Whitby Reporter, 28 Jun 1851, p. 4

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te 1 JxJWo-4'OL. 4T9MfN MOb. WOOL. iP SOCIE TY, t SVà>ùigiar to xvhom these L CLO là,1 11 ý11 i a , BYt5ad01O0IT1045 0,00 StrIllag týyA ZEha be agin pjsc Ad gent Mi, dic1 BUtpàîüý R. W, CLARK, M. D. OptâI~ *n1 tueofe leclebrated Factory of m urPmphlets, Bhanks, mdalrqiieifrma- 1LLIqveTOOfJ 1;iss., ton nay ho had on appbematsom te SêiyTueR, iu& .N7Is _.yè1rl ac1mt'JOHN HAM PERRY, da ndmairî ntIld ,nn i gh e1, iàgamt for WHITBY. 14 c'ar oeh, precisely. clng ~aa ysieen ________________ 11mrln~to Ben?'i*ad, Prt ~a~~a in t6 éA~ses formerly accupied'by G. fum Cl8lc -0Ik1 ' '-1'Q M Pt 'sfireiope d,rFast of je)j( L W I'Ã" Wit 0 r,. i etýti 1 c:~H.J MADON LL hoLjltak eeh ge.ulq inmcir Maire bvotimble' SIeN -Or TUf S t t' '~1 e0flior «héjn&ybeind at theÇBRD IN re 'SL CfoR ý$CÈ.,CÈt1 J. le 'h J have 20, KING HACEIX ~ST&u tuttPrhepu e.. &Ç- &C. &c. _________ b._____p________ WESN»A'* T, 5rtected froin th CA0ÀBK.-sud theztiïbeaP,1%ce tor uny quas Will gii-epro-rpi attention to i business of bis amination, unsi ,lt- aaeCsyoIIO , Poeso entrusîed lo hies. -I iàabot'ne a~~tn<rs l>~~Rqe tA alPeeOou e.King-8î., Oshalwn t3-Offiteopposite îthe residence ai Peler SIRtani&1P.4R , rW»4 TtM '.~sJMES WALKER. Prry, Esq. LBERTB. W~KS y, 151. laci rO ________________CAR.LETON LYNDE, Clue TLI z BAj1W . ltack Co Blow, oh blow, ye beenly breeea LSL ADREALColoured .o4oOt~Q1~ XJVT! A!lamnethbe 1levea à tr meLEAE H) EA.Msfin ID Subarier nlhoSineoexef Ob u, ye avenly pnu sem, DEALER IN TE4STI)RICC0S> mRie&»PIPER Prilotai3 y0 ibWhile 1nnake yasr boots a Bsoee» tyles I >e 'di Su-hscriber begs to nequaint his II<aîGk &c. &c týi=&MoWd, sncb LowR sié* fà 'tfrienita amitise publc, îbsî he has conmenw:eJ L oGrey Squ, t -vi ïnoes h îlsEbsttafth VI MANUF ACTURER 0F SOLE, UPPER, AND) ton d saane t y ames ~QAMAGE FAOTORY BLoceE, whereall Cn,- HRNEVin]. mîridJ~ssIunîM.tom Work e-ut jg dont iîbanas,pjdeuh(and 5CaLsThE, &c c. DI sé fM Steskr a s> and Cxpad for Hides and aSkins, Wlreat, Tgte et ~!ht > f %t¶Goods will rothor improvethai, atwU:i sacs'Oss osadPtn .iks orsodn .uiiital1ll# ~sPiet t _dns*_a.J. W.,TILLOTSON. bty ilge, 7tb June, 185. I q~,10 ~~ powerfut ~~Wbilby.April 12,1851.. 2t.Dals, 4n~atp cmediét eitii)make ais e itereat NORTH AMERICAN IIOTEL ~ fWOBAE ~ I~'~ ~Broad Cln 'S. 4#r f DO1tbr HNALD Portir OTHO.,C *Casssimert àyiipibl GENERAL STAGE OFFICE. Dotskins ver.Niaaug ant g t~iaosrtnenlf ~eo iFAL:Fe~V Ï[1:3- ~Trusty Porters atways ho attendance ai the Tweeds ¶agaTesacoa,'rutsrSpies,îaawsr, u~.5 bouts. Pussengi-as and thteir inggage cgna'eyedî,o Pitot Cio uses, UReat tqyr_« ,Iq e., e,Nie qtils .and fin, the hassfree of charge.Ne er Oh. maa1gancuina execkitions 01,pureiasers. Prtl olebkn Tael aîhts*, aprte sLw !Eb1sQrbex.retWn lgfSuinksfor tise pof ope, îuly, 180. 