ARRIVIAL n-"1EASIA, LOI% Montez enterta* (xi, y)aad u~aPrua.tUuds4~alg ence, Dec. 15, at ,meosatHallwjk Ienaw IUc. "'W Uk 'o~ 2-Thle steunahp lecture, thé firet ince. br reîurn ,froniEn- ru Randersigned. as been appointed Surveyor Ai arrnvad here this flrenon, britigiîig Liv- ;gland, called "John Bull at Hom. O''-aoa citad auiaet diteà ,bf thai-1Oth' instnt. wfor theviyncioSocietyuand.,. <r',..,' k . *~XA*kiatsat'ti-i 80 imp*rtlone asîin hér'former-anaoui4cwthat ha la prepmi tétéeesive applica- *ibrubttah'fioingmr at d lctuas,,d r two Yeats agd, -but vas [tiens forTioaas, whlcb viii be made on 1lmrovd Adiiesion 10 tho Cnge.hdboteci. or.sound and srgumentatîve. Sho trene amm oie rpry f&pee aue, on 'ted SjonsuIoateiongrsdisenalle rlt rivete io ltigentleman tith mach respwt,' snd the liberail tarnisimposed by tisa Compansy. 1. Spleu ione ad i4 l reloale t mki m a nl wazsoe for hi. national and natur- JOHIN AGNEW, the ei 's." .. t And the.. ý%"I p'-,,: ýlbiUrs j 1-Inalirince Agent, &o., cf huavat.ity. Perhaps a novel idoe, vas, Whlîby. T.he Xngiash, Reformere are holding con-, that -ahe feund a very near, situait exact. te- ~O f erncs. ia pres>aratOii for the approaching semblanWto hlm iu outr neihbem of Nv' Di'VJ dS O D4LIW capatE',I a ll that ii shrewçd, 052e, pUshing, (Pr ttiasoStarsetfGison & Yarnoid.) The. Dimore o tii, Great Eastem have auaddrivit4g, iu the oe, finding its coplr- ALAiIGE back enÈly Dog havlng ane vhite postponed tise oxpisation of theýr çmb4rraos- fitprsaentment"aa tise thr-N. Y. Timetz j oi' foot partlslly lame. Aniyporion re- aateii tht u hirehiýÎoh'kIers114-anmoiuth, .Whichs turann tisasanie ttheUcunderalged i ii b.ore- caus#ed iucis dissatisfactjon among h lu- The' Southern students o! the New:York , The total S2PQunII of guld received fi-rs I modica achools met, redneeday evren~ R. J. Y-ARNOLD. i4h Ch R al C a hes 18,000. deliberrate upon the proriety o- oei N.g dtB. tAny pesnretaitng teDgaftcr the appesi in behaif cf )Johnu Bruwn' rs After abundant discussion, iu which the -RaI JeepY. Ferry affait-. He, anys litaexea s'i "t" Union sentimént was realiy in tise am- Wbitby, Dec. 23rd, 1859. Il-tf. looW dupon. as a crime cf the eabest mair- cst al u-aefrti. 1dr t u-_________ round the Chairman, wheu ouly fourteen eut J1 Th'1 b)OOrehu'iie6-0,OOUf. c he udo u oe xiio hi duinge ue iit williîîa'-ess le u'ihdraw. This, eb isro ROM Uthe large amount cf Job Prlnting vith rîî puill peicycf rlle boarî.. ,-uras , wili ho e end of sui m à d fei ii hich t he subsoribera ]lave been favoreti glnndwaa aakag prg *~New-York.-N. Y. 7'imes. mince the>' comùmencet business, tIse> are enabued .TIse budget lot nexi yeur reaelw~s 4 ey THE Sà '. JU.&N AiP;Ati-It is underaîood t ik £4.OOOOU. blat Lord John Rusi.l lias sent a verv irmi A REDJCION IX THF.IR PRICES, The. Paris bourse wt» buoý'alit. ussago tu the Guverument cf bteÙniîed vhicla Uiey aili do on anti aftcr the lst cf Jan- Thoý nerias frou alay i:5s unîmportalîî. Stalcat regardig tie case cf Sans Juaus-pretty ukrY next. Thoedifkienoes beîweeii Pi u-."ia nit ile,- niucli 1<> the e' obhut undpr ne cîrcurustan- Wuzvav 'Raîxwo COMPLUT. ac iilsea b.setiet tirouît ise r-es-ces cati thse place be givoîtu& Sciate yeiiars <fhmîOfc sion cf thse Diet. Ltgo,îb seeinss te Ainerican , vrrnient sentatI hm ice, 1t ut w, s rerrted that te Empuror of Cinîa cilicially1l tise Googiraphicai Society sà cisart Dc i,15.