Whitby Reporter, 12 Jul 1851, p. 1

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-/1 V Officc, in Wiiiy Vlae La--T.i, îS'ihiintperanieu- r3~n ;TieLuelskilings ýi ic oClO.e f £ke ,yecr. lmsadnae te titis Oilca inacoit e wa te par i g A e ts f r îb ,R ep o rter , 1 ' .ProPrietor. ~àn, an su ~~WE :~'. q 7., R liiîn othing hun aiîuuirent' to m ~~Terrace. ~6L.2. iIT Y, CANADA WEST) SATPUÉLDÀY, JtJt 1,18 51 E N E W N E OS TUME. a gas liolde, ntrodtices Iîer>batiblô of 10 Ã"SATE.A O. A tc U II OU S A F FA I R. TEr l' CM iA*Mn. UPtQ arLcuwo. air beneatb thse roof prepared for i ts re- I.bublhvnéte.%î ite,,, r tims rpe~t~d ad wen he assontie twenty years ugo, 'hcsillustra- Lnu ae ae li ti f2.Thobatno iofa er inothvlibduaeo" on ii.-o4iibu ~ lEtlitiCCd hlitr spred sufficieýntdai tee n le r heatbhastisa esy t dsere e bited in his short a cake of aliln- tiful braz'eimNe ; rf a eavltlo7wifeliiih thé t as metng n i i t clleteu.tios, l)tilt on the niodel oF flic Crystal :ne rse., er;e îttfPrlnw> te ~~. ~ apartmeutto Ïts intended etnse Iw h tnewe nfdlî lcjadsuruddwtbnnaue Tbçusalt not ake theamie O Ii7Wlki ffifiraittOf u .p mneeaad mlvforu ~ lae hbold and defintt, and ptiblin eetns iliouiis, To be in jèÉý î' y ey.-on, Paae, Whoaer l ifieanhaedd porfeet keeping,4. 1ýemembei tby ile tokeep ber mpeciailé. ; Aaocatw Je ý,.qùlf'vetâruérmfrk evur be nmoyated by sermsh ere.held and violent demonstrations liis monster ceu, wihsfivee feet 5. nonýr thy wîîe± fatber and moihber. C à « modst 41ie'if di= - Ide ourlier rya. e s. mso e f rade in consequence of an attempt of 1lon, is madu -witiî a thotuand Frencli 6.Thou hait no fret.. m ro*I.,ets ,)t e a ar odet tyl o diu;_____________ te ovoomnt .,entrc tu îwseggs, a bnndred pounds o t.bitter froni t7. Thon sbial t etfind fu"ult with thy dinner. grapih ouce,-aL 1 'nidduewithaiaîr oulaehins, TUE RLIINOCEIIOS. agninst keeping shope open co, tli a- Hollande a hundred and eighty-four 8_hnîbi ofh eid h eghor h Ta& tiimo tàfSk ishit h ol lvn r. bt.Thetla f r feetl pournds cf.stugar froniInia ahudred -18. Thoa halttrot lit viail th e atig hon Te- sptei1çr li b ath, ha tîd e of v n e ue L ' n ce os in th - -opu la e e i g w as I d a ' bt1.c b w ha t rpn ur ht hé.2umOrnni1ateh S~* ~ fti fek lslettes nl Dolivin ineosin the f bu hghunder the artfiîaiag-and forty.,tlree poliuds of English wheat ahait heit.covet tetaokeepier uirum, deliv-061àerd - iue ei mu o dp ,eWflrequest. TJgrieoMrs.0Ramotand, ie sing t e mange-r is eaft, nedîeio -ad P»«h Ce.TIti§rar4anialehsaakfeaidute itiathre; for lytptgLafis behin"d thebafhROlWêIe ~ ~ Ilwould a IimagerieCo.Mes rars. ia asa-braextenin ameivas appoint- rerasnfomPtsiîý6xpld &dt.i1qi »tàtueatpec OfPiEadiaMtwou lai nayau ways been a desideratum ncolctosed in the I'grk, aod the îî ot ~ f i'rons fronPortugal, ninity Ilrmons tax out ter Ihan 9 o'tok t îgit bo e*apairofIlittUafe cf wild be-asts,,for ntwihtuiîgttvited te attéud. Wiuts hu r v- fotSaasxypunsc pcsfei 6v ouCsL es'waAeud t fthe h -N a P"iUlid4l, inthe etreet ilele iihenmna