Whitby Reporter, 12 Jul 1851, p. 2

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-4% Reporter. ins Oocaeqtoc*ice . duelared tae gentleman whom hete tobse adjoureed. te ft 15ued -lbe tale_ nuaiet hall usouvdeaserted. delà il1è 50.Aftte eha.! been fur sene tuseuon- Lmua or Tai Pass l! olTRBEL. 'or. jý0jè'twaso#4ted to beprinted stage.! in tiis 'a-y, Mr. iecits càlieti -W.deephy regret tIt> mecassolia sttld i it i$4y. lte bolàs m, ernohan te rtit, tay1ing thi IradestI ,eopy front te To îto Col- and ho tunderatic. iwus-aotusaW a s'lte pnt, andthie ,Vortignmer= npapota self 1ývýeA,& y P. Iy.fsisrl Pantiamntt 1< llwttuitembenof ilwidely <oite poleIer en ~ Mopvd.t - , iota of t&o#esd fromuabooks and ane Z aie LneiscaAr Gg' pehvt.tl i - .I)vtinlthe e entcs eÀeied by Ilthe animbt -renCe teW.L. Macke"ze..,In.Upper Sam Rw HaidanLCàiadu tlere in fie men f flsejress; aul gioved in M«met Ur. tMa ska"â, on tUse stil)[ ilm ÀwerCndtmsac nj.omo~.-~.onya làcaw nuived, but of order, Uition tte occasion 'lien tie Treassrjoî. Sion IP àjDIC -I¾ Cdtm e n 21t-. referred back te lteé' Commni treeIir.the -h o nme for Sinicea quoted hiargely BI - ~~ptorptise Of nixrldig 1tleeîownsihilî Of Geor- fro otenîacisc iJ.Pe te sitoW __ LEGIIJÂTVE ASEMBY. ifla t Io te couIiîs t Y ci Yrk,, instea.! of lis incousisency, noo10f., den LEGISLATIVigAilEto r.maiun nttaciedt t te feilwith lis ocouduet TI Eriday, J'ely 4, 1851. couinty of Ontarie. T/te speaker, hotvever, decidcd taI .Mr. HgJm es pregentec a petition from 'Motion ls .cnr 9Ny,371 nawsp-apers cotild - ùt hob rend in the,_ the,l xTo!? Etaminers Of Fducatioa .Mr. Robiulon la firlter amen. -House. in M4ontrent, praing for thée estêhish- ment, to estnnge. lroui8 eiie-aE., An~d upion Mr. -Mackenzie rising te nelto'ta Normal Scool in that section paragruplotart rIwhicb d taches mOka, sri enk,' 40f th, PrOwiîiIeýpatfthe township ofW%7est Gwillilm- Siir . v. N. cjttab callcdl on theth .*H li To give notice or a bill te expain bnryï fronthlie cotinoy of Simee and! Speaker te0etaintain order, and. but Io and amend thelàw relaling to1buis of annexes ilte the county ùf York. alluv lte 611 mamber for Haldimand, duri E!çelpnge and P omiSSOry Notes. Motion is--Y ,7 ; Nays, 33. to break raies tvhicli ail otiters must oh- colt, Mi. -Ross inteodnced a bill te incer- Jir. NAotman niove.! an amendinant serve.- To i porate A. Cnrupbeili-and!oters, 1 1 sder for recummittsol, zo maka cin alteration Mr. Mackenzie then proceede.! hy ce- the nante ef the Qtiebac Medical Hall ro the effect, tîtat te dividing« linai-of inrking upon the extfaufdinitr zeal titri Awçociationt. te coîîntryo f iiddlesex slaonld rua fronti 'hich, he said, lie noticett in Sir Allait quir The bil b exten.! thé powers of té Norlhto Soltîlt. MNbsofit et sitanc o at flriishAmeîcn Fie an Lie Asu- .lMr. Wilson renowed bis objection tu ministry on ail occasions, fur wieih lie mance Companv was rend a third lime tlite evernirnent plan. Ha mi. itelii, hope.! that gentlemen wuuild h ul H 010 a~~ton e Mr.11Sh erwood. Rl)ector-Generuiil woîdd be willinir b ne-' rewtorded. lettnepes. ncm Onmtorf JIr. Priée. the Hlotise onde tu, bis (NIr W,'s) proposition if hlie on that iieither Mr. Lafoilie o i ept i otnitoo'lewoe nts ol!ol oaeecs haigilt itr- fricods should ho very ready tb PusIo bill In amen.! the Laund Strve'vor's Act ced uipon*liim. fbir le lied pledged hiin.iiilîlu (Mr. Muokenrie) down, sice it liv whirh swns reporte.!. self tu certaino parties lie ha.! in lis 1ock- oves onî1y hy ltae nid et 'tthe trtîest refur- whi jWr. Dru Mmod move d the seestu.! eLi and.! these lie clled lte puýopla; tiers ofrlis cI.! coiîstituancy iti North il rendin -oft hejuil 10 define the divisi6àon lîe trstt was, îloeyv ere col. Yrkliath peetrmerasa-sr rin ~ ewe.TjpadLrCana- .Mr. Jliack-srief'lied tb . te lion. noan- ablu.! to gel iiuo ParlianIeul t a lima oit da.