,DECEMBER 29s415 9 otiR "OU STEAM ON .CO)IMON RbAD iow that a Biihsekcrig ti ual and regitlar serÂ¥ice> in the Uie tes, while not one Amierinnteïjà -carri- is in suc3h serviee -wn this gr »any otlier ntry i now that'English -rnachimsts, are Iyinig noit only the roads of 83uth Ameri- Lndia a*nd ,Australiabïut'elistriets állroeeg wdrId thht h'ave no - roads, with traction nes, ivhile.Amerianmecéhanie,Wvhose smare already proved to be, betterý, h"% secuared-the first liberal enco ymen that-steam vehicles are em"plo irrthe ets Of London to haul l oad's whi -h; orses- not conveniently draw, hl the -moië ,teable carriages Zwh ietimaes-eyen- in our streets, draw Only the 'anathemnas r progressive people; nowý th&,at taa 3are, in actual service of the ýBritish Go- 'ment, while the authoriie of..,ourown have refused;to.icens publiesteam, ehicl to run within its limits ;ilt is time for'us to ourselves u n-a second. tg in tira2- à ukdèd O ur trtraraùntietd& ta, 19 screwshipg of forejgn coautrie. re are wont, in every-day phrase, to .d q elves a "ismart ple,"l and the ýE - 1, 1! plodders anrodfoies." Yet ,it ahow happens that our - neihos r in advance of us chronologicallif~n asically, ïm the little )natter: -of steemt 3, la the mainor item ofesteáma-agricuent ýetriflingisundries of puddled-steel ýand.- uriglocomotives. Our prowes.iá nanufacture of clocks, t OlS amd Yanke es, is indeEK umLqiestioned, andour sail- rssels muay be counited by-,the- hundred,' ur docks,) but, peoplè are so exaeting, a-days, that they wil doub t our entir, m inenoe in the; artsoten • - if w the Europeans tos a m ofus à Paricular. Let-us t refore, devote, ng thought to the, subject.ofsteam c)a. non roads, tocsee if ther. e a4kreal ,ay in it worthy of our dist inguishe COa-, ition. ma-carriages ran successefully on comx- roads in Great Britain,-before railwe initruduced, and- were driven off by t ne and unrelenting 'tioQCn 4 .h ad stage-owners, bace ythe HDuseý mis. Railways evaded, ind, by anore- nt, promises, ovéeame this opposition uperseed the commn road service¼ý0 steam and horse- coaches..What miut 1 In attempt'n to'cover thoe.l6 nent twothins 47 has béen, the outlay., The conciasion th. ailways, at 4.0,000.ýper mailead of. a - regaLar :peed - off y 38 nies per. hour on the 40 1a less.-wq !i ,ta dM e miles per bhe';r--thiscopolnaeis i e n' lyr ovgy, Thuruby mo=ijlg. 11s PatISH ED EVECRY L IN E S. ed truth as the safest side of the question ? of r. Daniel Wi}t>n author of the 4Pre- ing her noble opportunities, and committin er ieya eom ere fhs TIH UR S DAY MO0RN.. 1- Again, regarding this thinking faculty, how historie Annale of Scotland,"' and Professr the strange absurdity mnvolved in the suposmaitaem meanmuthe »Y -rm: i anrs. is it, that speaking of an absent prsonr, the of English Literature at Toronto, Canada -iinta omnt an be. enrichect byantoesa anbithuends Wheninfaney nd yuth re pstform of that person