Whitby Watchman, 25 Aug 1859, p. 3

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Arnvm ofetu~,"A.I. - 2iY UQbiK, Au.' ýyhtunmalstearm sii*#q,auefretu Liverpol on th,& Oth 10814 lia@ arri7ed okbi* point. 'Ber dMatre twô dea'g laîth a tsn thoe alrosdy lcin~d,. The steniu- sipa .reptand Wlaes', from Xow'Yôrkarrlffl et SO tbmîkf.dneia -tie 4tli lit. Tise'stettmlip Vifro, frointNew York, agrrived et Liverpool eî tise 4th Inst. The.itews la unhuportetit.' Thse Zusrlcis CiÀfikence wodld-s*smble on thse 8thit.t,- andi (0., report ist lAte meatiser coe!issedý flt vorabi, for t1regrosvtng <ros. leur remains (11111but 'ea~ Whetdiii At 24te 3.14.- dline. Com nai se ry diii .At ese re. nîtisougis tiere ia e lico eqneotable change lu pricos ; mtlxed tand ýyeflow sa. 0&. teo's.; white 7s. te le Od. Livvweto4 i. Psviiiote MÂîKîc.-Beef lies s-y, but iuproved deusaud. Pork dlB; quotations nominal. Bacon duli but steaily. Lard éteady -ant inlubotter demaud nt 54a. Io 56s. Cofl'ce quiet. .Ital$ius etcady. LoxP O.N MÂKETS.> Bagringbrothiers quite breadutuft1 very dull, and. qitot&tiona barely mlaitaed.Sigar heavy. LoxDooaMoNim ÏMnu.s-The bu1lion. l tise Bjank-of Englaaad isa4 decreased £132,000, but %vas iu active demand aud tise market sligistly more attingeut. LivxxpooL,'SaturdaY.-Cotton steady ; sales 1,000 bales. BresdtufN ver>' duli. Provisions inacetive. LouNca, Saturday noou.-Couaols, 95J te 914 for utoney and acçonut. 1~îva~oî, attrda.-Tie teamship C'uî<da fromn Boston, lias just arrived. Cotat CllardoAusnianrepesenatie31. Desemnl$reres, Sardiuian, and De Botîrqueney, Fr;eneis, ied etuqr reached Zurich? or wcere2cn rolute for tiiemeting ofýtise 8t1,. > The Elnglisis Parliâment lied pasded ahi tise estimates, aud waam expected te adjeuru on the lUt, 3,00 oountecrs for naval reserve are entçed for fio yedransd mîtllieta thte nevY, viset tise minlà tate iermy. Tise steasnslssp Great Eatera, vili be dlivered Up by tise £on- tracter, complote on tise 8tis August. Thse trike amoug tise bîtilders, ut London, liedli- -eciue more'serions titan irvas expectcd.' 40,000 Thé Bnk o Frane isad lowered its rateof discounut freini, tu 3N. Tue disarmanientof tise navy was ýprogreasing. 1.5,004t,000f unexPend- cd of Lb. laeoloisn, Isl a cdcvoted te Internai improve-meut.Tbe Bourse was irxsiin Iiisr IL W reportid that au atternpt ld b n made le poison (Isribgldi. Piedman dchne enter-. illg tise Italian Confederation, if Austria formas e part of itL t la mid that Franice la intrigulng tu rMâture thse Grand Dukies, Naples adînits breadstuiS dut-y free. IL le reported tba t Baron Buche, Miniàier of tihelerior of Aussria, lied teudered-hliiirtsTgnation. The Emperor refused te eeceptit. Tise Caleutta mails of July 5, itad becs telle- graphscd. Tise FIdroîsIan trootîs iere accePting disls~~s a~lrgeîiisubrs.The niitineers id Jarainpore lied returned teskluty, except several whîo would bc eourt-îuart.ialled. Arrivai of the, Hungarian. F -, PATnV.a POITa, AtsgtM 29, 1859- The i4ig«.in, romLiverpool 9 o'clock, a. lu, on the-0th, pseheet8 e. ta, -Tut CoNmazxc.