iigc otel- edaentre.d se bluit tlrougcli Ceylo». It took flfty seven beurs te bteuiningte renbdbaronnes deinhtedwtha. u rEeep inhisdity reestiscrîinoee s irte atuo ove-oumediagrentntoftheledestr ke ad i wiges inelttidre ad înii)srsstoafeatofheesludeaiders, iceîedir 3>o'tblmianit mdi f a dreacnd- einiat wbose appreaei\all other beasts sontie vant of prevîcus preparation cf 1telypud.a are fêoWlîraad hi xil Maiep; rscodint.ps .»,lnsçr twernt potîns. * Ane~ra~e uyear h Worth a qnaiter'a arho" (fu'wsr e ý Ã"uîe .Aa"ed a t ai hitenrbom mmuaey iessa _________in-___Iotea cbld, snd evary father muat cons4lidrtt Tnmauadntaaake hnoa, anedatlyretire. A traveller itn bsnesalngtinte wa!î;spent THE DUKE 0F WELLINGTON. -înîniîrmîo acneaedibdane vres in about ehour -B«igtesdwl o'i ro. Sentis Africa mentions that cne day, vithoutany orgyanization cf thle meeting, musat. Ta ohriof as dataei>e wi oneof ils ~o'vexd, nut cnan hlp xprssobserin a large lion louve tIlle a dîlot a little dissatîsfacticn of t e Thse fuke is weillte do i h vrdhaa adbetake Iinself te the iplain, uime- waiirg nassesasspparent.Aîn rdaignttt it htan ond ih cia at taetae hreo rVisloaeaitaza.an Icthnil.daigaou it husn oid ildtre . sbqnd hereli lie lattrtucteit. A iniad AMERtCA ÙÙLlgI Tnoêra-cntellthi, -e- diateiy fuliosved by otîters,liews ecri.. a sranger, a larg~e mati witîi a steuteri- sterling a year, itn eaway or the other. occupied tbeomes thrtiied against theilsot life, iltEs.-._By .teýeistýdeofsi 'Qa' n~adirenet iswa on dme ies tu lenrn tise cause. Aftee waitiug atvîe a enetrn h ast froua the guverricettand the peuplecf>n o hscdfor emergefcyQChititran aused <if Qu ~'Itv~eeaalo.mr-andtlstre, ashort tanse, tweivo îionç, oeeafter gato and uîaking his way toward thse Englasd. He is a riid ecenomist, as more sitsnotityrof onciadeaen lsaS lenlsiiiee 'Tloogi luawu'anosat <y s ,nissned fromt the covert, and stels,"dmaite way ! make way !"-The al ilitrymen are apt te -be, il, lis yonng.m-en have set" hi r naaansaa and cà ' therefortîneitlser Thatsssoelltyu lkanqaeo.» soon a latige rhlîoceros made bis appear- crowd opened before hlm, and be pass- bislod otbsIais addso rogh nyparntwho n e ve eer dini tet ta, of b. oomptllee .Sch a few of mny more auîce. After takiang a complacenît sur- -Hnv1mayparul b sei t twldbaeidt-e cs hc'rsn~~~ eds eUesesadtc neeatd~to oprerfvrbynh lcs tars fonr bootsfor th 'r tauities,,wrttseta utaaat'i &uud Vanutbclsen oa ey of th e openi counîiry Ilie îeîsurel1y re- Positioeu, and tînalifted Ilus voice se as cf bis grea. martial anteccdent --- Marl]- tînnn.au(s to îeruem a son or dangbitari who-had wsas tauls e4ý- ot wmïWhee te chee wll nd, tunedto he uret.te ha Iteard hy fine assemlîled tîtousands, hercugli. Wellington is îlot jerv pak-ignf~oranîlyandthoughtlasnlyfalleu hattemjtpào. ey lin b Gvenessg* Mt4ua Noîknow- tsin w l prceewenid tme eliefrs.and said,, i" ros entie-This simenieus, and the steries that arel ýtonîmn ttn ohvoce 'h tVaiymeat cf thesi Thas, aIt-sa i uv at riidTiheeletîhant imîîîediateiy