24y Vestings ii '~ ~i~s'~~ssd ~ . ,~npra -ppraioneéers gtiseold stand 1kWo li~OCONçoR Fàgt5 IiI~ESJEY'S> ut tisejROUGE, snd WILLIAM JEFFItUY, i.W].'Yt'it'kléiinta bbsiness to hoiefsvored ACrENT POlI THE ove ae f the ustai, patronage. The iat"ifruo ~~~ ~~Bufitv4iahid xwitis chôice iquor, ndbstible t0 ~u î ~ iteU~upthainih te sisuantatscf inda. 3Cuane~ottipatip, Thse wloie of 1 .»» or i fjjaî oiea ' ào t 'aia aaxeady HatieY 'ri atteedunce, ' 1n(W)I-y equalled in Cens, i îîOdatlérry'ta mnie traveilera eemftort- nsIote aS r rSi, REt "~their syhIstie "il pullINDE ?OEE SAB9O .Grey Ovet Coata an eoieftet afflsort nn*a#of iH - 3te ptse arch 81h;,1851. 49 1-en ALEXANDERR M'D]~Q, Ppiel Fluîshing J(tg a$ A 1 r Il-Ii,î '5É*f, <,e Excellent aeeammodtians for travelleis. Goadpio nefatemï2~fo Stàblicu on«iase. 11 Beaver twts*jý LAÇKre!spectlullyaelqgaitte Tnaviting ÃŽQt lù htney and ShipsnFura. ~4ual eftfortétbte si, te.Ilits Bar e-iitt ound LAMVD CON VE.hNCER 4 "Frocs" eeU àupp,)red islh isebut Ltqtaor,and bis Tale DR..UGHTSJijI, JACON BASTEDO, ' 'wt h5hietvad h nre rno Boys' Ciothine tTÏrhoîest vinls th marke âffr. aTtMim MAi Stare is siUli rbnseFspai hs Hanse OFFICE, oppsoiî&t the Court-hotîae, ta TCoronito, lesving nI Sesien flic ockitn thse Moto- VLAEO ACibM, tam n Every Secommndution cas l'o affirded ta Tra- B&R - ~ gm ymn o * ietiers, eith goat Stashiîg snd attentive Hosttes 's~ e du raerh 15,8. -t. WORK.AN IROTHERS & Co NF'4Ç4ý>ti HOTEL, No-I0.836. Kig Steet, TorQte, imla .utm ,1s - WLLAGE 0F BORELIA H . UF 'm1W 41oï-ýillE SBSCR1ft retmrns thinka i_____ eas10 s.~N'IT, t1 îr dth ibenàý l ;îý1.(rhe lins recel- GIOCERIES, L!QUORS0 ANDl ?RR!ISIeNS. los .'W .-1f< . ,w *iiql« e con1ta inte 0lte .ad t*1,for- PRODUCE 8011GB? A» ISOLU U Duii lie uae sfI:'%1ýj'iteàds lh,,ly.pt hy Mi. HUNTER)L 1. iCRANDL;E'S &ts souuaziasTtnEa 9d ~ *p~vii;CO Rlfî' nd bmpeohy strict attention eRt w bisai-o f fandiPas Ma*etý, ZCnée- eJ.D. , môitit= rel nm;(Yb 4voed ilb 4cotitnnanco 'nt thepa. aainn(reesioaîy>u nl"eW k tranage hitiserto>conterromi.(. 'CI)R 0 ghq "' '(0. 26- "Diiig(P fesonaly lir wek.The Bar iv fornisised witis tise iée Liqîsors, and Wwy~pp~p >ha J !1 7_tf tise TaMl ippiied with lthe choiceat etaisios tisai M R . 1 R E Y B AT~L lh( O"S'int- tan ho pnocured- md se - -~~~nscmnt haine- G-O 0 1)STABLINGa 3 , . R a - ver emkêwiàIoMAS SEUVVEO TO ___ inlei atteîtîtSllL-e.' oo l Bryu's TIli naq lrc n mi d f o rp ak Pt T ra e le,' om :. h a i g t, n î o r tltut rs fobleS 1STAGI4 dâil> la pUnm -mPart I-*WHITBY, C . LTHC 'g ho case Msy ,.-an i-n eodbhe on tise Boaa. ht rB av - Boreia, June, 614 1851. OPP0§IU, THE GRAMUAR 6 MiOOL 2'vz eBUQI S .a Kjee, os PARIS, QI --j e- S ' SP I TE Y V LLaleE ail ~~~u* lC.î Vih vilIlTthiOi n, i- "a Ce nP auppiet usA iaIrate aîticîe ai. whtîAle or trong e r , Menls Brawn Hou ~aw t ,pî~,j~ Q.Dm, Ceekd di 7RE ubscriber has'o andom, an cntinlues tp , - s -L an Modetrato Ternis, fot CASH, at. Do de Moles] levctbmj>rji entii[y" A L E X. iPM NG L E. CLARK'S RREWF.RY. Dos Blaek Alpaca !Iht à Hiry 1ý & liaii-arow&Do Russel Cor -l£\lu(m Wtitb>f Ville, Jan, 7,850). 