me ïwoffd etterlain. Ile e lion; nerndë-did ]lot in- îcrty ofuili relîgiousb6dies. ne raiglit apejîar iii al ils n %rs puît aîid earrie d.ý s.3 M esrs.. Mrtn. reuk h ~~~~~î~*le-taeane etTtict,,nd ex rrss of 'ê1,iAiv tuyd.-relattiiig to tlite ahtrdhba -an nie eiee b ere wiiula be ~nopas.i sl f-raisrissit h-ait.t puI iî~8 hieeip lesmbiitd be 1inrnalsy I1eîwrtépit ver 111e Ã"rîitsu't ile publicç eerealy. He ditqeîed upontheulesciisiuss'lt ttdii t Éiusg otitaîsyiitlîsr tew. mlaittli1sqi5inb>' these meana Tli S -- e H-encoîtld- liro're !Jiuco ssîs ILay %wLpý Shb"cwhedde ca~b. prveýetdto.1jsis mere sbat, irâ comiitte %veto grulo- F.ele nu lthe Goveror aueral, Io ecqusiel Jhieted bina. -Ezcellency lissi doubla have tor mny a1re-aller a loni citasiion tlise nmotioi ig ~ie llmind sate t ah'ai0 t pr -wags lctWs t--es1,Ny 1 'n'es, war ib lro îm e -ected and endowad Tise louse thiet adjoimuîed. ietjiln Ibo l*ta Province ni Tpper Camuead.- - l'bat sn conseqcence nf repréentaîtion .made ta0 NEW, A.D E TS M N ieu .Majety' lmperial Govecemesu on ttc stai-OV RTSE EN . Éè*, êaInionucaithé Lsw Advri-aot e CrowwIa 's5ujen 'hy Lord Gleremtg,-tten'Prlîsuipal -BcreU .adat iferocthe C otriuil,, le the >iar:S w I87, ýimIopinion was ivemn otheih Juiic ai tcd 1.L; percera are.hèrretîy loî-itîîlttr nni èleddov*meeii oftc siI Rectoiies Weie colia valid AtACCOUNT, aa i eltpsy, no dclii that tle nul &Wd Iqosil îcts.'5- ; - cantîscueul b>' niyait'prrcumsliy, sl'mr uis date. - Iiat on rte, ttis Jial>, 1837, - a Drspotch %os -AMOIS WAY. 'tl'dprsed hy Lordl Glenelur tek Lieut. Goveruier Sir ".B.'-Heaud. ini hieth hiLordsliii s sa il is e Pickerin±r. Au..2nd, 1851. 16 Biim -OOntmn;that, tanme methed shutcU ii e iuvd cf 'buinginth je question ta un à muitiaion ortlibîe PICKERING HARBOIJR COMPANY. ÃŽntièi' ,Ler.Goveriier to NOTIEs Harrty Given ihotthc Inatilaient ébà itlt 'ith lbe-Bi~ap and Arcis-Denonaof uhe cf Nincîrer per ritdiiclait Aqril, ireqtIiii- ChaireS of pEtaitdsnltate bera aîuiutestingin le tepalît Io lVLLim Ds¶D Ran. -l'.., TrieOtiiicr ,Ie leglity oai Ibm endonomeeta inamitamnicat1 ceor tn'fbi- the tlt Day et' 8EP'ÛMBFER raxt, mainr.otterieil ill I e cottectord sccoidiicg te laie. b qae9ent uepieeetations (ceci - l>'Qîder et teDirecrtrs, 'tepejrsnt Bishnp of l orenlotise Lam- Adrisfeus R. A. PARIKER, .0f idus 6w,, M'ore ineîîcd 10 change itrir opinion Pi-esiceni. ýèrW el tatithe saI Rectouits W-ce egaly Datailt aIPickecinff, Cotsiiuid ataa ractd. tia291h Jiy, 1851. 16 3 in ý "ehaf his opinîoiw bas fot lsd ttc effecr et qiao- *tog the'puiltie miel le Upper Canada, sî:d.that An ouderta îset the quctiort, hualait'atresu,, ibis - - ~ - s medhtèy prà yalthut isSlci'-llta tto e t uig b usIoe et Lai fuît>' CIOaudjudictiotn, n Isîehta tsîter, aswil nui atIe aià er part>' Iohbrille ttc cause of appeal i ctince hé oat/ern (Ogdensli-trgh ) Railroad. sssaw qi te-Judu,èisl Cam'smittes ci ftle Pr>' ' tneîand'Ibis Hloia le etles itsta un mse N seii-iîfîer Jure 20îh, 1851, Trains, rus as 'gim&l'rîlîieeay expeuliiesattenidant osuch pc-11 hu s0 ttsreoliuoe Jsnvi 8o 1 T IR A 1I Mr. IL hemoùdapprovdnof tes'emntatcon gisa prnvnea, asd-ttuereçtora prrenltlc-l la imie>' ARnarvîs ;i Rni-v *Pmiii tt3 c'c-tcck, P.M. teir oosa coîneel. Li-AvKs i Ruue'c Peint ut 9 1.2 o'i-teck, K.M, .Lc;fotitem made a few remarts neaT>' in- Aîtivits at Oglenatiuige ai 2 a'clock, PA.l anidi41bll ateta r.nderaî,,ud ta Ucent ta ihe pro. paailoQ of MDr. Sberieocd. E.:terMîboç't ]1pr'-sa Train M.lacuknzis couenccd in>' idiculire the t-cArra Osreiislirzh ai 8 'ctcck, P.M., or on tisanimail>' hat ad suutdenty upruiuurup saidîmpizeil ilîr