-AIIlisehemetisbers of ise Confes-ne a d reais.. Zurich. Tise Confereuce ha. bisou fuhi>' ceusitute.!, as follôws ;--Austia, -count- Collerado aid Baroau -Mevpeýubrg; France, Baroeu Bourquene>' and Marquis Bonneville ; Sardiîiia, Cisevalier De Sambýrois anti Chevttlier JocSaun. Ile Sar- dinian Miniâter mas et Berne. Tise Govera- ment of-Zurich isa.!vifsited uad meicome. tise *Ambassadors, and wer e givetisem a public dinner on tise Iltit. Thse tlret ma-e sittiang of tise Coaféece tee) place on tise &fi. Tise $aýrdiiiau represèntatavesa sisted. Tise se- cand aittigwasbieldoa the 9fLh.. ei lt-ad Itas ire ahte proeeeing., GumÂr BiuTa.-.On tise St-l, tho ilfairs cf lieus. cfLýords, thse Marquis of Normand>' ienqirumd if lisent vas an>' objection ho proue. tise papers relativq o-ýtise projecle cf* peso. Ir.ni3mitted 10 Mutriibhfore lte Iveat>' cf1 Villafranca. -HIe d'êtrouced tise conduet of lte Govermueul am ca-agide.! anti evi>cing ne de-sire to maintaus iete utalit>'. L0ridWcodhous, m repty, reiherated tise Msatement tint Englail.! Les sent tenuas cf poisaete Austia, at tise request of France, but mitenut givirsasdiîe r.u essngon- tubi os'onLie,sabWet. Moe àai il meu. receL inconvéniet oprodaca lise doeùuts tu1i4 presmotaate of 1hdeS tahes Esrl Granie k silrgd lt e t cf Lord'I Johni Russeli lthe unit..! selcf lise Cabin$et. ia ite e use' efCosernns, Lord Elcheo mtovéd an add-e6s tale ueQuen, declaring il woullbo incoustenh vils ithte houer suxl di'îtiy of Englasad,*aler haviasg preserved strict neutraliy,hto ake part inuit>' Conféence for âet«lugetao f pesa., tise preliminanies eftmincit have heen curen.!>'- arrange.! be- twelu the Emperons ot , Francee an.! Aîstnja. Lgrd jElcho, pnaised lise feutrai courso el. lat. Govemeuet, and censure.!lte auti-Aus- înif n' eigevince th ie presesit Cabinet-. Mi. Kinglakeùicve. lie proviens ueon, foling il aouiti beiuwise to, bin. lte ýGev- emmoal te au ciw f lie> egardlesa of changea wvhie:hrnim tekplace an>' heur. -Mr. G1udatom id >t. Iord Mcho'a molien wras n*trelevanit te tihe, plesett itiou cof aefîi, The govemnnu t had ne MInetion cf takiag Pait inu eehliasg tlisedetalscf pçace on thse baàsa of Yitlafrenkmtrty Tisehébelig.e- renta titemmelvoa moud seile tipis datauis, and what, ould rernain (o seule wverni.! b ie grmat questiopof EuropeaupcHeyu m* i te ioght Englad should plt> ier triditiWa dêfeadadthe gevenmeent, sud "al- .4 for oa decisive vole a alse eo titica. Ms'. &'Fâzgemu . lieojea th ie ne-. gsolution waa b retainastishe vevaxmeat fres canryiug et its pernenal sympathies NmWîhs were an.comiistanut utS hte trea'oblig "ati *Of the counitry. .Parliamt u ul toi ted 1 e- Iion tlis oem -- n alte coufýncac witoutbeig iforaodto whist ltee'.asal eýlau ne resso saide spoie là donounced thte motlinsed lisa IlÀtÂY.