Whitby Reporter, 9 Aug 1851, p. 2

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- ' 4, siune!ifl, sud tr an. nfpoçasèd charge oututi Ci. entsent cf te! Pî-vince. Tite motic mas buC, - Os the teise ef NMu. 1Wnî. Beuire Ma. SolicitrIu*era1 Drunmene! cei 5OiWîï-t irl o~~wn soeeinforn'ahi( relating td t là .fitMo'tueai fourlite il -- fi )èsue tl 11eUsury Lais. Mr. ,M'rrit imoved t»e Hoituse lun QoysMittjCeopf te Witoie le ceusideri addceaiing lii. Exceiièucy foru tn isst ofDebQtité's fer the contllelienutcf i 1'i. îo'tion ae s opruc.ed snd lest. Oïltiomu of M.. 1 'itanee wsç'1iforceupies cf c'>ruest-cindenv io,., ê~cvincial Ageucv in Lùr -Geterumeaut of ilite Peu% 'c' - oedfe aConI p r Mcpi; V cf lireî,icin; thEtue e!_' ds tpu uTJP1u nCïfpa' trhormtcDeafnai ou- -fr flue Blind!w HouaeeL '~nd aScbecl forutl 6~ê - ý,~ derfua ee eut ef t1 lia" atineof lte Provinc er by a di"' t'tfts erILth people of 1 'peutCaida, net exceediug in tI poud,~-Cerritd5 ' Mr. Jfreeý'È-ovIcd'fhe prnincg tise Rinw8 c6!iiiM Eport. Grsante Tise follbuwiug hi-weee ec at Te amnelavia relating te Pimbli -To appuopriate mrd"tie accriuin a frai@ Taveru- Licences lu Kausomîrd-%aa um M,14r. .Ifeyer. nuevede lerecuyl tin ý tIsereport of lte Cornmittee -4 te iiot en< tisebill te remfive <oubtue relstive O1emeqttisituea by. Miueici1caî Council of Peublil o Wru. Crried, yens 2' Tise nemiteru er. suminionted ho I bic-cf flue Couneit* by a uiesairtpc' Irm the Governor; and ontu cirrueturtu llý -' UtilAi, Auugîuut 4. Mr. Pre. laid on tise fsble a decmpac relative te lte Clergjl Reseuves, derla isug titat fte question could net ho lake, op by tise Iniperiat i Prliament th~ Os motion oret MH. Sherueood, t lieitice' of -Mr. Fit igerale! relative t 'thse qettlimu 'eaitcf irile! Isuda, t-ns re ferred. TIse foleming Bill -maq reud a tim To entend te Act pernitting Alute cipesities te acquit. public lucds. Me Bldrnnovee lte recephicu the Report on iroviding for te adnini tmeion of justité lu euorganized tract -'Tise Hle ent iniocomuitee,an 1WMe .tritt nteved n sent-ma cf reseisu tiens cf miile 'ue1adgiron nem ce, ru 1atfre'lo tise establishlmnt rf as ue e& oceasteamers IteeutQtuebe-,c an Liverpool. Me slnted thut aliiiugit fi inteiiot freiglue oit fiomur itad been te- dùoe., et.traet fiii teck te route co Ise Hudéof1 iuutead cf It ls y thte St. Lk-weais. Thougit anucit 1ud hocut dou. tu accomplishilte obje'ctcf the e- nil, tluiy mere et ii ta failtîre. Tîtei Erle';Canailine! takei£750.000. v)îicbu tise Canadian caàtlis-receiteel nly £O 00.Ho me prellared le sbcml týthtrrt asfourowu 'neglect. 1hý reqnirted but au expenditulre tIl £50.C13 to comaplote tise matêtdiiuhuclos so es 1te permit te gissage tîireuugiotu cf vesses dmîng heufretmn er. %N'ma thataaet itradouet No; ou thet- trIlcy, everythiug mvns hiing tîe'ed to tise ralîroods. Lest yt-îr lié nmacle a joun'ey.beloir Quelwto easerîsuis mlnt- 001111d b.. donc te reclace i itilcsms-j freiglut. Oit lis cet nurt, lue sai a gnait many uerelants at Qtuec. asud lune Iecued frem titent sioany valitable fsef.s 'isbich b1ud iteen ptibliohctllu inteRepot of te Beard ef Works. Ho ira. uoury taeid, howeveu, ltaI Jerluape ilite muet impacotant .pile of informtiou of the, vitae luail ie«o itthe., iLt'wes aite ststerent of ýMeurs. Gilmour, ltat ho- ia-tl."2o- a _, rer..