presents itself vividLy to West. the plunder 'p detail ffisonrsucs faciet bems odru l ct WHI I tY, PR INTING C il\N\, With ail their needless fear-s, the mental vision,,by what power is this mir--- The fallacy that lies at the root of Socialism h ml laeawohaais tr oSa Jlt thek piMce on COLI'mnNE-ST., N I 1TnY. And mranhood comnes to fatce the blast, acle wroughit 'l'ou may call it "mpmory If AN ENGLISH OPINION ON CANADIAN is that the,reéourceisof the Stateare unlimited,eabrtsruueonfrth 't.mstge THOAS ALACE Sereary& Touer- tAnd çlimib along in years ; you like, but it does not explain thé malte- AFFÀIRS. and that whatever an individt-.al can obtain i ubi on os tmd o THMA WLLCE Scrtay itfnues cast downv, yet not dismrayed, aital]. Behîove, sirs, that fi.tunity and retri-from it enriches himn without impoverishing Aldanhilttsp paalstictly in advaneu, ur $-2.00 ai t il-.enud W".o h hl ives the lie to annihilation. o uh --... any rate the Merit of rendering ! overnmn n opttësitn ia a ime the of tþe year. - A~~Mlain hiliero sea ofifte1 close your eyes and snecer that the suis., ex- The principles of Free Trade have been In some, sort possible. It has now brokenanrighrftr' aaninrdrng RATEs oF AvERTiiNG: Sets fotii ilitttle hand to sirietingu-tishedl, but 1Ildare fnot so far question your established by the moïit vigorous demonstra- <down undeipr its iown intrinsic vices, and we prwe i i tk e n h pa Tenli no o'r- under, first insertion..... ... 5 Adtruhti hneu rlt common sense as to say you behiere if. t on and co)inied by the most ample exper- a at ith anietyý the next act in the drama. do. Liinpae hre ds ada o eahsbeunInerln. .0 ttmsesdwn e o m e dsail After tis- long prologue, %we wil turntIo ie:.ce ; ithey commnu.,d the willin aset lf'ihe fnicans of corruption can no longer beodsetb th wnow d mue m er ow Abore ten lines, irst insertion (per ltne). . . . o.t) For filled with hotte. 'he's no)t afr-aid.IHermon Eveitz. . the moýt eighitened statesman, f te ph iI"iand ho isgvrmntob ota ed tatd ex eson haha ss b- tr each subsequent insertion.... .0 oo There are t1 ree classes of men that lorrn ô-opher, anid of the eduetted mn tof bsies. ithout it ? Can public spirit be called -to ngto rvoscn A lHberal discount iwill be muade to parties liIe's Unotafraid to Stemn the tide ti okdywrd irt efs awoWhat more, it tmayb t,»asked, can be wn-l gi fe oln eido nems o e o rc -wt gédvertise by the year. Of worldy woe, or worldly Nweal ; !!hsDf aiel dse nthog ih ing to secure pennanenit triumiph and comr- sion ; andijf 'not, what substitute can be us a r iy a ena ok ue Nio adviertisement will bie discontîiued with- lie in the armns of' FArni cani hidle, and wvrong,, and nevei calculates on thre pro- pla,.te success ? Unhappily somnething more founid for the rnoney which has been siquan- otbee h da eto h o-oo out writen rderto tat ffed. Ths stongl ared, ecur canfeel . ab*ihty of bemg knocked on the-head