-Early on thse m --the- 'A hIat.,thé ligof i, l nm compnnidl> Mnisstei%, mçn -os f POAnli ment aid the muûnicipal bodies cf Tr=ad "miti.s, A T e Deù u aperformeédat whh theKingw*8se nd hoaftet- wajda n ecived lis au=iies of tie oit>' Tise pii»oncf Turi mstsI5, Preacireepa uill rexnin laIy, provision oe>, cinte "the, angerons state cf som<e GtIRMÂE,-Tise la nijion ltween Aui- tramd P'uesia a~ohasm iedimàen lieus cfaà regula rptureand were regarde asdagerpste hesmllerGermin tte avsci er iscny lokinghmrsFac on -protetion. PiwssuÀ.-The novwe ofadissolaioxî of the Fruinch iarray of observation on te Rkie M , odca vryfavorablé éfet.in BerIiiý and ià wailà.at oce outs-ailalid tee on céntatof treo'pa cia te Ehipe. prusslaia - à.aout tý. end 'laveveessaist- war ho Japgsito open cosmzerciat oomuni. Tise Emperorcf Rusasia viiivistei ei Tkzy,"The Sl"narrived at Salovit- e zn on tise 201h Jaly.- r *~~~~~~ 1A,.ýA k (tin .....Fmnssf f usalesfi aui tIie ý um-,,distiglioieirp#n sciqutifile fteu, n eegles ota al17) LodStAaleypreed- the toast cf succese Ie the 49ttEsei~ad uitd~nwn waâ absent 'r* l-eli.Tt~ei?~e le-n<'q hae à bsrn ed beèuIia- ter McLéran autiuare, tV aCre 4tam mexice ,w, fihum the rinept ùt.esy1 ratified, virtuali>' p Zare udethe .2nriqan sway-1" Il Baye tiserestait willb. ad's. taeus t exW0 nits erd u h u tent te which privaterightswüll 1)0respetiti or jeepardizètius an anx aos uestion,. Thse Mexicai QGvernmeut je urg etoveryoùè te proteet theiselterests of fereigubond.i The Grand Duk-e Constantine of Russia, travQingtuder tise private titi. cf Adindlia Remanofi, arriveti et Spithéad ini tise figate Seottand, and îeok up his residence at Ryde, Iule of W" ht. Tiie strikre among thie building trade in London assurned ibrîniduitie dimensions. Tise estimate of -tise ien ruenpIoed range from twenty te forty thousaud. lise master build- ers sought goverumnent intervention, but tise HomelSecretary, did nul uee o helie oîîild interfère. L.TEsr.-Loîîdulî Mouey Markt.-Thie demand had sensibty abatéd. but 'vas again ative et tise close. The, fauts land been firn,,an a osla aigtly ndxxc ed. Ama -DeWetnieo & Sense Gs-ek mevehants, Lendon, inostlin lutisegrain trasie, 1usd sus-- pended. Linhilities considerable. Dep;ression prnvalied. Tise Bank of Engind wonld udrance raies of discount on tise 1Ilth. LouNos, lti.-Admiral Sir Michael Sey'- mour, Liberal, %vas elected menuier 1-er Devenpes-t.- R_- L. Cele, Elisi Indian imercliant, Londen, sguspended to-day, but it was thoîîgist hie lia- bilities did not exeeed xlO,000. Tii. Dai4' Newrs giveý3 thse provisions of Mfr. Sydney Herber's new bille, providiîag for a military r.serve force. - It autîhorizeti tise enrolmneut and mainteniance of a reservo force, of 20,000mosa, consisting of eoldiers whe have previousiy served ; tise force t e b1 called eut tirelve days ih each yens', anad per-.1 manentl>' inicasea