T UV ----- WHITBY R mi im m&"~2IriiKi. - CANAI) À WES'Fr, SATURP)AY, AUGIJST 2o 18511. Pt Western stean gup,"auit gtr lie aud axai waiw*sPli,a fery >rgo eat calec an incident oc toeti in my akatci il in lb. charadte the cash,andt t -fpleltt etrongly ai su teambot se j- up tram Nom Or anticdataboal ner t generaiîy, ticket exempt front wood- lit nithe Water" mwai te devour tacecipilet Irk pamaegens, lickeled otI have made the ju! lay bt!not au aaring 'sknik' nianifestet ilsell cers. Tite moment te ta, anti9'tact!' lte waod- lielly mate began le cmr- 'thé dqa* paseongens, te o wooel t lhy~d hegia to bone. knWitoà asa.çane break, hrn, aiuingon tcirolethes: lte woçi vas newi.y il on -As we.appreachoti lie nuaih ielt, "Wtes fell capidly,,And, 14ft upea lte sitqre, by the, gi mtýni, atmate '4 odn~g orlty le aveiti. Titecrowt! dît ut,by prcafl ooses ee lerqu asnd -tomestien, s IBOtte tVue Sthat §U4i4 taq up le lite wqrk, bagi time qf i. Abligsliýapping - w a tfa-beat man, tram near -. i.,ohiawu amofflb.he oot!- or de4gers-'i»tlic; ho vasean i& j(M, vop'eoup lte Miaisippi, anti ,arng ai l t. speeumens qf lazy, itb- dw>qîy, mllçla eninses I oves ant, -.lçsamaby natwre ant i cl- m»At.Mned ta alne) A mad fsl- >suibt 'îWIxtr w,4 ia4ispas- ,e te move, aundmtea tite fit vas on, 'Iê çà ,wss arely lte case, b. cenit! »Muhec p aed-walk off vith, about a qsuaeesof acerd ot cottes Woodetia BI ieHoWser,as»ho vwu calleo t jhk aMpe lts ,eje et cf csar '4lteatiae ta on atiae$ vWho Mb Wamiaig MfI'S $ad sa ,'Wvoueaa 1;à et viles- uao --à d sih. bou tinbuttouedlte wbe bouse doorjnmnps se novel a phenemenon.is described à s Pros. ièle Buffalo Cous. ,dvertiter. la bekind the gieaatic witterliplaslieri immense. andi closes the. i, a lent heeItad fe c hnsfarila ai IeANOTBERDOREADFUL TRAGeDY qftently befoie accetnplisbed. .announces that lie has inventeti a com ern- Wrd . amted pnülh. erning te Ib Té mate, -wlto bat! been twigging piete apparatus for.fiying.'and that liereodaliepinutaedacî- th a ev.v, slips up,,and quietly bai. pooe eehbta eCm eMr ring bewébèn gontlemen who May aI- codes theto e, tiglt as wax, winka te in thte course of the preaent menth, when mnli cniee clznso lstaae ;e lit. eiiginee fthen- clears' ont. ,The lie WillflIy firoM ,lb.eMilitas7 Scloto t hé ciro*snhtances whicit caused il, ho'w- %ve wa*wa«it 4be 'Walkti.- th*e Waler' CItalliot -H -î î i acoupntti17evnb$lgof the meat delicate nature, shovedout, antid furl1~Balll iitwaoes, one Oftwonît.twdand lt, w ahil , &te lhem cnly'ia -fac as bldat fis 2%, wus the revoMvne of thb. otler cf aeven years. Ti.peaa i ull bho necessary ta make inlelligihl-6 great wheei a lew tuches ftont bis beati, oeth lree sets et wings bas telayed th e atlrnnto tlt Ji. and-about lwo tons cf muddy water exhibition until now. Tite inventer Sù~uday eveuingItsat -about tanik, Dr. doîva upon Mitn like a citaact! 0f lias Iriet! bis apparatus prvtî , Lorenzo, D. Williams, scia cf John -M. course Bill wae /tooed, killed atone1 completesuccess,haviugflown acroasthe Wiltianis, residing juil acrosth.eiviée, deat, before he could tîawl eut, andi bi'Sein. wiîh fiat 1 o'clock iu 1h.e on nthe Amhterst site,* eloped vith lte lte lime,- le .beceme sqprecittlaan. ig igs aeaspead of15T. eldeat daugliter, aget aboul nineteen,> lie was nearly as pulpy as papier f eet, anti by thein help lte fiyer ~etofCapt. Uichiard G. Morris, W lo s uChe I1Imoe. up anti down ini 1h. air witb alItlives immedîately over lte river,.bn the 0O! lord amigbîy, jlxni,y !