before is wanatting, and that something may, pras1ee adte publie rnilswihhv os It cara lne tteuul oe No äþe Ni h diconinud utilallarrar- A t times cast down, yet not dismanycci htýe reeshis object. The second izs the make all the differenicein the hitherto splen' beeni undermined ? bd Ll' ,wo asnw epya-vrn agts aye paid up, unless aet the -otion of Cie- With Iraith, and Hopec he's not afraidslwvciaig rnan, who looks 'n ithrddcrer of economniettruthi. The doc- ~~ '-n ya ntpofoo fegr -cty publishers. s~~~~ide, lever decidfing fur thre last best thant turns tr'incs of free Tradlonir- not in codnei AR T H M . h'» ls rreef m shor qui)cksans ngh, tip ; unstable as water, ithese never ece- ith thre prejudices and presumrption offnair- Wh t ipapa, replied Lilianoas she glor JOB PR H\ TING e ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'ltthird is the earnest, d cdei(d xworker, row- minded and uneducated men. To fore- htimyLlyhnknfoite-rehrslvrte idotecaritofoa J03-PlI T iN(r (r threcatenmilg cloudls spread o'er fthe sky, %who, like the reà d, will bend before the go the monopoly wheni it is within our gras ly ? askrn ed r Fhe. as e r a ean h ms;n nj tewrdbt orlt OFevery description done(-ait the W.i.*l.ma i a e'sntcs o-rea rt i: bvel.last. bttst and erert and unhiurt when the 't, know vno distinction in matters of commnerc e stnr o om, where nstheittle irl a leannaa ME" -.c n'pnet rn supl o Jbyp ad otermaeral:teath, bi- Faith ever 1p:nnts to a biighter day- aillthose short-sighited aud Selfish arts ff inf ont ilo threeveninrgsky.. ous opeatos re atsfid hatthy cn ive e'll niever fear thle arms Of DEArn aor o Iel o istre etras whc ekinviio m rv po h i- -t infot hmg much, pap a," si<ii an ol Ife s iid ls btter satisfactiou, botht as to prices9 and quality Or drecadi the chilling grare a presen rewad. f this class are the trure ple and ali-suftficing laws whvlich regulatesa in-fom h r vre, and taigu(Yh avc hcy u ,t w u sm ther ca11 l o one, than canihe obtainein irany Ilis God hell praise %wîithlate tbet. benepfactors cof hlumi ty, )lv who opposeto uthat prices and Wages, supply addmad" ee sbo'o arytlsththd ae ponl the retems ero eri ol r rfe o r H , A ndfsngehisspow r eto h, :hedeon; ;MoloIb, S.-li, presýerv-e lothe worl t ea tan f mgandi'mi -abo eln the <Ia:et.btsiu ednlipea re ogve t;mrr a s u anst u s, C"! " AndReeiin- str en to maoe o ehigsilhladbeuiuIaerao a sl o t avegn an d L*y almvcttal "Sc ue iefrtikn hult eIcud ea urpeetyusle hp order.sx, 1 0i, am rst , &C., & c., prmnted to ]le'-; zrgnig ii FATr, inIllOr:. alnd 1,0%on. we Hlss1ermon Nwith tho.si-parnest %workefrs ? eopleý. Thus we find in th is land of re hrl e w se pn 'ohn m c, o fatosse c n m n ito ok, mt rinig e lf xcue o ewThih, e 1,18 e shaillhear what he telates of hlmseH. rae ursklldfrt ansco ma e o aid ithe father idy u r o o qal otyteatcn rcm eda ol Gortld a n 8il ,euer C l ,rit te W Tr iIa i Ibeen bomi to weailh, a