Pro iL "Cnadag Agieutï,laîm orrespçgî><ent f te Boéton Jou"Wn thug r- W. 'U. KENE, I L T rP E 9 DY RATE VAMUft). l efetrs, t an important recent discovery in ILRGTadMcaia fWM AI murp lIOtgma'r4dFtpart.,of C.- chemical sieceà .Somne lime sincsi set I Loba, (adJ. Dafeml R uvul ?fc N w v o k r. n T h e n d' Lfth ,Nes e ll tF ORiise tS A L E . C W Stat ~,~a geatlArtîoft e;et u101h uJflI an 8ccouritofthe o Draflanion Iwa a aa lear, unny diyin the latter part elpas the t il Tenoownshipg li f uf ofthoe bright, days wi h 'w an ave .Every-frner thereoe100 e ohhne ear ti eounanoXîher hM. .,I I ~oîme~ orn a ta: eaeu asa a~in-nïold fhi. ldderea»-eeoo-p en, ithat the -auertiscfover1snaote j* , Surgeon, and Accoucheur, iMeaieal GadT ger of re-turning Sprin -ad the - streets of mie 1 ils use. A14" Icatflle fôod iii aii-rà 4iall1y hat= I f,7a S anal ot né ince hat tirne1he küsavng 1anc. 1Coy.thse ct, Princ Alear-t.d ua h.Appy or Il Modern Mhenis' were îhronged výlhwat deithe o ato <î I in Uvention in i6dhaôbeen engaged iiIMthca~ fGeTsrniMlmr lib c 4 89 asge hr or antofknowilg d1oùg h iw CmantReiene PiceAbe inl ~JS aily-dresmed 'eUS i t ashnd exu-m y huse il, oi, asjestonc> comrnonlh"invntonyatheav !tes, Prcmneoîam og te stylish equi- cae, frtm sheer inattention and careenes. reached the point that beco mnes practical, and toitSlctri h n.y c hri O I E touRc4 y o id~ ~ ~ r l d e h i h l é p , n t a fb i g d iy e I n ioy rÙe tht the a n t o ph id i ng li t o son rr pe iv ages n err~ '~ mies i npo - ahs ein verow len igevalu ale t i: nSretW.or n. Tmuaed t b a1f j ib't eubeou Wahn A m. :n a nerestizu h ped or boiled with other substances fr f soe nite cea- B rntm Bik Boc-.od et prE su' emn group T1eY Wcre. --vraped ini velvets an ý O.Our farmers this winter, fmutst p)R>'vettoe artownrepor tht aGe- PloorITRadCtnyCon tonydbems ~Ù.; cn deckei,d witih plumes, laces and strict attention 1 the econo ill-al mixiiu a uj-fie Word have -n- - Wep ruiî a G r- Poo.k e t pre s t 3,18 flowers; 'b utl far m~ore attra tie than th ir preparing of their turnips 'no e au es a"> Chernist nam ed Ferkes- had succeeded - _ _ _ _ 4. M E vU L C Freclar îticials, werp the oeaîbuut lx ca siue ss, ca rei4 a it mesurein adis oery of iqu dzng fln m thW.1.B LI S,--- --- - w c hth ty a l c a rri e d ; fo r d u rin g th e ir d riT e f rra y o t e r E Sîîbsiiscraibcrma s 'e f, n l - 1 (M p a tno orelut 1 5 a t V> o t v u 4 11 W t h e - "i o D s " o f t h e i r 'n a - c u t . a v e r y S o i r ) i g u r e b e f o r u t h e a d v e n t of f t o n B u t n o o n e a q s e e n t h i s ( f o ut e . l, f f C h6 nB r r c, d o a n o o r o t f el - , K x T E T E ~ ,p îa u l c b s r c e" le C g u 8t ý eo 9ÃŽ W sh ur ,Butng the N ew Y ork invention i unlike those. t g tr Ofi . lul4 -aihoi est Gor!g hc asb u n, sp fr tung. Thethe quantiîs ofy lgreat that the inve tor bas j August 13 18,59. a-tf O O T .wotlti the sc4r e d. n fvoiw en hos n s otn' ha h ta o i the made, and th c st ie small. Fiv thousa d - -iliiitl ec a pro.a~ed