af invas"ion. - 1 Thse Lonidona Post teleoe-raphisitihe result of tise Tugcan eiectîoiss. TIey teck place with tise greatest order, and gave a mjerity te men cf moderate liberalismn, but quîte appos- ed te the restoration of lthe aid dynnsty. Ady lacs froua Odessa report frreat actiVity and impreved prices in tise gratis «de Thé Tints and severa1 other journalsi luit muraing pubtis anaitarticle ounItaliaru alairs. under lIe title ofithe "Europcaîs coup d'eta.t" from .thse peu cf Mazzini. Prince Albert visited tise Grand Duke Constantine ah Ryde )-estevday- The Geverumeat have decided upen dis- bauding tise uedical staff corps, wvilcli mas raised during tise Crimean war, and! cents- tut-mat an eutirely neir brancis cf service calle army hocîpital corps. FRANscn..-Napoleou went on tise 7thiitue., te tise Chaloiisucamp tisere te remaini several darmu twas nsaerted that Prince Richard Met-. teruici would romain nt Paris as tise A"-arian .Minister. Tise Paris curreqpendezst of tb. Tendon Star givea a report tisaItthe Emperor haît de- clared for free trade, but il lacks ,tonuira-. tieu. ise Mouiteur peblixhes a long officiai vo- pott by te Vice-Âdirîra Romain des-Fesas- es tes-adiîsg te-, 6pelaslue i.Adtc Ie imuýe w a a fleet cf fety-.flve vemeâi, of ali cluies, anchored before Venice, la inht of the domes c f St. MavK, prepaared: ;rtro; wheupenee was prociaineti. Te Moniteusr aise pilblishes a report cýletinng Canrobprt frein thse rflectiou which'Neil's Tepàoef lte battie of Seliteino cash upon him. Tise number cf troops frein itàly to mardh "ahon" announc.d from, Europe, lu that of 1 hé& «- tôohurch. hi plan 116, o. hta thus son0ht,1o J h.~ t tmthdanie cf the e> o1, ,wh6 hà*IifthertW ithho1d théît présence lbrý Iack of Sunday ciotiies. ,Tbor il;D lJ.Xt1ontrea, o~tihe 3rd instant, on bo&rd- the -tamrJoJi e by thse 1ev. Professor Young,' of Knox'a College, Toronto, thse Rêi'. D. E..MoiT- Gooagv, of te Free, Ohureli, South G(ower, to Jsiss tldest daxigiter of Captain Richard ien- nie, î'liisiire Royal Artillery, lasgow, Scot: Iad. In Montreal on thse 3rd instant, on board thse stiýamrer Joh~n I1 by tihe Rce'. D.,E.'Mont'oe cf lioÊthe F'ree Churcis, Souths (lower, J. K.. Eo*»&as, Esq., M. Ký, editor of tise Mui6real T7ransript, to Jkim È xxneî, eldètt ditughiter oÏ tise laIt1e. Mr. Colin Galbraith, irriter, -Edinbiirgb, DIED, At -Whitby, on thse ISUS inst., RoBiar JornN, son of Wu. Là.n<o, Euq., aged 6 monthil and 20 days., TORONTO MARKETS. TVEsDAlv, Aug.2, 1859. There i3 no change to notice in tisenmarket, witicb yesterday iras deiland inanimate. OnIy three loads of iieat were boughit respectively nt Ss 2d, 5s 4d, and .5-î (d, per bushel. BÂsiLsv 3s to 2ls ld, 1r bushei. Rvu, 3a per bushel. OÂTS- Sloibd to 2î for the biest netv. In other things there ii no change MONTRE-IL MAflETS.-Aua. 22. Flour 1krm, but not nucul> doing superfine, $4.60 Io $4.90; fancy, $5 te $S5. 