sîrivat cf tht Unitel States Lake Outa' -'ionaut ien nmembeus, [le osant on ta 2peak iîIe Steamers. ainatIt ise dreaa, connendiuîg tissu uhe îroîîîîiiion Amar.9 ai Rocie's Point ai midriliht, onstainied iii il m'as ridiculutsIL hv-sa ridicuma sL.CAv,, Iiou:'s Piiiit ai 7 o'-iork, P.Ml -ta senti taMc, Bilter, choeî'citer, toa<lecictli Asiva i t gdeeuigh sitl1-2 o'clock. PM, 11sesdon ifiMa. ,Jlake,rector, v-r-!egrIIîl>' usss -'i oféis arectar>', vo-ha in alvnr tite matier TeTan on -,dib-, onr iRlq'ic baijng AIe; o.ra eîdil bb-îi, ail îî's-eîut es- TtTiso e Otdmbîtcniiaie'e' 'eluuj'osa .oera a, treafîrce te eleai the prsuiiîe a o if -vlttcRiiei n ratm ie eUj cCà csdi., He did rat thiet ttc ttapet'luir ficm Boston, New Yoik, srid >tireai, wi st opl have broigltii i saucb a ichisem Pssengrtis o uimett lh tcCuis os boardt oil tinpt foic pressreLions ise Altoîîseyjie- .tce Stecitoots at Rcuse'i Pint.lsi ( No charge ,for coive'junce cf Lugzeaga front, V Mr. ff&çL- tioîgbtt it dute la ttceflouse amdfille Boots ta Cars, or from Cors lua Bouts.) Y- aolaty. aaae ruee ss upared lo stand b>' A .1le t"tbiin, tel ts? hi! jtsilatiy grctdwiilt Pare f(mm Ozlenshacgt ta Montrent, $3 00 i '~Alterautba>' (iacaai Essit th is pont. [De de.- ' Bosto. 8 00) -~ -h, inouatamenuier iocrfisîdimaydIola ' " -New Yack, 7 00 à ér.-tisaIt e JsuaO eeu een in fsvoun eot iitauiaer- f lot -itllu htuils fitha bten gîsîit t>' h tise CHARLES L. SCBLATTER, iJýKtiaesléiere ictercupteil, andduaîd (nom Office afte Narthcîca Rail Bondi, Pýo~rt . ig« ed 1)y, R. W. Baldwinsuid Fiarcie I Ogdëvgià atîire -Jii,,,-,-6tait1i51. 16 if. l gIicS.aai doument urgedb te peple 'il Up- -în _r u Canada flot là ,sppuuitsus>' caslid uilcs vmto jB OiA,]à 1) 1 à lG.lit 'ttsdntgive spledgr in Writinur, ilimai Ie-on vi0iiTlre ial ý-tene cn AS@MIbs mation oc'f att rertoiei fur tna li-tle, jtXI c'hresi i etee e ereso er) Gientfle-mnshoiisiwtout mie scornnimaied ith 5Bomi aprivate ci tùtoa-de Ie bluia i hithle huAuguust, I8uIh, 16. -an h aoiin fteexisimîmg îec- M41 Ji -âa ssertrd tisat there vaw cîîî u& iln Ie Ilenîroislisl'r salesnt ttistllire, n s ~hi~îq'tgc ecoiassmuitn- is hIn icient îcîtîî t ,, 'Ilioas. - lie friser expreanel bis baud fthai thîe C IIr r )rp12 t~dothe csuti>requieî the actiomn prupoicled Pl I I 52. S - t. 14fonEsani spolie ini rephy ta Mîi. lMartes- WHIrBY.S.AlTJRDAY, AUUaET 2. 1811.t iie, bt i om, the bcd pesitinh otiteiurporicr's gai- -- - i le Liy -*J ua i oante cama uujuBer vas 11r3- tSecfloîrth page. t tL Ifelt Mr.backtezie osils sot veil-t jsing to Igel thiie qucaiun, aaîtled, that te mighî PA R L Iff riT AR Y pu ' o giaio.Werc il mlubgs,c èhIout JO 4e1Ysuppa~otste eselutioiisbo lî he Ceunt> mrn aesmyt t Divisions tilt bis panarditrongh bSý mmbèrisihe to muke this Bouse acouart et cammiltea le te Conecil, v-t sanie sight e0fflo, amermîlmenîs liv te Huel. fMc, Rosa, and osas 0ou-i Iïe 01 th rectries licheerpatyn il ered for sa hird reading as Ttarsday. Wa have ail guis,w«e la b. tarner telieplopf tisapiio. bsian assusceit ty pariasv-to kcov, tisaittec i -ite, hiffslse oulaugai nef tte cesîa uîtinos. Ie a mentilmienea-wsi t e conisimtlercmt vim1houlà t ueta>'yb>' wWtoaaCam tnd înbi v-acc ncd geuîeral terme, ltaLoer Horuse ndapprencd ni; se the mestucea spinal se>' telîgiaus bedy' turing punitenaoer a atath. H l net'akeitl'foo eq'tirigiss. le m- nia>etacortiitvered sale. Mr. Batdv-isi's- Primo- ge stated ilithlea sosstd hII;in a sh,m it sien Ibis, geuiisue ikis lite t' i bereesaslsw ibis lime, el iwuutlos, uport wiich,se did nat vI itIim , !i a Isa*te Ipir Itii. s,-,fan-orati>' incetiseilThe longspeech ,nr ocs-îapy