hes <otlvblosos. iii viewv of cerals han been abulidant, and in co se- gallons have been made, and the pur. Oses to . W. O D A DHtl af-w orsn tl agrus levice Ir)"hiýblî the%, were that even- qu1ence Of thP favorable weather ini harvest, wlîich il cati bu put are innumerable. it c ( OMSI MRIÂTI CEIT N RGIT toc ii i-aec I i»tkalîvitio4i-fer. fait. and faslionable las thelîe l assecured in good-codiin. Iloan n ONisofI1umg Inites W N -,te ad lot lis yet succeeded in bu wanted lhpreater no ondiin.à wl u iedl ayeio n re al o oue, 1112;ems5 ulrok Stei à É~tach i ig t b ll en îsc-,lve,4 I obe M ost d e sira b e u t in a m re td u l e re u fo ro v en - h ata pphr h s, a d a l u li sP ur n re a n d G eer-al 11rok er 1 1u n d a ss et C E I M P f T R ? I A E S i l e i u t s I ( i a i i a p p e n d a ?e s , d îir r n T b e a u x w o w ot ld h a v e d uf r . F a rn a h o rs s x aWu h ii h t a c r a n a d ap u , a d m a e e e , d eC I V t o e t o i i it t ýg InaHUGH tILLER &e roo., lwlinre alieielito cii uiaQn * a Il iiis o p __________ made ons 'roduciioo tihurn1 a scl t tr rOf courge, %vitl, nt fine and -inersud oli lned eu t i îla 'hn a ll o eu bu dissol ed lever, des___:t 'U Y îd ec livr beie ~tlwt~d4d b uques; ut try frtuialuy m al ad waer Il al iabsobecw u il alu. Itmake a umnltLtat i watr- IIOMh M EIIS OL. PAtTr.kHUpiics 'AR $iIS. îï1- îîiakeî Mîit~ ath pp sip Ii'i bi dfiîecy soldbu weI ixd hp T u -tawtus prol I cuasum aîycoo. t au 1> jI EX EÃŽ A CTcîE~ R & etriar . . bviean rccr lon aî Fînh ivnaî<> (;îSp" VsIfar as uîîc->- ut eroîiord bel ome s od ei m fo ovî-aniedneii u orn îzsaeo oor r J ugcu iclo ae l ilvT ulip Rcpe aIllypuprd raiertt tido ii-do Owîî t lt eoo<l ifvtIices tedrve inee aeaIblmtail nigofaI ub auasu e h frn ndclo o nyofte ntîc on1 il rcilu prnîr aleuin....wîs-,poîiîtt-rttrind u *fun h îic<~s vhs<p f or a hi fuw men ts acs, ' en tmci fteanml n pilu aoss o tees Iigtoe, Spvîs e. - - - h-~ ib-iîr s y, mhuld e wel mied u. Ilmak-s a emen thTU011S,. &IN. rI b y li n di îg ve y ut ar a îd g îz îg ~ v s - d i , the m oeitn te suc aofbalî, tur- c a niya sue teau k r u a d; î col uinrîs-al s efauîT o nsh p - - ~~~~~ lii e ttoweî~~~~~~~~~~~~ts tl r a nd. 'Imoer <n s ,arr o tsh e :acl bie stu m. szbuajap~ rukt e ' at i,-J h 'e IL îîvd iiti! î î~ c snc niTcauisruxîr-sseî ii decl rb he u Tu c m oud'i poe prtcualy biIr y oo, d' ie. l uae cmabpu hre Usu TIorlO rseE R iMn rs lui-at ue ion' 'he cnu, i ci lad mr eeu.uî r dped as odcd fr ctlehe biig o ol hsger ueroîisi-, aeutdad , leue îtiîcjh I. tog c i1 r-F.îTîutii U -îet - lîute 1 u 11iwi.r if , ttwul li t-iu7' t I y #obad ri:u t faely-- asg <4 co e , dtt d caus,. b u n ruud." Osnw d Set. - IN (> ' I g r u pr s , t e n e ani <a s ho * bu. J(141 w i h th r r l f u d be x p urnc u ts rat, t-b1-A d e ,,, 4 l Thl ;l e foe titlir ba Théyou îlelecai b m de ,Iidi do uponie h ps hiliplndmoe louetl I, buraded a ood foran thesin utte s of lie rVil*')*Rccor ohLes rtb aJ'lid fmaîhe cftl - loti, re Suh-ofao r U TINh-LAi ofles