Whitby Reporter, 12 Jul 1851, p. 4

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ii~v~ ~C1VITERfor TOR-ONTO, cet- Un atîobove P'Nta,i(wou*thr eittirng,) very * <na.Wednoauay, and Fri y morcngnt 9a trTi h. e iO AT MIT PLZAOAITSti, anid C,*PlS; oute to Newv York. 'rime froin TO- Ormt te ew Yrk.forty bourg. itoyal Mail 8ieam-Pa.eket Office, Toronto, May 1, 1851. 49-y. nffflI E St4crîber lias îu on hund, a SQuaitity or bid Celebraied EXTRACT of 841&s4P.4$RILL.4, in Quart liattles., GI LBERtT B. WEEKS. Whihy, Jan. 23, 1851. 41-t. 4 VXOU CEMEIVT .prepaîed t t, pave tht- strts tbut Whitby wf Califorriia Gol't, 0& yùtetctrluillcd fi' àljie'i) bis l "tnkrs isth L*oods It audi 147w ats. îhiat rc;jMy beýenaleilto do isu if they wi»h, tliroiili ~ ,t~ye&klt4l h béistas; ami! !w iùb ; 6 i.m eroseIarivrrda, thei iontrary <o the ,uual mod.o p4iicticed tlky ncY.corners, thse 4pohtyqÇis Gmo4swdilrait.tuihsxprove îhitoihîhe wiam, at li ii sutally Low 1rieb; andi au hi, ii well awàre ihat %î-Înterest Iiu the oBîpawverl'ul Woi le tait w ield, hc wili make ilt the iiteest po itt urihase froni hiλ, by uîiplyiog thei-n .witf bwttr squlitie, of Go I, und at Li>wer rate& Ébh an ay qUîcr Eîtàb!isihment WVesl of Miüttseai. - flii elebrated NtoqrA, Yuutc» H Y9ON aind alther .TEAS, wilbc fou»' lu oMaintain tiseir hisùliecleh- nity for ebersip1, r:chnc'm, Strength afid lfine5da- vor. 0 Hiii lar geandI gencral assotruenl of Cnfftes, 1iuprs, Tabaccos, Fi us, spicré, Gihu.wil e, Hurd- *ware, Win"s, Liquorst, &c. &c.&c , will îeÀàîse - the niuet satigiine expu-ctatiuni po!îurchas. Travertikeepersand tise Trade, suppliid ns Lum, HI. B. 6'cONN0R. NEW CIIEAP IIA'T sr'it 4vearl# opposi.te 41 Glolie" fficp, King Mirfet, Tuîutol. fJHSubscriber, having bail long, ex 1eqence THidEthýý,bqs e, eicfiîtly anraouîitrt-s 1iciitu, publiý'*thaf ho as opéned the anove prertirn itwh an excellent assortaientel HAIS, antd aiîdr ~fuir Q pe nfilît U obes, LMis'Fun Sof tcrYydrtipflon nIWtlys od hnnd. ?i 11e hiihest price paît.! in casih Lur 1atinq and Shippin;- Furs. JACOB DAST1;DO, flot Ic i d Furrier. & ',.M1à-i2 7,J1II!-T2E7TH!M TE£ TII!!! S URGEON »I3NTIST, HA remu'oved his' OFFICE fruit the î~OSHAWA HOUSE, to tise criner ati Kingr & imc o . iCr Mr. Jame-s Lair;'s STORE, Ent rance on Simene St. OFFICE hous tsot 10 A. .L, ln 6P.M. t..-r.tWIN 'wiII conlissue bis lisîi,% <o thse WAVERLY HOIUEJuwtjnaisvite.otdit i FIR$T 'MO.NDAY in s .'uelt oti. Oshawa, Dec. 27 ý 1850. 37- f ment lias ne- ver beets lîsown to satcewis*iiihue Ieep, tioroughly p.-'I, CAR«~ tried, howev rse- Se ethiettcaseiay *have Ieen, or ut * ~IIT~"' 4Ç howlong ta~tnding. per Boxc. - whitby., De.7, 1850. 43-if. MýYSVERIO-ýUS KiVO CKJiV GS T F. $sh.eriber bsson haîti, and continue s lu J m.nuàtute,unà Lot No. 3.5, 2n' Cota.i Whtiby, Ll ht iey Waggons, Ilouglîa & ilarruwâ -1 'illalwas fnd asuiîon or; sanable terme. Rcpa.fiit;, inait is- various branches, naaaly «ec~utçd oiahbrtnotce, >Fep Malrisél 8ni Workmanship ie <elts confi- ~dent 0( givuhgfuit. satisfactiont. 