the ime oihe utc seii hut ha cnutd idIoat wv-o veme li fayot ai itigi- poeee'tig,ssof th"-flonse are geitiruig ineresting t'> be que eqsasity. la -astI ied culibose %w-t ogae the public; l a-%Mr, Watms, of Drumiondsi, aa tarî e e5bdges On nthse uatliiags, sud wten ttc>' gel IumO ix toter, lcked Mr.cBeuitîse ie the ictît', a t powrviotaad tem, 1 feetieatld man, l'oc-"ttowing" aon tise .28 12 and six Mr. furira spot. in mnsnme to Mu, Notmen, ex -1 - >vsslig lb.ehope tisaI ha-bal tior exîressel tfoi enyprir>'jitig, and pcuqîîiaiten as M.P.P. on bis !ýIWberte ôinin, bbut bal spoken meurt>' ficetz receumî ptasa'are tip, and Mr. Boîiîor's ioe rancI tiv rsashahnasIae'omqti, Jiuaeoser liehfur't Air. Watts uc bisa hotet, 1cr ii-tr'rimng v-ittce ia1 ao etngteqetion. "et ibspuet oGg>' ctarcd ttc gaitlj .ý *r. ,. -Cemeran folloecd, sjneuking lerira aIflise Repos ter& sind iratîgcrs oit Tuesday iÈiiiswer lu Mrs.. lfiortii tif laà barbersuse ttey Woutîl oltrepou bis inonsense chI witls. a'deire of i)iomttltig tiiicliy tsîmd- iii uy seimue, Ha migisi have savril tuisei t e ras con[u ol- atdcuti!eiiditag-.lIse lcýaj tri- trouble, focraaensible mers gerneiiiy cava tise gai- A( blù - ére tisasonl>' ceiuulessî atitho- leures ,-i Iteîr osmaccord wteseveu hae gela sp tea W tt tbii «questiotn. Theliot, e>'an>'the"ig.The pint'ipat busines rantoactetl, lits H£ üIr u1ied trta 1o1diSliillhilllestountitbu -ho viba ý wre &Wrat>leuruliaittil tsrd he prtection cfrIit i" ,fl ,oau, m1'w ~ ÀètL rnla i, undej Mr.,Neto , 4dýýv 06,1-S ctof wiciltheHon.tdatÉ.u c lergy Party) in th-e copen aira,:Jahn Ar- tiseir 7private b ' , c',cttOto ts, - g asciiaimuxtond id.- oSrai ncihnmure in tance titan re- tied, aqacinformed'hepreselbrtiotl bills. dresseci by thbelon. Henry SÈerwùod, -, î i-stsated on gondEutisoîity, biset sCol. O'Brien, GeorgeMl-on ro, Mr. Dixot, île 1-bisse - i11 arise abolit tis 111 wiaoso apeecl1ýes n'as interspersed ovitis Atigilt. songs---rather a oev featie jen1tblic - -, _ _______ bbsmbags.- Tie utsiIes wigre re- AT FSERVE MEETING IN BROOKLN peatedly catîtioned by tise different OrnihoteOh aRfiie,ýsbgl -speakers NfoT te -distîtratisepeace, buît in cened aIt te notice %e toak oftte taté pelitical à t the satîje tirne, wutt lId tîbtl lhity iiuce ufita certain gentleman clsovn est in enutea- bcd as, gooti a right to ite .ndti t ~.131ti' rour; ta estabtiat for birnuit a soit af patitical L'lrgy nmeetinsg as ans>'one else, îisottgis existence t>' gettice sup se excitement, uiselessat it wcs caloti by tho Mayor, stnder th tisa puescrit moqiant sfar as as>' Jractical abject pramectiaos of.tise Act. Tley, ffitst bie can-te scerd, oui the Cierg>' Resecce question, sedlite is equsti>' neyera an ttePairiot foc 1lprticîtîcr anti NOT break îîpthe olîsor publishiuig thc lettrai a 'correspondent centhe mneetintg, butt il iL cansie to a- "tstand'tip sanie snt.ject. W'e ont>' monler tisaItthec res- flglit," they -aere-" muiets eetbg te mach pondent ot'lheçPtrii tregted ttc maîtersa irni- thise n d titresh th1em -loti." Tiuay eml>'ai hie- didl. i ovs rcattY fo for laupublie icost NOT tîsrow litera doîvn sîcirs, andc mirtt. Did the iel'utusatcdcsmti'rs in tisaI ai'air' 'IttI OT bcsu e an ns t tere re tisiet toat ttcpeople haill s uaîclalime on îheic ho ntefer lI.ds an the ise'taIthcmselvea, or-tit. .tise>' meue with tise Il pahtry, ditapicable $'et," andi, sili>' missughto10 Irae tlsriur harvet fields, ced (if coturse, as in dîtty isotitt, time> doute apenî a natuabte utay in tiisieghtoimceelectioun- NOTHING ELSE. Sa wohiliead tis s îsu- eritg lsp tip ai this seson ofthile yeocl1 Il osexciteti the