n-ii ui.ti su dsîpeue îi< -klythe' e trou -j, îîie o vas ro ucticrns govfitie gfata eeltubraî rl nedtion:.u ill, s le~, Oî~ ~ eti nto a -ili-C4- fir kî" ptrlrriiv d hho wouideriuw ritilt rnetht mautr iedorddur thusthot reparuorand 1io.noiul, o 9ol-e ln for sou$eahe utlg- el.t a o a- t ril e frleserid.t l i n , s y n , i i n f p dhf r l e o u s c.i lu li i i a oA La ttb e Wt c < n S it n- *%v i l: r v l . a l: - tue sersîî~- audIlie raller ncîîribnle sraw as fod fr soc ,the anerrutst. u et fs ud o Ili roou, nuho Marketu.of 1 -havet rUic ii rî-s a nl niot tari-iI etîd fiîîk tr iffrîin tîî&u 1 1)e IF-ir , it ifWV , y-r y j Ih c k j t] -,iiîfo a n y aîgêl n a d iti f le 1-ea r i g llir ,.- u~onueus er eoîn-uioswiLe th n - pou-iîîed wîi n ffianin the al tr ;aj feu iith g>rd,-wr-dr rfu li___ -of thelt ,uctioneterfi&.. _ _ _ _ r î î . i i i :,l s l s [ o r e t b e p r i n c b a a t e p . 2 6 afl ie,l goo atre hi cb c-vi fier irau iîder mpeiet ofeseîai i ?otnc uu- rcer aw bt e col nlspa t îsîJ. C H N OC,1 O ;K O F leîZ - i) fIle i ths ife s.lstb But ci rerumtanes. il's mcîrss u u t»e, ilti euLo lie, ilt-t-foepderei BOO ANK OE MA U PCU , us(N [A ir<îtiti*,<fr ICI te ralier nélirit.pare nd eofThee wei rt sionee lir poeedîig a asoîîtofoiy.- } f&-dcît fakrstinî,,ltbecfarier sutn <is - vrl eilin oxa h .» 1 it Il le s Ii C S N R C U~ T D Y L W IC ' iti- n--ti i~ 4<i CWh>,ot R aet i chict F> pteîn- ricedol the pone ;au bu> au sayt j her eni o*Ilalrotgh:.h0 id " 6nd-1«rrddoStr;wt. ~ ashamudoyou 1"etsM i. Ju ia telaiaer itee no ss o t ua gricultral lit the i' Barr, <r s ci nianSfif- aCo youinrngentlemorance Liuerthe rei ca r, aii dtfut crl r r îrpl iIcd layu  s Th ted tosîe s nh l jw-s de rei i îfr is, pces c. Bv sire hiai te 1al b is o îl i t ma- i ab ' o iesloîs oie int.<ii tf I iiecîuytns adlcusentdfuj crie vi cf tt ho nî CI0.TA î >lN -SdN.-Iliig-.ItI,.N NINe. . o 'r N.T04;ferif.-I iiK- peu, b-ie 5 ie, fji~nav4,e * 'lu the e e ofosi au t ofcar id bi e box ' idu h lie, r-or iNi cr Io gIci-him gît-e virnooe iSh .oîn il~ ti rwiîî-rî-litnîpoa e .r al]erniuury riegre. bfi' te .tîca-îiSu,'. of 1<- W at t.e . i <i h Poic adl43 reL 81Whni %asboihli ae li- 1 - B')KS NF EZee iD- l tion, uer'sl i otuîiiu s7 fil s l~~i0tbcrcaP eri~ eîfou ~ au aiswe,, uaii- thu pupuss clitmŽce<1 strIluIo à anthe;Wu ed e at aith1 dre- Alogns riip iiendsî- a FiRAiji o iî u iiIi'hY <flfnî,. ,. Ht' 'T'ha ed f oul'yWa A. < J liîlpluni iuitît- - xibted m oa ncat ofe lie tck. aîlStow s ur e h i r wsh a its, beîn agaui is Lcîhs."o n le,,oret o triete :îr ,g,111 ~ iîdiesmurnutndilee:i fnfrmn.-ff fcr n naf u etee e '<ueîcr M ir uî a the mupo a uneî aîîîîvlyîî.ofii t.Ja eu'na.a i-oftibî nin j- rnnglk- P pa îil 1ipyli i ouîNta , n ius 4il1'if. i Ts i t . t î t t : i t î u i i î , t tm o renî s î d r u u u m e n îa ndde u < . < . c fn t r i - : l i s =I- 1i,- ' ' r - n i ,i . 