10 extra, s5530 to $5.401. No. 2 In fair request, nt $4; unbrand- abie seiiing at $3.25 to $3.80. Notling to report ini grain. Asbes duli and lairer; recteilts large. Pots, $â..50; îearls, $.0 ",W 'YORK MARKETS -Ato. 112. FLo-n-Murkcet r, firmn, nt an adraurce of 10er per bri.; 'sale!; 9,000 bris, at$30ta $50for iiipe1fine Stfite ; .ÃŽ4.50 toI$4.80 for extra State; $4.55 to $5 for common ta good extra M-estern; $4.60 ta $5 for aidl; $5 to $5.15 for fir ta fresli Mrunit shippig brande of rouind hoopi Ohio. eIlZ.e flour dîsîl, ai '$3.75 ta $4.25. GitAaî.-Whesst firni, and advanced le. lo 2c.; sales 9,0010 busheis, nt 70c. for un-aiind Chicitgo spring; $1.45 ta150 for whiite Western. ftyc duIt. Corns scarce, and nomninsiiy 2c. ta 4c. better sales triffing. (laýs sxÀendy. Iliovi.sioNs. - Pork nominnlvy firîn- sales small, ni $14.37 for mess; *510.12 for prime. Pleef duli. flacon quîiet. Lard quiet ; sales 150 bris, ai 10c. toIlie. Butter au,!l cheee un- cisangeti. Wsîssxscv firmer ; sales 200 brIs, ut 26c. ta AsilEs unclsangedl. Moxrv steasy-in fair reqiiesi, and raies are casier. Sterling excliasîge very dull, at 110 j for bast banking bills. PROSPECTUS 1 OF TuIE 'WHlTBY WATCHMAN ,' Nos. 1 & 2, TiuFsr Buildings, Aitgust 22, 1859. AMON & ROBERTS. EUPPORT HOME MANUFACTURES! Pure Canadian Coal 011, T FIE Subenhier laaîing.urranged fora Wintes Supjsly of the above fine article (wldçieit s $1,25 a- Gallon! after thc Firet ôf Septenbor nexh. Where a gea.! higlit la required, tise Best sud Chieapest lenp spl TAvx's Impruved round w,mekCeai011Lump. A varietyetf Ceai 0 OU and'Buning Pluid Lampa te lie hnd constashy aidtChmsop at the Médical Hall! GENUINE DRrG I IEIAlS. Englis, French, Germuan sd .&uertcsa ALCOHOL. PERFUMBUY. Extensive Credit' Sale SI AucïIiI.l T1~IlSCBSRmERwiHl seil by Auctien at O"LNý\DItT,s tise resdence cf tise tata TIIE istdersfgsed keflepecmt&ntlydu1,nd Tand for aie . et ÃŽ'qnaty of -XX FALL Wl IEAT:'FLOUR. Aise CmOcr, tâ, Indian Meai, SaIt, 'Plaste; and Water Liane-. - . 11 . -HM R DRAPER. Whtb i 1th Ags1 8? 1-tf.. WHEATf7 GAIS, P ASE ND> BARLE TIE undensigi>ed *9ii psy Cashs fur 'What, J. OsIs, Peas, aud, Barlc>', dellvered at Port 'Wiltby, ISti gs CIStERDAE. FO0R SA,ÀLE. (IOOD $PAN 0F TRAM HORSES, wil ha Asold ou tne if -desirod. CHESTER EDRAPER. Wlîitby, lSrth Atiguet 1859. I-tf. SOAP ANDCAN IDLESI ATthse "GLASGOW Seap àaid CandIs LiFaetery, Colbotue Street, Wisitby. CASHI paid for Talo'w. - JAS. WALLACE, Propnietor. Whithy, August 16, 1859._14 MR. JOHN 00OW, HOM SFOR SALECEP WIIITBY,- On Tesdy th llh Oc. nxt, COOD Fruame Roeste ries, 18 x24 feet On T esda th Ilt Oc. n Aty mithi1Cellar Kit-cheu, andlan excellent TUE FOLLOWING Garden ettacisedisaîf aus acre ln extent, situete VallableStoë, eniWfng o I)UlaMin thse Souths Ward. - ý3 Tenus easy. Cattie, Herses, ParmingUtens, sul JAS. WAL>LACE, 'Go*- - Preprietor. GWU15' (rop5 h Wlsiîly, i6tis Ai*ustl -1859. 