î u àyîied e'. I f th u t c o u l d e o , t w a s e v i d e n p y . . w a ~ e t t a h r s n f f re b e ! r n iv , a n d f l ic a w y r s ' o m s G Il ge( T o ii- 2 T.i u i a d p o te r for n, t artatthvreed ra-Shaw, John ta1able rebellion1 a»,Mgi th ueirn raton of goods coule! fiecwould ntdo so. fo ~y sions alluded'o by the bonl. meKibe orGd iJohn Sm>lh,biri.a)hil* fa cal1, f al"reega Il i* to ýChicago, thn from New York to son why flicHore (overia mtent should. theco m sin- lelGIoyd, John 1. Siekitey, Edward E lm nùe utesb.ta Chcao.Iftht oue!b.ncomlih-no d smehig ora neofseam ers Mr. .X!adkenze said there was no truth Godman, Buidget Strieker,,ParkO Tenure oatrasfiag Ihi. P pns chca", f ha oud eneomlsh ltt o Oetin uralie f tGosnell, Jam& Stewart, Jasi?8 te.. nfêlait teit was evudent that i he inwsrd shipi- te Quebec. Itwapiis sj~y tu do in~ it,-and Grle l*ne alr iFaU j Ovc 111n1 wuld bic indefiiitl ice sed a, as ta give, a bonus to the trade of, Mr. Speaker decided that. it was irre. - Greenan, Thomas m lMs.Fmn<ý!ea aiping>x i adwjhh aioi.' indf ousea orreqlunnitii f ùtNew York.' NewQuebec was minucît giar tu read HannaIlamuIl Topà, twr iblo*nd bis determinatii.lo taretrep vare! freiglut itsalwnya bc efe nrer ar 'eLiverpool f liseNew York, Mri Smith went on in a facetiotis mari- Match., Center, TJhoaiploti, William ofthe , eseet Parliameot ho t 'or otward cargues. e Merrii n ddîigth umr i vs e erdiueM.McenisdbsHamilton, Arch'd Nolt'Thorndike, William cf w ia'-om4, 'Ointeçi eut the 1 cd' uii* thé«ru nemntlus,, Huysha, David. Tre lur, Min àMarY lartre inrensce un- flicclear t tfoetir A e icai ail generst's icommission. 110eFrncs Vîvian , Janimjx<èse i28 of the Erie CanIal which %V's boismight be carrid in that naner w.-th Aper a few wrds freidn Col. Prince, flood, Henry Watlly, Sanal do4t tat, the Goveror et. v , be tI ndertn ke z, .Ild, argued tti n d in a e d in ent rn um e t e m ti n ofind 9 l acaried.- Jones, m ac B. W alsh, b athew d bCtt 0 ô t e Le a is ti et%~01 " ometliug'ver. done by Canada, mita ede e bn lc vdneYa,3;Ny,1.Kuci, Henry wamrner, Wilkinson day ji olock, ta give, the Royal mot a ll e i ar ll noint of ber tonde uow lefi.ndesd ylt on npcerCnri Adjourned at a quarteor past eleveti. KentianWebe, ose' blP. nchaVe pssed bott hles ~ roule lu- enfoi irw"îsn s i at ail ociusi-. c oni the respective Tuesday, Jtily 5. Kefei, Aqilla . 