-Carièli er for Londoni, and! coiteuded that the ovien lie cotil.! nol ha retrrnedioriler-liai TIrabiHsels ton eferedto seectdivision as liroposed h! lt Igantlesmeanrehotone, utn accounit ofrlteviolenice df- T e u il le e. w o u ld d ifi d e riteioa sltc tn t ulotw o fe r .! t u ois frie n d s . H o c o n tin uie .! a L d ea , -9nmèlion, ofMXr. Hineca. thie liuse uneitiai parts, giving a reuch grenier sueltgî ntesnesriia o s sgan went lu Committea of the wviole nitnh.'r tluoe part titan le the oCher fore; .-oucludiitg hysaying titat lia sup- ]yt un tho bii »let allerTerritorial Divisions After some seords front .Mr. Prince, jiose.! the malter of represenlalion ne- titis ""t - C rî(ü-,(nd al Ptiion re Wovit was in favoirof te butil is urig- corîing tu poputlation ootil. lie punt off laiv t TrrtieàlDiisosreered)inn! shapie, taheIouuse thoti divided un tilofalIoreaco J#. Hincks expiined iliat appreben. 4 osnstoin.eSreSckt cnanigca sine existe.!ont oc fx<ntrs ,ilV-respect le r miooaa oe aoie aed outobz:e otio der. 1101a ti sh iewintt ourthis ise wotuldsos ubotofrd. corn mî' ilha. be nri-tient i-tvînitg nearlv thée effet<orthaI MIr. Macken M efired to withdraw il. Coi euilnc pensoion.t landi .b l3foe hinwridtt,-n. . /tr-pa tlo el hattpon -ilil,so fdr as Ille rewlv J5 î5 ~whicltivWas os wo.th îtuemt.i l ade res H..tue -buse t forinod cottes ooere concerne.!, wotild aie div'isioni. Watmedoadrsil 1Iie;h1 comeintoorueralio iimmedittely; oshile Mr. Hapkins niovi tovoamendrunt u tîs tlIe Sp'eaker sai.! that hta iî îldand in ilîcI Ibis portion cf the net wotirlrljout in thte elat'îa ovîicitdivides lte îwo ltemotion t e hont111of order, it fell as a comnesnIboli Ist of ojnentiy. Cotties trWputworiit an.! Hullot ; mlalter o! course, and as there wvestno- ber ore htail jntiniciVai electionq m*tnît hitt thie psrtiîlar changes wliiclî lie de- thiîg befure thae chair, tîtere coul.! he nu ot take place tinder tae e t.- Nac si eps 1 iired oere iutasliahtle Ii Ile reporters'$CdiscuSsion. le.! relalin!x-te CoitilvTowns, &c., cooIlI box. Mr- H. J. Boniton aise niove.! somte take place hefore te Ist February. 1111l!enmotiotis %veru' ost, Messes flop- arnetîdieits ; l'ut iin a voice whieto di.!riaIl .MrlUch fetierstae. i anwer1kins, milckeiie anIt.l. J. Boulon vu- nu reancithlie reporter-,' hox- bisi Xý.i lin" ade sae nanwrtntaloti n ho te ens. Mr. H. Slcertoood Sajd that il oves the titb -J ileràteycle.Strw",~ r. Mackpazîe then moveil tte fol- ciistoni cfrte press to sui1press every ~t Sh iteCtnl fntnowoodstn owing antenrdment; tlinc tîtat was sai.!egaiîtst thelieIon dû itasane fotig i Ibs rsieclns fitt lte epot h ri ioW receive.! nieniber for Haldimaud ; wliilo lits oill Vtheràgmnties ceile e i butltaI tteé Bt!! ha referre.! lick btu e speechies, cou tain ing-acctsatiuis ngainst lis a Itd aarpi tSbdioA ltn- Cenmitîe if the Whloe,- withi tstrtie- utîxer