nt for. lt aeno h tige. I any-tmgsmybeoed 1e u theoefore, there were 38 fever vessels fromj suppositiont that'the échi1h was Suffering for evèery houest, weIl-directed effort tuiirda, o mii15.bu hs wr f9,8~red ical aid, vhon, by givig it a few tea- improvement ham itta effect,. ani eventualke-,'e$fter tonnage and mannied by 587 more apoonfuls of good, pure, spairklitig Co'd ward. Mind and matter are thie great in, men. The increase of tonnage, açcompainied wvate, itwas reieved o f al its troubles. Wej srrumenis-genits. thé swaltening,.Prcp.lling by a. fallitig olin the numbet. ôf veaelm, is "ofen tell motherti and nurses to giva tbc piower-anid, though1 failureW rnav coeur on explained by the pastbeiL*ôn having 'been !ýclild ivater. the Ptart, a new ia a i,;roiiluttre or, Me- the firgt of the wveekly lirî cf Caisifilfti Ocean But mnany think that wjlj flot (Io, au n- t chnia s ur I ltp iesfu os !ts teamnerq. In 1858. there were *ehtered at istead of allowin:z thq<'hild ta allay itg thirst, Years ugo Stesm Naigaionva the ià a-~ Quebec inwards froin son, 979 saitirig ves- attempt ta arreat ils cries hy zivinrz yp, cal- scouted anid derided ai first. but now a atucr- sels, of 481,7'21 tons; 16 s1eanenr. frorn nip tea, (iod,rey*s Cordiial, Ilciians8 re" a t rjCcI ns~tropatic Aîîd 1Unitect Kingzdom, of 18,074 tons;11 abeana- Droprst. e., et'. hsCeti. o-l rs r ti aphan. n or froin Lower Provinces,,cf 1,71 Iý,ons, andi petite for rum and oilier prIisone, reêultjnr- in ae we 1m litLenï eiîîtoscoret oft invâttons 1i tamrsfrein United States, of 90) tots. delerer'ous eFfects ont the healhh andmrial an .'etiingrue vthdli-ttl 1.007 i'essels. of 501.653 tons, lit 1859î of thre elrild. Mctres vill >,Ou îiok of at*" 4Renow indisperrasible in the thr eeenee 1 ailie' ve.s.e4 rî of IItYuS? and rvnîenber,î hat although a child. 'kvrilus arts "ud occupatiOns.1462,2623tonq, 35,îtewie4ed rnielà av drinik rilki, or nurse ut the hucasi, il eural <Wrrliroe s è shedom cf 44,155- tons.a 2 tainers km rnaY Oftin soffer as mnch from nthe want of Mechanical ani Scientifir. Wtne"r' lirit ar- Lower Prpvince of 4,524 tonts; total 969 vers- weter 1,4 adults, who take more solid food. proved impiements and Iabor-sqaving maehi- sel' o! 5f0.'42 tonse. 0f these 969 vessels. irinagitie hoiv tenriblo a situation, ilbede nêry inbventqdn adopted wiothimn the past 836 were Britiah, 76 Norwegian, 18 United privedofIvu ater tu allay our bnrniug thirst. twentyyenMo sayth nothirg Pi te inptuve-' Sut l*. 16 Prti in. r 1 -ani~.6Beai 'r lia fto rpeaseiU ~kn meultir IIture Iusbaidrqr, Rural Archi- 3 lart-riatn, 2Mec'ebtrgnrd Ifore.hr trloto the %ysterm, %vouIct soon ,ro riel lecture, &c. Look at tire Progres ot lini- o h floing cotintries - 1rrc.olderi- trpan oubdies tortierIto drî4ît.-Ed. provemient in every departmnt of iRural burg. Swedr'n. Portugasl, arnr lirover. qlIreJ lied. Journal. affairs! IVe need flot partIrularize or enter trumber of vestzels cle- red outward,3 iii 18.58 The Hartford Timnes says that a watehma- uo11en r"Ie whojas 1059, of î, tonnatge, and imatun er inth.