1-tf 1 supoer f ull, 4yeava el.!; 8 sulîli Cows ma,~l caif> ; 2 t-lusce yeaz- aid Heifers (in caif) i 1 at FUR SALE OR. TO -LUI, -00w; 5Sters, tie yeara otd; 2Hiera, tira yeuse eld; 3 Steers, eue yesrÃ"ôld'-,I Heifes', oee c EVERAL BRICX COTTAGES lu tise yeer old ; 13 Calveg, hu'eeofl t h ula; -,I Centre Ward, Whltby, vearylug ros>3.tc 51 Herses, ight ye>'oBs-014;2Hliesssix, years odl; recuaInleach. Ap'ply te 2llasoesî tsree yeas ld;.ýl Horse, 4.yem soh.!;. JAS. W&LAOE, 2 Wagoita; SIbon Plotglas ; 86 eugle dragUear- >sopets revu; I1Cultivator; 1 Tiig msie ;lýStraw (Jattes-; 1 Thraisng,,Machine , 8-herse power; AKSR W çm -~Nis>U; 3 Çarbs;,,pairB. Sl ghs;i FOR It HI -,OR FOR -SALE. lions. Rlr; i2 GràanCradies; 'Scytbea i 13 TWO Pain of Jack &Sevws-sultble for nahsig StacitaHay-5O ton$ i8, 8 crep Tis-aps 21 9cM jor movingbaudingsAppI>' lae Potstcga; Tsanip sôwfisg wadsie. Salee eortma08 i ielecç~ a k.JAS. WALLÂCE. Sl'Tmo c-Tveb', t on0edît i v joint , moulus fto -ca pplove.! - Xfid vo. torsssr, tesasaa.nsjea.u. WAKLLDOX LAMP OIL, Â OLs ekyCroudWtby t-o t>PY IItlec FRESH SBWEDJSH -L MS. oe,sund Sendi accemuta te kns: 7 1 es'iues'vRecipes attended lt saomd e- put-ch. Pediars upplied atI '1'rlems. To thse AicteiL-Tse beeleaunéfor the .iAti e fftOSIBSOIUyBok AIses-N ol Itueb Choira,,Bemel Complgintà, Cholem aMosbuislI-1 gaoe that ' B es o1thu li9 e arriSo, &c, lalthe Exttrai f Cardaxo n d-ms sd etas mus e ipaJrrwt tle ô;et1la ù Cincisona. Propos-e.! oslyathblueM.!bal l bes rlwlutSmtb For ltisîîs>tLsm, Lumbago, endè l rai ees, esngdnaid. - v Sps'alus, &c., ls tise Cama MI Lnaxîî.Prepe»e oulyet tiseMediel Ha». "-Wllli ugîsl, 59 71, Mloterai and Nursei -ie ne Lau - for tise Saffi'on Dew m vlbefuutd 'tise be or - V2expàV1Kbsurffjh -eý> 8. OlAtOJ Cludren mises> Teehisg, for Pia in d ie Shomaci oii,(LW s=d Bowels, Cough isa su da,- Measses, ise.- - P'repft'ud oui'aI ltse eKadicali a. AC"OWLEDGfflF«NT. j *A complet. asQrhtntefr tMU*iI,15t FAMILIT «00191U Cbeap for Cash. Wiitby, A ugust 24Lis,- -W. H. DOEL, U;2., W-lù C. ~ODW&», . .i M MMRT1H AND AXMEEA-YtvRm Europe- Drafts and Bis â IlBe td. W hltby. S mait 16 lg6g WILO .NSFO *j I N theTownslsip ofGsTsento u~u, 1-tf. ljt% WALLM>L-ý WAL LACE SLQCK. Geoda r Genha1i business, 4ansd W >éther fi,ç Fancy, Gooda or 'Groceriený. 17,Utuaition la onç of tie est lu -Taira, aid villa i 'elI eR»Q c d stock a gead busie" mua ëïnuoaroely <ail lu do-mg a là_-arg ,drcunsetrefsi are fIlle.! up'witisCatW; hürtte cthe Wnet reaas, ickm aio~ m W a1 pearance, lb.>'ave ue.od to .. lu 'Yqroal-T The Offie.,mx uurp ie 2ilaI-ar. fitted îp ie avery oenvenleaî manuu nd are weil adapte.! for, -Law oron uune pu c' a fircpvcvel l aléhdteoais. -« ilj iU]e3rdM iI1 ffces vm- i f. reqtsircd, c orranged fur a rts5 Appi>' ho JA.WALMI teu as> I t Breohi jPe~ Rf-,iaSR ed store. dcstnoyed by tise i n Àa.