crumpe se fcm iain h rnilso he ment if you cannot recall the train of ideas isardam tth oib koyuat T e he Orrtes, Colborne-street, \htb v. rs ea o b istu y rs. Isoulniav hodefinied to be the acqtùition of wealt ofhicor h m irriu ted. ouhboima see wlasnv'ra rcm enaoone.n-uh o August 25, 1850. WO Pil ASES IN \ OUNG MA TS I IFF ish to !glide o fver the Æge a in a by ed v iminisintg the effircevof habour, andi asr hc tm ltsteiaiain- inrcm edn ta eri eiad n hoa, llle bythesogs f sortveter tde , ast nlatmg ,,production by depriv-in t fic wu,,ietoko w a ayisinlece wlltik dm reo stsmeo ou ( 0 F F I C I A L S ~~~~~and atimyIN bie a lovelyllie be, beannr u "tns ing a suefuosundnw 0 enP i thi A L S, of- nectar worth y thle' nhablitns Of hig cpiaitof every motive of produce- Th'Ius " You wi l tthink me, very ffoliîsh, aa ohr. er neesryofc etsc re ZAC EU BURN Ae"""OIy pa-- fer'vJhAwCMBeAoospiit -in rthe Au.strab!an olnisa srong Iwas utiaiighwIsol ' ob sm ebrt piin h il stealw UDG E Of the County and surroga te ,oUIrt5i (c . 1 ) m1.) 1 1o m . Bu nk Y th e eers, Iamd d r n uf aoec in. ad he t o thd qe aci a 1 e n lita113 o humare at all eteand any Of1ice at the Court* liouse. tire comiforta bhoinfhom yNaket, n< the great Colony of Caniada actually commit-hti ar nurdtefteoco wc rtrc h ;ra as -A -.---tAini(ilai tin,ï sooiti ushers in the dayv.the i yun i;cled bmi)it < t en :l iine lo stornny mlnocentip og , n h n o c m CH L 8Itll )n hevn o__rs sakiwob._ tis nt1 f ie.nq ir. 1nqen ahig trto tolic nrrowesbt and must retrogradle prin. i. o nwppjs sw lla i sd, u obiedmsm l tos tig AnDEN ftE IDENCE-B AVEhTON niornin-r.: wntrsaonig;the o n s hoIirn keerp itallo il: mY 1lich i/alen :ail I mt i'l If i oits lcet tne enil e, laton. o. Litle imitergs of people, that wear Man- n ortoca ereeydyn nvrsdr Thorah. of is beamis" tin i(thesullen e!ludsof constaniitly adjusi-t to suit fthe ca-igIidss atrpeom nn ta e tles madie of tulip leaves, and that ride in eitr itd nesb o eoerln t li 1ein 1-iht, and (tsends f.dtil oblique lavs my11V liAee am ttr-f : ,et d iny, and a -,l rwte epcaatnio forra nalselcahe rw ydaonfis 'eesiy o NELSON G REYN0I , cheer he col hosoi of our imothet-r eartie euo f .a ta subtitiLfo 1 bro-ial1drs. Acconhig tth J1e-encient principles of ci Wouldyou really like tole so very at'tvvn eetdraigo h ee R X:.3- OFFICE-A t theic oulcri Sh!e fo!Jeh-er imantle of snow arou<lr , .and necar. Bt, without luetapholgr. I am lcon- teBis ! a oiy h nte on ralP ilmsnl otot vr alaste ete n". I ~~~~~1 consign_ hr sieigchihiren to fthe.care of scious of theana nim fWill and Ncýs- tyf-wouhai ae adtd rni npbugte "O ,tatwudb ate unn ap :m t ohbiulmdttfnuoiujct f!td -gg ten wesstvIbt he wh prsth ,wil, il in rcas-ý anld >m t ys row re.stive talao tya ùtn e f rmtebttebs fi s hyhv oer to do e esin retoth weaeofhe n- fLr GISTR ' t~~~hat a pin. il .and abyother are thoie ians becaulie 1 -ilannà t hve my w i ; buit whien " "" nh ueaiecmm re se Onderful thin rs, and always use it for ia i hswrd swl st rpr rli ISTbyA R. OFFluE-on Blrock Street t splyal hirwiis. T eyhvthheo ovie ibyn .i t t aint. te vthte uedSat. ofa ro oiSouh rot uroar ,tm o tathrofert w ic(elroaian t mih frthhans ad hve ll hatis s wee ir ~Ãfenid. que:i va tone-t!II.. we ihave exetrted Or ieiuence, anid ci Do thev, indeed ?"I 4 d Mr. F in a det d. Ifunhdru sof odcto b he I A. CDONE L L g.ir-d. ThIe womnobersm, and the b1 I y esity.:and finibut after all. hl veit, n". A rdit c ess ll, t a ia fo h retsroo i oe ad tesmorsca eain nteter iLE RK OF-TilE AGElF tLo ebalonod lher hills ai 1valle vs fail so gal ing a aomwx>ld if ey •Amrcn Cneeara otfvibe -There nowv, papa. you arelau-ihinat n ec om ad et.eyrdfmSni ntegon couirt )lUse a i snd_ tois h int'r dives I- Neces ,ity asinthav' a receie cmmriltetyfrC ddiraywhc-o ,yu nwIdnt eiv 1ti;oo pnn al.ubmt fte slsadofh evy - V.withi1 heIrr,*ilnsides andllextr-aetthe linchar- ian, 1meaingi spps. hltite itef formas a m-arvellous exception to the ra'irong the stories say so, and 1 always like tr im- rpes ntepoon n ocnrtd eup JOlIIN V. H A Mrd foest f thIle aniteiluviain worl: fthe la\\'tveI w; but itere ire attributtos- rtcins e f h ntdStates5. agine that such stories are not true." b tos pn u a iead anr uk LCIERK of the Couinty Court, and Registrar uof hearthis are suipplied, and from lher suirround- w ich !ias zau\liatrig-, dit nees vof ItS W tn etetrioy nhasaddgo h u l othave the slight 0 oj eectin e idm e rvrsorSlmniiteto the rrgat Curt Ofie-a t the iRegist ry in--,:,tmnosphere shee yields t l m e it iiro- seiis. Tjæse are lu% . ht patien :apia orow hbanls ternal to believine in fati-ei ftees mdobphlop ca algry e bauiuy sttatn es, ock Street. cleird - cotu) - t'necarbon, set frece the( (arl t au im. ni in!n a reorea liberal taritf ,and ia powerfl al-1 any noeed of them ; -but really 1 think aillthe frt mth nraiv o csw e er ea abe - PAXTON .fu ¯ eat. and thus she comnforts lher self-rea e ar;fit, vr oolt ea dthe p - v licsof necd, tthe United Provlire-s of -)e) nd, mot ofthe beautiiful works attri-ormai ry fth ofJb-n civ ou, HoEAue .OFCE-A t thre Court i icmrnngttieoir aeas s>eetus ndstiodyreovngevryobtale; ni arerasan dmuon ude te riihr umntgecishel m, ow watyo moasrtetinnad.ak it p gav ee- on hemor ;we il takea crsry ulerconteuIneg.it i 0 !ai ilebat-Crownvi. 1How hIace heycluployed those ord- wo -1 oif you- were a fairy ?,emrolihuaig ng die o n t IL J. 3AACDONEL L,(If (the by ass. 'Thle ri:ig;un'rcevesying the un)t h.evcol. 