- litaI giveuit lie Russiait notice to qui',Ile of tisa boutîdries under thse Oregon treaty$ OSR~ES O X ètltiei'tp on tise Amoor River, and tlhelii%-vit ls Sari Juan defrueti ats beionging te Gr-eat T ATIOfl ONEY «CE ,AND siiitaEmbtassy ut Pekiiîî was cotîfinuct tu' its Britin.;anti this la but oeeof uiany proofa of OTIIERS. Palace. the cuti-e groundiessnessandauJ tonnesscf- Tisere liati beeps,a innitlteriai crias iinT'ui--the Amuericran ciair.-Scotsrnan. lAT Uic Walekman Office vii lieo oua lar mige -- - - , --- Steck of the folowlng description cf F'nod Pacha hudtiltmdered hi. resigmîatîui, MA P.iRI E D 13 LA N XS but it vas tnet accepteti. 11v the Ilie. John Iluint De. 22nd, Ma. SnTIL- et bhc most t&pproiret forma, prisited ensthLe bush The Eusvoy of 1rîrîee Daniel, cff aluîîîeîic- ViEL lî,i-js tbu là rLr Elicat cf Mr. paper, anti at prices te defy competilion : gro, 1usd been a&-aaiunated, Jate iice, Whlttss. D EE DS A ND M E M Q R A L S, 'tPain-lizïd ordtrred an addirionai levi cf lty te Sanie DeC. 271h, MRc. JOHNsScotas, men.School Teachaur, Iteachs. tu Mi.-s J.La.-mcMaaits or wilbout Dever; s)eqUI.ncy, the ùpiuns caler, as demil. Iýic.!ieriiig. MORTGAGES AND MEMORIALS Ad ttiual atiiersioniste tise Congrcsý Itad ____________________ WiLh sud without Power cf Sale, and with sud lwouts recocivcil ut Paris. Le Nord sa%-,;tia ns ihotDwr the 6xiicd aovéreigts antithie )ireaent A lîta. ute >EDS aîhu Dvr -hiefscf tlie <bvçrniiieit.3 of Ceittr Italy AtWib.oth 25th mast., Jours LAmaI-oN wii peai her aue bfoe ue("tare. V F hIZEYNOîn,eldest sonofuti..eynoldis 1LAW anti CHANCERY BLANKS of ail des- o -iotes and mensoriais. Ilbis .tate th Iaithue ofAqsg.îrf ut-ofOt-olUiî8hv cipis F.îghisâh anîd Frenchs tovcrîîmetîts were cuti- O u gr LEASES, BO.NDS, Aulting togetiser î titiu rnigetrtutît of lite - - ~ MAGISTRATES' SUMMIOSS,t Italian qutisfloutwlîeli wviIi tiot prubably saiLS- MARIKETS. WARRA.NTS, Lc., &c. etc., f fyAustria ; but wtîici w uvi îcouii-erlio fer- eporteot r 1.6e I tN b faml anti Printedti o order, iluheUic risLstyle of the art. ions cbjeelîtioit Bi-un iti Si. l>-ertu' tulier1.s. WHii-ai-PcRINTîsoCOUPANT. j The Pucific liolic i onarîts E r apn- Iaci fie Puas ato bu înakiiig good 'pro're-s -ý. Ala I caÂ"Oitc,îhiren Ofce 2, 15.1t geranit issumical bîmiutîîet ile-î,t'iI ari!, te WiWhily, De D26, 829. 1899 Min-or Kpoke ini ai u'rv eulog-istie lililii-r noii-aDcl2,15 WhItby Branch Bible Society. lhise îewpacifie ecm ut, wttiî-It. ho aiI.Franeîi'lsÂT (Full)-------------.. s 6d LeoiJI Pd. "'HE ANNIVERSARY of the Wiiby iit itrîî.FLO' ................. . U.16s d 97o 6d Brandli Bible Society wilt bh ietti cri lb is ttite-d tisaIt tC iivl-îtiu Covèrinuit il il lÂLY------------* 3 7 rîdttmy Lening, Ja.'uary e61h, lu tlie Wesleysu about tu spcid upw'aUrîl4 t' oU1.501.0 i. î l----------..........3.î Od inthe, uic rta or Algeria. Hr,....... ...........os d d %VMetliib Die. e ..19-2in l'2 101 ... ... .... ... .. 