1 f i'V r ' V u utM eeesT i vi t' "ul 6. îAn! u-icfîdr eu vi-î vr ncaiB îundr.i f uer.clfi-td ain stru lisf s kii Tf ' r à rt fî an «ii hi ,ma- ohe p M A K E a ,it-.c, r% ieutil Ofjti -ic .riinr is-u. t> u-lIViefi. r a t-a ni en ti', auJ ws-ock.ndu t che ureia .. l o iDmitb&u--no kllk f L 2a s 111? w-id ti- 'irt Illeîuidciousm-eiagietie-q of 1 f.r a.i, Il in 1ju,011 f iit i'î f f d tionr tIt Zsd nce-o ir iliz fdfeu i ('auJ wacr, evry fsariner ctîi uq it-e 1 rif t;lie î GuI l i a i t ee n i t*It aru ir IhIîannrtnyS N. 4 irefif SW-p- ui iurîirz'~Isn ui rigenîi-utn-itsin keii fi, bïre l. ý*,Iý-relehn ibl fiiy Iîl ~, ~ , 7<o ur i noul tie r , an mratd > of o k lu b is i n " I e- Irleo tul renîia cuti' lw .,1 ~Oiii i~ti oga -giiucr eîj. 'il-g as uîhil e unkOfuisu-W'îîe if Vo.'10C c-te(,d ain 1'- 11ii i ieO<ijiFa-irut-(I utq -ior."--L. E'.i l fiifî7r'a iliu- a.& Wewt-h I i r; 1d., thtI- i ('hopiers and fih,. 1rr1rtllîtatd aidden, - Sillet'r.uing aur <i-ii a!or rkuuinu 3 u n e r1.p e r b e il t e f an«Iu pel l- A u r tg lbin ,, lî o t'r aîf î ni s pi's aî irl,- rdnu1nha va ile a r ei a it uut il i,îI id fo a~ioi-iu<0w ai ' hwnuy ntTi) - 1 vor e! fat tl i ouŽrn cki sry Dr a' n ga efc etihci, -u 0Vroi,'or ' E-in sc"' i i - w-cie a lot un bravv t hihed. <la oaflane port%inrt li e rstnic au precî-nevelît'IV t A 1. EIurt:x aet Sai-<'ltil<',ç (d retPrait,'lTif~Qi.t..iu -n tot! cfIlitI 010. b ir l i 1unu e r t eî (Ic ter a of a ni a e, o #se h inodiasdenrab i f uîrLbtR is(cd- nd I ÃŽlomr, ;fu i !il rr olcu, ilt ic i-i p h e u rIr a se- ta c n n nd i l a niuma i uig sud Scui n led hc. b whicli:tln bo1:ioiîlbui ipiun. I shl'ilinhci-sj f Iul abc 11 hi-i>Igs't niiet A Dr. Sunlill, ofl&ufe,,tel lins per go~~~~~~~IC..II-i etlPl%11 i.1S 'tr10fro1Il-ecodto .. Ili laly asetied fce e%-arn eiei o gitw i-1i shp'a wa S K NS 1Il I(( INsio ocic l f rt %hi(h od rn ete * ep rte t Iu [ 11.Jî in gollnivf!-. n ' n.-elf.~ ii t b wsme a-J hnî c ber od.5,inteu c b-h c bmat, f -rLîurceddrl o g len. geacin- j - III(01 rlqllil 'li îl. ' bewagecoh-1edbrn erwlib acrtain prt iyo f gen ga.;cin-s. I11 Fl Oh skie w-ti nu;ikI'anhd e-trî lmucle, as- r (lb i gbt ba bus-nTofronto.PescJ e heokuri euupan-uiiuaî.f~. A warsi ~îhIe o hyreathetierlfre 1 - mn t I l ace tai adpo r u ueof o e-t oo lttn.2dN-r g9 lif tTI A FÀ. A NtS-<lE-r ritr hi ol 'ri4' ' A itili l stnc ase lu a of1îv- arir and Iss eXposd stuation c.'uieTt-ertsoit neiCCE-es 0<. Trie) upon the inaidon of eilrlîi' i . hMotlveeoumiin s ai 11W Central R . u u epr- ' -____ X eigbh.;u-uul'<i.îotyilufedder- Animale thus car ieta.dtP a flîv nigILîtaisoe. Thu track Ic-rt A socitio reaeIle co elv for %vw-hi, - n eS O A P AND C ANOE wti l.s o d t a -il! <'a Perfti ty visible Lro ru the m achiie, for a N O E Bût bre we îro a-hhoie." arîu le ;t ir, o rs u n nu e Js, favorable ircum stue f-* s ln îu sghet osîutt' oti . irCîion o ei u îuui C S!Fm) ni tJior t-htrio o,.