liassions of tise mois, that lise>'hId, ihe> v-re soIt>' disappoinee. lime meeting hcd uc nomuoer tstjoitricd et IThe meeting ie55mol callel in ttc -pioper man- tu quarter isnstsi'hne, tisais a geiserui rutsl ner, in ttc iraI place, riz: t>' the&Tewn Cteck, %vas triade feurtise dor ant iassuuge leutid- amud is ttc neat, il stooat ver>' boul jidgrmenut, ihsg otIte Hall, oviicis oasmerrlb> and great Jack of l'eretsottghtoun thatc oil t hose tise ;U-ayor acd Police, auad'wlhaioi v-ha iraI prolioerd it, and tli'ordml sîriking evidece greut difficuult>' il, reieiHing tie repeated aftie ver>' q1ucationatte caiilies-f thc parties snttemnits cf tise niable gain adnnittotice. orbevishet by tisnmcsns, to pustthemselvcesfor. euesii i steus s ,uîml rk-b ts, oimict ard, in thio.Usotuictd marner, on ttc puicirAt- fors sons amedlbrlikbatis wic, u elntion-'il shoncel inrxperierire in public affaira la tisesoattafinletise peoptead iauto- lIt te ulttle eus ioyence of lise coal heo et,>orsI the gondsanse o h epedso iri.îuders. At titis sage, a me " 'mr ercI it. Wr repent, thetuime for ll'tit>', or an>' ni-s diisîsarcisat ferthe militer>', Xo o herî,.oriioi of'the frthcomic;rcon>'f Ontsuio, turriioed abot iwetve o'ciock, atnd sIc- lit oet sunived wv-tIhe people cone devote their lieuset near thlietriaîce cftlie Hl.-lime simd ubein arergirestoi tbin ment vital statjert On their arrivai, itie crowod. grcdtiaiiv ositis properaefferuonnd necceon; bt i is rapidty ap- detcreaseti, wits an occasional ttîraat aust proaciis, atîd v'tenit do arrire, and lise mcml. >'eil, anud ail oVes Otttin qeimet tiras. iîugn are catied in o proper mnser, ttceî'oicc of The ' iueIncipasaiatferèrsare lise 1Mayor, ever>' aie et' these towcnsips v-jii t e ruiin as 'oîîusdeai oustis elrad ill'îi a atone, dr'deîi a tusse as in an>' ailsr pasrlion et' ttc Pro- 11ev. J. Richaerdsoni secoivrel e blioveusn tise litnck frmun a stonr, ltae edior cf tlie vurre. .Ncrth .sdmericans was severely hiaustlet,) There uvere ano>mes in ttc tata Coluumtusane beiuug ratiser stsmemssriiv rehieveti cf hic Broatun aflabu v-be resu>' meset unil, btIinho cul, anti Me.%ars. AjeC*urd, Ruiîs, Bretl, did net di3coVer, oÃgaVe tittle tougsl te, bisaetoali )iXsaeandth ie 11ev. Mr. Geikie, cfthat coveral bbc sînister moties ofthe priml youu village, nuitis sevu'rai oishers, ce- moeri, and wc trusnît tat ttc decidel labture, selj eivet icore or Ics njlbry dtîrieg tisetis amafutciaItisht atsa atteuded this insipient- siege. Tistis îeldedthelite wo meetinugooîmt iieeacaoctta srat eu-iilt icn ooild have disgrcced tise muaI Wr are 30r>' that ve distîrtel tise grsvity of reesmobe Western Staie, letaI ie tise orsniie - ed h eomro h oltl cupitui Cilty of tisaPronvince. cor seeteuivaf isl, icReuiar rue cooltecr1 lus Pariiamentary Maîtrs, Coi..G usgy cmirnya i îtema nclu h st andt Mr. Watts have attracteth ieic futll v-bno muat sckenowicdge thai bis dclermieed eppo- sihure cf attpistieu, lise formuer cositis ,iote th a tat, taote so mtsch neadel divisions uivilege of ltaviuîg the gtslleriesc cueared o'ti in>,iar ier amu iepol yesterday for sorte hoîhus, &ecemse tisa fer partiomieutacy honora; luesides isa umeoust 'rporters hava tue ussîsci sceuse le repout chnnges, bis noncommiîtlainms oui ever>' îebjecl,- he "l ensarks melici slie d, Lises tlinme is constant tfras-ttc dreadluetmoviîsg v-ith Tam 0't lime, idureçse t latise lhocc," lire- test tie stulad offcnd Dick, drîticys AIt confidencei ferumg resftetulakimsg noies of 10119be inhâstabitit>' and stiiity, as aanefille Suffit the sîeechses on se aihing, in wisicis style tiese ariseln coma out ushaket iron a