- Thunder 1the tacility et' a swaltow, akimmiug Plit~byeee an nakea!1 f'm dnown-tlec atoe deat; along'nean Ilie grounti ôr mountiu .s rterat a Mr. Edutund Hill, Je m con-!'souetBiI lkearigit Ici lite sky a% lis pleasurc.-w.Y. lok thePCharlc>tsville route for Wasit-1 frog in a pond, wiit bis windpipe fuit 'fribune.-- i a wà ter. -Ëlnct .The famuly et the young The engineen putaon t.e sîeam, sud THE NEW YOR.K TRIBUNE, lady geîliugwiud oethlb.elopenient, in clankedth ie ninchîaery, te tirewu Bills a short lime afler it occurret, Captain yells, white the passengars gatÈered Titis is a newspaper wol is a news- Morris anti bis son ilichant, G. pnepared about the wheel bouse, with eves big as papes. Hueas what a receul wriîer immediateîy for a pursuil. Titey over- Mours, wontiring what on eartît waays . boo thlie runaways in Charlotlsville,t thie mus" 1 "The proprietea if that establishmnet ltey having beea dsappinteti in meat- '0-o-o Il'min edot! darnld if Ialn't will dîvîde, lhin year, about -$80,000, ing a rei 1ty conveyance £nonl Ilial place. test gene 1 Ph.u-u-git! Lot me o-c-ui-l! clear profita. OfthissanutMc.iMcElrathThe dà tuglier was cenceale in Ilite ho- 13last anti consarn you il Andti aîli will zeceive, as bis ahane, about $24,- tel, but the father anti brother gel. pos- series cf double concenîrateti, despenate 000 1 Mn.Gncoly. $214600: Col. Snow, session of ihpr, aud Ilien bat! Willinams knoks, witit a fiat like a aletige bin- the Commercial Re-porter, $0,60ô ; Mn. and lii P'ar y boun oven in <hoeBUIU cf a nie, 3î1 dslid uitheWhel ieseStrebeigit, heati -book-keeper, $%800. a Ihonsaut d ollars escli. Bot: parties ý lioor, and witit a deluge cf Water nt lis. Mr. Reeker, Foreman oftthe Compousition left for home, sud on Tuesday eveuing P beels, lhe iplurgedt ut mb the ganig- renI, $4,000; Bayard! Taylor, te City thoy accid.utally. put up aI ltho anmeis way, about the worst wet man, nette item man, $4,000 .;,Mr. -Ctevelaund, eue hoel in Lovingston, Nelsen county. a be ffetnaly rowedyoueve c 1cf ilie adulera, Mc. Greelys brother-mn- ;î Wit!iams'a party 'ndyo uug e Bill Ilwootied' after lIat, like a Trojan» law, anti one efth<lebéast foilows in lte Richard Morris wene seatçt at the sup- anti what was equaîîy, if net moe worlt,$4,000 ,MrDans,an accoinphisit. par table, opposite each othar, sompe-i#l- i i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ë plaigsI es ahiu i' fore dlas anti wrîîes, ant ietor-in- tigniîy was efi'ered young Morris by theI ;a ant iagne neyer visitati him again. chiefduciug Mr. Greeiy's abisence, $2, other panty wlien lie tlrew bis plate in 0 ae 400 ; andth le remaining $2,600 is laken lte face et Williams.a le HEALTHY READLNG. cane et by some lucky chape witon I Morris, William.sud Hill thon cemn-.' un *. . .du't know. lu addtionîu t ies., memîceti a general shooling, which ce-01 [- Curîosity us a passion very favorable ahanes, oeach oeth<le above named -persoassuetai, sfter sanie 8 or <an rounids, là uh le 1h.thelove of study ; anti alpssion veny receives goat 'salaries. Mn Greeiys ile. iMedialte ltet' yonng Morrisai rsusceptible cf uncreasa by cullivalion. Souind travels se maîuy feet iu a second: satary is $î2,500, a year; Mr. Suew9s anti thé merlalhy wountiug et Hilli, antIni W'at ih euay'ull eod $1,500>, antios, on." it id sait ut Witiamns.>Ials.