<rbu-sl 1,amort- amplesuppl -. i!ieThhts srcion Ij 1 Fcor o l ..1li I l mfeps. viibered it,,' mnn i e iutianl k-h , l'hef',is Ilcfleodsia ropr atenianto at-C. r Egnuv i uie euuw, LiiC onner 3-nimirlthe uad lui-,obut at-id ftorruyto- nîlt fan) ucedng I i-v- rcs r r A~ :iJu, tjimgl oteunre ntv 1-la rlattntiontlnait, iittieafu-t*,ckiugfpa0 ud lu a-i- ulsiti n-hth e s-. t I ns ki ît in hi iro fm a re 5 or" l sac e th ar tho e a r-s t ye a r or a e ri b ' lt e lis t et, an the a rk-r es t. i h it c i p te t u m r TYl îk n f l!ij ,lu a eSi- . o fd r ce cf (h n u , B o cs N i . a c S r itit niibt h-rbuî n ro-u-l m io n ii thin g the b giyof en-und ' f a rlear or moraî o u ucedug ttth'- 'ie er-m -, f-t-n Oli OLL R mis-a-J h earit ofid-mostlînunîan iaais, lla a m ore sheeTaofuap er aadtcfwcasier hahîpoicatiot Dopunav l' s ic'uWo-1 . A ne, r anulinîr et il nacsbtepiiseil a me, a loudïgh the phitums harit numbur I Commuitn M ts UIhs CI eN-l ib c i-di hltre IZ' P-i- 5 rrto.Fo> h de Wliil("and go *loivil sairs and ýco Alar aliai-nt-u' anuwihthe m.qrtattentin. jincoueilyear,5fuit-r Iheticypluate nuresc.2, 159. s bceivpertah ipau. Sh vl gi i fR roil le uoîcr',h sat sptacFodu o moear-ie the-coe ad he. C usdr lIe bauk a aindu ake.E-eigJana-uo u Sprgue. herui hke a îrîo ssstat4 i __________ - nr rse- aids Wr îliu their po -ooksanad I - -- o s n lt -ctn - 7ctdhoasnl-tbetj< frontî xcî, fun illis le lien wi-eddiiîg nightvuhî. uo ,astýchthiuy woewt O S O AE C E Str n u b h h ur; mmi i p n i e e - L ady N Mo ga , the g iftd Irish atithiorens , iOl lg-p ss, or, a bat ,w ooden ski-w e s - G O r r c IO f l s o is s ,4 re L .0 c v sa riailu PoerabumaBut papy-rus! time emanyg, former \eGrO, whet-meveIeuse with tories, 18at24infuelit d cutieislmiarubb<ogs i-c>lclubsden ilbtacielyiforaan AcreRThe- 'S y van-d by ; anti But tio-tiCh r ,, faou sneyo-merdis years, Tbtei tketoru .elauin-- whoae novett, allehtadlhe taygie chreathATc t b u r et e n c o îa te sn g Cdat - l o y .l a r forune mde hef-lowUi e Ceesile e utrhemltrkJ-t. n k rsud au xeiet -li. - uWdlu-1Anne ! gtress îvhaî I"e got !1 AS , Aceý Cen s uIUarfuUy lr hsrhri AtJ or a liec eboxautlatIher adtlenoilouith maksthit, haelal(] y l lseiouîidah' olun-s ug udbparlcuara nilIanusen onreciplet 8d"nbaLIsD orLcks Bue- But ci! oumirercense 'I sow ch."marks coucerng bhc propur education cf and dam-lt nder snew white hairs-Jerm wit Z«311ý)sOllt S)US ety hi d eightr a pîeyeay ed oy eungreoen f s-t, la the doeter-z.qeî couve r A Pari cre n einîeî fthe dLtihuiarpet- Whty lti Agîs 1 9.-f uSlsritos 15 rcine b-TîO.B LL r[i hti!i<0V ti -lo em l h i jt, Cî1 lie <11 i s4 satasionabeitIs M r hal, on sui et et segand i'Ua firWalesanthe ladi e a a c r aer ------ ------... -L Dels aor,)for W'IIT3yAui t inlséucer is-r, ae ecOanu fittraprt 'Ize. i&mthri7nqio.auig ld, oaduec frtne c ni ae, Engîaad tNewts-o 'tailrn Estaling contry FUnity '- h a y g v h n as te a- e aud otem Ow-t ant ei r mSru - 110<1 S ec-taEeLoçha rA ileautiful! g-ring thuirmrry, nd a s l -nu u s. h rnh iidt uprtcu! Weé aeîe a n rd ag ."?ler, ghreuben la t,, hey do everybavn g hat t u aen, ow T ives the reud-stn4y , ipu AI 0.S[ S1O P, 0& ZF EJIG S ONEEI - Wiîy 'ou br15 ti-îain 0 vry y wb isp- ge Bu t " w a a bio s o h r foq r yt . off aw ln, and h r at r f à , b s and L i at a'i l -s a nd i t e a i e r a i a on a t- p os te 't eb n ard -ennu l 1 i - mlE . 