-t cil 1a eoiad Jsetlit run- Fnb , .u'týný biswinese pl aeae.l utj-rst-as 10,51, o Iýcflre ld t %war il mor ~eno onnag. andmanisri lv 184mUn. -01 oehere about Iblo ryear 1640, and thoug diveage, nt.Withî helafo pr iem nttli -,toi. lortrIirwrs i1,S58, .1w ik has i 01run for soinreirg more than a half diceatn'en. ithne ho i lattr poI1 fr in h and 33 Fort'i121v-rcwrth lc.irgee)-q. c-cotuî y. iii ttuwkeepinggodtuine and may sieh atîi tre hll ave ei-rtieela'ice] iandi 479 Prit]slirandr-l 9p otteli, ir llast. la-st airrQtler 2 cent tresa t sfur ytr maur setios o Rual rîrrie-fo tlv Tis ear, -420 Bruuiili atird Q2ý5Forue-jrrvr-re arrist Churcir. in the possessiuon of a Dutei are iosorr! enle~à aieitr~ru1emtro t-siîheaigs, a-tId ý16 Britr-4h&,ni 1 05 Forenzir IirnÃŽ]'. iin Nova Scotia, %whule he was cîf on a spec 10.1; ofe nuaýèulrar effort Zand bà ck-acho lu Ballast. Ari1 the vseI ehrii rîars i»t keîhjrr-y Oxperlîturi. Ili that farnily sîmosti urikrîiovn 10 flOlerflagrîcirlturist,. in 1859 hait ca roes. exîcpt 9 Birirus! ianr irl iIraIir ben o Irarîderei own front rather 10 Tire $te.tnPressiii kthe fererunner cf hIe Poreh(,d. 1We have se,-rrit sî:rted atl aurnrg rr:1 for *ert, r. S-Thils iq une if flie vr-ry Steanii Ptow-. The forme-r hialohmgbeei a thire iribngIrpatrorns rïf thép - llrt:,f rt i docks ev-tr uade Ivith a penrlu]umir. tîn dthc e lattl-aer Iiis1r tiblo--airil-Anriaan ystand.ï fiith ; under a terrrr- Ttartion cf t!lr prîriulrrm on tire wlrefelis tie, ad he tîer s s sre u otlw sI îiation of favournable crrcurnsaiarîccA wil w îtnut direct, i.v nmcan1 Of a Iraliet, as in'il)tir tire suni to msinnin th eavçi-irs.The fut Irrl ,on raîîk rIex, to Great Brîttr 1ur tire LC j- mo<lernrt- !oclis, Lut opnratr's liva Verticarl vi- geneforitandti 'jeta y1 ~ J~~eki'ted Statis-A1à ontreal Transcripij hratirng bar with t"srrugY'oii acîrgm -altho.ugh mnanV silîl dvrrbt anrd drsbeieve. jO . tRAp.1S lI acln ll Adwt tanCultivation, as witit StcrrmaiiCJI TA\ iaCîLaa, i etro tr'prîuur. i, oksrkr An wî Seil cone -ast facilîitrs anrt A Piimart, regard ire paid Irn ora! auj r-Ir- 1cor thre half bour nà > ror, armd b. toriri lvN ~~ gic.usidunres. ',Tires-rite eanlvbrmkwrr a-Itnarir l'f an JrIt rth. . br-î anu oie' h e u îru P (p, nd a large cxtetilt' !l i rk ileIl, dine nai ro. ITirirvariQuserr r:.- l-r ack. arricri a . xosl te andI beritiîtl-r'.rt are t(bacorire front îhrs rîn- tiôus are aliotte eout x%%ir a!nurîri ur !. srrr.IltîrYtarr'rf -:s (r!il5î irînr Preen andi thonre ttmiî'il tl11%v as exartneas, onre hir rfin, theni te i e.I Whatfoltwenithre stur4of thre anvit-ib-arrother ýtol iurnvI lut isi no.n' ~rC m:rziSi- the invvention of Fultton ? 'rVîat tsilt b,- - îrîor. hirao robuc-tîrip nrt, li tre un hu r'r a-setrt rraithe ntrmher et p'r-oîîs resit 0of the success of Favku's ,anr i iiseo- kr agesit,1eeroft tirs rr rgl- :rabrr rj5t ii hr'rr rrr'tr m-nrniugrrime coi ersationi. Ne xi r irs re trarririt-, î r -of .qîrarr- leazr o f I:r1' n ti r (.lr gu And whit of"the prugnuars of îruprrrvî'merrtirjhtr ~'r in crop.ciulture 'aud'sol enricirmert. l.rrr k O- irr nr îrrsrilt1 t2ttlSJ72squarenfsufb i 'Cne~r s u ~riuîurî eurrljs, Ã"rre trl .Tr Mid srrtire happy i'.- ltl- \lU'ýl Litc rrrroead toei eri tarsug. Il i,,; afe tint as tiraItlIwne u e ~srn it.,ir rn' rriwîr Vrt1re mi irnber ~-I v,,!!s:, :ixoo. t-c i itemiii 1fà rnn i irpr-osemcntatard iri(t-liri-n ii ris'eriieer n t-,rn-nt'r iedatirE ai r1,11 r rbvlr .ILn e ~r nsot~ u hrss lrervly beeau worir riiilirII8 of roIue 'Vettor t remusar-' htnew1ri î'- a 'iaîs trethneuieroisiiIrenz tire Iandifuider. n'dar1clilt%i nror-f Ar rit a. rwrr nIi ie-rCîerse' <fmrîSÃŽi, artr-iie-u c-.-w. t rer i ir-.errrls don oretaify oîrti marrurrate titis rj pru- o bily et 1 e tbemil-ebe % - *:etr--I2SIlrîrrrl'ùslie irrrbsl I lit 4i5WOT.tof aI Ioror, andif tnot uuu aieamirhrnt;rses-nlln errrr~.lmnr -n .t11-1rnerin ima l ' '-'3olru nreirrugmraer, r-etimei I ireuiCrii oft e-trrn rrrldee iecrafti.Thet- bl sirîs lîce of the' milýe l ia-s eebtrilu" os-Cr8 ual ererrît otern- lytr gîutru-- î iejbecoure, nuit unlV 'IeoneticaP .