recegnizes eI îerors ak Âaduit&oamaisuoa~ lus prsenuce n Q cnwledges bis cîeet, a e tdeued te meet je'- cf thé piserly doiugs aid savings, (sticinhanseadceraifdereofamaiîh erd pennziaotè,»io4iu îîerîcritY. A nt unih er cfut' r ae nediatei u asnie all." eîl e then a s Ip1rotesting ut -thu Un"_edSevic uitwhotat oi araa 41The Tnsw sste swb 4Ttheycaom tyl -largo eieiiait %vas landed anNew York, started i ha tîttdirectioni and svasfollov- Cîlb, shere lie ývas oncein tise hztbit es Qgit h aaavrJyeyulfe-r8- Fm£a< WITBUS ;OPti 1'TeTiilda, uTeBnae tt" ed liv the cod ooeo eoi p'o aiga l ',A" Mmthsy paee wsniçn aheimsui, and eondtîcted ti tlplaceocf exilibition r d î.aec vinta-c ahi nedseldier's intîer, be- 9 ltcý 'fr1iet We whlaipt it, n dtîe int,,' in tne nig-int. lile rceeded quiaily to peared te kiuowv Iiai but ail stinîuiîsiiig cause lie %vas chnrged onîce Is 6d in- .SHIPLOAflio ELEPËAN.-TIl bark flegatta Wil uthfy iheot e trulli, lts alloedsinintino Iuanagtie bave spekeu by antIority fronc steand cf l 3d for tIhe regilticn -chbop. îhvingêt etom ci a reitas-bnh ,-îe r srÃŽ y.of he er.t Tlntwsaawnrtepantsîozooitintil bh a cme uearthie cage of a yoîunîg s6mrnoscuce. I-aving uqtiieckencd lis and -t glass of' sherry,) are coîîsidoredmosretshcungtsaîlcearco, tt the wsile -stet.y wasý _____1_51___________________________ illshrîek Pace iand -made sevarai tutras in diflereint exaggeïatioîîs. lie is a very indtîlgent n 24 andi6 fetin Jeagth beaides a wiiWeîueacf 6aes AItthe ooeuffl .N~bpu, muas. Jane 1851.tiiinosarlse eeaipev tinm sthrihi "0rnans." Otea et tbemstcrinýaoîetrasfnnwihheqxpt8w cf alanm, lie nîsîed oct ite the sreet, sre ieecpdfrn u it cf lauîdlerd, and bas a great mny eld ser- moays- ta fretait errupineunit ther ivd 1'HE DtLIG SPIDiER. demolislinag part of the. buldigin hieisa olwn «,adwsnenea et bu l.I visli.1 srneofte ot iacati ili etiesoft~r,'nd~gô4niî~à .11W itË 10RM S HItS DIVIN G BELL. Tht lgi. t ia av ate e a n e p luce mien, whe from the îatuîre of nienontha old, a d ieanait froàa ilsaion tihe m ca ad c1rceiy a rivèl - ~~~tinte and ,itb great ditAiîty tîsat ll their business ara innthe svay te mark I -ete f h oca faniotns Ni. passageafrauCen, beitagi lea mfee îuiligdre1iuf< SWho hm aot Q ar is ;f f ,,;~»,CnuMAhna .m.,ntw No tirg-every ceeunteînancne over sawv iini* la rsîpou nephejtiýeîsî rhl m inc 9,edaU h etoiid'ie ,a* %ibelneld Ibat I"lion" Dc f he Polytech - ung [Doucesn»J' most-."ave 1anag wtt s11 ,errie inte -5t, pro-balsetheai É.1dtc*r he-ti' .) t4he diviasg-beilT Now those svho cf tenunersan oiu tIn Thes , wn L i . ~ îacotnn, rniais scîiciteted cf ie ba Fleo tivTe junles is rs.J lnaitnd design ofitavinglier. f h peissp iiecedwu nsurh ts tet-aIms, te the paltry stm cf a" penny.') cauglit inthiravpntsby5er.Jua d a o g *iur lesk of oppertunity are ameng tha secured in a pare f ieo rnhsslaielietsd;-enl otfisl t ad ie e- Ai aî 111 "ad vnfriétaircorpaaeç y 90ftetatva.Tai ho on f'm ielc latter, nay ueo a diving-bell inn luinia- reinitte frens is uereditary antagfniat. capîIle