1With1such comn- Vnaesadoouht1as a hy " Oh, atosn hns aa nthes row odetvihwemyimt ss tsx SOLICITORt, and Clerk of t.he CoUtnty Co)snneý it) "act of adoration, no fface is turnied to Mee- panîtmitns n nmy walhk u:ahurt gaver bri ruh tm w ig r tnaplypae'iune ntg owltwnaymre -acun ntiepges fordal pl1sßc W. r-a iCtI. RliAYNEno ew.A s Chrised tanJ s-) we wors aflire rli4we t Cn intuet i fheLwro lee rvicantfsuh a bu oudcmehas fgldai ile t nea ytm fuivra mrltyfu- fri C~~~~~~i. OUTY RWNATTU 'EYUlie-_ntin-ulanan ttn t u bs- abgewitInoitinbti na ut .w l -fiortoreE hbiat o heyu nw oldmkemmm dl-dd pneepecp f nvesl lia ni A r n a l l * st .ri c k ns c s oVa a r> r . t h e a ne r a o au r e tf t a f e r m a e s o n. 1 -WJOHN SHtElR crth hp-epr ihhat oieplc ncp ilyhpy,'rp < "llno's (à ie Lzrt ort r em has be:i= suaOc1csful ly " Would itne bettr yd'rltlpn opaewtso n a vsbesdra OU.YTY ENGINEER.irFFICE-AAt the ingbttnNo1i btton-hole %o 3-de- ofietOr Ithe wOL wCun bea lvey .,sovdbu aces, fitca: o aleh'sgrl t mk te tosaue nfaldtepoer stne erate. v Cont oue.1 eeitsbrominhan t oenhi suttrswee lldettruie t enivteth tnean benpuchredbythmotahorsihtdorovn hve istadof pedig hee lng spakasafanTfhheon.dto ymn f ass L. FlltB NK amlnilut lisentl te Te mechanicabbal, i reeec ote deo hh f Mneumcreiet.Tese or o uigi ihngfrmr Sewdd n a oyuSac h h o LEKFrtDiiinCut.Oe-a hesoheshi ol irhshsppe w eas \ha-rsh s:u R:: ee ' oTPlo a N/. o-ign olad AZ h oe Ihv sprcos! coarlr 1eIe o i fhmmee-tl c LEV FARBNKSuJ. le-the bcrins care dra yn h p'aen Jemo h ,heih• .m-ade aebe nue nte .r svnmyspoe orfter _woude a n >pniu soi n.o a hitbylP. t.edra a lipp -hoiëýfîkes nd drs I own% l"are RoueÃnt ) frs licýc U er C ,h onyc e th lt iaf .bu pu - w e> h mh eatng ,tan opsos y u aou al reot w h sedy a N y Anh. Rsi-faueu a nes -perinhan reds he .ns .Jpa .' twrs estv <buaraucte e r Ftc e si atte andfs -rfle n e h lov in si sfin t e hehodi th toigyo mns iheve. news on Change. tEo,1 ;nch in- n.irtttrrd Iutrofiheiloidi raosedibntauationhfromNwoth moreito yourtear,%sick motherehan!rylye:a wovnmediate- canthi B C . W. 2-tocsslt. uc ar i f'sran oeit ie sh uterrha, ;ndp11-pe umony as otcmntdea ethd t o aw rw ih elacm lee, fn m nn fte Bbe pbihd fme E - mustkill tha he anoters. mgh iv, 0h ,n0dout i fninist res.an t s il e oe eutfu n tsrsut tanay o:mnuuean ouca av n elo • C- S lllW aker, ltsopkee er,'anlmech ni t%, all repr - efrelaÃLasl·myp n, emt etfottomuht-sa dht ietils.n TAwcountry rmaceof fainry-ind,t;).u yt cu ngthmrAqeinVy ur ad;a AuciouSals my b let t te W ren a t i tretue, he ois prsypar, -eve- d 6,faihfl I J uallhan ad. i r1rupionas ros ad sstestilaswasevr Ithedeeenigt tiliht an thn te1sm-ancentandmodrn, d tes wil oen o tp tis OrrI E, whe a ilon CW ityu r ramnst hefic.liesrns enttil porlt ion ofpthe wholei.icords to the anizS ofi ui v Ltushal rCtIi M apoe onewcasglte acr| ost e 'eetdan8ute0ovra o niehusal nano nweg en A u tust 2 8 on .li t Iock- Iiobiilway sheares o&~,iesary " u rt i([ ndupa(1uot hely k d ess ,prsent ty wordd eoi wih i us thedhengm rigw s "I'lb afar rspe gterceom n smh iats n. r aso efor mmgpat, n ipott at;erenembeing that l ar te il 'cpinu ojls t a etob i c ee hat tireodiusb -day;" But the wuinoter ir wabu ftsc ia n oreve eog.Yumy ie GEO. CORMA CK, hse forms oe o the many w ho men aid"mrýLab'fle