3)Wcnse, ohn P. e éXîieui woie! ha cnunîestd aoiy fcnIsadmîa!.Te h oîoigweern atid neKeer hs C 3 intryJh olîî T ma ith il.. ia...up taec nu u inio i ofre'u c h l n alS s h h olo igw r e datidfne, Leary, Tinohy Wilson, AlexanderMotb th Ble4 in n- e.te cmietng the utro tiinil suc rnwih-tcamne iasRa n j- iz: To reverse thc attainder f Anon A. MACPHERSON, P.M. eire'.The ofoneso01 Sea nte rms ir e'gels Of 1000 toiîîq, iuîstend cf tlie terented one. and yt the whoie evidence Stevns;h mn!t Act for the for-t Ie aaa en Iscnrvu ~j tisl f20tonts' whicb wOtild -afler cf Mu. Lindsay mwent te show that te ition of Joint Stock Compacies; Toa E A D S GA . te*ry Elctcn3 Biilte Penuiten~ Oenrementsi1h hharer supigln!icenei pfo tl atoicNlre cimetings of A Larg uan '-of Eand SUJGARjot aur- Per JurotusRemuneîatiou y-blth eng rihoudpu=s the Erie Ca- alleged difficultica. ABeill;as the reltios. A e o TE Asunge whichscoule!rived. Be cra 2s 6d-Tnt 'v. !eiBill; the Priniogeniture Mili t, .rerr T s"l It v'essaie! that titere 'tas ne fear kuowc that cool wassn ,eculiar article, Mtr. Burritt moved the referenco te Also--7x9and8xlOGLASS. 20 perlOOfeet. tort Divisiornii. l cf he ulagenenton the Erie Canni which mouttluo put upun a rniiuoae!, ai a comnuittee cf the petition of William A nice assortiment of EJARPEIN troun ateaue MI.T a ndela teing cïarried ont, (Dn ac'cotînt of thte dif- auy rate, for the purpose of shipment. Bacon. of Ogdensbtirgh, praying fur whitby,'Àug. 8,81 R. E. PERRY. ttr<inbmIeLseHuao Fiaer. &tltqforoin env ilei ueH wsoopnoutinthsinof steani- compeesntion for a stenm-boat destroy-inTedovftl r"rnntee cf he.Siate. On bis pat, ie ers would aie! s reasonable lineocf usi- cd by brigands e!uring thte troubles in 10 JOURNEYMEN COOPRS. ti hyDaot elilct the generai beait of th tu c.thtcftu rouy beaug gol. WaY t tirl thrt countryT âne! woffld 1838. WANTED lmmediaiely, T IR E E G , en a url lclnaue 'r tle Cuolui ng buuIitiwe years. Iîrevent.tlienece.qsitY froint. the Enlifax Mu. Hiecks opposed the motion ; ho- W oWrkmen, in whnm afeady employaient tdr. Merultt' uesolaîionalin laeraialnu èze thf could hy io oed, e ie t .odfrwhich he wotuld ho williug tu lieving ail titese daims bnil boon settled wl be given. Apply ta GOREPani "ers front Québec to iLîveupool,iauthe sul. un t ec iî rur l to ex.e us ? Yes:'. rant a certain s umt cff oneY i u view v n der a Com m ission, an e! ought . ot W aitby Village, A g. 8, 18 5. 17_t. jt of dieunion on M ndty v a n d <jWu J, .00ol wîî o cure!tcn- fsue dsfges, toîgh it cerfaiuuiy 10o eagain re-opeued. Afe oe .ElIe evoter comunication. TItai coule! net ha looked on as a pttying lune, conversation tise motion ivas witiu.- Blank Deeds & emorials for sale ati isOffice. à addruate the Horne Goeuntendtasitend moa11Y=nt qual t Gtht reetetita teasnadLis, Ii hoouv£3,000 per sitnnu.- Ie acreed with Mr. Merritt, iuu regard. dmwn. nd he Poiaovinet taegunardne, ý i l, w iuuix'se £5,000 au yetir u'ere givet: iuu«thfle canais ns lte flilure, sud titis, net .%I. H. J. Botidton moved fliat ih d TheProEicRaE P O R T te'uaraR ai otsteusnier. Tîete eantersa-wul Inly in a pecuninuy point of viê TbuHHEs reEiPORTEoRtîrlutieerpota mke èIe_!