pennyaffectait by Il an ivinaIl250c 1mm tenerlitii.f hsI 't*i t byrepairing te thebrink cf sema -Saturday Evening Gazette. ~~thu oa it ic diprkhsition eu sheînld giva eîu teas 1suds, mnr' I kraal or rude pan, constrrnt0 itue juuugle.e ont uhesitiatc* ,r~dî, el enpouâs!"uxcaihoaxheeeul f ,hih-heNlueusei dîsp 13 esitien ey.e terettnrn.oerth ni treans, canal. or ditels (provi- TIse storn cf jiptiar passin îthat liad "en îîuss "exiiae heb o.n tiheyaeesre quhaeruueing s3.idelisviuig he d t'.net Itagnant), la the neigii- A YANKEE BELL-RINGER. bInou nîsed euded un a joke nt the ax- g r ; «4Tan potnds! wliy, it wouid nake duoe T he tasq ad le bpaage homef he' -Sh ula te>hood ce 'Portlatnd or elsewiîere.-- apmnnec ntelisovua. he Reatttaerîede bèrpansaç hosie-ehtg SétLllfu~ niere may ho pereeived, ahiing A talle awkward-leoking chape just i9sec4isnuttos u euette "T'aire it, titan," rejoiuied the timet- .080d mels tii itHeaen 2di icThcp stlebytise"1«renoe 'i throîngh the water, a little globe al)pa' frem the green niotintalisa cf Vermoutwsta teuytritsprluaesnier, andliasded hihaItle suni. etu.paat buters were ilirea ente'nîfu dys - e ti gaiW*Ioî~ a.ealyeaiiervhihatrroun a-lcanne oau board eite cf the splendid steuteriaîî ecice uiîpeared lucre on a Tbat ni-lit linamade ite folowing inle jingles bafqre they elfecte4 ther o bjtt.- position. Uwft1t~~ prent, ivrlhihsroid a vtlwgthat lie cotîuldissolve te teet- ennyla ue accnu th ii & ed xjuoiedAv.e nt--h oy ofa isng spie o Lve r 'satAbny ci i The restlt showed ti-e case witheti.tihecartes a Ceca oo:- iwoe nbmergad habitationendu m- iosiby %vas aniaxaiugly exciteul et onceI "'n-e-tm. !hedo, y) .whiic a crewd înîay ba ltouxed autd set ' Esi.ense--iteci: t 'et/re.g G iltttfl, beu acnbudasan ieceînoîed tpeeknng," as h tliReUe-.£10." Whe titissigulancitange seis &.DVA 0 T 1"&LJ ="rei.AceS)hlQ ÊOEtîconomty hrae -on donuie1 as anelie come,,,ya5.ote tfold-Bopore RaiberIcuIt, 'mt lowby difèeuaobservers. 1",Tiesa cailed i, jatte every ascek andl cornier cf o hepaie eteed i loe twt o o inthe sat. luecitaiai'e office, the on- .~..~mutotsgood humost. Thesteanner 1'Battic'u rrivrdait i o'rôeth I upideoru, as A&Mc -,«.Abatl 1:WU ter as*bel of(stronngeleseiy wos'en white gine recta, the barber'ssiîop, ail under- lilire tie furia cf a divinsg-beil or liaf iveut bis insspection ; aîsd tiieu lie weut ààa4pigeenlaegg. Thisissoitietinuesqttite on dock, aatd stared iai amazenuenît at 1 kmabsergMaut ders patly ebove tbe tIsa lever henni, tino ciiunneys, and cdi- unwsier,inand le always attachad to 50010 or fixiuis, tijlet lasi lue caînglut sigflît cf oljetseean it by suea irregulan ibreada. tInobefl. This o-as une ercwuuIuug uvorNi11- ~ ~tla coee ailroud, bt les alarerda, and ieinaviasved i' frontevery posi- .,Àpmeung below, wisicti, howevcn, I fcuaîd tien, walized rounud it, gt uo ils kaîees illmed on ,tin o ith cf Deember, and anud looked tilt ite it, exclainuuuîg, &spider living qnietiy within, iitis61"-Wall, rnly this iseats the bell con ort lier he.d dcwwanrds. I