2 Gd s 9 I 'îALY.-2Ille JUSC-11illîiilorc ,.Iv.i ltt t à --------------Idti l 1 - -- _- -- bit Ctîgua. wilbatîtlbnv ç~u~i.i ~ii"'ATrs5..............~3~ la elCOG GTIONAL. MISSIONARY MEETING-. îaaiîaiî i-rr 'ltlie Ceib 4l MEETINsG-u(F la........sloi iscof the Canadian Cougregationat are betterwurneâ'tlîau iiev Wîorc, t Ite enid 1 rb).............os 'jd 0s loti tA issiunary Society vili 6e held lu Lhe Cou- ci tse vair, and mviii pe-racere a.t....sîî.......----------------Os 7TitiOs 9d gegtional Cliluci, lu this Townî, on Tuesday i sts'ong Italiall. kitigdorn an dntionîal taidoln .G ............... s oi à cd ij Rrrn4uu,,Jan. 101h. Addires"s viil e tilivercer! whch tii ae ieCir - buîia u, r os1 u- 'i.......a3 s~ijly Rcv. Messrs. Feuwiek, Reluie, Durrant, auti vîiotîs. l'île Parim (iUirîi-'st tîîîîhtauhî-stu ...........i. IC- - - 23 UGd 3à Id n'others. 8,159 9- prove tait the refornisa %î'hicIiare cl '-J fou u i i-.e iclt........... Us Gd Os Oti WîbDc 2,15.i-1 tisePapal Statua b3- t- Libt'aal pau) ... ..t ..s .... Ta toi3261 3d - -___ ____--___1 Wuiyî siiii eacc*o1ulixiel'y lite sv:iu~-- - - -5 d 2s~ fN( TICE. ... t................. -$1 l; ta $i7 S~ar~-Rupata s-ret-un iii ii Milid - I 'îlE'WIIITB%' 'RINTING Ct.,' beg 10 aate Jiat daensî-, aîdeeicurituliii b.d lilTonresa-7o, 1ccembecr 28, 1859. 5 luitTHIOMAS NW A.tL i s the outy ,out ainoug iliteSpauiasli trtops uinalîrwLo. Il Yt'-irtrîiv %vsuîS ittui-Ltre heusuai duIliMonrt hartsnautorhdtitofreceire oisies a Pdbgrali ,vas blaugit lhub the Slaitii C eneral wautitt d?, 11,thit arket, %,i tiibut a aliun attendanc e iti, ub nd Bokit fting Scbirspe Pu.. ruotaattsebsecl'uiie ii J tsir ît-su thrLs'r or sellers, anud a vcry smal~isigJosu lo lruigEtaihnu. go islnIleDrliieil t1Ilearlnoul oqf biins Wletemtuthe exte;ît orfI- Wliiby, 22ud Dec. I155. Thue culliitatci,2jd , - i t~ l il v as uff'eti, sud mecd off - iseNov.the ît uaidls fNîv risi îieV.rn- iiitr;Iinrap1idiv ai troin $1 1lOto Si 20 pet THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY- liai obte I t, al. aie1'ir ij , .,.~bu tt-1I1 Le Laterbing the extreme figure., but sin J à diâ CLIftZES Octberth l7lî.liaitrenrietiEuilnitî. iutwhit-tt uas paltiqîtite frequcntly for -thtix-st the' maîin fatires ofih tiem- havet- h i ii- sa-tapies. The range for geod %;hma exterrdeti Celebratel Female P 118. -icipated b tcer'ih erc b. nurioîsoiiir- è-urîîtaiâbisu$1 15P but tihe farouribe figure of Prepared (roin a pr~eqto'o i lre iisMttioti cf tige deathiof Nena S.tlsitu. (ibe day iras $t1 0 uer bushe. Sprhag arbeat jM.D., PAieù-iuaÃŽ X lsii ii o5sedb dfrv« xr iml% R-r-ias-y tbthe Quera. V eibourntu adicca m uaiîionLishe siispeisii ~tt oS u a2 o e> xi mls Tis i neuliu.d.î. nltt la .u..1i.g I. Lm. .oîf Musti-s. MNaliieîslsacli, ilorît & C,-., ami jaly(0t 5.Re70 u 5.ot otS ueo i hsep4fladdneoi iia ,(J,.iýIeersSliltr &Claki.'11 l.t1iýi1cî in etifit ai 33e te 35v. Peau 55e ta 57c. Pork to wbicis the femaletcouatituîou là abjecî. I tihefoirmer cage urt >catlinatteti nb£23l.00),and I-Thue mariket liai' lost a gooti dci ef t is recent imoderato» ail exceail anti reruves att obstruv- iin the litte'r of £25,00o. lto)sue, anti $6 'was again the extrense figure Los niased uera erhc u .Losnos '&OF. MArk.