nienters, were fraely reporte..o i;pecutisNo0toowecgre iotta tu amen.! il, xitaIt te represen- if titis overe îdtbe contîtiuîeîl, aun. if thie te sithout a division, ition May hc oira eqsially tllieortioli- press or te reporters of tiea pznss were. Meir.Bell moved itatthe Townsips etu tl l in 1ulaliuin, cslieciallyin te io deernîone wîîal siiosîl. hapubl isî 1te.!esta <fLerVnal:, Dac-ling, an.! Pakenloani, h fiiovcgCotuties ;-- otawlitiSadoîatclIîresnann.cfil1e ~ôtprtofbe cunt cf enfese) nslite mure eseia t isb iis tirne. becatise discussion into ltIlouse. [Jolvevere. iii per. ). hit ho added toLanark, (psar. we are on tae ave of a generat ciccionthltat iglit beý lie sitoui alwey ak 7,)-arrie8< o16wee gee t. an.! il wi.ilmauifestlîY ho wori t u' x- occasion lu speak of tisaIton àember mer 71tragris8o16seeardl. tend a làrger sitare of Illa voles in tItis ini taeo-nylite deserve.! hefuro te ne- JoH] Xir., Robimesn moved tiat a portion flotuse lu five Cutiities, co'niaitîill iz ellioti, an.! afier tise reitellion ,seien- a <ifnewy aqtîredlerîuoy njoîîîug wettiy-sevets Towîisli-iî,s.1,423,120 <-ver telitons member chose tu atteck Sfice, ha adde.! tu thal Ç»uift-(jntr. tres. tind!46.395 persots, titoant i u' e the citarnoter cf the nsemiters cfltaI port 2ùjýér-rid. M Cotutîjs coit'riltiig iuety-thirce fluse, oî'iose elorclers ýsere tînm- nn fobd West, be added tu tise conittv f ' -.,î- ît cfk (1] lc a gi"s- ne cne. If iad ie tereiy slow-ttia tult- 111.! Xr,ý obionmove.! thnt lte Tomwn¶ lai tre, loy a majorily rotf vte or votes, lu cuissisîeucy of tle lolitical eondutl uf arn .1,fr~~ Robtnsoa ~establisit naseantd oîher divisin flt etiobi euein sbip cf Georgxuîa ho aIse addad but t Iis Cotuuties i. Rdn eUi -iser CIlta-ceric. H.nSgeteen. tc;teo wis aegalived. d"u ua o'oilruL h eie on h o Mn. r- H., . .Boultoun meved thIlintahit su as utot t ycs- lt ourmenber linss alinke.! îleone. Bat ne tPI'kerng ho added. Negalive.! etatoobyto!fyto oMenîhers : ruday n eive fa'tarn n -ML-ilLuk'-snîcio arne! Jecause, white the bill chanîges lte wtuta n moner, Ihuat ha lîlter oa. frind X1M'ýIHivacks nieve.! tatElgin bha po tîsainnt ofnlenstters iui lie As-the>oa. Habcd tatcedliaiitcekari aitrackout; o theî36esentaticcad se -as tou iItaechair, snemîhurs ligîtin office in stnc ntc bte3 ~eaapa0 !Ta.luave large bodies cf Freehulders te Gv(;0 atan! mbt) coi o This us rted nsen Messvis.oulàat adequata check on par- tuhe Govertiment, an.! yet lie stipposeci *in Nas ppse y r. Wilson liaI aîtd tijusi legisîation , WhiI s ite ho enhrovt!. 011dimlt tirn.! N a Xa b suppord -te m-~h ot.147 iîlabtauts; Prescot, urotection or thte Speaker lu pravent 'T bigh uîogn m 9487; Slormont, 11-030 ; Dtidas, ihln u a.Novhehoi c tion, an.!pnSsed a hgelgu pn739; anîd Essox, 12292 ; tglîe, îeitmie ataie. c a'e ltcnaen.i ColTaîet.Cotlties anîd 46,395 io.-soin, tre 1 le n 10 îilke, uotfu; bt oeseaite tcon The. motion ovas wilbd raon. dc ie enir: ehisoîi, attutuîe tnsl euue!lyane oii 10t JWr. Hincks aiastiliihadtreceived e21,341 inberi: %V Gey 8324; Rat .-itigt placotîaion;uth oas ohy e o r represetatiotIs front tte Couuty of Os-n" '99i aiett;re v .9347; NIdde- ralliresenîive f le thiredibyp arite toîSI fdtutsefbttaito'idhod-sex, 23,894 ; Elgiii, 27.344; Brani,' 21,-rpeeaieo i h ato h minblete avetheisafoî lt lun554; antd LaUiaek, 22,901; t-, - erpeuple cf Haldimn..Agaits, ovieu - shý,"f Brfudatache tuOxfrdandnin Cotntis. 