matie a rani matin' lieouse a great sigît. la 4ifthis Cel and expelied, tisa air, tapon By tbis tunue the atteutuon of thne cap- rhaba the spider came eut ; yeb tnotgl tain and severai pumssengers %vas attraet- apeidte have been laid up for cd te tho genlis. sî0f«Mnabas ie ber sinter quartent, "Howratuch it iiiyonî usi teolet a Abegreediy salsad eiu and mîcked.eus fller ring tliia bah ?" cried bine greun- Tihemalie au veil as fernsle, mion. otruea.iiilanaobuaqnaohnscail, and «I"Yca amy ring lb fur a dollar, sir," nag stisterawel as winler. One answared te captain. À&xthem spiders wu kept by Mr. Ren nie "Wall, it'a a bargain, al fair andi - F " Mune in a gissa cf vaber, agraed,and ne backiug out." ibe il bmilt acelli iebnserged, lan"It'eea bargai, sir," said ite captain. 1..it. laid ils eggs Tiese are an- 0cr liere wenb deliberately and ïèuMd hageff of yelie ailli, and sre lrought a seat, anti took lold cf the bel] edîia anmîner, nope, and having arranigeti everytlîin9 Bt t à l l in h pags o f Kirby andti t bis satisfaction, cemnîenced rngiîg àpnethat we fted tlelhaitatiosand very siowrly et finst, anti greoîuaii y (ast- ý 1,d7 ièbi t li" anspisibieus anchitect tet erandifastar, 1111 everybody on hoard ,sujkigi and plemsnntly descibet.- iheagislinah boat was oà lira, aasd rush- -M iE« e ~(gay tisey) bituia water ed on deck, scraaming witiu alarta. sud klInued etair', sconstrtedeon phi- There sbeod tise captain, andbiera set ).luphio prinqles,,ami consista of a tise V'eranontcr, ingjog tîway, first slow aul?ïqtmees, yet dry, apatteent tansvhch antt then fasai, aaîd tison fast, and tison Jike a ,snotitùadDEt a sea.nyipis, &aise re- bye or Chree tmpsala, a blute. sidesincoinfemàt. Loose tineada attach- Tise passengers begans te expostulata; ad in varions iretions te bis, leaves of tb. captain salul lb was a bargalo. But auatie pantis, feras a frme-work te ber tise passeugens isecane urgent that tihe dabr.Over tise.-aine spremdsa clasigur slietnid ho ateppeel. Ail tihe ttaspmaetfels"i)i]varuchlsi1kl- wiietisere a st ort haro sndis8turbed, auid tbaIuWh*icbsase fronthtie miti- inging away moie waya tlian a ceck- êïo( butodaiin ; n ext, tispreatis aey ehime-ringen ever atreanîpi cn.At ovex r bely a pellicle of tise sanselest tise enfuie began le tbink it tian*e Mitria, ad ieïs te thé senlhnce te te stop tise snqp!eio, but bis aniaver îàhJe -ad =My dcv a supply cf ut- aA(irbraesuuck ig gjeiOfluld., BmdwnWfnS, anti eut," andine rang asvay fur dean hif.. w»boIdy, II buit tis fletiO5still -We~i,"'7 is e 0aptin «I ~what -ttato4ocir diven (1y a prffcesa1 w-leu y take tui *bop 1 w * i ýMp"w ý*e.-ý-Walca~5,I. guesfl beant base, bble ýee, b. atbi' 0tak fi dollarsand ae tee épéhMq* Yorkbut nt-na' ed tnJthe affitie aind SURPUSt ARGaUMNT. Cetunsellor Wilkinson wag arginug a motions tequasis for defective reconi- zaîicoiin a cauise lest wteek. llaviuîg coneîusively slcwit onie foia dafectinlu tise recegnîzaînce, Ise said thora mvaîc many otite qtally fatal defeets *inn lb. Ilid on, muId con,' saya tIse Jîadge miîkîng cry fusI, ' you rrniot thse eitît, Mn. Wilkinsen, et a nlaacn lisn Taîsoasse, Cuffliad. heen ont wiltinoh cari ansd oxeus. ansd ratumning, iis toas- ten akot iim ivatmea saetroube 1 1 Whsy, atassa, doe iiea islabroke.' 