-r-iiiel'suvisy ytsteriav, vhsile $5,25 te $5 75 vasUacecn LodaienoMNryiii tiserui1-hetd 1,jor- iie lur atiI, h lgaticbgs nda T<i MARIIIEt>LADIES It h6 perfeetl> stited. y iwte last steamer stili conttittues. A fui - iiiiîet deînand - nouinal quotatiot.s are - Bach bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Gev- t-lir rsc ra ricus laittakuî lac. ' Superflue No. 1,184 50 te $4 55: fane>' $4 75 ernment Staunp of Great Britain tu prercvenu- dier ruue in, ciiefly u auen plb.----- ..Ainri i-. iligcu t. II.iîsueii emiV Il îNi- 4tjc urStateWestern, anti Caà aduan.Pro- 01 [ Madnl ii ldce l.Fele.upork niarket la quiet, at $16.12 YiI, ~ ,ket-p.Iii sent, and iat-rw'urts tuok oit active foîr ites, anti $11 75 for prime. Bkefastesdy audd 1att iii hix conden tnt ionî toua iti.-%acefui puit- unuctaged. Lai-i duil anti henvy ; sales 100 iii1inc'nt,hec,rnrnitted agtlariii-act efîrinu-li- b-ils ut lOie (coif10:c. Butter in fatir requcat ait ci-y Ie one vho hati relieti upon iim, andi le- t1 C te1lUi- for Ohtio, anti 15 te 23 for State. bucarn ipù-lG-epir crininTif iii the altenice ofb vîtiehiMr Fetlou'es wa.s eonv.ietel. If 5Mr. -f SaI-tu'otlnd caît piendil uot guilty bt te chtarge. Pocket Book Loit. ire aa.ree avitixh e Gazette, titlte publie - <nîgtît te kntî it. Il Mi-Fellowes ha, matie rr 1E Subà ci-ibar lest ou Tucada>' 27th laab, theu allegý,atîiti'.dich. ire lie repeabird &asru- Ir çither lu Oshawa, or bebveen that vilage E ceivuad friou lis fri-ictidi a curl u e'.cite anti Whitbvi a L.EATI-ER WÂLLET, contai n-j .-eammiseraitien fer lià as wn came, t eugisbte in.g $15 lu notes of the Bank cf ilonti-cal, tliree hocluîowtt, 1et us bave Mr. Macdloald's iromissory Notes, anti other papers. *ýupiaitation auJ Mi- iehiowes' repli', anti Ail parties are foribd parctiasiug tisenoctesa t cii the public wiltl be able tojutiga. IfMi-. wiiich '.remante ini fa'.or cf tise subucriinr as C N II> IacdonaId refuse. is e cati ouishigown sup- foîlousa :- "'J- porter, tise Moiti-eat Gazette, ire appreisenti A Note matie b>' Jesse V'an SIyke, 16v £32 16s. Teotra eiblrmeyfrR E,S that Mr-. Felloweî' case tnust be taken as es- A Note matieb>'yla-a Whitncy, for £ 11 Os Oti ThCOCUS,>' reaiT>'RICKl nd ROK-E NV tabixhd. lV miaitMr.Madonld' e A jNote matie by Hen-y Snacks, L>r £2 5saOti C o rUS, COLDThr oIa nti BOICN tabissei. e vat i-.Madorîil' e- Ày en returning thc pocket Book at : I.oan>'otSrnc-oii t inthe i tei'before saying more. Globe. tenta to thse subscrlber s'ilI be suitabi>' rewarded. 1Meless ietn TuuuDv'ry oNjV>aSI rLS.-Tise Ofici - ELIAS BROWN. VOrM$ eUM Wa*r, y en'of &ppette, zette of Saiunulay hagt voitains a ,ol *n Wliîby, Dcc. 28, 1859. 