87,13 th loeSl ier titat lion nieniher sliokcocf oDtiers being H shipfBîrfud atncied u Ofor , .!nuîe Ceuuîtis. 18751initraiaiî, rerecreatifronti lteir principles, nid lia bot Ona ivsin l aslet.* ellitgîci, Grey and! Retf'rew os'ui- reu e t alie oud suelod liseplirutt-me Thparagraptut 137, oere tîdupt- ain mneainhaitcitials thlait SturoItt. îNuîu e it ho ivised ay itizeso f Po ed-wlen .Mir. Wilson ntoved ltaI iuisselî, Ditîduandu Esse.x; an.! hie! lte UîîfèigI o tets ue Itîndrecitaces uf iott b'Ihe Conty cof Middlesex lie tiicddtheefore a Ibody Of freueloders, eqîtaltl ian.!iedttues unl oma iiacsu ofvenî a N'crlls sud. Southt, instead o<f East and.!in ttîmber IthoîuseeofIsle poptihuis lneifuve u l ore ieadîit ita .West. Tite bon. genthlenlan cottende.! Cousities et' Wnterloo, 3liddlesex, bIgolltheMc. .crloncnindth lin tm cit laitantIbs.dvson, s dsrd ye in- Brant ani.!Lcttorix, ovitcit cottain 120.- lber IL celer, huittae Speaker decide.! tii haluitanta. ~~~~439 suss, nre virimnlly disfeautchised or totM.Strsc. a nodr h Co.Mr.linerit oppo.!rithebil dielrive.! ofequi lrigitts in Itis fBouse: ta l.Sirodwsi re. te Cri-Prnc voidgofo it bt ecatîse lte ficst nante.! iva Cotic- Me. H. Sherwodthec speakingof ltae dire Othr mmbes pok ontheni ti oûai t tooenly.seo-en Towen- itou nntier for Wellanda s te hotîlle but ý ý àtieumiemier spke o th mo ioiis1 «h- 23à1 2 a c)res,..itL- -llîcider of télite i puiuher for Haidi- ve beau ento.re.! mo, tif a natIlfe-1 ,iit rendors il incntmbetun lte Sîîh* rber to meke bis boos- iti the putblic,' lois reliremttotlro thlie ceres peoil-, 'b a journal ist. As stîct, halias on- Lvctirod for the ast fifte'en months, proprielor oni'îs papOr, most faitlif tt- le. serve.lite putblie, an.! especilly i section cf btae Counly cf York, now out 10 take ils sînni anntng ttheiter ýportatlmulnicipal eut.!juidicia sec- is of the Province, nas ltoir sister stnty of Ontario. DîtriuîgCise short riod of lois coninexii oviti thtet press, lins receive.! 30 many marks offbas-or i epptutval fronthtie extensive nm- * cf lte patrons cf ltae Reporter, an.! ers ovti oo'om lha bas natnraiiy heen 1intu comtmutnication, tuatlie cantiot, titis montent of puthliciy raliring fruat scharge, refrain ftom axpressing bis ibottded gratitude; an.! in *hatever ination ta tnaylitercnfter ba pince.!, lie i alws-ys raînenthar oitla 1tteastire, ithppy connectiots wilio Ihosa front ontli ho ovretires. He lins dispcsod <if ltaovîole cf' the sbiisiîmerst cf lte W/itby Reporter tu rJ. O. DORNAN, vito bas condîset- it for lthe lest nine usonlis, an.!foir- rv 'of lte P. E. Gazette, antd Mr. is HlAbl PERRY, uf Whilhy, in ovioe nds lie lbas avaey cotnfidenice te Re- fter seili fally sustai lte îriîtciuics en- unced in ils ;prospectuîs, and continue SPlr hai f,J iP? 'avilithItam- ii townshiips. uViit titis No., lte snbscriher's con- ethon oviitlte Reporter seul cease, d in axprusssing bis ttnks lu lais enxds, bag«s to stîhscriue iimself Iheur Ohd't Hbumble ServIt, JS. SpaetV.. Col. Prince and the'press. luis h4n. gentlean, te one cf lois ebrete.! eftér-dinner speeches, lte àer tight in the Honte, Aook ccaisiont lander the pubilie'. press geceraily, as rruopt, venai, cnr lniderouis, ovill oir dol icate eîuititcls of a iike natuîre. aso n lince te p~ Rerwir.t~,ir. nq- porer tpubis a~fritA /tespeces a1d antaa dif' visible vi t~o ofhn.e~ub MA s freth tiAd t -gele)à-ose tl leêsala,i e PRESS AS' 'Ç~As Po$ 'H TIE -0 El- sei1l~rtamer Aig RAY1LfE OP T 5HOUE lews bY ti th eamri f4, For titis, t,.e rejb es ùàuetion u'ere to bpaidUtOfhePvûtmrses Of thte me*mer for To outo, and those te, wtt/t i'iotbia" or par",os oprslo a eudm Ate ar prt es to t/w proposai. -the in pïrlianient. ThefoIOWiOE i. frmatl ltter Oi reporterS rejectcd, the offer, and ne' our London correponderit: Me.