4"ta taiali, Ctffl' 'Ne masa, de L»ttçît breke, eoo.' Wlat, diti tisa'oxaiun i a-y i' «'Yas, nunssa, auttif1114 sgse. la lb l ossible, Cliti'! 'And the off cx, loti, masse.' 'So, ycot black ranscal, you have matie a perfect snmash up, andst binaI athe rea- sou mvly yonî camae back,' wlny didn't yoti tellie 050SeV1 1'Why, massa,' said Cufi', seratciug bis mccci, 'l'si-)oedat one visaci ha fi- dient et itsett iudividoeaily, ivithent lpro- ceeding into de antine argumernft eh 'de cent and exuniV ANECDOTE. The Providence Jotîrnal givc's an aun- ecdote-wlticb we hava often heard-- oftolti Dr. SIragtue, cf New Hainîsisire whose excellant sayittgi are well knowa. Wisile once lueaching front bis ptiipit, wicit vas ina the vicmnity cf tise Morsadnock amotintain, ise expatia- ted te hie audience. ne îapower cf liiith, ýandteneited the passage (nom te, New Tesaantnt, in wtticb lb is sit- If yekAamfaiàu a grain of m=Wad 8eed,.y e ualsyto tii.notta4ma, , e y. ret'uod," &c. Tisen ina exciaimeul "yest Msy Isamrsa,if yotàadfifhtus a grain cf iastrd seed, andsti iscltisay tuo Qit Maaadnock, ha ye removed, àl w.oaqdie"--whee, pausgaad casting hia eypaieit of the pttipit wiîtdow, mie shpok- i eu lrvy, andcontlauad Duriog bbe late rutnge fer Saodiasg pa. itions, ian umenotusîy sigaîcî, tot e aqueuî,, a boy's scinoul mea visiteti li a petitioîn, wliictsbite sciselas ruse tu sigua. Oue, litib hrv, itomeaen, tnied tue oscupe, anti tîpoîs teiîugaked bu siges, ultotîteiy nofuseti touattach is i unine. luît. mm'ns the objection ? %VTus liena Catinchie? No. WVere lis 1parents îptliuuics? Nia."te wluy mvulduu'b ha aigu ? Afler a long, tiose the urcluii nhbered lb ont. I tion't vWaut te igu -becauua-ecsnse -th u qa swold se îy bad %vrit- ing.", A friand was caliedt t giva evid'erce in a court heid by a jpistica <of ttse pence lus an adjoini.ng cotinty. Accînstometi te tho atqlliî rolîriety' cf tIne igiser coutns, aur readers cao jiatge of bis as. tonîsianent et jeurng use of thea laW- yens telk teilune justice ettenthis fashio -,l May ilb ianse yotun Utaîor, 1 did usot intand te beconse exciteti in ibis case, bu1t yen are se ifeSl.tupid that al efforts te controi amy tem1ter are aiea- A 'nann was otro day wheeiiug a wiieeibarrow acrosaecîsurchynird, nt tweuîbv milens frontMachester,' Eng- lend, iens-line wes bireateuseeiby na clergymen w~tith a cuusdigu -lutishaent for hie daing ourage la poolltting tise coneeciat.ed gncnaud by lis wheelburcme. Tise tman, acnetcbinng liii hegdt, sid: 1 fi tilt now lit the whaelarrcw wvîs aousecrateti toc, (on I borromegd Jh cf tise frxttut." f«Oir SINGULA a-Thie Ameerican u lr Mar -Annab, on ber lest tnip ttîBeifast pc padog 'wiicis %vîaswireuirslg ine bh miidle cf tisa Atientic, nawtely, in li ùgitude sixty-fve degreae fcnty aun fmiut Wat Iiiiaethirty 5eee iegrees1wensy ra uautig>N... It Ëamid f the Freneh ladiesa, hat bhie findoefr efet runea to ch-asn exR5 thty d w Wbe slu" t tb husttel,prciseattitudes ttu4spàù bef '- aieck4ingglsass, p.t., on the 2fith tit., andt renedb etr wharf ai 'i"he lisaas Oive 6'cWk, p.nin., makingtlesassageinniotnays )lirati ni and tWeoty-two h)tours. 