19-tf sudlait deîsageanautà of the Dlgeitiva Ongns. antiocing 1-er Mqjeety's dieà tlevwance of bA ojitlnIils a îsoreQIJ , a teM (iMtb' tWe Provinîcial ]Parhiauuut(' L. I iehavUSOttmONDe t st houa. s ooret lailt session,ut Toronoto, i itltIl An it A to J.I«.J Il a % s, * f W anpposed te be -broken <lovaiandi altot votth- impose lti duty oeutVesselmadaîmibtedti b Iegis- lsi Uto fdsae-algbe opee ti->'and the eoat' "g Tradein iatitis Province, Standard and>nou.8 emaltueanodacseaferhalng beaun pîchf- ati belousitîg'îo conilties net ad. mtîinnz bie fo 5 e 10 oeta býw dbv vesseaocf titis Prov'inc'e lai-itegist->'an rsii.Books, &'"Sr i 50te$10,met an bdtta om ae Vil!ee cfGeneral ait([ Coautîtig 'l'radie in such MRAER 90*$8, -CHURH SERVCES 1 j ih heConditionu 4ud appeaillnce Coutries." The -proclamnation fui-bier de- * ira of e!theiro r e se uhlpovdthaItha>' clareti ihat tise sain Bi1 h satlIl"frorta hence- P5LE nm fu sali more readily' snd aI higbas prime. It laasy forthceus, determipefflîd be . ite n mAN)I'< T N E~ te gîve ,SIUE TOCRE, sudatea aI&ailtimes iincl void te ail mIe t"Dni urosa raalO-"sd mal case, anddon net preventthe Iorse 'Ãœedvré is o ai etia tai broeis wclhrSABBATH SCIIOOL fronu being-wonked vhileInsing l. lb ev16cf Te tiussi , ndqnsowel s on Fieg Wr I)B O , A D iLaci b. &ive te BORNEID OATTLE. 16vof ehe aittetieoadmo- io S, ND .Do u4rfaui te pure"ha sPaickaga, tî* ye iîîg Ti-sadmed bisug eiâiry and lise Coast- CC8P- +7R oKA ryha' tu it and la case of'em0rss'o l igTae hdProvînos a duty cof 10 peu A!ý :1 0. y ii,» -cent. onth ie 'value cf aucis vessei.. Tisa is- At tise -.w.JIRSiPrplt1 *1howarie cf tisis -bih indioates tliat 'the YAKE NTIN IV.R. ___________________N _ Cardiitu Eieeutbve stasdas -l owin lthse,13YANKEE NToOO77A.NE. K. esimatian cf thé Home Govérusnen.-Ci.lobe. Wbitbb ea:.21, ýP9qIISCIN '~ tua 'W. - - -,STW__ _ _ _ _A._B.SU& IL Di M01p" oucL.Th ewYrkler- R11 I LL MlO T D _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ aid speaking of tise candidates for munilcipal - - 'M N G M R .8LE da-tsaasirns e ea n~!,CmmnÃ"ri4iYT ONY-iTG OMJE 6MÂ_&BOUIbm ! Cêu<li,-reis rateat set o 0 pl anti eutîisroats Ihat o n i t u o-rani y- hxRhat t COQ, il f om tIWNTG-g5hI" owee obinon, KI Of~ ~1etp -"arwenjie i-ëaW antetait-Mesknd 1 wlUsa azus bï 'tihe YsruOpppo1iu1e Whity mà à efnd reë utmte hat-ever. bi:y-li to t l..fonira'eêrs $~~* ~ I Iui~r$ a adetpra ,9 ho#bou s, c4r o-W8 .. .i ofa#Mtn e ) tat ts~jo~ ueaç ait i t -TheFm=To ,'O&lii â6ý', a -. .oi .: m- - - -tr. ofi h&ýeUuit'-i &ei" eçu ot'tô b te -P S ,0MOeStoreetinLtt. S>' 50 yâOfeatdecp. fetdonaea fitteti up ta suit the Tenant. Tis ilonee o! tise DM STSTANDS LN , THE TOWN, for a Grocer>, -Dry QOoda, or Fano>' Goocis JAMES ALLACE JAMS WLLÂetr A SUPMNEOR LOT TUQ BAND FR01 TE a Dso ay- conpauy. IIAMILTON & UOBERTS, WHITBY. Dccenîber 13, 1859. 17 REKO VAL 1 0. A. BANNiS'! FIR.- Has remeveti bis stock cf Druge, Palins, &c., te No. 1, Oonuneroial Buildings, Bnock Street opposite the nev Brick Block cf Janies Walla ce, Esq. 17-lin WHITBY BREWERY. CLA 'M & WOODWARD. if'îlE Subsvi-ibers are nov prepareti te furusa flhe Iatrenu ftise Whitb>'>' ith an excellent article lu sucS qucutities as ina>'be re- qiuireti, anti eu terms to suit punchasers. BoiLleti Aie equai tu 1he insporteti article. CLARK &WOODWARD. NNVhitbsy, Nov. 15, 1859. 14-tf Flour, Bran,_and Shorts. q 'IE Subscriber hasîunisaund anti for sale IFleur, Braisanti Shorts. C RPR %lsiîh'.-Sten w lIs, Nov. !3rd 18r>9. 1-1 EXPRESS 1 EXPRESS 1 r*ilhIS Crnpatty wiII forward by each Passen- Iger Train, in charge of a speciali mousenger, à lo.srv, PAsa, and Freigît, of evcry desciip- Lion, with the greatest possible despatch, to ail parus of the Canadas, Untited States and Europe. Ortierr- received for the purchase of tivod.