-YouingNM. ai and ýelt W anyicetIn secnd.1 ,was shot in the lieut anti in a vital part til Nitthing is Mxore probable; but Ion do LADIES' MEE.TNG ON THE NEW et' the bodiy, by Williams il is supposeti, l ýnet cane how liglit andi somali lravel. COSTUME. Hill wassalol ity Morris, in the centîret Very likely; but suake yourself cane, etlt rat niWilaswsamtbe Igel up, shakoé yonnself -well, pretendt e (Pro* the .Jv~o York T'ribune.) him in lte side or back. Wheu 1hs 1cane, mako believo le casa j anti vory 'fhe Meeting ou Satudyatron curneto lc h ahradt asuilu you will cane, anti case se mucit, at Hope Chapel, wa y llattennoon, ocutrer eoo ilaei ot, ufalirsani] - liglit ani ant, b. exrstnmelyabu rs. Ge. icliols wasschosen Presi- A message was fonehwîth d.ispateliadto le : liwiîl any eu wtoinîerpsyngy-ens t; MisaSarah TouSnsend secretary; lte famnilies of the parties, Whto arrivedtaiB puwi, an toeraote ne ollin ora- m. =achaland Mcs..Halteck, Commit- liane on an eanlyhyelonsyesterday mern-u-, t inn but about liglit andtiund, antiteonRsluo?,Ma.PstsdMasip Tite news cf se great a lragedy ca, catch youssalt' pîaguiug evrybody> -te Pnndy, comaittee ou finance. Aftean i c ourse crealed the greateal excite- jEi s ettwo prahsynwt ledi..a ess by Mrs ' Gave Nictiols, on naitment au]rere in Ibis commun 17. Oce cumi o cf I hes ujeîIon ar surt e ,-iug lte chair, Mns..Turbot, tram the As te lte feelings et'flte unhappy faut- l îhaeî ~ ~ h a a ulttesa st out Committee on Reselulions, then report- . e invoivet, whoee clip er grief tuas thg thta a ugtto edci d tlite following. . been. ircape focever emrbitlerat, aud op, gnasp a nettte-<lo *itlighlly, anti yen WitERal, The preseut fashian etf ve shaîl not attempl a tiesciplion., lia gel molestet!; grasp il with al your feulItres. is tietrimetlu alhLngge*ldéiaeq t eteCl strngth, anti yen wiii feet non. of ils icn. enbut entaie e ailiofot, angaewb . ntqut A tc aspecities.- Thete is notiug ehierrible 'Asonveniene, unlhenseuîe, unomfort- tiskin as lngut stdy;wbenyanait leoking abIe, uncleantly, anti les. becoming titan Aswhaegîetteealgîbnn ne angubiock sitin<haiewsovr ther styles ltai mightt héeadoptet!, anti tromueurn, ltera may bhansd doubt- Iv on that soeaiety weuît c*îl on yen nd ti WIIREAs, Ibis fià sliieu is of tereigu bais are, mauy enactnncies in <hem. pal ptat yen eut et'yens miseny. The euîy origan, anti wiîh ail ils tistivautages, But there is no obtof the md termn- up wayteren wth nyeffcay, t red followed up by orcountry4vomen, aino h affair. When w recaive fra itseeor you t dner ti ct l o itoeta freis peope; titereupon, allhtgive laiei. sel h u our Livb haoreIneen tei.hTait011R&SOLYICD, That we tvill racommend VPS.-The neport lias sinco reache thli guese cackLing that syoan ha athe'anti atopt semae style eof drers which wiiî iero, titat Hili bat iet o et'bikounnt. c andt l sec wiîî yens own eyes lteCar relieve us of'our presen tuppressive sud MO~e A UTHEîTIO.-Mn. MorrismasM l thageniap settlersgatheringup the rig exbaitating bundeus;i Wlicit wiîl allea sho'but once, eud ltati tblkh the,-bu- ba qfýýhe Roman kunigit asfter lte hittIteeofst' treedom o motion wlich lu in- dy.- He wua net kiltet latthe 'general e"' Gante, andi bcapiug tem ta tobnis; uspe bel zfleao nam melee, but waa shtby Wii*iý'abrotit- andi be intimuately prescrit ai ltte actiens mitich. mii l condemu us ta the offices or Robert after h. (Morris) ba.d t cthei yen are relîing of, that wben any beody et treet ameepers andi publaie acavin- t!owu bot of bis antagoniste, Hill antid Irnocks aIt thoilaor, il vill takre yen Ivo gers; andi wbich'wiIl rentes un inde- Dr. W., anti was reliring tramtlite din- que tattreemecnâtatotdetermin. whelher 'pontent efthtie caprices et Foreign iug rmont.' Dr. W.'s firt aexpîoedt, aist yenar ia ~sap atty r n heCourts anti Frencht medises. whe.: be vas