&ýý oncea mont, litrie. a a Mat « viw, butHolis recmular d anturtnethIteptrg-uanier auta theat Caîled t th LiCleinâ t,~ ule ratu.E occea mnîl, ltoe. sa ter of engineering; aud ho gave cf the Committee on the bill ta nmend WHITBY,SATIJRDAY, AUGUSu' 9, 1851. Ih nited Sttu.Congre»a. rtic. with ttîeetY-eiglit steanteis tIere' an accouint cf bis owu experience te the Act fur thte formation of Rond Ccci- 3-Scliui ae u cezi' ufo o h eodraa %rtiid heoiote voyyage-a1w3 kSet Lottghh psgo. Mr.attmtucb eughtnleitiendoue fhepuiezdC.W. ge aWèe- (Ltigý shw tat mch nghtta e doe t pariesai. lte bit! te authorize ail persaes ta plead inCem te.) Wlsy'It o roie!bava fifly sîeam- ennuie vesseis to take fuil adrantage cf Thue bouise ltou weiîtinto Comniittee PARLIAJIENTARY. oLawshenytrmtfrittmd. mir lx ite. This ouiuiy wotld nu i tis uu'iflen, nav.igation.ta fu Iionthe ResoIlioti5proposd alhweve n- OrCrepnethsgvna y opsis w, walIteenl The ehaterwof ienttty. ccui!red teu wiat itad been aireadi - Cx- wly tb encoûmrge a lino of steamers te the miiifnry pensioners as policemen. the proceedings four te last week, and our refle go eI i"apsotl>ai t ad betweo 7 ferded, und! it ironie! ho ieil paie! for Quebec iras to tl.row open rte St. Lawr- T'is ledho a disctussion wlicb î"as for wlirh we bave ail aloîg Iteen indebted toi tIi the, lawyent, it wu' Iowever lest, an a vote aoS 1 b ullscuti te Canal dowàua'ards, irnicit ronce ftailUntions. As htte cattais,,neariy s repctition cf that wiuicb took PtiÈà wl afon nartepoprhd. 0 j f038, %Çolfd Rive at liean £ 100 tuto on eaclu ho dud net regardîheni as na<allure; for pince wbieu the nuatter iras fornterly Saturday lait the Goy. Geneial gave the Roy1TItere is a large actoant ai husinessayet belmr rcj'. -lIe heiiront lu show hiw lte if they eid net psy se groat an interest before lte iouse. Aaset toaait the bills passed tltus far the puf Jfu oswtci ipadaWiOcplu Bfh ti!Amnerienut Steamers recoir- as tbey irere expectecl te psy, tbey die! Mu. Robinson opposce! the motion on session, among 'thich titIl ba ud the, Cou'tiiirfoeIeri.npoahita aru. sa geuîron t teir respilective Go- pay tbuee percent., ane! lune reduced thte account of the expeuse. Divisions Bill. The auxious itopes, ancd the (mrusgaintis'ek renents.aid conteuded tbat tlis gaveuniane freigluete oan exteet, alusosi in- Mu. IV. H. Bcultea oppcsed it frorntoftoa many yeaus incessant excitions on the parbOi On thise. tisnlbcaoelpaule t reasimatà lifarumur cf Noew York cenceivuble befouehanl. flue fear ho entertained tluat theseliecn- shese ten townahips are new at lenglIt (ulty ri- buOuItheu rsiontateclhuated lI teisive jz3lut lte lutleresis cf Canada. liraws Mr.. Hinchc con tendeci tiat thte Amner- sioners iroulel ho employce! usa partizatu ied. We now en,,ter ou a new esaof prospe&tay, O ciain nte u ad n wde teaiers cnruied neittîer flui r uer Goverumont lun sll juobability, force ah elcctiens. But for Chut ho that in ilis icogrets 'tii la bunpuecedented î ry cfoneusnipaand the pem ne . l aiadiron; but us tlîey teck tthei r oîle! grant reciprocity; and in support wouid cet oppose titi rtsoltitiotts. Iitiouyof any other county la the Province. u rorain'a o agadtt rcein1, Oaatf fireigît ane! apuseuers, titis cf titis ni, stated titat thte report ef Mu. H. Sàrooddid not seea-tise dis- Oracsrrau sprohroadt eilseoff quietly. f * tw It llua u lacel t cnrY Mr. Andrewrs, wivtci expresly reoent- advantages