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~i ShrOdvnurtt np"f hi ariiamnent bas sccomiplihed ver UtUthb NIr.Shew" entresu 1 wek. The more amnportatal maltera bie b Iaé interity. What are, we to. iltik ofefbèn 0nderlisctIiBtiare the voting of the supplie it.shewvo.d'Sprinciplesi -VbatcrCd- -the gratt anOhClee hc a M il cati be 1aîtachcd le any allenatiOtt<t, lie rie.! by the narrow ,nlajority of two votes oulys sn-ai ake, on any subject,cspeccialY ' , he lI25ane f l9 ThseaaUmeltts ugaîýf- bod wh liae surned 11iS th eornet HosefCOemWolton-IOu,Ù» efainrta ody ioO the-l G 7h ovr Smnet oppoe!the tetion .O n tfi t.ioc effors 10 orrut îhe.- Gobe. luihLords othe joscnseealetqatteiiiOl<tl m s CL îlGY ESE1'VIeS. rom a cpil'!of the, Navigaion Laws,which sIe TIEGYREERtaa keen debate, the Goverfltfeftjustilyiflg aver Tii ToRoNTO SPIRT.-Onl TtesdO.y stop %which tbey ha.! taken with regard tofreetid. lest meeing f th Ant-C ,r,,y 'fli Sunday tiading bil hu brn receted by lthe lasta metingof te Ani-'eg Ie- Crumons hly a voe of 77 agniaSt 42.1 serve Association was ennouned toe c motion moade on Friday, the 201bhinat. by Mer. hal rtteShe man CraWford Io eempt Ilt 1ead from *e 1lieldi te tn. Lawrence Hlbtteope i inu othe.E.ceeiasticaI Titles Bill wuate. w0skeeSmeme ~ afrmt I bh.outce. WHITBY, SATURtDÂY, .leL'î 12, 1851 The principal bus.iness of intcrest te pate cf ibis section, îransacted ring tîte wook, willho foun.! ta Our itnans 1o-day, il will be sae tat the eniîtorial Division . bill. hem pase .d rough its second rcading, 50 ilînI il ra-; ires culy a lew tuera fjrnities tb lke il the lats- cfthe latnd. ANGE 0F IiROPRIETOR& 0F 'filE IViITBY REPORTER. Dnring thte pasl oveck, arrangemletits jccoed u te QI ZJ's tu-V- - ,express îeir eos oui te heat - mode ofauiGI exprss liëlr'iew 01 tic bst odeof the coallictl botan the people end ltse Auti- procuring an itlntodinte anul finali set- an truepsai 1AImona appeara te have heeli s Umue tlentnt cfIbis by th mIe - ris affair thon -as ai firIt suPpe.. ight qucslioui, nersouus o-ee k il leuiutnd flrmthi*yt 02vtos! Sien cf a- set of rooo'ui(ies wbo crowvue.! id. lu ap[ueaia thatoneot theAastsisirmdlbs'- have'! Wil h great rudentas le a civilisa of Allons, îhemsel vos inta lte m.tnli. The and when the latter exposiluaed ha dram bis beY.ý- Chîtirnan, the Hon. A. Fer"îîson i s netîand atac<ed bilaonethemlspth. 'TUh1itsaei anmd the mniaces of the Austria easo . force.! out cf the chanir, an.! a N'uT. Dix- assemble sundu tht dieputanlaè. Word$ wr&ov inatlie. iuiîsefimnediaely.Ttcloose. by bless-ethe Alisaianmoluliee mvu uppoet. on isaldhnsl m eitl.T e.! by hidcomrndél, undtdhe ufftyremftoU<h a confusion noovbucarne grnerai, an.! the heigitl that ib attratta.! the aihention elt he uumlsl- 0an commander of the inai"udomioAitetts, A<te- Poice bcing calcd in, restore.! order. tachaient o! soldiera, coder the commmlnd