1tn ed - tb<t m i Ohne;aldy gave ther o mc mu t ves ad dyca no arnctingauow n ita; are o u l ion u în ida(, wakc, 'vi ctitogo ofisa mtpla, f i f - tai e; t" hir'ed loien maidave cesall of p lea and u be er culafte fro t besbaurls. Prisl lay a slttetu ir nelaaL on- iopp ite1.n cttL oel*i.. t '.A - IoOlv eIc.e sw M w m g grettîrJea1of~ mneyr> a liaan e ot -n he ir on a;i bey o dt iigo bef ct- ,.~- uIr ru hseue n asa Blol a/da luaabtîr s r gavgen; ie hIberu af'ord a te o a aila f Ma we mutiri't bcsellisi -]et er fée thîs wll turerby wheh grew istnh a l t t ' a y s l o v e e r . "e o q u t c r e w n s hrics-ofgirarno m t r oVX n laber ié d I t n w.urgiag ujb'P apngAl fu ll I-i i ,te e kw e si nd, li dr A uneIl 'ands rri n w t ir o it io n se i bras ; Cbtllliytu m d er." f rTiiIéqiýin ed ;t-a C tter , a i4enapiuasha f w rk tirsr <n ue bu Irhnke leri ddamd Ishh at ute, I rd ea roesin, i t he w eine rc a l unanlla f hrà "-n ir; T o X ohn bosa, -t>ei andtbs 'i-abmanhin. Iaîvia Icoudthauk e r tue;oforIhv ii aw hnalimdeain n hiateterer- Mes MARINIIA ou laMtheL ors piniugfor tIb 1i04urefhoceaeetnce mo-e, au w ha it is, for wIs uIs ahi m entBalm ;ofl b uoo cf h day wér to f eal[E & S C K E M N T P C O w-lthe -J'isJohe <n mor eo an mdiciuie. mussa alcnta-d F ';BCU FLPrang mni, embror, 'in ladlesbutf'heIitary'"l' -i-la, é h r N. B Li>t>O. fp b1esmetG ta Iloe Wheto u olasît'anum iiyest But uite must'î bu e lisîmtherab ou lim, 1 c> ese piuigan -te n ; gi-e hi-r y b hua-an bheÃw ti- é ii î Ja hDvatiofn.. bry-e~, tonuueiaslu n-udeouutae bl fl- hree ulawu pyiconstiuînuip.ý fhuâsùn b thehichgm- drai la pmcaedW>l J R ,uurBD,>a' kc-Warrauted -qu " oa a I , A nd hce r ase cfw ht r r mne , aI fb o ui e nact iv e n sw e q n l d irtmr sp t ben consdi~ et t i-d e nsr.ab le ; and C t r e m 0 Vl1bt 5f à " ia d C1 nt cu m i-th e w o fa bunlià oas on.tu ,.L KN O an eaimlae ilb oset" muscle. But ta wbeauatifiho ? e do1M'h*tirîý, hiùi hier ppzt on their boots on 'KION their happiueia hoir firisad, luftChar- on beauty'a coithé; e e crw-tan- g i ns IeytôarnuAhJ , aaarrgmîîb-âweln r and 0-teet ad f tue 'e5fr~ait~or sii-lag-umb- ]isng ie J-;ltBGough lately- daJierej three.Je ewcý Tbý~b u i vhîlhie one licende the.notkes-y, tairs<to hiars,"an bà d eiü, an lot 71 imý,9aspd: le uoteý 1Ipud ooui roofthe ~ Iou $t.~ôYd I-ltsle -t 10-oieSmadivine. But diurua - tire eye lire umal ta he Umo t ,Spraiie, ohîthe second flot. muticeaaniay'bu IthéfaM 'f biaiy,i 'ttnd Hei visited sonne of tle norther l'Oh o us, Cnueii adlff<thï6' -1-4agmm ýý frsiatifebé ialmce esfrong, erect, ant i < in:iBelfs- A~ î'Izdcouiftries about oui- ro utthrough thm i faed- wifdow. aa In hodl --ý i <.110 ~~farêYisry individuaI boklei, it mega w lie'u in ael'r1' 1itieTcbiW 1 ~ éd-tfîà ta léh- i' isatb.t iipp$ubta th ioerm itçh a ffilman frs{ - 'j 'â5 iâ*ir e fS, oetmonu 41 V rII( o *~jpad.te-of k "ib