-but praclris- tînr. io bu rrr ri'LIad. H aborttIlot-listure ? ainiraî, ufth lite H eq»0ý.in tlii ule, pagtimont andt Sb bcatou i.'irt nals bnnatexrmein theropen air- fut-e, itt3l'u- il] l a occaaeia4ll/bçual1y ýýlljtt ioq týFru 3 1 ~euismtion, i Itirerm-.iuu *f thsir n zojat attracti'.e, Jrour -r'es, ui syu arrîîse--scr? okft iers atlairer, ait(]tire mirrikoflire chijdren a e bins i1s nn-svcitrtn tanribd eaJarn- O! tire braibi andI harid labotrîfbtre Donsiig. le.! op front cutep1rîonf bine cLiir o,r- cal prrnatre s-ilire .vînlrt tiu akr'. If ycu l3anrys, 1,Vlders, anni stores cof othens, uJ rs-nof' Sc-m ie-aueni-e andeltire woi--ei aedacmrt-to armnh h'e artî Ile answer is fonird on es-env Iand, iiirmq tIarrrlon-îrn tu-ncry lr ' oser l le >rl. ar irrougl i fie(,> r' iL ,-every section o! tire corioitrv. For evidere- o le 3oizcrmg n-nrnîîr-nrler unt -lrriIîtarmîemrogiîrse.-lrare 1fi-I.ý alliplants, - rdwq ofI)Ptntement iiitris de- jilirow d'tira ntht-ru risvwb andiaxe%, unbucke ardîi uase u-lîterfi-s Io l'>a rnirp un-I tiregardurs hrorzhou îir Iard~o onî lu Wir ïr,üirr rit thrîu-h yi,u '-bv..-lorngeer a little girl. ii the sîrbnrbs auJ 5i<iriios tof citie ativi-siti tire dexiv-rtN f aîl i )Pi 'OUiare a '.vîe ru lotrrs ricrîhe1 Irge iftîa Estrî rrn %ldî~~atesvln-oraw rnio Il rof tP<ritier~ er. fur .lr3 rrrhidireu. .Arteuiii nîn 1;g&o h NldeSae s,' butuforIteu4i gin- tri 3 cmi' ilily JSiSitirrl irusînîî sfi~ resový o nivid tooý1 god rg rls, liefreti ir.Let tirent suir il until1 il sourIs tirea otar quota of effontt hablire futu re pmriueserof iligreful attentirn, 'Iicris su cap-rs uenoflédact5j5flytthi Our coulity uray ba xsorth'.-oetitni reeeent lIris- tl'.'tin- 'vioiui-r iit efpsssjir ou uuîbo îf acn o-ul e hi le-O wll nsre b te rgads f eeiatempes ir is su chéap, and seu eod, and tory itn this imaportant deparî-tiOt. lrrewI oueu ieugrd !cer unei'essmuy xsthai, Ilîrt es-ery tnhild sirouit chou! Airs-e Il, lîr- e a centiiisrs of bave froc accs- ti)it. iHorace Manin beau- MANoOLD 'tt-r RZIhinr rient lecturre maniner %wiùirsirrutti bei crriivaîed, -auJý, tiful3-ays -'- To put childrorr on a short aI- -bsture tire Furmmrs' Club ot Londion, (r,14i-h m-h(»I, in eitier- man or ss'onlun, adula a char-m Iow-ance ut fr-esl air, ilà a foolish as il would gland, a Mr. Burnet made some etatemntrtiraîr uieycmestsh-ic !ba- tcifrNadrii h eue rschtthe raisiîng o e:o rr'xurîzelntibreul.-.' y cmests1u Jc fhv en o oH uii-tedl ,t frm hih l pparilrnîf 7li Llro ,eu Oe 000 Ia sanuîytkepaelihave put litsfamlly oina shOrt attewvance o! ac-rh wti t ai'. h ave tc Ui-f.ive'irI tiI i er gan al.Since OD iras pourentont an at-nos- in $.36fur -n-rion mrriure. ti the nîonîhcf; andi Wales froant ihsurtptiori Tire pheno et fiftv mites deep, it is enugir t *4nowab,ïnrýhé tops ai-e hauled ulntite the rubmober cf deafliseru titis contin-mt, froint ire iruake a nurker.weenptu seo ou cidiiduer tan- cow pamuoe', and sens-e 10 increasýe tire niiikame tirtease. là aI>u nieri.Sonna a foi n- teJ mS breahi.~ cdtisiclê-rbly ; tiepiune resel for a monîtîîl fisuifc !b'sio ia ir e iuqîminv ,Dè:rp O'X YOVISLF.