cf ibis force irbich ccurued tîs iofour exensive lack country, placashia M..PLXA.a a cîsltiv. I-Je et-ie'red thetelu de- meudee!tituis coturse, lud e! lcouprintee te calier gentlemen. The preserit bill 'Lauly in thevan. Sticcessta lte new COUTl'YN..o .W.. :h ny lue periority wbucelu tt e bota-y thte Arnerucan Goverinuuent. He re- die! net alter flue law, îrbich wouid sel 0F ni' ARTO fIU wl lis 'lave te imite port ut, Newr York, by proaced Mu. Sherwood for aOocl llî ugsrlsF ONToARIO! cn _________ i. Tau..W~~ILe AoRMa.-.j o,,os etasliig rimuslar advanuages lu fa- ]cd lus unpaeriotio course mt respect stables, sud 'thicitnoir pemtetins PSTO 0F ARI . dylatLeOnroWavstdb aevc vocii fQuh anîd inureder te do we, te reciprccity; sud saile uedie! e, cto ee ploy lroops if tbey titouglut proper. The aId Heort pariy, or at leasî*Itat Vtiou atOnn,'thlicIti"d to bave done conwdmbleutur bu rixced ho - al.lty te thte Imuerial lieso ilt the open iîg lte St. Lawreece Hoelmhtgbt tite leuticers woutld ho ai t'hrtt h atakil<gd:lad g ateaipr.Oevae a ita a' licccner vesle!cluespen freigitts, because if godts coutientof nue! cbeape police forcerBld- nue! he hipir 31 r. ffintA-s crupiîiutd thnttime cre 'tas couile! hocarried citeaper titani pures- iwoeld vote fouthue resol uions. 't-tuas ils type aid .model, hbalatlenguh aller lingtou Beach, lu endmivràrnng ta uake lBamiltou rithî,à lefire flue Cosnutiee tuenet, Cauad ians lune!the seine chance as Mr. ovgy aise ntmi'î,ouuduttecresoîtu- iteeriig ride of lte port it starlcd fou, ut IigIt and another wtent aboire near Toronto. W#luhy huit file e-xistiuse of ccrryug otut lte Americans le curry tilent, tions. andi dry apoti the beach, rsi ryiîg avay airs sud beard 'ne fvrtberparticuaau. TIts naiiiesari !r sent 1ueîlxcsitiiut woeuld ho.- Mu. Win. Boîeltoss spoke ini faveur of Mr. Hincki said the ouly icufluènce riggiug, sud leaving inothing remainingiut thé Passport, coalti nof approach Cahourg or pot :litre werè fâcts, litoîever, whiclithte resoitmtion. the pensioneus counIe exeucise in cgrcy- damageti buil for a disappointei people la ize 11p- Hope, cotieqUently had ta carry berpaause .eccîd filast any applcication e f tce kiud - Mr. Vferrite reiilied. ing elecîlouts, il-s ho ptcrcnttlucm from ou. in tbssis Ms ir. Baldan tesbepri o hc lcs000Trit.Ie4 ewue Sut [le faitiie,aud memt tend te imuprers Mr. Cauchanatsome iengtt, declared beiug careel by force. eue'tas meut icedeti, abandouedtei ewçk, and deavoredt t touch at both thcs.ar bat, scoai ae Brtish Govertnuent unfavorably ns iimsîf lu farceur cf the establishmaent Mu. Drummoed sale! theitO pensioncus cff fthe uespossihiliy e thlIe Clergy Re.ves, the f nd no alîsu f ilt bs got within te tnendy pu»' tbe Casadizan ecteprise. Thte eîIy of a lineocf oceau steamers; but tbcugitt moulho very usefitl lu dificuities ite- ruait -aluable caruoe in te holti, on tIteboalders of Poav Wasvayl, whern absiemasale. îd give ate cQunare! lina by !the ueGoveranttougitt, hobre iL iras tireen citizeuis, becatîze they irculd e utilbis deslertei colteugues. Thtis affords