1 N. W. BROWN. Wlitby, April 12, 1851. - 52-If. rt'Hg Sp&Lwriw r i. ýprepared to make 'l ADVÂNCES l1, H oif POT "AND PEPSRL .AS1LES cels ýe- t elloisa . £(k3 RT H. IJAWDER. fort Whitby, lit Auagus, 18M0. l 'LAW -OFFICE. 13islr aiend4ttorney, RC ff lits profeWôinwin altie Courts as ua.exptIthe quiçtsi'. &encb. Hie wili ptully attt)ttoleafty lbusinedss c- ihhed w bis eare iu the Cumon Pitti, Charn- e+, I4#nty, Iffl vent, or iviton Courts,altoc opposi te iV et, >17ktButIdsntïs, SCRG.ON »ENTIST, IA5 h wm<r of SllilIiJl5 bhis arrivalin, J7LToronitswÂits *s .ntensintssc tblssr *iumuatf in t4 4ty aia suftGgxOMDLN.TIST. ~ ault hatlnb mant ears, ~nd*8;Ii a g*twrul .fit WHITBY andl DAITUTON ini paiticular, it Il.JAMES 4WVLKJER, lsatve bha.»agaiti appointeciAgent Io; thiepurchase of Wbol and sale or Clothoummufac- i.â t i lerée Y toy .!fKECH$Ib 4& WLXwAS', Cobsour., and tny, durin; tise yeua igtacte 1851, bc found at eglessvlcel lm ig Streel,OSHAWA in the premisesaiti èmely octuvî4 bY G. 1Uris, Esq.. as a Pool Office, one. dow)r Eacf JOHR MMAHf./1J'S Store, whére lbe Gooda ray tie in- s§pected at any time, andt for wich WOOL wi:I be takei in exrhan;e upou much nmore tavourable termes than in former yus, delyli'#it ucess'ittlcoin- Petiion,ogrlie may be founti ai the C./1JDING MJLIS of J.,B. WxAaut,-iEsq.,.wùirh I have renteil lor alertmcf-years. wbere I &hall he Prepar- ed by 101h Mvay, to reveeve Wooli obo Card.4 uPc»i as low and ! avouralle ternis as any other $hop in the trade. CAUU, anthe tiseRgbest Prico. for any quan tiIîy a (id qsality cf W .0 0 L, Remumber the oiluaoffice, Ki»g-st., Oshiata JAMES iALKER. Oshaswa, NilIy, i,13 3 Blo13w, oh 1Lo"*, ye h<aieisly Itreezet A Il amortir tise ieaves aittll-eeses. Siuno iu] .ye ieaveuly niifis, Wilî~i nïtî e yolir boulta asid ioces" I I :Sulserî Iw-tt I(Is t i lru1danl is pshielhM e acuzsi' Ili ~î. alvt hurî~s itthe Enil tetl ut Ihe WHITRV SARIIIAGE FACTORY B.org, where ail cua-i lotit Woçlî wii lbc dotie v sîetteu.Lei(alui ;ahts rneosethIi nsot Sisoeniakers catisay) iwud Whisîy April 12 8.51. APTL£'5O 0 OO 8tr1iig. _»dical Examinerr-R. W., CLARR, M.. D. pamphlets,- Blanks, and all requisite informa- tion May bc had on-aliplication bô JOHIN HAM PERIRYP A/gent for IITBY. -14 LAW OPPIo1m. Il j.a M:AýCDO N ELL &âttoruêv and Connsoor.atLaw SO'L [CTOR--1N-CHANCelty, &C. &C. &C.- WHITBY VILL.,GE, C AN ADA WE£ST, WîlI give pro, pt atention lu aial business of bis Pffifeasion entrusted to hin. t-rffice opposite the rciîdeiîce cf Peler Perry, Esq. CÂILETON LYNDIE,4 WHIOLESALE AND) UiTAIL DEALER 1I1 TEA$t TOICUO, RWCE, JAPER I11NI;INGSI&C., t .A L 9 0 M ANU F iiC TUR ,R 0 F SOL E, UPP EJR, A ND IIANESS LEATIIEfl, &c. Carsh pai<lj'or H itles <-17v! Skins, J~IVIIcft, Oats, IPots and peapP 1.ehes. J. W. riLLOTSON. Wisiîsy Ira;e,71h amsi% J. W. TfLLOTSON-.. 