-McN10t YOUrrg men tire article, an-d tire rrirep turiner]oun 10 tie wh thruit canreeti re pueverrted. Lnsuitabfe contsirk-r it a great rnisfon,,turre lu be bor-a pour, fieldt t finrs;h tire crtip, se tîrat notiring is lost. food, laid '.erutiialîouî anîd,-want o0fà exerci4e or urut luare"aIlalen ugh emetabieh ~ B.estiuats tielu -aIe fo feeingare te mo;t corimnron Causes of consrunphion; tireiseivYes ait tioir outseî ifinila good andt pfi'ptse, 'vhe cmpaer]w'tltoîiejcrosanti these mnay- tu a gi-t-t exlent, bc guardeti com!fortable businesýs. 'lhiis la a mieldlten as oos-It potatoes ; 2ud, pausui1ps; against. - notion. So tar féol-rt poverty bxcg a miaf6r--- 3rni, carnolat; 4tir, rangoid wurtzel ; Sîhi Sw.e- 1 Krss Tru -IusBAIxD.-cato recouds, tirai rtune te tiren, if 'Ire niay j irdges front xvat wo eif"ÃŽXtrtilpA. They arc prefeureîl affer havilng1tire- cusit o! ofkirirsfclk worn hn t e e- day beho'd, il la reaiiyý a blessing; beeitioreu l trougzi the %vwe', as when Jfer] met, was le knoi by thieir breatit if tires- hati lite chance îa more titre ton lteue agultîret op, jr-tiafter dig irtuiev are lhable t scou ai-j bt-en dr -iyngbut those rareias'el inwt buswîrafilie î fnà fss femi n't>pthem, i io.-,ted p îmangohda removed'vliren '.wietcame more plentiful Tire papeî-s say îhero la a gbeat domnandr e gaîà l4 î&-lý ôJ~~ iW1r44s cf flusir andthfe use orfilb was thon cauried Io sucir an fur wompei in Oregon. lentî thereademand _ p 'à , ýwkitetb-sà tnà eabiià l gîineml only exceas, tisaItnrp-,n fcifeoti r4i' and "fu-om eveuywhere ?,Thre eart.-pieuyfm fomv-eight aud a ira]! pounds per o e nb ie~do neeitit- enî in uIde-(ait raua il oti~d u tUliliPer )e e-- es- ;--<ordoute shauperi tirirappetites fou more., ofter- heads, pefed wiih -boopa iii theIWE1J ~ ~ ~ We doubî ipot if ma4y wives doj , lut estranosuase Latire uppr-u t 9 Qwent- 1- theyearxbh..e>-ep aeemoi-oliairle pesrolmee iro4w gueuler al»ctr'Qufor their îtae,"esbte wjmea are in -ernandai erj neauiy. ail titey 1 lsbai,,,, have gained, titan ini Novein- hfb d 1o teÀurot hmeothtie club creatron.- Tht-'v ure acarcer t-han di bd ber anti Deceinher, aptj if tirey do, tirere i fr ltesuaternuose. ,Whaît thé resuiri a nd fui- more valuabiebetter Iran goldyiud. art end ite iopes a! a crop of '.sooî ; for yotnu Antiquainmari aythnotLýf lilus - - t r-e -t, > i tl efftitot sîppîigtrc~ed -t~~ J-1n 1 Trem'edical mn nEngiand i e beg4iusng ed 4b"roih,,qt wWand te- moent té ' ýluT comprai oftire * y growth is st>pppl the endi çf lte fibre iiscern- ErieNewg henr rouora aMid j W~ ~ieved Il iâs asrstdtiat lteé viruss lias neveu beeu plotsti a ghairge 181(05pla>ceit becomes '.eît. tm0dfmt, )1eeffeý,;,t4 ,a, - Lýu- ueihoté I since Jenner'% titue. 'Lofidît iîs ihe des deadý jn a, manuer analagous te tire stemt o! a ment mati bee arfived at between 'ltu. c f9nwrd~ ripe fruit, and a enwal of good: 'fmiîrd iafter Morion an -i trI »ard-Qfhe, X& D. R. Rail- Ã~iT 4t ' lid --~îur~~oi theser morîîirsi an-d after tire growth of tire way, by virtue o! which, Mur uoz gst- hrough f ih bodies eu var-iu~ nleria wool hýs be tQ[ÃŽd<4.d, only repares lire al clai- to t-ir contract for inaki-rgîihe'roaa, therue of a &rea i ain u egg i'owr Fvtlh t1at pushes ant i wtidrawrn att fkéiing suit5 auJ ro- Gréfygi oritoa ~r~hv file Ieçtitrir e. -scieeys * t4raS di1t5 powees. npape r fors iltaIll e ielt!mk7-fcytig food les-reporjé t44 t-t'ça é andaorwh I t wus tated tîlr4 , li' t h rmeer frthis ui' £r ariner-liras Ikng 4t f« ý4 tit c hie-fo ±erefstI ne futider t-t e flto "re- i you euhalla tWi e fotùr-t!' nd"heo it>bdi epteg atftli'iWà i% aa M î r te V iibu ittler- ugOt Qf koke e'u4w~witt--iis ai twolve fée ee t o- eà st t l When peo 1% ýkIru--ths iîect-a, jojp -noy 'ithôut eau irng l uetèea dirre 21 LX ?04eajMqs iaaIý -fIe~ormherout ý4fte Wfilib1 eî!