2t1 oPiceaC Blckth ».11.M -WHITRY VILLI.GE. Do Ganshraaa -in«S aem Poiigl.a.o& &1 ý>wieÉpC . D we Wîîîalm uiv t.t*AMbe e, l1brders set lutine prôn'tJtl-yexecttd. D ra li Wvid ȃches, neaîly .*ilSOHOFIELI) & Cao, Do Chisitare Foie aaQ[XdatpnZeusAert- MPORTES ~Do Oit'd Water I'n délit ofgvibgfull seitam.WXMitiy,. April 191,1850. BRIHNNFÂ'U ,Bv's BrutLno m n bs Wîn iincrapes and i bsenalq A.g tr ide, ,7roat.Shot, Checktd, cltedamd ii ~jl, ~I Corset are çai od Uransues .au td Slabi" JA 0 xEx GOLDENLrosr fors tiha renders of the JVhitby Reporest nd pusblic generalye t] compleeoit lieir FaIt importations ai Staple and i dcy Dry Goods,vhicis iabÏng bd se boit Stocks ini Foreign Markts, and purchiardifor CASH, Ivili Se tLund, upes surpa aseai nt i t C ity , for q ua ity , sty le an al ch espocs. ýAn Inspection as Ilavzted. $16ÃŽ9 CF TilE GLE rieas Ciath mata 0 8 pr'. yd. W Ihite Cottoos Iran 0 3 pir. yd. 1' 'd 0 9 ".4 Gey "1Iyd. 0 O4 obonng dit' g" 010 et 44t 44 American" O 4 lkth 1 2yd wide"'1 9.mu il't Siseeting 2)d. 8 > DeLainos '0 10" Stripeal Sisiting -" 0 4 1-2,, rd. e-lo t 0 5" Bed Tick 0 71-211 O . il - d ) 7 "4 * B r w n H ollssd t 0 7 1-2 '4 hamùs (Heavy>" O0 8 "11 Gala Plaids " 0 7 1-2> Lbbu hlo t3 JDarkrSable Stufia, te 3 9 tne" "2 6 GreySquirrel d" il3 surtin"- "15 0 fStone Martin t '4 94 994 0 tp i ntk "W 6 ' Ian exceteaet Stock db Fashionable DRUSS GOODS, SIs, Glanes, hlasier, 4c., aI rite. )0 Woo( &arf sSIawIà',- arIhyjof notice. Watered, an1d ln Iheji- Ioolien Ilîpartmeait ai-t sth% 1rt Whmitney c:aifms r m es (Plan & Fancy) Il3 Lissain du 3 .4 4. 3 GIMohair i"d di di 2 3j Amenirso Satinotta d Ihs .1 4 1 4 61Canadiait di i il u .4 6 61 di Clottîs, 1 3 1Carats in Waallen, Plaid, Se-sdo-ans, xsied, liai- Pînsss. #3( wautailt!particuls- attention ta their assortment of wbieh being made anp n&iSt tieir 0e-n inspection, by tise beoaf uvotiteon, sro sol Ia, fon stYie af cniting, qaity aofva'okmanship and moates-sal, and gononat sQuitable- aif tise peapie. Parties aboui;ta punchase Gonds in this tino mav ilpay tan deas for thoî beor e Iccoking oser W. & Il'ai Stock, smong which e-ibc hond:- a. n. 6 1 8 6 7 6 2 9 3 0 3 0 1 6 a. n. - (toms 17 6 Fine Shooting Coals .4 11 3 1 - F ancy D o e Pas ts 418 91 de eîInack"« 25 0 "SatinettI a t'30 O0 "Tweomi i r4430 0 1 Bark Satie Tests,. fotaM 0 OFancy Idt d Il22 6 .4 Toilinet"d cin grcat vaniety. Paris QI vot.nap liats, Fîsr& Cloth Chaps, &c. &o. a.: 99 25 di12 't13 10 CL 5 n. (J t' il O 9 t' 9 tà athera midisg in the country, and oct acquaiutîmi eith tricks ptactised on îtt4, alors, e-ould do e-ell ta cai St tisaestablishsment, as they tiaiesibut one stnaighi for- oghiasinss. Among thein nules are tise fallae-îng: NO SECOND PRICE. Ail Garti nt1suiting, oxchaoiged. Ali