ahot by Mr1 Hlant W plains et Lemlartr4,%qIlingatHaon- RBLETa edim the riglit hlahol, aller they w.e eaindei, zWuas woatitoeXlatonsficc.and atiig te wear sait tireues a is ceal, bacem- but wiitenut effeet. Morris harvet but à ro lte spliner et bis single ýeye .;4is i. lte :ng, proper Sr eus duties,and calcutet minutes, aiyiug in bis tllra arma, y1 kinti edt dy wviis tt eîiresmwaandtie prutote eaue, comfort and biealhl. Who met, bisaet th. beati atif thse see. aimest te only tint mici is naet lise- RsoLVI Thal Fabion liaving cf- Robtt Williams bhm bees arrealet. Bi leu -4 this la lliéknowhedge whiedu gelatoa racencileti us ta costumes titat are _________ V"' imb h ~ s aq, and whkh man-euz- ow.seene be ieons, be new alpeai- vTl.- «yhsodo ite bS', xwt egleivîe tlat;it s mUmoeýutbe e1eS1sof ue ad beuta inauy raltko<aoiery, but unspe.kigly ht . Buo&wm, That we caltl upen our 8 ptéa0e,ütcu.ypertive@t.. liae sr ,*44y, rinSwnen.alales eei"em e tadéclare, by vends eey n eeleupoùea 4.You Tu. AIIT or FLyrISG..-A Frencbhjourand, tests,teiidéeaenc.etfburt- Cannet betp lte noianie -or -labour., mWh ual bas a lettes frein Madiitgiving an fi anti d.gratang hk ,ant te Ãdopt w vite m ntelp hîmuselt. Idolene., hem eccunt et.a succeastul experiment with wauh styles cf dressa maY hast Premale like trunkene., cm"sal h ebateti. eus a nom anppare for flyiqr. Tite flyer heetltit, usefuinesa, coiflrt anti eal Tie proverb of Solamn h em m<ji i was a Misa Juanita P«eïe, Wht Ibegibeality. ed ii alli ees'The trunkadsud tse cl rattestit ani crplen, mvet ibeu It Rz lSe.x, That the costume. me re- glnîton sitait coeeo ipaverty, and dirow lOtd the air by lte leof<wia1gawiît greal ces1u a snet Tuchisit nos Frentsiaie w iii covec a maw vitl a 11ags» eut pas. ~ sdxitt SieesaetItbLAnsenicen lb. -Pa-1at .-gr urso e msb1 o -est.. Han-- r CONTYNURD RAVAGÉS Or THE CHOLE- EtA.-The steamer Brother Joniathan - bringa us files cf the Kingston Morning On o et b.Moil Journal, with dates te tLe 101h jils. thattver Vlated. *-T he, choiera0 continues to preva eaih lb'TOC k a i erall1y threttghuat the Island,, lhough i L~Tesi o a rnaieriaIly moiiied tyrpe. now. peeuls wliich rent -of the pprishs, h w î.~ to, wf4Ià è Iý I ce w.aourg wasraging *11Wk gwmWigni. t ty-Green'isianti, fur èamplte. Acdr, e,8 t rd' 'ë rsodtwriting thenea', on lhe 26th gwt l nd tiii .Tune, Say$: of ue uladn stwi ".ilTh'eprogres. ofthiedire spideinia u itn intihis district lias been axfuil-we now un' i iany o(ýtÉe! nuiuber 178 dead ; numerous cases are to reauime opere under treatment, anà , so great is the ma- done to biidinà ijl lignity of tliedisease, that sorne have been awertaiu.d,, flot even- livod three boumsafter beiag clnsfueeL attaced. Ca.F pl . eAmhong .the -deatha 'ef this weeka andi E. CiemnentÉ mos afeti gscene occurred. A rat- fde r h e hz catcher un lndustry Estate was takefi ýtS#Obe i ii about 8Mand *befre niglit wa T teith0 a corpse. Thtis man ha<l charge of five- C e atï liZl ,terrier dôga,î which wère acen bowling aive K thWp avec bhis grave, where-they atiti loeep à ntnJà eé faillfifulwat-clirefkusing eeen food .from, 00gold un cig'l 1h, hands _cf the, rýlative ocf è dcai. seugers in Major M ed-thus affibrding:,o striking instance Gnrattmi of the affection cf Ibis dtiesteanimal. An attv York heat RiOT AT LîvÉRpooL.