* k iiwe and .-wby -More t i is a faïseJi'i shudyeoWj~'~gnlm n rou ay be ýg 'y4 'af î Most bas oLçii.n~,îI.~. ur'e tirat it- la, higâ,,îimQ rot h*imî 10, jêhr à evýý4nempered persea r-t'h 'i-l- bevt t rt'5btt tempergnco Society. ways ma.ý ..... .. 1 . ti - PlK t: l c qtli( r 1 reG ea u y a il leta lel*irjif, OrAltIN O A h ne ; and lcf- rt ir Veir-reeee (ine, 1hth, itti b, at1 I 11fo_4li rendort toi alio inîformation rrgarln fi tr i n -- lI nelfurthe1 uit Ire t rrtturr-eu &exas unlîl gis-e te Om-lrutsa, Seput. 2e.. tSrr'n 1 amrser, rrîirnrr'..at-Law, mnd Solie:îr-r lai contrel oee! ti Ch) lamr-er-, t tru StreSieit. rîct i eor tri tire gereraI matte J. sim m-î, olInt tornnton iTuer-no temb -m rt illmpernai i D izzvrz--.- - ~ ----------------- inrg sîrcir chieck i near ' 'wL.J , sithont the ( New Eot & Sh e St e ý"ally lusa-r ST 09; K 0 Il 91AR D IRl' ai heVL- J. C.H A NOCK jl'e' eiNAO Ai-anIýs oet yi;îrklin anil srrre)irrernkirg coltiu- -Ircmruptnralle 600 T AND S H E M NUFACTURER, 1i U2RE-cEDEINTEDLY, L0 W P tt il eh tr--y Iunt1emr Intrt-th arr e ewihh Canad. CON! 'n I ~3'At l lAtN ' poeKo-f.-re- tr itrg rta eIr'i rr eh- e!tire linonet i k! t fi -e il r-i ni frs r S tInr!'.t 1i- j -. e wl iýr ri e i sr- v r-s rr-i:l imr lte irlinu tuf the PUBLI.C LA. 1 M Ilorr-Je-r-epr-onn1îr-tf- huent Air l mestZFrur-.-r. 41',' t-nair,' Pinmts ruet i n 5 l iP ur -rn 'tr iir usii *Uv e fînnuird <"f treitýcà tStsti and r-ie unitetistat rrertr-i/'- tri u-' sr-irr t un sus- 4,' f litun - t -lee-j- publtilc expendi eJIA ttirM .rrhtMTer, - -Vol' V \PtItsES-.5 o trev - ie y i- ' noni repr-r-l ue to-erri' t e r-er- sreuewhich 1er Si -mnî"e. i >nrirmue- Tren'. ienr Kris' - -t riri i -ar1 - 2 On &Irhîr te -tI P -nliliurrrinr-rrtllu geliion 13 r îarer nm'.'c mnr i " a- -in, ic11rrgAe ingy7rrtn l'olklir, fer . 195 9. 15e4miî i ims anduraue omri-ucnr Str-e*, ni tinte it nir unir-r lu mgc uiis ir gzru r t v. s i l e - t'.-a mrnrt at s-of Pitroreres trr-ei I LITTLE GIAINTMILL, Il \ NiUs .J(0>11 -N Sl ON, '-wJît iut lîisS ~ it- wric! su en, gmirrtt retnirit ru Srt er-o! them wsithrl A t er fisre i imrs Onai Tney l1,4r ýr)In 1Ir2)is- 11VtuaeGlobe 'hit- inut-e-rticr.rnsi-nius r-i.v m Tni 'til-t aers nrut , Inmr . f-, teei1- u -mr- ir M A K ER J W ELIIR. Psi i er ail cias - nerha e ta e-rei etI ar-..nis-- wrnmnl'r trrr --- V 1 urogreis aren lkiols f FEA HE ? vb'ý:h rir ofa vs-l..V Il 1 T lY -cirua on ami rt--rin4ir-trutr n r-e-nn'- e .c 4 j Tire elilorli - a \ ti lr.ril - it 1E mdP R1)-Y -, - e i lin4 Tn- t'tieeSES' - Wte r j 1 noiron li irl i s ' -weIla u -t-i bleatestimatec 1111 K %I(,)' T N r --r - rus Mil t ýi lt y nir Irntiras antort r Oe-teerniml i-nIo-,i - iir- - wATcHirS, CLOCKS J-rIEISY utnicrins aie rrri-m-,e-e Sreneu ge r m '-r- e uît -~ iila ir octi-enu n t r-rut-e Lus irs-as ilr e in i'direction aned n-f - r-r nîmin'î &tititictri fru ot r tar-y stik et MEil'A LO KS outficre ueso l - (esr-~~~l q i niit iSt riorns s-e-.copions 'antellif I1( ',ît N i OI. Uire Secrn-rrr eir-4aror-Correspndenc a t tt) 'a gor-el n-trier. ftimn rr-n eCelte-rir I>uei'it S'rmu' ;miiirtimer,-. (dell'.q Palceni [em a p-rli-iseBkum, r ecehec r itsCI vi'n: te T VE hELO>F3N ft-srit llnrliiignr. ront Jr'dnren *dlnIt <à IlWatceiq, Cbrcks c, r- ire vîe hi utsi oru sIErCTVr. uligivse îsfcctiua. Sa h t asi) Pie ni l'elfstale sifig Il 11F BITY. Ai I-tf0 , 18 9.kets arre report 3~r~r 'ea ~ .