Garmenla wastranted nat la shrink or spot e-stls tala. Ail piece Gaads, cut la the usual lengliss, oxcissogemi. uber il M& u,32-y RGES &LEISHMIjNI îg ýM M Cfr g5reets, jonng mtAcCot Boust, Toronto H AV E ON IIAND i ge% the Ch-apest, tond the Ilest Assos-Cansaof %vad~#e claiung anuldBru Gootis IN CANADA WEST, taime-es, Yestings,,and Genetal Dry Gooda, Ixusortcd direct froiti Oiselves. Garmeuats madi ta arder of svery dtacî'ptsoa.' 10-N, ANID NEWV YORK FASHIONS RtECEtV£»ls IOXTH4-V The most approved style adopted, D Y-rd A»DE ud COata,frans 4 4 1-2 DO do 44 5 (0 Boy'> Mkiado, "48 9 DO do " 12 6 DO cla "13 9 Do do, "i 10 0 . Do da 17 6 Red f do," 30 a [ne & "17 8 i >roof da dit 12 6 Men'î a do &. 4 41-2 fDo ië da " 50 i o, skîn do t 6 3 DelI. da ~ t63 a Do do 7 Q f Do do la 0 IDO 1Fraoits, 4 41-2 Do 2 6 D'o sers, Iran 6 3 Do do " 5 0O D do la5 ,do L do D de D do0 do D do Shirt£ sabreikis, Stocke, Silk and C 10 T Casbmeretie Trousers, D)rill do >Fancy de ) Dras Molsitin do )Checkmt do do, Doosio do eissimere do Flanmet Shirts, rShirts and Drawes5, 'BIsek CIoIA Vesta,, black Satin do Fîncy satins do, RIolland dn FautY do, Velvet do Pltash uio Marceiles do Banalises do Casimete do Teonde do Faocy do 511 dsi -Satin do Tweed, do Clatis do fYassianert do Papi, SIa ami roats,11 1IN fi om 4 Go, 41-2 0 0 G t' '1 4~-2 Ils SATIN HATS, BLACK ANDRAI, Ild paclory Cotao front 21-2 2 il White Cotton'< 32 mmets, 4 1' 3 Strsped Shi 3n, 1-2 cet ()hns< 5 Lions, LaZT >Bindinga, O 51-2 Mine* ira I l l and mckBoâu . Iersand renM krà Trimminga.. fwmur4Table Luscea, (èuiltU, amerà Sf Moursssng, ged Tin wdT#-h tripetd dplain.A na Cbngand qet,.DLne ts Baxege-sancj othër fie Jiièsayees jees(yrdwios feLinaNew styles, -i,"d rtFicmlo*enï, Cappiron, Fj Jp s,% Silks, Netta, Shaiwis, Ha NO SECOND P 1-dL " T Il1N G & D.-RY GOQlD~ O:nEAPER TRAN iVXE V A LK El & iHUJTCHIý,NSON, WIIOLESALE &lETI er, Outfitters ami ýGewerl Dry Lod tfrkft Wellington Epe WatePý Masmifactmared and lkept op a.o4 Ççs' m4l1,lVytis& p.roprîrmor, a3 folows.: 06 Unýe al, . .. . 7 10& T w o d o . d o . . - l e 3 4 ÇUARLJESCL% t 0£ B lSoe i ving eilhe4ms-èêan.kJWtO duicedita teatiiyoItise eflnçy oÇt R.E Waîei scerai of 'ahanu noe-reside, inthiua vils(0& 15411 Baisam is aisto goas! for Brsiëea, _pnIl 1nins Sde-gs , &. c. ' - Clark'$ Brewemy, Wiithy Village, 7ti Januay,îssoiý, -JI WIIITBy EPI&YtffICP A' Ckieap fWeektV M.es;paper,. ohiCuill be found an .'excellent ssedia fa .-u'vertising .hercantile, Cauuae'ti Farnsrg aud local wssasdt'15 actio tf earsydec>toa lUs. pei-Anum,pablJ tr Ei1 Sxlis. 