1 W ib ilg, t ui.15) HALF-W AYHO USE, 110 UGE. T HESdsei retimrss tba'ks for the litral siipporl sssce r destkthe lid stand (late %Is. utLV')a the ROQUGE, and, hopes isy stric lti ilses6 lube f(nored %eih il Confilnuai ciofuthlie tstal palruuiage. Thie Bar fîs îahec v. it choier iqitis, andaibis Tiable %î'ii sîîp1dtd wvilk he-.,su's ofnieiiCanada. ,t;t)nJ aiiiîs, at a sliadyIIosier in aîter-datnce, :l!.Staires daiiv ltu uî îun isrri n Kirig- ilt. &C. &C. AN,.DRFW NOB3LE. Staîre House, NMircli 1Si h, ;S5 1 Bllack's Ilolel, ROUGE. 'J*cornîinilv. tisai lu s lI tit,<î Hstîti krpt iiiîil$ ita, 11.i lot 1tîa.i- I %l. I iîltri la s IlI ticltîuit I oi i juv t li i4c, fLîioi ilsbiilhe .viih tise eiîoie#ct vianis lise miîjket"ffOr(ie His tare ss suitrutritisîg Daiy, fio u as flouse i to Torotilo leitvitig ait Severi n'cluck iii tise dui- in,. and returninur tie saine Evensng., - ery accomniôdatiotî can bce *floded Io Tra- veilers, wiîh godStoul iin; antI attentive Bocsiels COMMIERCIAL OTEL; VILLAGlE0OF BORE L 1A. fgHE SUBSCI1Eftrelsîrns tiaiksý for tile Iiberal Sîspfrýt he btas-rei vi-d since hi- com -i enrrd ï li ie rtti Sand,,(for- niesly kP4ît by Mr. II1UNirER). ut- RAN l)LEIS CORNE 5, aniisopes l'y etieît attrioli in L"ui- ni-as in ise favored ail v a.1 coitiuance of tise pa- î'osssge iitherlo rimnirred. iv ~ ,Bar i> tuu î i iîh ftise is-etiLiiiors, asid he Tabsle %spîinal i*;h lise chocebLeatatiles Ihat cari be potired. GOO 0D ST-A BL I N G ant ?rx îeady lloslter un ut-esdance. E"ývery avrtiiaon lu, iake Travet!erl Con- foi table. STAGL daily Io astul (rom Port Wht- by. THOMAS GOREY. P.S.-CarriaLee in aiftrnd;nce on lte Iost. >orelia, June, Guis 1851. 8 3 in. 11-UG Il-FPlA S EI , W11IBY VILLAGE. gprine, and ýummrr- Fnions for ISjI. W litlv, A pril 1 9, 1850. ALEX. PriLNGLE. WUITB Y VILLAsGE. Alorders in iltiS Hue pronsjsly execnted T,~elatat ashonsr1 ays on ksrnd. Wliîtby, A prit 19, 1;,0. BROCK-STREE¶', WIITBY. W ILITBY SADDIý,Ui RE1 COLLIR, AIN» TIIUM HE sîssriler ascocnsafil en band the 'Tuaboveartliclees, which he sujse1i cheap for cash or Crectit. Whilby, Jupe 7tis. 1850. VALLABLE 'PROPERTY IN FOR 'SALE, NORTHIIIAMEIICAN IIOTEL PORT BHOPfl C. W. GENEtALSTLAGE 0OFFICE. t-1- Triîety Porters aiwvay4*itt alîerdatcp attise isoats, fl'ssenge-rs ati bcrl te itg.lgeconveyed to andI trorin the isoals free of charge. Port Flope, Jiiy, 1850. 12-ly W 1 L L 1 A M J1 E F E ,Lt E Y, AGENT FOR< rim tta!3linglîan <1ouliu~£uU .iJnurance (enimpannl, _____ ~10-1 y AL!1111NDIt TIO1pSIN roprietor. Ex ceflent accommodations for travellers. Gond Ld.ND CO N VE.wINX CER 4 DRd UGITSMI.1-N, OFFICE, op)ail)gic thse Cjuîrt-hlotnsc VILLAGE 0F MANCIESTEI, REAOH, 0. W- WORKMAN BVTH-ERS & CO No. 36, Kingý, Street, Toronto, Il. W. C U FF, Dcaleýr in GlWCEl1IESLH, AND PROVIMONS. PRODUCE BOUGIIT AND SOLD. Bel ueeu Stroud's and Pltta7Taverne La-ttSide of tise Market, (0 ff, lgO î'0. 