ër d IIll Y, -on wlève f r- aria-lift li--tr tâ vý ç h e r, r, à l e f ul c r e ff a ü w h i h U i d e r o__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _S W -48n t ýn w her pe rom he b üte'andýM ak s- ýq k 4'idr' Ey Y!q ll ÂwokmT«otùw. 11YCshlîfor 1417E.Ep CHAS. -VALE k - i -)à ann'facturen~ of Fine RS ofaîIl déecriptions. C Proof Suifes, Vaett* flyè,Pauluaadlg, and ABRAM LOGAN. altdemcniption of %Vnormgbtn rdOa" t Arclntrt 0-f Iron Wonks.- LdTin Store To_ _ - 1 «-yr.1 i JrOB- ITING. - -Tire Jebbihg Department of thé Wà icsn<k< Office bas utready been Ilbei-alIY Partoalzed. It la ps-etv w-ell nderito,,, that Job Work oe e' -description can bu don. ,here CH~}EAPE4, NEATER,, AND QUICIER - -~ b3'- Rerember the WATCIJMAN Office, {Colbone a tt-tet<afuw- doona West of Brock astreet, and n ears- opposite tireatone M amugIltori and Ro.- irîui g It uanks fî( n %c> , 1 18 9.- ired fi-on, lIme public-e Suow rctnoved io the 1859. TME GLOIE3860 ulPeosile thi, 'aus ohDuua tr-et elitug i Iceasd support o thLe, lange assortinuent jI Canadinpublic fute aeventeentb volume ê'f î-cuul cnîîî attention iug'lil ulft u douho leader thé Journal iupei-iiir,* arnd I)- % irrii of tlîe iigli ruptifahion h lias earned lu tr-lull au-, net>- < t uis cIycr3 new and buaniifont of top- - ' iceei-t- t tu tr-fa ced type, cast aPeciatîy for the GLOSE, ah tlue cclebnntled foundny cf Messr-a JaMes Conne,- - t ea-fil Sonsi7cîi- lork, w-lit sustain the bypograpii. h> iilu thie bI.tet ira- Ical crculjt cf tIre ualabliltlment andth ie. aid o 'te-t noitice. o t'an eomî r gitrer-i ps of ditorsHPreroa, u (;IOR;11, hatiSinturestiag in 'Xews, Politics, zerut fimr tIte sala <or Limeratitre, and Coininere RV.GJOD). a,,'] f Iiiuing theu cnming - ar? thec Globe wilit 'con- iSi. Thcat>iIsapr iutiie te î]ay tiIl that attenitionr b îthe public ah- -mo- hm, ~îm 'tt-lf ainsoftiîc Prov~ince ivîicli ias a-ecared for 1A v l 'ilv t 1111%il, piciui' Position. Thre Province ia ackuow. cut-' aith o14r-fer fî- Iigéd l - ttparties te bu on bhe eve of Mrat ~ii ranîrer. liiuzgi-s; and thure tire Globe wfili «o.k ote-n ;B.\M ti<;A N inucii.ccfur thse benctit cf lIhi people ah large. -It to w.iil aulvocate SIwhl a chuange in thee c9astitutioa a-i wflhgUv i-cnUp-et-and Loiven Canada the coutrot tuf Iheir us-n local sifftîirs, atiîd w-Ilgive gcnerith maihers lu et joint aut4miya-itv c f aîimle mionn anl h paries arrnd inenipenuive fui-ni. Thie nut-essýi r t fiupo... i tf.att i i î1-e te- n ~ ugIl elleucus hîpon I'iintuanien< and fllce £e-- iuiini.iuiaenrirnigi- ecuîiî-e as ivil! prevunt the bornowsing ef mronev - Ilnef -oidsvta fvtlule inct cf ihe people, w-Itliece- <frt reira < Inestlv insiste(] ujon. Tire Globe wili Ieado-- Ilc iiiic-te tIre 0o -ivily : N«IKe theee îî f niîcuii t tiîs. lrcir,;Iinrrron cf tlir ludsons liai'tesrhtiirn ~i ~ :ad l' ithm<uraa BAsMtt,-P--rCi- LAW for ImeÃ- relief orf Ihle tiijue.