- e ît \ \'UAI. ANN tNci3hI:-'--i'185. -journal. - IVrTrn 2uc Nt 15 %r -u ___i_____1.AN_1.A sINabjecEiMs...ud s-elnnnîof SOAP AND C AN OIES, (iosmopolition ArtAssociation, --Cnduuli a e lr. I..--no" S-au iri ('o! iOM aIl oetebeinf lte cteuti-v seth, ren rTtrH.1 n1 o u '.rt.-,-arur '(iîîi- ; . rire- n ilntr-a r ie i ntiiiv , i ( iirtir- irmnixtîr 5 'nSCiper annm J -'w-xi.î CE, - u :i île. tt faerly lr-ei ii;vnuri-h. .Sad> ude Vutrle- rear , 'reerriettar. A-ry- * r an Cutetieme a ininer r-y roariilirtsoftI 189i-tf j$3M~n I nireet cuniainir %%nente r-'v"] -îu itbo himni ro h t- r. lTie beAutifitile intelligence P.«iRYIX FRE INSUANCE OPN Me .t ngAsig rk1'reatlier-in, - Lttmii e rai- .50(~ tns. îer 0. ftt aurnaril tne sero ai. 'ri-FocS utnAdt- - Subscruher.s, w laeinienrr ie tir It-uict --1--tBrtoadwa,-n-, ets-- - ceaiy e>ru-. ESTA13LISREDJ DI 1782 ns-a-ltt'l,'î1lv'à clsee;I JTE - e4Irueîe larls'ifa rt; rt i itunle sirtscribiers Ls ic_ v (;lLLlN>îlE, MOFFAT A co uas l emcrcciur4ç c-uliri.rilig cherien' ltaiiine. - mna tstuaord u>' Agentslifils- (n'.irîuin ,l&erIh>'tire tin-t.tnireucîm Ia a rg4 e -mtnnr On Ille ost Tlargeitiiccacet. ren n r riemrstf.rur-h erui ni Tms ~îttaiEerriso thuicîr i eeyy isrlsn hegripiiaand* LiSE lad ) ie inrl ccrcol (fdb rp-peuson Inultiuiu 4- s-nrekiysuecsri. Il ~ ~ ~ ~ SASER 4VVe(nrttiatr~AND RIS TNrS, (rnrfi5ter-r e-rniui i O - -.fa ctnnuartrter t t.'THE kee!.<knr> <uic~,cniîrf.t~jeat Nu svcrrk of eqriuel vacle uS muse-r ieissueit cverv tX ugr . a 1b7, i7t e.tn-illarcil e-s iu renteluof the penI Ic t sinr-i nuni, payable s - ~ -- - trrn ler njnW.niîg[eof vers-lrnr -.Isire-' _____on an immense Deodrizd C i~ u ! j ~ unr hulv-y iaite pnair, n30 hy Ili TO -TRE Afi"l.GTLTURIST quâ ii t tg l ruuîrr n-il tl Cit-rtie ltr-ir-. suriîr ot -A 1JITIFCIAL 'NIANT 11 avi; sud or o ft ina-,t DEODOIIRIZEl) CH. 011. 1h rnire csent 1cr anr)' hart of h'ie ditr,-5by j1eculiarty 5ilript-leFai.la.Teei ra ae t mi tînclnis re freoin nlairteri- n eb. Aise a ilrc , tuirh snîfei ci u ' ti Tieuk )et-- Fieichag - -'ç inehapieetFertilizer ln tire Markcet. Cea- paper ; tirene'. I n > I ~ l A i ' Sre c r a s - c it n ir is - r e a ar e n in g n t c o n c e n t r a te d a n a l e t s o l u b lecf u r i a s D é ly l b d i L l e , C AL()11, A.bl S Timngof utel tire. vrk eierdfie i 3vaîniabeiebn Faurri Yard Manure; for-lita columas lateet brabter-e, s-ii t-Ie nes-patent iurmîcu. 1~ otrei >i i fryl-r1n (iareribo ne- irt !8na ir-ie- adbeud P'riccare-; leui-t, triONE DOLLAR uniuaurtr i '1f 14 ha1 tO r' ke. in. ta Cerut-ban FariaYard, To irrdtce e ry ih liireoar-boul. ;cmbe, iSto, u ie $55 Per r-nYroni thuce b five crst, eevc hi GEO. YIJLE, jr, nrm çtea ur- ~ Io 'pnre îIup i liat-iets oetri-ce îrrryçv- Telegaph SSle 1çwt;1ïýén .tee b all o! q (*t(]te sn e i .u&) NOS FRSALE CHEAPW - ltohîp 1 e5 nt'04 -yfrktAy e ('OD .rame Houar Ilt-jst-ries, ,8 2 rcuI T baelfl- 1 1 -- eWntîlbyTforet Ielks, wvith eibar Kitcilen,acdare uoecllent uYf %a _ - '" 2tiit ~ ynn b n Gaien nluntach I, iaian acre ia casnt, itele cet a# aPr of -.-18 Braz L cs ee 1OI.aett in he oat M'rd. e_',ýcrxs l as. sicstheo Globe, Tôt-c JA. ALAC, r 4 - 'eic - -nient , Ufoi J'nok, X OkHC4 e vaM5t lAgmft the nlbe ëartt-he-ri Prpretr- f4& rcsl'j,,:tO _vIt L,---- - IPSl th'- tî W'lilei-, lflthnAlngtsh, 1859. it- fcn. ',C _ -~ulbi r atv~- ~ cfb ~ ,a NeW T&iloring Estabiiim s einie1- - nti'"n"'d orrteoeeait- of ~ceveqybody ajue bas property cofay wirfrSu S I M P S O N & E R G U .SO N ,- ki d tc o pr ete i- , o >' . u l u i t-nt-t-be7Ly ghave ýnied ate4 theu Ti'4 fand-1Post-rtt.ile opye 'UI Oni s IOP, a n Buroi d n'oC1 t tR T'r.