- Draif-R and i lls Collccted. CHESTER DRAPAR Aget. Whitbr, Dec. 13, 1859. 17 t! Hleifer Astray. CAME intothe enclu sure 01 the Subiesiber, Lo- Nu. 31, in3rd C'on. (if Whitby, about the i - of Septcnîber la st, a Red - _! ýHleif4r, having a few white marks, and two ycars old next spring.- nie ownerih requesteà tu t prove property pav charges and take her away; and uniess ciairneti in due timue &bc ill be soja accurding to the kouvisus of statute law. FREDERICC l>IPPS. Wbithy, Dec 9, 1859. 1lt-4in A CAL, S TRAYED between tichest a nd 5th - November hast, feowtlite prcniisea of the subseriber, Lot 21No '28 4tb Cou. Wîhby, knowvnj as tile latlcy Mills propcrty. TIOPO Whitby, Nov. 25. 1859. .1-t WILLIAM HEPIN TALL, J-ElEI.LER, &c..,1 eJ'AXES this opportuniLt.ý expres*, bis heartv Matic to, he 1p a ti -f Brookîlin, an'a surrouaading vialnitr 'for' licir liberal' support during the pait, andi would respectfully solicit a continuatLion of ea Lrorlage, feeling conFdent tîa t ail jobs cutrusteil b bis cure svill give entire sat. Wac7fheslocks, and Jewehyl CSulsantly on /bexd, Ckeap',for Cash. Fltitiias &~c., Rep ired & 'Tined. Blrooklin, Nov. la, 1859. 13-3w. NETà AiND OLO PRACTICE O! MEDlICINE C01481NED G1. A. . cAiS QIN, .1 \X OLL most respectf4llyr announce io Lue wV Citizen, of Whitby 4nd vicinity, tha.t ho bas Pcnxiauently lova ted il hitbv, for the pur- pose of treating diseasci incident î th .e hutnan syttem. Dr. C. wouiti say that he'is a graduate of one of tie bcstBeclectic MedIcal Coileges iu bhe U.S., has attendedti h.eUniversity of McGill Collegc, Montreal, ais<i, the University of Vic-. toria College, of wbich he, tSa cio a (iraduatie mnd bas attendeti several of Uic best Hoapitar on the Continent. These adtantageS, with many years' practice, of great stoces, lie feel9 =61i- lent in saying that bis mwodeýof trenting all dis- eases of the Lungs, Heart, Liver, Kdes Stoznach, Nervea, and Rbeuuiatisns, iewle Compiaints, aud AU Çhroa&v DWseca canuot be isurpasset by any hi the counrzy. H e would inforin ilose uwscquaintcd with thc P.leffiw Prseci, that his niedicinis are princi- pally froni the Vegetable Xiagdor, as thley "are bst adapted ta Ubronie discases. Dr. C. perforas all eperations on the Eye and Ear svitb great succauan d in trestiug ail af- fections of thse.organs lia !S unequaliei. N. B. To those affietad with Jaundige, 1)~rpy or &Dy JEruptive Disease. WhaM~IAt s ýe or rio pare. AUl calls attsîsded to elthertlaTown or counstry. V11 Charges modoet, OFFICJiE AND DXC-.. ciDo)or South of Mechanie' Hall, 1lVhitby, CO.-W. 13 Ohrisitma Xeiry, Nerry,_O0Sxms!i SUGAIRS, IIUNCII AND" SULTANA RAISINS - (vithoul atones) CURRANTS, WIX'Il MUSf TfR«D -CdIXDkE C IRON, JND LEMOV ONP'L00M , WLL - CHCOR YPOWDEJi)IIà Moeyauekile andi 'othea- Tobaceas.,«1 TêCamadian Aroltus. ARNOLIENTS FOR 1060. lished on an entirell new systeIn. It wil appear t'wice a mnth, sud wül curuu- quently be much more unefiul as a mnedium of in- telligence on &Il subjec4 afi1cting Agricuhtural Societis, and farinera generaUly, tban