et a ab- Titis is naîiîrcateiuog heginning cf the otern, os-os orderad to dispersetIhe poputîsce, mWb% iu oaght lo bataed os-ee hevuuîgi er 44roW" on agiiation. If a foy îîtercsted parties the, Harbargb lerrtery. On Ihe advmsceoet 1h catio ea!t ro îps the nioh receives! îhem wiîh a voiley ot' ano edpublic opiioithePr-soces, aîîd competled te.Ioie eleta. Aoutohr vitice, ilirey inutst net <are to brose heat delacbuoetof troops wu% immediately pueeulia- it.ward, aundhthteaoldiera lire!iachs maxcuer m",tg it ~e have otîiy con for an extracl nlarat and noltenhutt tht tooh. hsuetuq fi-cm the commenîs cf the Globe, lire served, howevtr,stili furîner to exampeata the people, andlthho militer> tuera ai i lb o uupild - mv sosisit pacsonsisuthbIe coun- irean resi carneet. Onthe word of cemismiha bey tu heuirnthalt aatteeîting of the oppo- ing giveti, àvocey wnipoure! irtothedeil mura netil sîne-cituctsun, t~ iten, and the teoops, advantiin l double qic City oflToroto, cati aIttis tinte ut day touse, proceedeuf te cier the dancing bootlis.sit bc brokeas tilt hy a hand! of ruffians. leà cuber places ofamusemenlt t the poitotfheUhayo- tits Citut cci of Etîglaît.!M itiister, tit; dri"ing men, osomen and childten beforethemé, Higs-CtuicloAldrme, ad as'îusof ut opliing them le ieap nut of thamitudemu, tligoCitir deJ rme- isoilisan t. a o-andotthepeil ni their live,tIo jumbp doyWthm the hie J utic-butsait i. S. LaV-tht balconies. .Duriig tiuieefray, chais, b05hae rence itHlI aon'es c i Tesday e-eutiuî" ire-irons, and aOther articles ot CiilurS àmw arehrt- thseseeue of suicit a:exhibitilon. 0ed at the troeps, bywhich aeveat otefl of t" Tue eetig ooasclhenas a xprteA ustrian cotnmatuu't'5stafi were wotinded., lT* 7lemetin- as aleu s n epatepopulace wtre, isaweuuta, couaislle.tdl&ieps, demoiishration --- it vas neyer regarnie.!leaving erbt cf itir ititothr killed, ëa amu cor iuileided lu ha eegerded, as aniueet wouri'ld, bhind theas. A brigade et Anairsu i ez th'ite itip-so ornj -- ieo-bas been quarteredin uothe sobo!etSt a.li;amnd. ing c Toento--biteor-fie.ld gluaî, ready charger! and priosa",,art islb. gituaturs of il, secre sei! sovare ltaIent pai.!ic 5sultiare. te preventanaother oatheak itntaI a mat c f vo-vdyisrn tiseir îsarîy ions leca5iuy. lie exa.4peatien of the inhahitnte of, no cthance %usithilite ctildrea of Stale- 1lamlotrg and Ahaone exceeuhaitl l.oadM, Citnrliisn. Tay bae nedesie lu The Senale cf Hetnburg hava protemlm agaitest Cl>ctis'. titheu os ha eore--iey Iote occupation of the aeurb of St. Poli by Austif- cote y itd lienit tapat». fi--te ui-an urool)5-nts-e tlileaiitn aduitional forceetjfol, tieuofthe mtinig antt h le acvavise- scene of the ae dstrbBane8. Th pubioIL mnsinii heples x esysaitd ieseare aii. gttîy axaperateîd; apeially. menîs tc jiers epsesysd. siuc-e uhe details cf tht affair have comule gearal ltat it Nov e lu a amneeing cf 4 T/te noice, and sirîceaibneproved thst thebteneiblescomml .qlnti- Ulergy Reterces ./ssociatioure ofutSuuado]Slttaechei ah ttitdt b ha adnlresad by "ooSembers of t/te associa- violence and harslaceeso(the Auatrirnu scldbtsm snd 1-1-1oirp iT p I ie "îhat: clers. Sevtu-t strictores toc, are p.