- --p s ntr , b Jaila o eo'y q j - o o t. arusnen tri utti '.u bie donce liir i delpatç,. - ILE* SJCKI o! t--alove nos-. Ai4o SICO} attera, anrd li aiýcl sia thçi,. - iter' none olirer t ANDRE mcttucaso leut for e quai- pnnres1010ontIre eve Of greal d t-rose tbe Gloe wiillgek tuo in- ebencfit O! the people at Iarg.. lb sucr a change lu thre constitution. rUpper and Lower Canadalirê ir ou-n local affiair.., and uiU 9gTe rs te a jnt utiroty cf simple - frn.« Tire necesaitofi os ta O tirnlarlanct anthie £le- lires-eut t-be brrowiug eornuon.y consent(i e! icpeople, will ho car-ý upen. Tire Globe ull aise ado- taTARns-lxcLjcx.EiÀi.1f, Ar eei- ron oh' tire Ilidemi', Puy t-ouitor- -nt liA.%iPUTCY~ LAW for tire vein., niebtor-lupatovr-, MA. xsa r h ta-fl EIPROCÂL Es TADCErWirj Il-lihe inuprovement of Ca nadîan ecouony ny uerer>' brandi or thre diînro, randi generally ever>' mes-. ada r-o tre impros-ement<qf humanr, 1 morabe, sud mat-criai tnroperiti. nexi .six mentbs, in tlle courlii- eetîrrg, e!tire pmeple, as ireil as in t Qrreir r',maou-o! t-bee sutijects sSedt, the more vitaI and important un eanrieetxrc5s and i gour rrel,- -crI rin tihraProvince., As apralno-- r recorder o! thc mo-rcmentiaoe! hie e -lt Posseassextuaordaarn. inter- sqeiro! re-aders, and tre fuent, nrf reqrerstcd to aid in extending ils roug tire masesof t-li peoplbe. ra enuart oe! ils GWnssea be d b>- tire nntnrrtehed suecems tIra 1its puiblic-ation. But a constitu- lenrîn utrther excutio'n l in di- -di ail wiitlibe suppliut. lu rogrd t-o raîrtx wiil l ke stlu stppiy te ltie rie Globeth e auliet anti nr'ost geuice h'rom aillt-arts of tie world. ,ie irecrivcd front Great Brit-an, niuin, the ortr West Territor, andi leircsai thomend la tire [nuted -euh>' recordeti. , Speelal attention rnrrmmercîal intelligence; tire aar- rted more fuill' tran la an>'- other *paco i s et-edtoe gitrrl cverything which tendà te tirede- cf the most imnportant brancr of - lusîr>' reccives special ttention.- FE D.IILY GLOBE, ui, prayable afrietlin laad-rnce. 1aIt 4 urualock, every zorning but es nespatcltcd bth ie eariutrtains bu, me couintry'. t laa - v large rrg a rt amnont efnewî,ruercan- ce,âaad generMji iformatio n, of tre- senia tieCs for, Five Da 0 - e:'i hoetîed tc ai - ndditiona yMondayt, Wednrisdav, sud Fia' inn, ini -adsance. It le printed egrk .audî luuscoburmns ix giverntlt rn tie DuR, E1ditIenu ithitire Tel- other De*x to tIe tlaet moment- aeuding ,tire Cash for -]Pire-Ti- -bers, unît h bea titied te a Frm- SWIiEKLY GLOBE,- rFuiday. morning, at $2 "per an- st-ricîl>' iniadvance. lt-a pulurteit e double sbeetofprqrrjf i-re made rip in a Ilà ndiadme qsrarti> Img eUgir'pages ef seven coitmmns ntiý-more reading inatieÈthan bial, nel-spaper o thtie conrtinent- taimca t ithe -eempla ton o f 411e- !w: isaearetmly eollad froidate- tard rticles sel)jjejaei Tire 3iarket- Reports, at bouta' xettion ou tre Part o!the- <'rienriu rrnug . ouettIe couriy>, 1% brtas e= "Y -ro mk- pa ,hll> r'fr Cp<for - lidiasg $0 for -Fire WftySkl$nt,- oîiiitled tô a Frlee > en. Dolaia ýlls.nrtiUi- rsaddrsei ý P liabeof', meed9 ft' ~- --v -- i ii - - s - -i - -ajours". W. lJr SK~N, - - -, 'UMP~MAKF.[,È'ickrr!nrg, 4t-Ia Cot. Lot Xo r'- ILLW11111Tý'in gelcÊùlW braümitn.A-tl Iron WorksP]?r t,Tfmtx WILD -LANDS FOR SALE-.- T1uîubu npay Cash.-fer SIIEEpPL S.VLE&CèMnaç-, e X. AUTfEWr m. ND., 8-Iowg'. upe!of Grey,--oo Mrlmnur, ABRAM LOGAN. ail diipjj, hysician, Surgeon andAccouo-heur, Medical at-ohdaub, and -each.' Apply t WjîLtbY Qe 24, 1809. 