hereto- fore. Each seuil-rnonthly nrumbcs, will consiat of, 32. pages, andwilI bu prited on ueliawhite paper. Notwitbstanding the býcrease of mixe, and of ies of publication, the price te asingle subscri- bers wiii be only haif -a dollar for one cepy per annuin. Further, even at tils low rate, a bonus wlilb. given one frece copy for every tan copies ordered and paîd fur iu advance. That la to amy for $3 rernftted, I11 copies wiilb. msâied ; for $150 35 copieà wilibe -iuailed, and no on. The "A griculturaliat" la Post Free. IL will consequently be the cheapest paper of its kinwi, and contain the lagu amount of reading mattcr of auy published onuthe contin- In addition tte Uic ver>' 1ev terscf subacnlp- tien, as.a ferthar renumeralion te thosa Who ex- ci-t themacilvea te ebtain1 subacribess, tha untier- wepticrîed moue>' premuluma viii b. paldti tethose wbio senti in the iargest tiat, accompaulèti with the amount, befere or ou the lot day cf Apnil next. Subaci-iptions wili Se neceive t a u> timc, anti the amount of each list reckanstiu caUse lst cf April. Tise moue>' must b. reeceiva net meret>' maleti, ou that day. The followig are the piles offereti- To Uic officer cf an> 'Agricultural SocIe t>', wember of a club, or otiser person w! o stiail senti lu Uic largeat liat of subseribers a ceompanieti vitis bbc cash, ou or beforo bte loI cf April next, a prize will b. paid of-----------------------------....«$20 To tise person whe shail sentiinuthe next lai-gesI liaI------------------------...19 To the pensen vho shall seud lu the next i-rgesI ist ............. ............... 18, lTo thse persou who shalh sent Iun thse utei tai-geat i lt------------------------...17 Te the persou wbo shall senti lu the next lai-gest list ............................ 16 Te btceîucrsen vIse shah senti lu tbe next ici-gea liat---------------------------..15 To the person vise shahl send tih ie next largeat lst---------------------------..14 Tocbise person vlio shall senti ia the nexi lai-geaî iist------------------------...13 fe tise persea wbo shall senti in thse next uargesî To tise person vbo shahl senti lu the nert langeaI Te the person vlioshati senti lu th. noît tai-gea% i lt------------------------....10 - Toeori e-on wbo shahl sentinlutise next langest lât------------------------...9 To thse person whe shal senti lu the naxt largest list-------------------------.. To Lise person irbo abalsenti lu the ucxt iargest liât-------------------------.. Iteeperson irbo isU lsenti in thc next iargîasîit ...................... To te person irise shail sniluntsenext lai-geat lEst----------------------.... To tise person who shahl send th ie next Iangesb iiatt ............................ 4 Te tise perron viso shah s&endtin hae ineza largest it----------------------------..3 Toubbche sn vbo shall scdatheu icnaxt largeat list - -... -.............2 Te thc pesson vbe shah tendi in lhe nesi Toi-cn eot n 1859. B B;Ckwod AND BRITISH RtEVIcvIvq L. SCOTT & CO., NEW YORK$ countie te pnb- lias Ushe folowing heatiing Britiali Palodi- adi, viz a. TUIE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conserrutive). 