bfl is from the sae ou-game aeye-nelypayed -outlitharh-b hga y mqtornig-lgh, Llia'fairyworkursets qiesuts a s ormtn URMERCUAivsnCrterantJirteentaepi, whethr he be o apate bu fidertdlI re n.! resmcs(f the cut0 eefr.»aldb cmdno ut oes ndbatfla h ha ncain pr t-Gy oepw 2-fBGE.COMA.bnefitS itrucindhefades of our.ee ni God. o a dimin iescut on ofLex2lundiur ewha become etromqite wide aakeyh, tad slre osds- . "pwgvea rfontra-c Soictos n haceyNoaresPuic &c .ah ivsi floi et - uswh ich or h e i n of th tmesan bewier Galt, .A nd thisgele an t jonbsaow-e all and e rs d b e , And e et lqit feý l- vnfrtoitohusyuwlee fè hn Ame oNer o Kng r onoStets ve achevi adntinlew.pee lis Lim elleot s-tt rmite u selfanadvocawte f i t e dctrndosf low had o objecin.ss to h e of te - ed h ibe ndayote hitrit hertt Whi tremo r o.'Ekç i ng 'it oronto. s ou Cha.\. u tu---- rotC t ',, nd ra i efe t axaB Ontion s daun t, rthe nrey o et a s Bikm ry uo y oefrimo neliec, oes1ifc3cm nomas"G. MyrHEBON, J M FyrZm m immutab ÃŒecle o n Th r r. r in; oer 1 t hflligp tc eitar reofst h he glt b ot o har- o v d f r(Uyerseo- ) i ervies t theinhaitans ofonta i firn a. eert es, ljc iis s erianly e lnly event took place about 11- pre Iss n ut e eledfith thp e s fied u t as of Lilian knew, toth ipcra iscor mfote hn o-ilteiie.r at ait Couty.Ordrs illbe receivedt the ollIE of hesr e , thae loiei osto ocokonTedy ih, ttereiec adulokt orsces hthafatd noierfter freerIatulratilyh kolde fh bob-1HM a the WUte Wakhman. Ornce-No. 144, nal dna •it r--of thedeesepihihos 4:a. Dr.rterdrimes. W pblis hl hedpbfew w eeksstodonrism e archs ne li1,as ;nd h od fhhm vr tpydhha: Stee, Tro. . - p er p a c arethfuli pasthefuitchen n w beV aponeda te oin ~nya ete ron r Jh Rss isinin 'oe fetws si us:wn ha r-dn a &M fiea-iewoldvor oohl, ocitywold rn n f hepr sntssio o ode ' o beh a f ote o rm en nd pe o b oght.co, serne;e, andeatabclles a d-d - rfn hsoy adul delclhbtto , STEPHEN SE A R T.E, e-il hat el disihe scmhool eppl heiatcl as f mfsorKllnoaula ·ainrelpint the - doBtl 1and s it e hmren teautabfleinaccordesg 19 its:n-nY dieytrb fmnpnmbnenmro Ag J. o teCo Tunty of Ontario . Omee- ' ins ind me anmob ath erg, mjor esustid et the raihvay aitcie nt at whih we hayve jus4 tiradandiisoutarK y wnth h fis buladn-l. smte onr agbendvdd .Eü / Street, W .hitb . 1onsrm ri esiel. lsahiecuedb theo1hi o f adPr oftfess - ,ýt à al of suc hyer poerin osrewthas toleut cr- mr oth e pon te nte, so ny tha nvestsa eyEw ihfum ydvti W rls fa s -i ciLgrsn iiii u.5tiieauoeonateoony by care- Kelland a students. H aa owvr e theeffect ofMr. Rs' -de ia- èe nýi s..could hardP aesrrà tdaiipoenn have su esd a unpovemn te Bi:h, epes þŠöéo-mam u ROBER J. W SO ' rainig an implcit oed iece ; utnm for somne days suffering from intilamma't ol, "ffortune is, that this retrograde te tendsvTery «Aohe a ysddth_; si ilsnto Ib-r tigmritliibeo licitedr in Chanxcery, &c. Whlitby, C. W. sm me vllnayruhiotehlpe camne much worse. I-,e was quite congeii ~ opinions' in the 1Unite and. to throw tilo i-eoe~?