îaei uiponthe. tunîcnnuei J oriuuktc h teï znoda. ant. te Mayor's uflèr tnàtbake thecitai: le Wusho took nopa o laun tpeu-îZ~î in bs 'ffi.ial capaeit osas decliuie.!, o rtune il was tein te dancing bo ni h i- ihe us py cillty of the eccec f conflirt. IlleproetoSlIte teepess grousa.!ltat ltat 'v9nld acene of tht conilict, Tht pauleat et'Ille Boust*- nich il a ptublic meeting ovîieis il vas hu au rnmte eVesFaifn td ntitended te ha. Tte riiogienders Barlin. cf te rioters os-osetoeil aovare of tii- Tht Berlin Minieteeiatjournai elates tbsttleu. cf liti the confliiot helweenthel people and lte- and il oves a niera prelexb lakan for tîta Austrianunoopa ai Allons, waagreaterlhsua &t ia occasion, lue e lte telief that il ovas suppeseil. Seven persas tere kitied ad frousSO a public Mmetinn- Of thme itizsî,. Tt o 40> w9undtd. oas a meetingof thte nflociatioui ovitho' opten dtors--frons wiich oe a VOS ex- clutded, Lutt in ovîicli noce but menîhers Ion.! eny rigitt wiîaîever 10 take a paru an.! lru;m oviiclilte Society itar lte igYt to1 eject eh wito creet. disttsr- banco, and 10 caîl on thte oery mon wto lad lise riotars to nid thea in doiuîg su." The absenceaouthtIe editor titis oveek, ut r. .(. Ll:L:- as- a an.!the tima OCenIpiedt cccitlidina,« unhers wiithout pay. Titis lthe Re- rtees deuîy in a note set tolu tî, snek- nferproof ami. for an exllatinu, id in rnply, te does col iecy lte sr'e, cor oflert10prove it,hutseemsto nk ltae Reporters ugit tobconsider emsel vastera bysufferance. Titisis a oect iussusil net cniy t itts coutatituienis, il1 tIste people cf lte Provitnce, ovîo amt it as a rig/l9to10ktsow vIt is being ta by ltaeitrepreseittivea. Coi. Gut- CUI.Prince, an.! Mr.Slterwoud uvouiri ife or crip1tle tae V ress if ltaey coul.!, il is cnly cecruipt sud deigning hpoli- inca ~ ~ ~ ~ o ltIsa. ndgecfis influ- ie. To sucit, il is a thora in litait h. Mr. Siaroodc made an atlack i tae press ltaecther nighti;btlil a1t- irs b i tae foibowiuig, titat it was only =nse ite coul.! cot currupt ils pueihy. It lIse eloctors look out for sucit men lte cumirsg eleclion: 'R. SIiERWOOD'S ATTACK ON TUIF PltESS.-flJS PURITY AND COINSISTENCY. A lad bhas conte te eur knowledge tcetning Mr. H. Stetuco.!, an.! tis latîcu t tise press, wtich affords a -nificant cummeetary on ttc righateous àigeation that escapa.! fromth iat gen- ,m-an en Tîteadayaiîght. Duueisg a ,bale, ha incidetaiiy accusie.! hue jres the reporters, cf aystemattcally pnb-. îing tite speeches cf Mi. 3Mackenzie td of withclding lte reioues -of bise- If an.!bis friencia. To ltaI vomese- repiy, tlil osnftll<yen*.er Ilnttue.. t wboat 'avili lté reader ltiak of Ibis ne MrS fierwood tuien wo sale, un mftee th e eemencemout of be mers ua, fta easber aapled ta-ewa.Jr,- tisa aerregentns atînouttced to-day, os-il ccrtntîfor te patily cf editoriai. The comuntication cf lia Looker on,") cameitu ot i acds bîut titis nîocnimog atnt svea regret is toctaaetuh1 tîsefuti.O Tu Mer Ediier of te Wilby Repgler. Mr. Editor,-lc tbe hut Reforiner. Ibere is un article fnom IdB.DC." endtavoring taO rtvivet tht oid discussion hetssixrttis"9-BDC," ,tht pseuda- represecîsuive of tht Brookln Debatinq Club, andl Ibe Reparler. "B.D.C'a" prrit atemi ver> much anncytd, In llîiîk the Reporter bas cot made eut- icient peey ior the allusious be made uo uhe te- marks cf tht ,-Refornier, on bis pet debale. ,BDC" mu.t bha-e v.ry intiate natnef bis ewn dignty art importance,td evidenti> ferme large exportuationst of dettrence and!bomage dot te bim froua o*heus, if he la nat satistiet! with t apir>alranly