panliamen. gen tleman exoe. The mileaige anud urrquîisi'e case of the rssemnber fort'Dîîîm- tam-y carmer, osiîb credit sel profitttla hutscostitu- i stiht, liats stînset qîbite a sturiotu s_ ent- miccl. Furst-it is lîî'îmîuglsî 11P in lise News of the Week. Houise, ilima ilie Hais. Mu. Watts "orc- cidantaily"'lkicks Lime Han. 1-1, J. Boul- GEORGE MareinaoE, E-sq., lias heen ce- eut Agisi bsts uljeci of disetus- qitested by a nttnbeu of the eleetors of son, nstitiai explriijotaode cuit nisl regret ex1ireaot'd, tîsat the rnanîter Dutrhsami,ho aiiow Iisinseif te ba put in -cuilul ncli h uure soticfact ariy setîlei, unomieations for tise ra 1preseuulabion of that 1 supse, b>' horiusg a.isole tlllsuh etie ur the otlser's bod>', a. re su tIt fomicily eu- coibnty in tisa next Parliament. Tisei icilisteal b>' nsay. TIse nexi sceees reqttisitienîsts sa>' lune are e otimn>' insthe Western ilote, wiiere Mur. foui- iawymrs in tise Hocco cf prasent, antid tos, Jr., sneof the Hast. H. J., met tise îhink tisat Mr. Monroe cotsld hast rep-t Hon. M/r. WAatts, anti gave his ila c sti uun'icintg, uor somneîîsng aise, wînicîs resent fine cgrictirl mnterest. Mu. umserel tse sîtpos qote a meu--- Monroe han acceplet, anti in luis etidresc -luis is lie amusmîsent for repreattimia. scys, tise lime hus corne for trtbsting tine Lives, ahsd no tienbt, serves lu jnass lime- ise ver>' liieiussmuiy. I feel rallier itrss of tise coîîehry in lthe isauso ft luixius te kuîîsw if tit và s cite cf the intlligent furmers, mnîchanîs andi me- riiiii)es tisai eiîiscc Han. genitlemne chanilics,cand goes for 'c en ti re separation ivs jletigedti 10 Sliort cru lise iustumscc i tesat ut, qtirgt u it their act elecmoi b Deomiel furgel,ofeichadSteileu rg sad resîieniauu, ta refèr ta il in yoîîr ccxi prîviieges t a il classas," anti the "d ec- icltticuseeritg sdtirecses. nonsicni etauinisîraiion cf goertimenl."1 8vuveral items et lise orupplirss have --____ jeema volueti, cnsecg uviuuaee £ 1000) ho We teaun b>' ttc Kingst-isa ercld, ard thc Na- secls cf tise Speakers; lte imtuai salaries pence Lie, tisat David Rottia, Esq, tan teen noomi- c n the Cierks atud Messeutgirs ; centils- natrd on ttc minioteriot iierest fourbise raîsmnra- 'ns xuucc Lgcaie Cînu,(o fLno diuîe r otni g. Mu,. Parka bas jasa fluistrut bisWhcsî Sauvait, 'J'e on. Mu. Lafontainees represen- "'ticsha einforens abundaut.A ahesi lanea i lion bill wuS bafiue the/ Housse eus up iii tisa cuinacy band, oaigted 194 lhs-Suc teau -ielay, iadatijoterue tu ta st evesfiusg, ceas laPickecing. nu en it vs'uaugain broîngist cp, and af- -ls Talengthylisussiuc bus, tisera hein£ ENLAIIGEMEXT or tue Rxi'oRxa.'rb ni r lthe 'fSeciseraelcg 55, wjich is "wak Of mmPrOrameet 9p arpidly on. Wa bave a lelelstasa ise requirei nuinber O of n à 'to Pt heOt f ice ,and thi v0ntirts ci«lthe whole Htse. Tisera the »wPreS'WÃŽUi f uothi5gbaPPen, surira ci re husu tontissles aabsent wlsesa the day, lugaliserviîta a bai>' sUnsaiOf usae yp r la wMuastaken, Masses.-Perry, Dewitt, varions nlecrpil.e, mtifâc* ta- m .J.' lionillous anti errit, uthe twu dspppoiel enau iaei~ wciioed bisi>' ýahtitrase, ans> alr ek!w. h w-o latter-siî - ttL aela guststetrditood t0 charge hi nihb urs Ù imai, IIW> -at dotîîeîy msupreeuatoîî sl ~ gard latoIis coAI trust Mie tePeople bak ni t in tha st irprassion andaislod, tere, Who are sa deajol> iotermsted laa . ntýin hebel o psà On,81owctaes-grofi60 ougtfare lk h ia nquis an rnîass a cisarucler t 0 secompletcly neraîilao iets oIu himself-.the fart in, it is nOo . nnj itt ao men, oshan tInpy ose that a t eb,0, ccctist for 01 aiIhelre , iîSBJe village lu the