~ea. -see Agent. NI: ~'rus 's: LTO elttt er Thse Wklle st inSrfiés T Umm" THE SUI3SORIBER have- jttreivail pcv slsp Canaa,-t-hein FALL STOCK .01F. _CROCKERY CHINA,-of -theo finest .pecimens, IBREAKFAST,9 -DINNER & TEL B mRIOE$. ,nSlD-EoOx &ce FOR WITLCH TUE HIGHtTST PRICE WILL BlE PAID. 1 Tise neceul purcisase et tise Ontaîrio Tses b>' tis proprieters cf tise binisterial journal, eftie greut iuajonit>' cf tise Ipeie of tuis Section cf lise County cf Ontari-te aiout au>'- local newspaper neprenting ticir PaOUca views. This at the Whttby 1JVatck<an i. i]4ended 'te suppli ' uand iis iview the edtôialdepartmeait will bc piacet under lueeitlclf. sats'ed, Reformes- cf muais cx- lart amcuuuiug te estabtishument cftise nov paper tise ?ubliera desire il ho be disliîactly nudeistoodthat, wlahilè desis-iusgtise goovi1 sud support cf al classes'of tise cmmuit>' mnd! intedig o do t-sein umltrâo make lueir journal zan acceptable- mediumu cf general in-i telligence th de oît scek for patronage titreugis tL,,aanrtamt-,r or ukew-armuess of thier opunions; Tise 'itckran us designaet teipicît ie*causeof Reforjnnt-tise mon- grel sort professe.! by tise supporters, mitether lVo-wed or secret-, cf thse present Govera- ment, buth ltI mincitis representedb>' thse Opposition in liae Lebl6atnne, indes- its volt kuowu and recog»týed leaders Believing in partyý Goverumlnt, and recog-. .i.thg 15e eessty ef iacting mitit a part-y sac 0 ýtacéoiplih b 11wis Liste ceunIrt Lise Wêtchmta7ts ilfU direct ail ils cuergies7r tisa subveision of titispreseunt carrupt Goveru- ments, aud ,tlîé'idirsduétion cf a nom ut-id bettefrsder cin rgu. Tise prescut criais in polîtical affairs denainds lue ennîeet attetion 74,ail classes of ise comtnuntiy. Misemui> gnievamîcea freinmisich, me are nom suffenih.g --.smcngsl wiaibcistise euo' rmàus gsowtitof the. public d'ebt1 Iandtieconutinastmaund ssex-. atie sacrifice etfU r Cana'ia interest3 aund lper ,Cunad e ugare, rmncu-n dicato Ittlueé,proviCebas Wieaaisd.-a *Point ,ibaecuasionofte u4dties mbieii mn> b. devise.!b>'tise Reforma paA, y for tise vilï, tise Watdwao wailil ake a' active pa, ndî aililinti .with-pIeasire terraps-al r coustutu-' tasosal changsmaui ii -etih ietp sesorng ltî oa&adthle »lcEsngs cf isouesl and ecouemical ovrmne. Wisie foresy 'expresauinLs viema on poiialqetions, lise J~tels ilpy hi ,ssa utisattenticntoe l ai aud general, iîmtestseoflhecoaatry. Maaay -intes-eshis>g eu erlatiuig ha Agriultue, tee rncis n Iet-dby tise Çanadian ai cev ulattentimi à;d 1u.! eve hoý 1donc le develope, sfair- as a lewepaper ea usuL s~ dvolpiu tise;rosons-es cff lieftr- tiean uflàg Cenely f Outurjo. TùuaDÀ- Moingforthepxesenh, a1tibe office On liuamv-SnmxTand! vil l e dis- pslchedfto -tôuniay-miheeibcrs b>'the e aviesl -nail -altoz er te ni cf uubîiahion~. - Iic lts-ni&-of' SaIbse-Iptin wIlf ho*t:l$1.54ayeýr .avltéa "tvictly inadvauee, or 2e0 t cf tihe ea. Tise »as&Msrriit thse WrDat an mi 1 il:

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