--Aboîlî 9o'clock syl'qOPSIa OF >zN 4 .D a nuniber ctne bl oiig t0he 91st ZKNEVOLEN.T -1 01 regiment bad assembied, atIWr. Haeu w i cvn public bouse in D'ale Street, one ef the prnipal lboronghfareo cf Liverpool, in I-"Wlereais il dr,,as sune %,cf, thera were heptid to -cd t the Legisiati express thenieIvea, ta wipe OÃŽff the dis- That certain ïraniiix grace te the regiment which b.d -been the Wesleyan Met nulicled on Saîurdianaili 8dav niglit. nadà a, in connectit by the police-the appreliensionu Su$&e Weaileyau Confere ofllieir cecrdes for anîmflay 'i hicbîmavslqeb aPoliceman âaod a 6ivilliau, Mr.. t. tion,'intittiled "Thi Y'ates, warebouseinatn, wer&both seri- aipline of the, N ousI'y, injttred. .bSsuiug from the publie ChurcineCarada, bous. juta tho strelwheM a cousiiti Lss and reuilit "ablet*tlmber ofuther suldieca beloug- tablisbing IlT4I ing tqe h.*m6 eregiien.t,e'bm oriein the Bok su ad Pri gq'oaced u~gn,419,. weu wms ai "o4s doi dstinctive, li ieon duîty in Dale street, sud eontribu,tneep Unfmsteniug their céoss beltz, matie a iwngojet: esPeriste atlack with thera u )ou lit king up salarie'sof pourteltuw. nuaied or mortuiaIy Afler, dangeronsly beatîng Duggan, ing caeo-4à îey proceded.in a body Up 1%110street, tend. ta promoe the ut Slav' r9,aacigevery Pc- apsualation thai' fi Oemani witb whooe tley came in cou:- ated"l te liol4 'jt act. Word wvai passed tote Roee-Iiil withontliceniauai iolice station wbere a numâber of ofli or diso ' 1hsa *rs were in waitîig, ant îb... bingr and to make anti e oined by aheier ispatched frani 1h. titrefore enacwtd,4 ,e 1roi station, anti omnmanded imy Mr. bers f Colufer Rc b ispcco Toersnspe dity came tu shaîl b. , a9orporal e110611t. The soidiers had yti iis lime, "iThe Çonnetqonal Pread Ibemacives-in skirmlisling par- leyan Methi.ýdst Ch, ies of terns%,-prubably fDot exîiecing th.eI.- .--Aa:d le il uen oncentrateti muveménîs of the police. st o f wlîatuver k Litatking theraîltiaryp.however. thus &c., whicli bive Ieq adétait. te civioafljaorities effiettui-.o tire due to Contera c ut off a junotionaOf, th. slr*ggting in 1h. corporation arties, alîhauigh lte, conflict. wus kept laws: that -'theC£'ei p with deaperateireusstgneoas eact: ecutsse Coimittee, Ls rahbon atWU îakt......et Ie aot for lte Cor Captures oif moro thon îhirty oethlIe 1f-The Carorir Adiers were efihoteti by th. aid of ail hy-laws direct. Il r lereinforcemenmo-Mlice, which, un- mnemberi, anti transa er the remnaI lireeftion oaf Mr. Con:- mem bers being a q isuioner, Bowling, *éné evonitusiy shah Oetertniuie ail q uught Ioatlb. seene cf ciel. AI leugili: IV.-The Execuli, 'deaan ws- made .atI.Everturi .Bar- have power te ftortu, aksea, ferasistance freni the uoficers of its constitution, by- l reimeuit, wlio promPtly desji.îobed sure, subject te îhev Merat p)icquets r 80 men te aid in V.-Tîis Act, oh Jeliug the disturbanc. Notwiîb- riihtsoefh.Qieestoa anding tlb, hewever, MaY oft he VI.-IL sahbabua~ tiers within1t.heabrnacha, lieariagr hat lied ocutrreti, soalet h, .'iâllantri THE MEMBEB 1 Oceet t1h, r.actie cf their cern- "OneDri'1-It in t des, aboult twenty4fve cf wbem bad ltat Mr. Iincts ta lh thisI lime Iieen toldge<l in R's.-bi1l, < tu iwiimstl ridewetl, rceviolis te iheir beang Ji' Wrt or ie eprpeb .Fet t he moresor rso flt ti ftee rpetei çougli- scrs-ÃŽ@P* *'hea te n teevi*o. Walcking heiseeofatIhe pcqiielsI, til, suda l. re oet@ ath ee ge t iii erwg bpresentinglte Capit sel, le sa'tredreNeraaga"' a$- the nuext ftnliaraent ÈICbled et E.ose-h il jus e theb. vin h"i their etinasades ws-rs plaoed wNB a < asitttM ing drivGnce "Ia areaewed conlutct Ilinha buid tha cr v4et iu wrth.e1 ls ldiers were t u11 th5ppunto i their aide otus vith itcrrtalu imupli. nerat1 in lthe C*nty i lOBm iautbr.a 1muez .a m-oumiug lcieoa"- il ici LAc WIIITBY,