anlotber tsi -g.edene f tesu bmecasGvrauumes a contract uudertake, tusee exaclly abat it wouaid iupsrial,wih special consatables ivere Mr. Price has arayacue si Îeto tpeinyo otW iîn vieue ter au- ci rriug lta mails. Thoalne! cu st. net. Ho knew auelection wluregagreat - i*gai h lsrfe s anandIrh.Leiafn- uteaty aPr1 eti i ngstoave u d T". are t-mat £75,000 peu atenumnmd lxad Mr.. e keuaic moveel ttcsecond num'horofsperiai censtables ireresirounrtilriuug atthe loearcf esesontheant roLfash .onleIaehrpxepnKigtas're. - lezIc afr'tuds itcressed lu £120,000.radnof the -bill teasuthorize Mer Ms- lu auud suned viit bine sticks; but tc ie, aitgealgnoh rta e rt WIitby gave refuge 10 sveral MW aS For liisout itt e diel nef ieiieve tîtat jesy's tulj ecta te ploe! for tlsenseîres. muswibo 'made the sticks gave notice Frenchu Canadiani, h preparedti fatab o"Frenchu dunio the prevalence aofte tr.TIthibe wiriii itetc mtCanuada comule! He sfatee ltai in Franoie,ant present, any te lte ether psrty, sud the mluole ciy lbave"ll mmediately aller. l Intis aaihion the ia cerlainlyaone of the masuseftre MW'aeeaaabts cectt thce Britishs Governnjutn es- persanu 't-nsalao.îee! te pusctise inthtec ias impartislly arxiied 'tllabitte sticks. scalîcreticcr, aud lte great tenda are in a on thelake, and sa saappg prt, usi spei 1tcba a alime lmust behoumrs. On lteotiter baud, fortnerly lu animer ho AMr. Bergley, Mu. Hrecks hopelessituation ta mccl the 'tell oauized aid During lut 'tinter, it sth nouipe barber (iJJllit te IoluheCanard fino, for'n En'gland suie! aller Engiish cotutuiès, exjuiaiueel hit tiese penaicuers 't-uld e! rlI raiucd.-phtanx of lte eueny i thecoming ou thelaite, andmti' he eyceptioa f a week, shirhtiscey more aireody usuder con-.ito bar mas carefmmiîy shtut agsinst. ny ho a regttîr military force nuaiuulaited elecîbons. Witholt îany settieti linorof policy to there wunoai nait lat a mdcould ne«, il eW tact. 'fiee lte ouiy question Wsas oS ibiad not gene tlîrougb certain piro- bY Great Hitain ; are! hat filie ctjcct nS aCt epea sligplat tlualetrat eatwtathcneine u ie cf screw steauters. ItlvWitS O liminaries. In IreIand, ne Cathulic iras ho ern1foy tera as constables, lu ___r__theola_______polad__ha e etr n dprtwthv ievei« ini iit Ille Britisht Guverucuent moie! was allowted te pleine. Thesanme runie muidscase tltey metld not tise Ilîl i ougauiheda f rasgetsni tsentibavhiceuta Fuqairgs PASTIcoLA5 aivs Sras.-We cit ccctibtît lu nt I>ti pias, autdil usel aIse ta prevail in Nova Scotia; batmt tns, euless required tho du su ty lte rnItfagefsathnunybvcseeautaftoceoowielsaapisa n c11;( ccrdly bit* puetetîded hat it mould laîeiy Mu. Hoevealune!carused a bill te oivil auuthlority it cumrnaud oftemn. about in Ibeir mins'c o raaufeuOal tra e oline wofckernwasd Scyarappeed mlircîfulr tlite Provincial Guvreeutopun it te any eue, sud lu Nom York Tise resoitions more tir icarried witb te Cleai Grifs tbrougb 'thItuta cary ou 1oy sl à-rontuisverC te radu Siate, auy oe u ccle! go up for examina. sud reiuorted ttehoHouse. the gavernset ; but thus fa nin lnelcal