ïh MAKAOKI1EMT (,Df utCiý air h"11- silice Iflue tttim .AD~tcpc~LFscR uAÀri-ti WA rXU; twle Vtlited tatcý..teimpimcerut of CAuadian ~ î~u f-hO-f <u i ieïlu tends tthlIe itprovement ofiiman. citin religicn, nueu-s, and mantes-li prospet-iti-. t;Dii trrng Irle fext six menhs, iu thre constitul- - eri-sandI meetisugs <if tIre people, ns, w-Il as li N sT N PI'uiii.n n t iQureec, many of the." aumbject* - untglhmqc;inusel, bIne more vital and important 1tif rh-rn itii an emrnetnus and vigor arelv A ND 0 wfuît-uitiuessej in btuie I'rovmnce. As -a promu- i 1.-r4'.uo-cllas ecrer c the movemeats of tire JEWELJR. dt. tî11e Globe will peus exti-serdinar-,.inter- cu.,i uîfotMI lmi3se.ur o)rea ci-s, ai4 tire friendx- of t': ~ uv - rugri-ia rreie<ustt-d Io nid ia extuudimg ils 1 'ii-î-iihtiiîn iimcrg ltme masses of the people. ;îî-i~ ~ Thh--~rrc1 'i- ediî<,niadcit of 1-mzGuioas dan 'bu ' I hc-e .euiuahly tIre unnt-rupted sticcess tiat hiI .aitn-ndled ris-pubhîtatiein. , But a censtùtu- LERY. &C., &--- crÃŽ mi. tarie u rutsfùtièer ezerbion i ha l i I-- iii ; tiic'V et-un Ii li fr-ctiî,n w-r!! tr-slippl In.laregard tc>- <n--.fu-serrtTut-bs -ut be ised tu sîupplv 10 lire- orî~ î~hi nIllie readers cf tIre Globe'thie earliest aidrà mot i-u piotrs inteîligenes, fronta], lpats of tîhe worhuj a.ii' lie uicuî i.-u(or-c.q)iurdcntce i' trreeeirm rour Greati Btin, mrce ui- lfiIir,, itish Colunmbiaî, tre Not-rWest Tennilor-y,.auri jall<Irait-a nntj'res nt home ue sud in tire t.'ritedl sSates fis dZtISn Stae icided. Special attentfoar er ei '%jtott'to ccnr mercial iubelligene ;e-mer«--~ I-t kts are-pe ted flore fuIl>- tTan iha au>otker- - - Iisîrtiiiateîl«puce is de-oted -ticitgricaltula . ilj cs, sud cervtling> wlsclsten;ds tohbu dc- - - J ielopement cfthue moýî iraponlant branch of Cliaadhan-lntUt- recuies speciafl athtor%, - ,a ny. nt-ber poltiial inewspaper on tir. malinies - uia.TIre lieýsI jGtChare la baken la lthe corupI]ation et-tie e Market. fC<un- l lcher;*,tir e Dca-s :, artulty cobla±ed-reibe et solubîlu fih-ru i ly I-Editin<sud articles spe*nllpriepred, Ynard Manutune. for its column.s., Tire.Markltep-r;hir la, Nitro-PluosI i aund tbroaci, nueuve*eeonstant attention.' ta Fat-m Yard To ladus tce*exketin-on.tire pas-ftet il rcd î. ~ O cflie GaCazlhrougbouî thle country, lt jsbeen ree to il-e dwh.-reci-.,tint.,IaaY PeC-nniazkmi"g 'opaishmLu, ba t r a e lr e m u l a - .- . 7Pira C0Fies for' - - '- 1! ')WARD, 7'ùenty-fiee Ccpies for --$'f as Street. - EglyCopýies for -- - Any p-enstiaeldn$ut>for 7îvaelrvS~ -scribes-s, w-Ut lie esrtitlrrd bu a Trec Copy,. - - The '-'lM'eckly Globe ie1lu Ib6 let ~ta à I.lýt LOCka gyrnen fbr One Dollar a'-eor.i- -i t&J~Oi-~yan o e- Letîters mddreied The rPUI>iMhêir of te Globe-, Teontoý," eau be e tee metofqnejx.ajn. ad;,teiét~it, MWfl14ent t hèn bc aItr-eriskofrthe Publ'à het-. c o-~ ted b li r Is rtheiiyéaan 6 au.1l,-any waitrfor an Agette CR n a uU-for pro- iy 0ucoe*eritof uisr.. and Poen Ofle,.te evus-ytody te Juul euJ# -89 ble prOpès-ty rpng 4L Ze 4L", r ý Qm c Pen the Con- pà pers intherow, e isliqufulled yiai05/ ee-S ýiptons arà id 'W r4 o- 'c,.oiù