'I*'heMWerld's Fir E.iihitiorn Mvas viqted oà t he ive a vie 2irit ty67,5} persaàns. and 6 -16wsihamaat rgnuîg un'i taen a the e oi.td.îGth CouuuIt inq ta nake erraiieuaert; ti ihe ueiaptioui nithe staeet 1 Ametiu' ~The prinsarrinfur ihe crep-4tet teir coaîtiauaaleveay lavouale. aere con ~FAc.Lediu]Rolltabas baàeooaimnit ed o uqlîck." tw*uty-twe auu' qààdiamei, uta5flui' of 'beoa cubes f0)1 rancs, feroie putbîiiaion tu cfiwpatiit of thne 141h of Fchtaay aînd t31hjane. Sua ils Conmmrial arcaîuis foi the week ame more îa- con veyed voutatîte. The Parie correspondent of the LoWaidoin gmait ti 7ies, datait Juana 1, ws; Tea asort ~ r> purtier eahaer'et ithe ceocf île Paris Cors matrket ystrday. Cotenrosea 8facsia arii, , Fifa.-1 init wheats uoteit at.ne francs. Ooa eaqbkiry ccluck? p as te tle canse cf the, s'itdea attum e w ia"nuaS that tise ecouants receatilyrecaiweaitrame fli gis nýe.a ce4llural itiriis aae tny ansilr àavonmblè & Co*, *h charatan. JIb isisetedi tît youag vInit lhuever! bt t tý where maubre or tlo is îeestit udithte de5iciesscy lauSSiS14nce "stmater! ut 10 par et"1 Lnnssxan M<>Nt lttIA "ET, Jîue 24.-Ther àwIlite itlllllili neo fotiher change 'of aey tuit teIo tIe lntheEn;Lu S PS 4tsii uctli Stock rearkt-t. 'iras renuaied nâetra. 'F.s' ~onsolas 96 ,5-8. France tanit"quiet. The Netionat Âsimbý 8$iiisêtY el "te etg igel nte.xclusieeîy wsahlthé q-lesiion hu lbi Du of revisiota, but nnewpe lpas bei presente i 4«ül aie our hast., The llritin lamnt wScèn ansit hii emadl debates npna thajêlitr wsr and i îe Leelsîsitiesi onSt eet- Tillas ilt; Ibeiratuahuitu;clausescf ias tbill hig propety., Blaghtty amendait, lhad Icei lgreetiIo tbe'~bbc i<*-5table faum Mc. Oiesbau paspew bs ti re *tlmou t' hé w navigatioù lava until Mcay ev t. aniargashý G&AKÂT Fia'ax N o » til0* ftheImolutteuts'.e Cg deatructive iras tlàtaevereoccureed in ondo, grazin,an panait ou-thenaigti he'u»h, whîi abike*u [in one et he arehotlnuses seur thes Leerdun-Id4. Ii'vilig, bu J.o.ntuited t iea47.t2£=(M.0 Thî e sv&gt andi buapet S&uftt5 weiteAlitermti ai!n*tMs &gCo. - piste a Mdviees fucen Luafaca, datedtild, afate t Jhn C PntnuI reitas quiet. - -The Fracsli&set vasaet Cad1s. fu 1 The troopa cf uth it di,.ision ver. rveweihuildingS by île iPresidetnt of tée Repiblie, as anmeunceti femcesorel iundayaalurOe li te Chamep tw Mai. veyatu - flu1 aeueêultiy O tnelntîieY avie. 'j Vive Napolses. in fmantt SsÀm~,-ÂCanUtà athens lé&alt.,stsa tlm i iénkntai4 au tw'fras air y -extnasustad, su unt \wre Moaeyé Lletcly extingi re ,aaSuie yin! te ie r epeedil'y saîtted1 tidfi'tse FiferO l bitmins, mitboet4d ýZv.Lam flmb 's s Il +

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