6Mud iplt îu.1t, aIs £aysbeey urday afflnerv 4LT*U Itugs%2 1 keX- l i ÉflYA ll AS benlaeIy apporplied Akma by ibean Il u fatre s, for t h. disp sa several » W ipattern slaves, nisîoh weens pteatéd thrèe anotbs gs, and tok th ie sat h. ltet Hfezo~n banda genenaas artbenl*ofTAh » i, Parlour, and Cooking Stoves, Pota4Kesxfrn, Grd Irons, Dog Irons, Door Seaper, iteaaçs. tom Pumps, & C., &c. - Tie nevo pateled sclae, a sade n the OLD FRIN L'PLE ' 0F J.IslK1G THB P I4rE e ~ VER Y THI CK, and the 'lire, plaeisra so con- trucemi tist tielre caninot 'injretlhen. _This siove is tis e 00 vhch) in, teelve, mogtisp r as soosiasait becomeÏa generallyknoe-n,- F a r nlo us iw ill h a lv e a it e ", s i a The amvanrusge it-possosiof aI teng in q' log stick aofe-ocd,tnd iaving a, lage md jeesions- aven, holding tivo tiers of istead pàn, and:butag noted for an excellent bsking aven, are fer sapeý- -i o n lo a n y s t o y e h o b a s s a d h s t f t , Fiends! Don't tîty elsee-here W4 àbIt ç Jing. asd oxamioiog, as the aaid'atoves *are O61y ta .o - lonpd ut fryaisî'sStove Itoots, se thattobisnlg- villago of Wiiby, e-hec. goodatisciail orts r put doe-n ta honest priceq, ýnd tii soit tisaà ber,ýcordweod, &c, &c, laitue je krhaak'. Tise.Sulacriber hobais > -9am l.~i~e e Openeit a Slave Shop in, Punît thIbk, Kezt donso-M ur Hurd' Sore, Wisore ho alto keeps on isanmm a genera asaoltnent: af Boots, for whiich oats and othen produ!e wail e- taken in paymeot.. ' - . B. Don't patronisePe ir, for they mrrke you pavj profiaodioa Whillmy snd Prince Albsert,? (cto ier 91h , 1850. 9 6 H. B. O'CONNORU IMPORTER of Dry Goods. Gýocriî,s> SWitos, Liquors, Harde-ame, andi ONkrï WHITBY VILLAGB-.. ; K. Al. SUTIIERLAUD,4C,& KING' SREET OONTO. 94'y- CALIFORNIA GOLDI' 1I1t [j ENRY SMITH, of this VillaeS a psy hieseaye-ilS lise reat Califiorniporç,me- tising better, and offets ta Lis ftihnl n C.jt licut large Oeaumh DOua fo myzal tilof ai GEAsE or iALLOIV. Il. S. takes tissopporinnityoaIreturng ih!ohN t&ait e-ho ihavéfavoared hum eith theireîs (for. tise patyear, and ho uili h eay ra'y t u- saaista'tîonla al e-ho say stitilhvojir t. ve 1.S. has te-o toama canstantiy ontmeoliectldgz Asters, for e-iicishae e-ut-ps7 in Soap «o the Gond,, ai a fair rate. SoaP aZura31, on handat ToroyaoPrirc.a, hy >the Box. Whiîhy V'Illage,%Ashety No. 1, 41là 1)ocmsr,15. 1 u.i Wi1d Land to Lua. rPHE ubc ibe a A FEW TNOITsAZÇD' JLARSiWiid Land la ieaso n hoLe foiIow- ing Townsisips,RBea, fixbrimge, Nri-fA 'sois- bary, Broc/c, 75os-ahiMura, Os-Uit., Tiay, Tay,. Nottaireaga, Cligro,.-pe lw,.e Ion, andl Opa. Tise moat of these lands are aI tii. best qualiîy, uod svitlle Joaaed fer a. titmo ifrm live tosoven yoars,depending upoWnîesituation, in& lota o ain 20 to,100 actes each, to any 'sase wba %%-MI chop, dearnud fbure, is acgod and w-oS- Manlike mannet, e-ithio tise staw, 1 time., aqaauintt- înot less ihan 9actes oan cdilot. Ail lotions, poi-paid, aieiting jinformsation, con-. cennsng asy ni the iatinier iota in either aitise aisore towsips, e-dl Lte se-ered e-itisoat dshsy. 3. T. fflI. lVitiby, Jly, 1i50. 16 Nore aEvIcsl th'e. hx flreieu oç~e.em ýal'U -ViecK JLlandkerchiefs, Silk Pocket llandkr.ro-hi.r. 1

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