1-tf Iron Works.f youb p ,_._____- ._.__....... Adviser of t-he âcettioh Provincial 'Assur- j1-tf --~ WALACE.INn Se e a dTT tr oronto, 18,59. -3- -r ance; ComniUy. itesidence, Prince Abr.4-ly Af- d3~l~r JOO PEINTIJO - JHNLE~, R TIe - The Jobbing Deparenotl.WTua - t t - r e ¶ S o n i < t o r i n C h a n ç e r y , q. C C h t $h bt mi jnt -o f r - -- *T - e g hge, t -at sote part, At latçt, of; tbeir rb'5pe st iVO w ei>' de i t o d tcas b o ber >W.-VL. RIEIIAYNE, dobtà must b. pald,1fort-hwith, t:enabieo; M1qdtî pilicjnbe Vhr B A R Rtr§ T LPTt 81 d C o lit'y C ro w n A tt e . - mc t p -o ai g- e m n d . --N 1 3 J O ftice- - in A r tl s t ric k . Ë loick .. S eco id -J A M E S îN - A L A lit r n l e w l e 11-1 Remnember t-ho WATCM8'Y Office, iCoîbor-ne W. Il. IILLINGS, D M 0 At1AI, HALL --be - aroehfew dors West'ôf Broà k-ütre, and fi, 0fc--3aûi'and Convp nclgoffe. I No l7, KING 5Tb1teET E~LA , îieraoMÉ>îtteaeofI aRsd RI>- f fie ock -e. t' ine udôbtor titli o!-o ---fH~bcrhu artrmigthnki for-t:lieWtby, Sept. 1,89' T O l o f , . . 1 : B 0 O N , T 0 Op a t o n a g e h o la s r e i e ti fr o t ie p u b l i ,_ _ _ _ A ut g u raI 1 3 î1 8 5 1 2 -t ! i-w on 4 i âr trt- r-a teo th a t h i a s n o m ' rc n n o e d t-o th e HUGH MILER & , - - repln5es on ýflrock Street-OPPosite ta Buyan'a 85.TEE GLà B]g 88 t HU= R& oHatel la fenîv doors nortir eh ' Tundas Street, H.W' WODARCI-EMISTS AND DRUG1STS Is'iiers li16lias oni ha nni nlargo aaaotrrnent-of Iu soUiitiug t-le increaftd Support cr t-he ItODUCECOMMiSION MERi? ANT IN iMtrmnuTilu5 A'O minÂLcas ~' - t ru. raun 'b'i-wrre f al!descriptions, 'virirnîrCaadian îublic fr t-e set ' hv1,c P stlrince ai l eurrai Broker, L>udas-strtert English Chomieals, Patent Mdedioinesj ie iu 'si dichensp.lie wosi!t rali at-tent-onru 119 G(LOBIE, t-ie plrhlaheri lias t-o «ala'. t-l ifot- Whiths' c. w'. ear.nieatt iuî tlîl4s tk cf "S3rperlor," andel Pro-_ îng shah i e-eft undonete rneudor tire. jearhual r ~'cash Ads-aurnes madie cru Proerîice (nf iE il F U m FL RY.etôna- r-seboili tfihîcir are rret.s'Patents worttiy of t-Ilîgi reputaîlon il ira e sr-ydesr-irtin PA\E~ nut ,rmn~.v s xnîîr--. tî tandi O-eue neveu befure offeredbu - thre Whltby hast Yoars. A uew and bearutiu font e ofýc - ______ '-r-t IF te-.fI arrket. perfaced type, cst pecWly for othe cp- TiIOAIZ 3IYEibS. N Il t'lrei-iirns r' arrmor net Fîrrils - AVE-TIIOITG 1S putrt)Upwit-iîthe Iat ire- tu-tie celebiated heuindr.y of Meurs. James Connr J ('tNEDAUCTIONEE, & Voeui-tar'- fncbicaefiv reared. a-frsnmnt mt ntetho-ei oie nd SousNew Yrkw- usu;tiçyOah J js trge -n. Arîlc irrtS a lues e - Tow s iptrt O--Ir uers fronit htie C o ntu-, y P os l or o r- u- cal cradit- of tiî establi sli rni t and the aid ff Il teColtywisreere-tmtstenio. 'o, promîety rattenbed t- an enlar-ged crops oh' Editois, Reporters, aud rur itue 'of Iîrs- w , itb r nces rom iatunr-iuu- - rire Stilscrt-rrs abAt Aget-for lire sale of('urrespundents wl -ddess whsl Y pstnhs yK4- . r Xaild MILLie'. These M3lis Are Literature, aud Commerce, Adin- s iien l-loI,'Vilu. 4-yrjrus-cnt cii-trial t-o lie îrpeuirut-o, ant icnîer r i h oig yyth e Ue in - - -- oe ~~~tth--' rIuIse cfanuy obler tmanufactur-er. thue t-o pny ail tirat Att-entiouito t-h ulc ! JOH MJILL - h :Ite [1 -n41nrr'mar-edtio txr'uton ail orrt-yî furIir tls of tire Province which bias secureti for it AlTrINE ri cru1rjiitieline of 0 n he- ,.mane. FEhT 13 ostin.Ti ePoic g&ko