26-Y Ali1.. B . F1 EEY B A LL Broch Strert, liri duo10Brynan'slin Shop, WPHITBYe C. W. Wh«tbv Ladies' Seminary., 0'pOsi-rE THÉ (GRA.N1MNAflSCfIOMo PubliIowe Cari be usspplied w-ibis a firit mte as icle et' Aieor Strong Boer on Modcrat e Terms, for CASH, ai CLAILWS BREWERY.- Wiiby VlagJan., 7180. 21 WIIrBX, C. W. L. Il. SCRIOFIELD & Co, IM1PORTER-S 0F BRITISH DIANUFÂO'2URES,9 WIIULEAILE ANI REAI Wbitby villa4ge, ltie, 1850. in ti i iage of newçaatl CLARKE. J. B. T NEÉYFopRItETPR. Auguat Ji, 183. ('J WALKER & WIIOLESý Ch>! hiers, Oulfitters ,arw 51KOr Tise GotDEN LioN, u cHJNSON9 & RETrAIL Good8 Merchans,' ,-StoN Or TUE G ^L'O IjN' t-.~ o---------T. ToxtoNTo,. 2 , K ING ST Ar E ST Su, T noÉ 1O, -0 "" > ie53 fllLJ E .5.a BEG bo iîîform the readers of th', Wkitby Reporter, and publie geler.iY tha îisy hvecomleld iser Pl!ussetationicol Staple and Fancy Dry Goode, whicb haviig be seulecîci! froin-the best.Stocke in. Freîgo Markets, anti purchased fur CA , ilbfudtpoe- arnination, instiîrpased in Ibis City, fortJiility, style andI cheapness. An rpçct: on in lawited- Black Orleanis Clotis romo Colcured Il "4odé Blaec Cobourg Il "O dé Colotrd déI1î-2yd wide"dé 9 Mitslin 1)eLaines "Je lb Printe lyd. wide "41 Iloyls 46 "déiOé4 1 Yul G;incisaný (ieavy) îIl) park Sable Poaà ', 3 6 rey sqiirrel Il 'Ji2 6 Stone -Martint Ji 'tii là ,%link 4 di40, 9 RE piy. Whit COL otin-- Pr.jd dé 44 Grey iL 1 yd: di "9 Amieri di Sheeting 2 ) Striped Shirting lied Tock Brown Ilollani! jGala Plaids Datik. able Ntuffs, jGrey-Squirret Stone ,*vartin ' Toefifr wîth an excellent Stock et FashionabeDES OD3 corremjonding ps*es. Jh!lso,1,00WooI Scari Shatcls, worthy of no Damas/c .Moreens, Carpets, Druggçits, 8f C. 4-C. -Broad Clothg Cassirner-es (Plan Fauicy) Tweeds ~ t Jilnt Clouhs, tg MNoleskine Silk, %orsted, s. e r oolilDpate. r frm 0 Whitney C:oths 36 I Linnâkin t <t36IMohàir 4L 23Amneri-an Salinetta 461 Car<adia'n " 6 6 4" Clotise, ' IPliaid, Swvansdowns, Mauir Plushes. frin 0 3 pr. y!. 1. di - O 4 di riean"di O04 -"d ýd. il " 0> 8 " 0 7 1-2" fi 07 1-2 di 0 O71-21, <i 3 9 't il 3 di 40 0t 't37 6 Silks, Cloves, Hosiery, &c.,*t ot-ice. Watered,- and of elegant J'attermas " 86 i 7 6 - " 2 9 "3 O T/sey uiattd ccli particular 4ttention to their assartment Of 0LOYHING, Tise %boie of wisichbheinc inu-tile "P Ftoer tlier own inspetion, by the best of worhn'on, are Dot t-qnalled in Cpnsadi, Wr style Oif cuîttng, elualiiy of workmansb;p and uiaterial, and general suiablo-- nes btis tani 0 d~ p-ope.Parties aloutTo purchas. oe!s in Ibis fine msy à$pay ton desr for îleir '.viistle " îf îheyl buy before look-ing oser W. & l'is Stock, among wbieh wîIl be fua.nd t- Gre-y Over COats Palot Beiaver Fine Lienskin " %Viiney F'inie aggs - 4.Frocks [rom 1 'di1 Finn y Due Pantse et FanyBle ack lé Blackî ' Tweed ' Ulack Satin 1'ests, Fanicy il '< T -olînett Black Pluai ' <s 12 '5 13 b 10 L< 