Iront, wî oaiea tIpartions here tht fur ut f te fveu r(us pnincipte) whîrt, when laken ins cannaclint eitbIbo shSJIW' Ward men. Nert i5ntlunecormes tiis aeacr tle muet slwaya prove a Most profitlable wÇÇk# ramI> .h1notiser Yet," ohict cansmot ibelonked span mceamtua au qa 1it5CpS i ttheat' 0> oîe ih ias tiataofa a tguaa utburni af selve»a i n is g-at udvantueland y thit os tilma popoit, te rrtaru houtediy hnvung etimbla ns ta gmt cbe, e rçaÛ de ac t. n '1maâeiliru popom y t W chriar sait 1h" tVa ndwitl . iti' 'atui qiînu > lomc elcin thlie Nmrraws sand Lake ijui , .iiiîl ,csgtty word «« anfiatcd"Illu-'" Atuotter yete'5" au- t>' tisaIil osil -'tai o egn3^i ay oeeb trbla nagLIlyta esor ta tise oassai axcitement af train, test liveIbm netop q onmbuekw asp.w Stoiak that '-« iliaandw iare.i la t,èQ 9 otie uturenterprille» we hope Ibcbesuitably wide opete biim, which 1 *OicCrely hope 'wilble the case, and My prayer is, Ibut Yeu MRu've l~m rewl ed by those Who lve te encou rage i. (as the nid saynq s) the 1%-ole lntFb that ail maf seb21low *oe'ir ha Wili~ ToeoasO5555'V .B.Cipi?î Now in aider 10 citent tli pie ci yoîor village r"M. As fartsmJ. wH.Y -ca udcyou c0ne- tram any censure ihat " .~"haea igly et- lemea el te tbiiW uppotil 1 I ould'su "Y ,î* arerigl. _________ that bath IlAitother of the Cii,,»and ilnoter El E SE R VE A N DRECT OR Yy tClr~kleln u b. th e irs I n e m b e rs o f th i s infi ~ ~ m n M ETI G. 1i ahould net have troublrd you nt ibis lime, but havieicoberved thýt aIloLthechà rgâs mae aaInst feoyiauaccouint of the nmeeinlg diAncther af the'Clubh," ~and IlAnother et," ba latl bcid Rn £omrplttely-'Tecoltl laponiheir authordiBD à beain Brooktii, h % li1aCî and tisat consequeelnil îha af he'trmér wnuld reqîstedte ublilh.probabty trouble themselves môfewîs a per- son bf bisniil, 1 iherel'ore tlought thai lYwojld, At a ~,bIi metin c.the inhiabit- follow tip ûiisdiB.D.C'a" political cuindriaîa anis of ie Tow"nslsiil.û)f .1%Vhitlty, lield andl show, froin his own inoittlîatiafiî, thîit he is uta illae cfBro ion lte I7tlînothine more nor lessa thon an Oshallhiêlinî; ~~Il fo fl a ot,why dures he prearh from theiraold text,viz: m .,piarsIantýtoa 1îîhle nice~~, fr tPthat Brookilbas se gel Ihe people et Whitby vil- plerpose of -conlýideritig lthe question cof loge to, write anad talk f'or hier, the Cl-ergy Reserves ani.Reclories, Vours jenhoot, John Radicliffe, Esq., 'ns calleti toithe AN OILD REanaIrT. Chair, andi R. T. lHarrison a1ijointed Broli,2 dJly18 . Secretaf y, it wi'ts Fur the llVhilby Reporter. Vove(j bv tile flev. R. IL. Tiiorton, Beaverlon, July 24th, leuî. seconcled b' .lolin Camipbell, Esq., and Mit. Emro],-As the inventive gaîinis of man y îî eeigli t- tas heem taxcd fle rgs polit, hy ultempta at self- eR2sn of ept. nTht anddistinction, se hava 1he icîbitts -of Thora lîen journe t lethe 2da et.nxad raclintz their biains to bcngIhe, luttle village ni tiaI Ezra A finis, John iCanmpbell, Jamies Iteovec-ton more im.ccediately iiter public notice. Burns, Il. Daniels, NorilI lckins, Lnî' 0cOr sages fist tought of'tiying tu get up a rin. ther Ilarndon, sen., Zeplhaniah Blair, serpent, or mysteriono hinockins's, or avec n vilîng J o h J3 nck N o h N s 1 Jen iiy L i ed te îom c he cç and j ive us 4 co n crert, John Rilson, à h BlkNai asand, ie foct, îhonghl al every scheme which hum MNalcohun Wright, Chester Draper, J. 1-. ever yet heem evrented lu brine person oriace Perry, l'i. 1B. Stone, and ii. Ileron, imider notice; bunt asi csee, river ibeir deliberations E rsbe added. le the presesat Cern- lhey hove talten asteep, 1 wilt, in the meantinne, Esqrs.,giva