given by tht Reporter, wbieh mas rndeejample and! s5tiaheetoryl by ama.ority cf tht club. Nstwithtieandotug idB.D)Cu'Il 1-gni- uy andl importaunce, ifia cci cf that chat-acter as ho renter bim incapable cf atm.in ow andl disreputa- le languag-e,tnt impuieg 'to *"Acoîber cf the Club," actions tnt! feelings anworthy of a brother detor. luwoatt! bave bren oselt if 44B.D.C.,") in maktng tht charge of uasrtpuèsentaraoii, had sbewn it What IdAnotber of the Club'e"Ilaccoui c f tht debate was incorrect B.D0C"Ilikewùise assertu, shat 'Another cf tht Club" lias nu moeright secai bimue!f a memt- bar o the Club 'tbaha bhlastostyle biooelf M.P. - These thar lise in glas& bouse, shoult! not tbrow atones; Il aind it WOutd fs e t aiaI!urpiing, il, opon a liitS. etsj'îtny, tht charge would batfount! tu receit upon I"B.D.C." Tht factina, .- Aneiten cf the Club"i" ncie of<ut co dait m tes b;hie name was ont cf the first enrolle! os our bocks, snd ha bas alwayasbowo a pcaiuewerthy zea' te premole the intutrest artnrd ieayc b.ssca tienl, se!paid bis inttieory (ee, asuit!ais adaoe and atuc&MUttusaeheueisc callet! lpous. Cît "-9J D.1amyasu mchit labis ame toehafouad p- on thteIbooku, or bas he pituhe iraI e.opper imue the fuies 1Idut it Vay mch Youc truly,- AutoTitra y= daor Tilt CJLt'a. Brookin, Jutly 1,18lu. EOLtpEs OP ?T55 MoIqTSL-Itthe montit of Jîly 1I8M, 45. wali *b lwc eclipsa; DÉ]e lte mmuj% 0 ITA LY. The Frenchs court martial at Rom.- proaîotinced, on tlit 4th, senteaco of death aLrctnst fots mac eonvicled of hnviusg forme.! port of ta Romeau patrol walt icis sotte litnaage attncked a French petrol in lte strecîs at nigitt. One stman lias, hesides, heen condamne.! lu barrd laboure for life, an.! t!ree tu ive yeara cf lte sute punisitmeeî. Tto rst if' te prisoners, eleven in atimbes, voe acq uilte.. Let tees from Renie cflte 12th gialeý, Ilsat to of lteunen convicted of attsek- ing Frencht soldiers in lte sîreels of the, capital itto.! een sud onlte Pozidet1 A letler froma Leghorn, of te Stit inst., stahes thal a seercit iavimg taon mnade by te gendarmerie, oenlise pre- ceding eveciog, aItte residenco e a Englishit miiy,tluaît Lord Aidborotgh, a ciandnsîitsq press a'sadiscove.! 10- gatiter witiî iseveral important JiSpOs. Tfha seeecio ovs nmada in preaepeo frte - Britisit Consul . Sonie membera et <b i'arilylias-eheanarreaiedj. A botter cf ltae 9tit gives arduiler isrticularu. Thte police foie.!, hesidea a voluminuocqo- respuodensce in Englisit, a complet. 5lt% of J'rinting ataterials, aeesi cléndos-- lite publications peinte.! on tb. Promi-- ses, an.! aquaetity of arma. The titr son& of tise laIe Lord &Idboroughi snd an individuel "'bu allemipte.! toemoPe. wese arrested asec!secoced i tilb ates- za Veccitia. Theoarticles werée put ilà1te citests an.! seaied îp in lte prenmuceOf lte Britishs Consal». Puate.e 6MUS mor-, connecte.! wilh Ibis akr aV beau sunce sereate.. ÊPAIS. A laIton cf lte ifit instant givit *a accoîmtufan iemportat diao"uwilàthe SIj siitseDate on tise araire < of la.- guI. ie ausavos tu a qtuestion ikom M Oiver, tho Marquis deMiaro4N Ibat a. çàse cf intervention ta migit arise, eamelysitoold - UWOql.tIW itai trone cf lte Quenoa0 ' f i lie ini daniger: bth. fZaaki7dptW tbat at presentpthle.Spao vE assI ecouaae-,tos .~The ý jý Piiénqw'ot -allowed 10 1 4 . fi 5 1

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