5< r ut 5 <E 4 't il B. Patterni stovet, Whi sgo, andttook thsep NIA( Hie bas on hand i Air, Parltar, and C Grid Irons, Dog Iro ber» Fumps0 &C.,& The nslw patente PRJYQJPLE OF VERY 'J'IICK, a structed tisat tise 9 - ai stick cf oven, bc usoted foi rior te s' E rîeni and exal ber, ut opencd a Itoe Si * Z(extdosr t<0j Wbere hOalf.tsoket" On of Botâi o15~r wbic cats take in utpaymesît Jy B. Don't for tkey mcke you j Whitby and Prince A October 91î, îe H.B. 0O Wines, Liquors,1 K. 111. I3vys'T3,Iting in great var'iety. Paris Velvet-nap liats, Etîr &Cloth Çaps, &O.&C. Garments madle to -Measure and warranted te fit. t3-Farmpri and others resîling in tise country, and net arquiainbal vitls bricks prieîised on oit-ad- "-ers, by rsany dealers, woulid do, weil lo uiaIl ais iestablishmrent, as tbey have but one s$"-kgt for- ward mode ot-doing bnsiness. Ausong tiseir nudes are tise following:. AUl Garments flotobiling, exchanged.. Ail Garmens warranteil net ho shrink or spot witfs min. Ail puece Gouda, eut in tise usuat lengîhoi exebanged., Toronto. NovenfiberI1, 1850. 22-Y BTJHRGESS & LEISHMÂN, Corner of Kiftg ChUr-ch Streets, joining thc Court House, Toronto HAVE ONIAN The Lir gest, the Cheapcst, and thé J3est Assortment of ReaayêlGde Clothing wad IDry Gooda IN CANADA, WEST. fciLOTrIES Cassireres, Vstiners, and Gcneal Dry Gxoodo, Iniported direct front -B ritain by Ouirselves. (Jarmeuts marle to order of every descriptwon. The most approved style adopted. REA»Y-MADE CLOTHIN Men's Brown Hoilamsd Coats, frein .41-24 Du C'asbmerctte Trousers, Delso heck'd t do d ot# Do Ce d oekndo DolldackAlca do Do Rsll Cor pca do Do Princescrd do Do*Parit3 o de DuoGTweed n do Do BoTeedoUi do Do Brasimu-re -o Do Oîl'd Wter Poo1d BD'sown LissWae» rodo Bu, CheBrownLîsen do Do CekdMteekisdol DO don toedindo DoAaca wed do Do RslCa --!, do Do teShus. Luien Fr os Stript!do0 q Mei'. M%ýoleekin rouseus, Do Linen Dilî d Do Cbh-k'd Drill do DJo Twepe. do Do Casuimrnie do Do Doesk-iit, do Do »uckakin do Do Sdlineti do Du Etoffe do Do G'Auineît do 't <i LE t' Lt t' Lt Lt Lt 4< froin j' 't 9- 41- 6 3 0) Býoyr's Drill do (rom I)o Fancy do d Do »riîb Molakin -Io d Do Check'îi do do Do Doeskin doe Do Cassimniere -do Red Fianniel Shirts ' Under Shàrt and Dâters, Me'sIlack Cloth 'Vest&, [ rom- Do- Black Salin do di lIc. Fanuty Satlut do di *Do Iolland do 4 Do Fancy do Do Vel vet do Do Pluwh do Do - Maîcelles do Do flarahhea de Do Cassimere do Do ~ Tweede do MEN84Sýl ARI8Si BEINO. the Fr-ortsIIlves of Lot Ijqjg OC .Nosý. 5 ani! , in tlie 3ra Concemsio. Aupply B N ) Io E, IIRRELLO ON 107th cVNOSN. FUR8, Bý 2. - if, wUCf PALU MLE FdRNMS FOR, about 6M elearet aI, ii hfTowinmbir -Adelalde, about ,win 1s rm haVil, e ,NO. , - h t_ -- - .0 e Drij e 1 - 4.11 - -n 1 orgowf IL-Mi - p PRICE. NO SECOND PARIS, ýLO.NDONý -..A.ND NEW YORK FASHIONS RECEIVED MONTHLY U',

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