you sone ccolint of our wherehire. iite, wvith power Iodd ta t their tftirm- As the sîîctioceers would say, thse trapidly thriv. býer, la carry out by tîmat date tli îces- isg nd sabrioust'. aituatcd village of Beaverton, sary arrangemeents for the meeting bo- le immediotly on ihe hbaio Lake Simcoe, utl- iîghlIDtpaalresad fnrding a most magnificent and piclureaqua vi' ing eld ipu, a arg scad. condd. cfoithat mise stiddcd lake, sme ofwhicexel ten Moved hy A. Fnreivclt, secnir ymites ini circumfeienca, ihie 1ev. R., H Thornton, andt1hiîdependrntly of ils position, Beaverton is in- Resolved,--Thut lthe respective edit- debted more porticcîsi ly ta the facilities wlsieh ia aîsd eporer h re-turc hos prorided tor carryihg on the mectaionîal ors of te Réformer arts.RTperteer-Braver recsdirectly hrogh the- qiiested ta pîmblisîs the proceeduîsgs Of centre of tile village, and is capable of propelling titis meeting. more maehinery t'lan aîy coller wafer power in Meetng ajoured.Canada, liavieg a direct faît of tee teeSl nttc 10t). Meetig adotireti.Notwithstondiiig ils more recart settîrment, Ihere R. T. HARRISON, ore nîreartyIwoo flouring milîs, ovith linree rueis of Secrctary. stose>c, l'woa 50Wmi"s, e-tlanner, ne chair and cabinet factory, one carrtingfulin. aed clath ries, foui niores,three lovertis, n magglin maker, Whithy, Jîily 30,1851. two htacksmnitts' sihop, two cooperag a three pot- M1r. Editorr-Educaion is a cause uîîirersotty astorries, nsith the usual comipliment of laitors aud admittcd, wurthy thc atlrocting et the attention ciofsoe inalicro. There are aisoelieu churches, sud att classes. Any thing oppertaininz thereto irili te- one in coursveutf coestruction, in connection with ceive, t arn ronvinced, a promincnit place en yoîîr thse estaîîtishet churcis cf Englaed, one Doctor, useltil and higtty valuabte periodicat. 1I tnt mu-h cric Lnd Surveyor, one Lswyer, a Court Hause plaased in seeiig rccorded iii your lest publicationî, snd Town Hll. (Noe*il or Ioek-op huuse, but a îîeenimo,îs vule of thanka poscîl at the last, a "' t iecntutn 'reochers',Associal ion, Ilte the inciter in the edîto- Mgieat ieedof one.) e areuecntutn ra o u fthet Reporter, %%,lio so hondsomcty idouble rood'way bridge over the river Braver, on na oie h rdednse' h à eEuainlan îunproed priscipe, f(rom plans fureisted huy metifr ttc prodignsittc Ite à erationtat AMr. Shier, P.L.S., ai Oshawa. meeItiyng fo thi To aiiigep opI ' rayigtht The Steamboat, in eoneetios with thse Taronto,. ontitbydcondslfuiefrent at-ti s' paer mvl'ech givres HrnandLake Superior roule,-cala tri- se un h isard aed faîlistaaemetput tactsithio a Lakf flaco more cleaily ace when contrastrd with thepartia plaets. frigacpdtastt n ilns accaunit givre hy the Reformer.plcs At ttc meeting ofthe Association, in which, the Thecammuîîily ut large ara much .iealebted ta' shove vote wao passet uaanimously, ny c Dc Camerou, £sq., marchant, osho tas, osittin the memhw appearad to demîîr, when, at ttcesm tan t w oitcaoatda a mes e lmail coiuilmsed teRfre with one excep- a tire schooner, tu meat the iaquireaieuteuf the tionme, a rslvd tthe eretr t rapidly iiesraasing commerce bètAre.t tspluce ion. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n Ttwsrstrta h ertr 0tcua orontuo, sandtwtich te confieaexcluaivety Asseiation, 14 Mr. Alexandr, te reqarstrd ta etoipr n ror rfi fBaetn write a FULL ACCOUrT Ci' ttcprocredings i a tc the Tmeur! oici ertownsip.fforandithad. fite Schoot Demnîslration iliisiTownship, ftac Ttc sgodeu acia toechas Toarandteosd the purpese cf gising if liclin te Oshawa ms angiet osaaa'hst wru ar Rfre.Te p htîcîty 'smaet eapea xpectations ftint these townlships Refrme. 