- aanm ekshrM otemd e 04TIce-o ver' thestre o rHaton shates of skept' ismto acoroborate this asq- frsoedysta hsed a na ndhsclutonte emnec f hts p f hi mat I at elgètnineanra att 0enr Roberts.,- rion, let us step mto yonder room where a awaited it %with the utmost- patience, cal * ZolIVerein whichfwe hâd been 8BG IMt t.no.mojer8ta fen.-e QmEd ine:ci ALX.PRN bE - - w pseu lo philosophere are met for the pur- ness, and .,resignation. ýThede ad as to establî,iin America. Weennn claini, 1 ed. "Te-è'd^no-onef«o tie y n--* pose of ignoring obedience to any lughber scareefy reached the prime of life, but he sof-lve the Clnal9iefrom bl ame cohirptn·ñydn tfrthotilkiiWr ieNamW ed o u ERCIIANT TAYLOR, and Dealer in Ma prnile than one's natural instmots, with been for many'years ,in .deiate. health;e-had Matte.Teprvne f y Dk f elpme i my Jess ou wlp ,nD tt 4 Br nosncClot ing, next door;to Wallace Block whomto gratify the isensuous ,part of hies with theîindustry ht aracerie ibtthypeae eparate iiÂ¥ s M- I aß j u e.tme t:ge. oy eewr pte Br treet, hitby, C. W. 1 being the whol duty of rmnconsista, andgvu hmef iteor n9siefórdmnibns' of IHer -MMyèstyand -hetrè r , sa- Lla, "adl etr. ihUorane ENER De lerin far th at er e is o di e ra dnt. 5 ad -il .b e0n o s y df le a u tratige Ib n u Wizth, C W 1.r. fied tad dece ny terreed wth suersit ations'for t.- -*iis g't - dsirt' 16 ètjdica e l the soldb a1tettoDn uacraada à eteu tiou, ad unecesar , eremny.H. ayshi e; towte onti of theiddra r penotti e r- bc Và in j lo4tÃ¥d - lc, noo, itPa : f. HG Fi TZ, iïe fFaç N forhi a rt eaoml ledo a vesmesn ldhm ode m c or t,. andt, .one'e fs. h a erfct n teart nck-YweunO att M ys1 M21STR CTOR ontheO an Me sile poofof ans u tityh e or e~ e- tive Ch "ai fr òf 11,enas t y wlin i a d e a tdit e uW rió o" b ,allð ndd tô'em ?the eal lduce,MPeLarlo, and Sal tin P ofstrgéd ..wui behen e i s chro a ftoable. R. dteclres ëà ca ,an to it ra ihfv fdeth' î fidttr tà .l'lî»nárIfm -duBrm atz m u na afrnints .i tht he wddcam, y cane.Man ad yonPiyfdra:téthef-h dit h eúre ~g, ain,ý,rtÃ" t- heit h e gg .'à GSOGEYUL J eeryhvng hug he potanon.p oges w s n t ed rng the ogëjný i:s1 .ra - fa e;hvealhgg i nd> pii:Å¡fhfë em nW ,, h f hesanecha hsup-ebychnc,t fin* oesr dwr Fre heclne.s to an cunt ae ,e (o a hice, adWiby&GoginByTlerp.hmte.Wetinktheemota in-fthecrtnge wpy 1at eet h -i n th p Tsopers(O dalsadcanvetha hi'ptblhe a tenttetenià pat N As tienpsand ogUaegóh ny wiser ? kaela éto th ofthe~Qnee dton inst anga fIAowà o the Bak You-mnÃ¥ eo yott kow abouths sait!'rn'Theo th Hel yr Fas ELg muorci3pth, o o el si*é ,I-inat f the e a es namto e n led 1 ande eoempeneo uhpi ,_ p c i Q~ibe ADDLE, aofColar,'end'Aun't *e we eh Aog sit an M ino h r oaao t hn ?-i vrp esetwt you': e ifo v echà 'of t1socia c~ircle, to ôt & eddrtar IWRITBf, C. W., THUR'SeAY