tal he h-iLeoia sti Pruspnt,wemcaalusee icici ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a suen clsacfrsoi eamcier etin it um i uouauo>n mt by lte 'inti auddenly cluopping trusnd ta ftheaoa lu ue catmof essls a aiothr, a lonwhuknewbisproessonno at-bas beecseffecctid.'The*platiornu a:he Clear Grits, ea, anti Ioth, if la ieared,'will be total wilicks. utulshcab1 iineuf steamters,improfil able tor whermc thal profeaèst nhue! been leinu. NEW A VE RTISEMENTS, altbomig blii uo cmo Itan uannua. or WtVe, ttu increase Lise îir0fiLs e!. Ho deairced suy manu mitechose Nolvswr ubh Btpn tCkÎO IL cirlesaUe, ot of taxes uniSed do se. te stick up lis alingle, sud cail "There la Nothing 11ke Leather iuIu solteipbefarecla tinitheeearIe N ie eels.TeEisiuaa salo 'lIl ie offICe nada. Tee liiselt' a ismycu, jusC as te coule! doui opeliicnbedaI lrcaign ttrfraePort Dayîiugton. SItei. oseett îLeCrudtam utuii assener truie itad' been ho more a matcit.naker. The abiestLeititur fou Saele ai LMER PuICES ltan mny munt iticiOil sui fsliglue plank, alîhoag i nt als ttefni h cufu enilber for Lincoln. Nom York 1usd lice, anelte great Objection te the pue- guanfees guven us by te mottr country anil no, A Rev. Rectal e mntly apçtoatl.t down «mlf lit r suuucaul,,y fer titis'*f rade ; buL sitesent systom 't'as, ltai, Ilgave a cerCili- r1uHýtînl>rsinned wil r9eiîNEw YORK fartber. TItat ibis asa fatal erg, andtie .one np.rmas away the.other .hy w'tblàbis uIhI iik. aid tJuiv iste il eu te Rail. cahe of eharacter houCite very stick'. Bie SPANISH SOLE LEATHeR, ut No. 120, onI 'ticlutey 'tueckcdtrienlves alreaeiy, the Bst atefor s&amsraet iseot yet stmomciÏ10 'yi luirl aicestribed fromu-Qhe h ot) ant ou te sake rngen e reats l-rua TESDlLt rDU fl Ibota. prety Itttoa ndi trac ihtew t'yvs lio 3tbhbe fomQteb'cwet n a oie o-e enra rma ks oE tsN OL ASeti th& ikea:SV n. ftelligenice ai the peaple iIticl tley have no Térence Bellew Mei(Ma5ttl"tmg~'u liblifij,,k»caoe flitfinie moiti e utu- infavoelrofepingfthe heguti professuon. iteti ilcnicete ltehâig. s accu tltc acc,,atest luesacraS te Atlan- u(eele scneltuo oin ) O(IL-OHEAP. llllih ciculc btsst thig. sapeti fronatl)enuaLsndits - U oicpimtedtht itsMar.s Co el.P ie epjuSned lthie m lo e.tion. SokaiRDE nt iF dl TteT I tes etitatl wiarGis r t satht-u.-ucso t-,otli uuuaml t3cai smmdh oueCa hti a uba i nIsî uaf, aî eon al le Iat cylugce a oytnr'a ie i y1.cifcsl * Ciituk .5licfa.K'ved isat theté t es ohe-ficsisa SinBan, , OC5e Jn lei etm uad Dama' wotsi itd NOA ---nae!tise B ,El, -Ruggerig- 'ysît onutam ee d înnsptnu a t the,. ai rat he poomcund b Mr.Smo of ronenaButtr, Elue ut Mi ge lachneci.i.&. h M b7 Fa'eetenac, lunp a Bunfle, L mrP >atrick ckleiecllà., lItthedtsttfoy aeu.an>atiafor on t* e asti lasat t lS IS ]a Vs" Com m àiss 4f te rebel aa'niy. on wbiehCt <t5ter, Mary Ane rlIt !watfj n ti ~ j of t àwa dl.lu je rmn vuuld sma it!&uimfa yiLuktec ai mnuCatteco4en ms, ohf bor "bi u» vU a lla st£50 wny vif h 1goBrutish lioenî i-dltdCsOt, r~e7cefd _e I 9-u cwmA"b

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