'tc reiuctnu an cad il aprar ositt soor iseronr, esua s ostraiaieg country, se- one te ttc public, but O"i tell il nol in GatI,, pub' rond te rnoifi1he Canadas. And feassured, int il sot us ttc streuts et Askelon," tIse Secretary rn h rsn rc f ad e' rielefi neyer once intimated that tisere was a cîssirnian, a rt t rea îieoiad cl rie ii speaker ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~iat, or ereouinpssd ontvnmn rns ren aid selliers chaegiîîg their location, prakarhe , r rntin sard. n , ihba lavec cc-nvnld do o-rit efbeote preceeding furtier up tise >îoeounttcetplsantiegndigîng, forch tnp, ai iroot svas expeetefdie.o. Mr. Alexanîder givesa I on- nîty ecm n tîg a tmava account ni the-formation eitihe Association, wiîhh I hava traspasscatub long on yoisr patience no apparent reason for se doiig,hbut te detrac i hem or space, 1 piromise te pa>' my subscrspnnas wn tain very Il writci" Iin the Iîepaî ter, , Wto sae as calîrd. 1 pertaps aiy hoîl over again in a frw ssnuscmiy otird te pocritigo." utc A ci-wccks, in s description ni thecounte'rIn ot ibis, mitsner cittira ahe lonnartie ltic tr.asle-aq I am going en a short tour-ifmny ihing reauk- Columtus-" te inipesing aînd uespectcd sigFt sble tares up, yec wililiheart ram me. atoiiioted ttc natives" (indians). Bat hie ortent Yourls, &C.- it IlOshawa, tenirthte good pruIne îairîy tmy sir' Are INicA5t'AI"T. prine." 1 craimaI kniov ce cauocse Nly hry- shontdi te se. Long previonotherato, thsc ihoco, *Wr cae-t betiave fliat, any how.-Eo. and their respective teacheis, and olhers in the vi- ciiity, had coffreonîtnofaand passmîîthruiîif, coin- Te the Ediuer ofthle tUiby Reporter. snsed ef as "I cat y sressed boys and girls" an Si,-lt nia! net tle uutisuteresting la yeur reard- lhsn constilaîing file Ilimpisilg siglit.i" and ail crs fil thc Iroitownships, t10 Fent occsgiqiily, md~~~~~ ~ qitysdnoumni'tken ttc irais as. - trom ns pour leitos who live awmuy out Sack, ÃŽi- iged tem; others as -9iîeoi.y dressed bocys and most teyoed the.'eraioei-un roada or sanMarket, girls," ovîtt eir teachems, fiom %hity village, exs-rpt dîîriusg winler, anlTnit evea Ihea unie&% the Port, ccd liarmony, lktselsacin ,cerred for there in sleigting. them. AtMniaa nto icrne ttc very It is but a very short lima tliat we havere~oe iincing augt-t," liai ttc trait part cf wtict '.ss tise lîîxury of a ceovîpa ier printid nearerlt us M r, Alexander, (iii proprio persona,) site piolisn- thon lorenin; suit whe iconsideu the vitChange -I severai l "axpeiliints")l wttch weîr sot aibslited, 1 mode in ttîîs respect, 1 do net dcapais"aiyel aaeieg anîd a.-rerd I" to Write a flt acceai ci lise procced- uDie pnulistcrecuvel nearter tocs than ttc Reporter. i gs-" I al cenctude, tur-ing wrîtîen msore thlie, In old lires, if ove wsrîîcd te ay or write an>' tting nhaJl anticipotrd wheîî commecimg, but wiîî, if iin a pi'tstîc Ovay atout o'ur affaira, we osera oltiged necassary, resme ttc aabject. te a îke ihe blictolutarway te Toranto, oshere IBe sulent alwaya, cyten yoa doîîhî yoîîr smie, wr weîre uttle careà orrii toiîght aut, except il 6tdsekt ns,,rwihseigdildic;mghbcIoliele eî ur maîîc. But noie, air, aShOw Some positive, peroistang t'ops, we keon-, rus in eur exisîtence hsfmirlý commenced--a ew Who, il once wong, viii needa tie aliesys ~field cIf actionî is atready openiîag te lis trigiý proo prets and enragisg limes. Ilis witt unatteaka- SbIc pi cancre 1 i-ecaid tlie sie andi certain accouir Fer the tVhib1 Reporter. pinsme80iitol jec*b te e Mm. lte, not olnoiy here,jet'itt in ttc entîte rastemn seebal