2 TIIE EDINBURGH IE VIEW (Whig). a T» E NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Fi-ce Chun'ebc). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW BLACKWOOD'S EDMNURGII MA&GAZINER (Tory). rTUESE periodicais ably rapresant thc threa .j gi-est policticai Parties Of rGieat lIriin- WbigT -orycuiRadical-but polies forascal>' eue faure of tbiou ciaracter. As latr' or gans of tise muost profoundi viiterS On qcienCe, Literature, Mlora it>', anti Religion Uic>' stand, as tse>' ever have stood, unnivaFJe in the 'vaniti cf lettes, Seing conqiderati indispensable ta thecscholarand tise professionalman, visle to Ui iteigeubrca- dat of ever>' clamtht>' ftii-i, Ialuse mcorrect sud satlsfasitoryeord of tbe,Çerrent liteatars efth1e day, thuougisout the wvend, taucau be poesibi>'obtained fl-cuisD> alliersource. EARLY CO PME. The receiptof AdVane 8hr'tb frein lb. Britialipublishersgives dditinatvalua te thms ReprulaIsinguçub as tise>' au nov b. plaeed In tua hspdu et.,mubseibers, m boua& msona U ue original e-ditifna. iPïRMS, - n Ibur Ravievfi-$0 Utr furRaeviews ...... iS 70 hviv.......... 00. £on azinae-------S00 id o aReviev.....0 0 ýd tirje. aic...... 9 001 Fer apy oeeofet the Fer siy tareofet th for avy thm ie til F~or aul foir of tae 'F' B akwoodis i To -Parties'-urohasing, TÀIN> X>trased MBR. Bu&Lt stock o! LLMatniais for Ladies' snd Artlses, work, Fdste-val,! Wat#r Coloe., Am itts NEW FRWW&0. Sultans&mals Flgs. INCLUDINIG -Alunoucis (biSer), WSinubs4 lbsa - ut AMERiICANi CILEE8E~ -! 0F THE BEST QUALITY. HIAM 1LTON & ROBERT$#' -WHI TBE1 December 18,1859. MMIL L A N WHOLESALEà & RE&TAI RCRYSOU BR'OCK -STREET, WIIITBY.' 1Tfjcà nd nhu%ë 15>mon, Goldenudmati tier Syrups7st go Qta 11>son Skin. LMau"%, 0 li>'son Tvmukey, - Peit, ShemiyMadeira;.4 msdtioe W s ueral Tarmako>', 10,000 Gala.- prime Whay. Gunpovdet, ma Souchong, Sga-oa ruâhet. asdti m voWla tJongou. Teaco otSmoking suad Chewicg. 1'pet cent. teductioa on primes eretotore -Pickles in alt>. .-hargd. And a=er>'aicl * zo« AN iMI NsE ASSOIRKENTM CRCYW iLL AND EXAMNE.. rry's Block, Brook Streat, Dec.718. At Pei DON YKNWAICY&Op C&RR1k~E BU«GE8, UTThRZ, ZIJEIQB8, &> , T EE Subeas e. leave teinterai th, publiç tbat thajila -Mformerlje occupied l>y 1fr. Ira B. Carpnte,situsted i Brod amuly oppSite. the Xà rkst building, whem tha.y are prepsit vIi a eul, with every articèle in tifrîhUne f businem s ,. The snbsorlbmrsare'.psuctical andf cempetaut vethinea of eo4 the satire o ettaitou liber te, thelr businses, thay cas Vrode >eofpes*ter dimbillty, and mère eIgsautly 'AFFOR TO BIELL THEX than theon *ho bave -te bime Omelabor of etiier. AiU articles seld ai tb 1 lesat living pruces,,fovr Cas, oe,",a] examine. AIckndu et Iumb.rsadfarmaz'sprodtae taken luucbsgse. Phsiclan, Surgeen, Accucheur, &.,I. k, .Barrister, ilrinice Albert, O. W. Reseaee<a >hs i il Wisr BrickRï ue isesrIy oppositét e i dene. ,ofCouisty ofOil T. C. Ferman; Euq. 4-ije (f tLAWRENCE PJTERS, 'net f -Joeph .1. Pater", et the 161 aceeasslof cRaâcà i Whobe, anch4aester, C. W., &beut -Four jeesu age.~~ ~~ Ofytutnmtea thepeprsett. sent le oblige fie *eç N<mbeerM Beac, No, U see.134wt -k '-I j t 1 bll%.,%.Wb.« 1 IN- LEMWON, CITRON, &ORANOL JUST R ECEI1VE A LOT 0F C-Al IDIED