Whitby Reporter, 28 Jun 1851, p. 3

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laef rai. ud lu Ive. brom lt 3d 4 ie 4eg mreoruuqirca-m kuilmont iceflre bis caplivicy, mm bemicg thereon, ;cucling 'mef tre.ccof peftons Ilsut d fenci Palriameeryuid of- W. lemruc-bat during ihe sdonc on Stbrday night last, Mr. FerodCuhlîî's bouse wasa stiuck hy lightniac. ConsideratIe damaje vas donc 10 the coof. Fartunataly no lires t-etc tIt. -BowmwiieMaienger. A Western paper says the water'ie 'heBecc- thie aires bus been tisiiglfur the last 6 adeprived months and tiat it is nov thirty inches on Satir- higimer tian it vas test sumamer. 6Coint ofi NE.W YORK MARKETS. es f mal. *-Ne* York; 1Joue 5. tiii prîvi- Asies- Maket stekdy ; ales '5 bbls entil stript at $5 for Pets. $5,%for Pearîs. 44 is a leg,. Flour-Market fer loy gra4usà olSIate 1 en mem-a-nmd Western at 29c better, be4t leua m. hroughoul *4ve. No firmuess in 'freiglits,.and tie ia aO gociîetensiois et ielder mreitsaies. tui r-Cou>d demmer! for inferior grade., and la hava 5 speclutive inqeiry. -The (rade icI rem iun the buying very Jfkee[yLi-Xhe rèniia ai btter grapes beld more flrmnly. Tran- 0çorIdsactions moderate. -Çaiadian botter mnd iu good demand, but ircîness cf holders checks sales. 2fiObbla seld st $itn . 4.6a $4,.16 fer cmnuon le «ced branda; erorteSales domestie 1i i'OOObbIsaI P $3a-$. 44 rn uiinapeote4. *.0for Noî2inpcur.I trave _are $3. 87 a $4 let Moin, lu stuaight State w %and nd ich. and lndiana, $4.18 a 4colïalar ,U'>87 for pure G«eee.. - t'* G rmu-Fg#ç demauscdfr het at s h erg *1iltgand;ex OîL Markets vemy fmm. ,aau oLo ales 7,M00 ui 1doller aidoller 10ý S àw t te-prime. Ry. » qt *nd tay1 I ieth aes 8,MOOàitm 73c for Cauadiasn 9C"rn les. plemmty and Market beIter; 76o grfa t 1s Western mixed, 554c a 90o for ye1- -JJaifisat PFraoiou.4lak more &umiv oSâiei vsq IMD U.-T ~r olJper Canada b d ben previol' 01,fjAttornies luyjb e~hnncatg1 Wr. rister r*lllameia q te SncherI.TI4,,-r 16lgolal tiàufoil ice5. it n alo i m, oem,i the dix %ip4a pap oloees a heu theotesuipws t whe4aaIgtr Med WxVe, a&R mdi Igs à gruios $1ý lealisr1m IIgl.dck .fb* - - msjr. U tu «M. fve qe reGooda.Fi *u~c bts.sm'dmi d Stibseribejr would 'oeil th. attea- t- ervog~~a tion of bis customers and the publie le Remebr redwk o Ogu. keow Stock of - BOINWSFReANFLAÃŽqANA & Co). STAP!I a FBNCTDRYGOODSWhby 15. 17 Jo4t heiug rmceived mt hia»StOres ic Whîtby mund aeio faoc iAS DOW.cmSiome, their Spriaqply of GRO-ý WLmy 0h May, 1851. 4n- J1CRlSêtslilmtmÈà abamcmi S wb~ich k-v mue emebéituteoftrou veeL&dv*nta- HAS!MTS! RAS aJùârived, a good tlascrîment cf cHIfp, LEGHORJQ .7AND OVLJU#TÉ, logecher §ô'uS le- ILT0 O CÀ04 a DamRINa'I %& t5iozR HA.Ni, (Fiiff e3~hl Ibine.) Whitby, lune 61h, 1851. IL. E. FERRY. -NOTICE& A LL Parties ýtiddbted totiËâ W the Toivaship of Remchi i yeomin,' are tequestcd to make ianmediate pamuen, da thti baving -daims m8icst the mniEstate, *11 fi smd in the smre duly attesteil 10he lb. ideisl#ted, Sole Administrator, bteh miii SciaIs, Unor before the Firat Vày of September clit, OU 1{TATSTASt! HAlT$1! 1 Aeléfican Salin HatsLljbýjç tta lb. an0cthe Piblic t« a cli and elainineeor lhernselvem, ai be rani dmure t1k-m ibere bas Wu oce. hetter i4lrQ- diurUdio te.Market' i c Ufonst, if ch jll ti8a n -cieit institd. "Ah, thon, youuknew hum iireill- ïnd tiog wsic Oiàte bfoe tho revoht. was hoeflot a good tender-, htarîed -tien, are nue abolished Sever4il d1Ë mani 1" theminr iet hd bencrintenied. "Yes," repl ier! the pioeus deacon, With' ThRRF. '-mtih gusto, 19hle very goor! end ves2y In, Te Rizý"1 asintocoilalimltl tender. I eat a piede of him, r' ýýéacatd heDiauâhpiovijetes. JÂCIC &N-D TÙ9DOCToP.,-Doî' - evao:: le-T li et (tempî l çcrned aqoi, spealing slow) i r~ubthe ailapa Dito hae bemt tuly *e Mariner, whitih tooh do yod î* hé âài .4tu avebee ony *ntextracted?1 Is 1 mà,iolir or an 9atpf agneanaaiefp\tdrmdincisor 1'1Jack (shiort'ti4 sharp):"I' Wiiiehdtuhii *- *1 , Ieeot the peu. in the uppor lîer,.tbn the lmeboard aide. 11Ã" 4irit tte ane ifigh lit theUi Bear a hand,-yotî swatb; i!er ils nippin g ~mailt"Wb$ attacked, time house of Capt. iy'jaw like 'a big Illobtraer bAdy- *l8r tho village of Addtkidgm, .L&GI ENOTC-WII are in- rqe>'dof atMek , wlicl the.'Vi$IRIUSd ~àci&lte ~ araand threbsîiçtd bted te the Wdgrren ton (NOC.) News ~15 unpod, idabot îO< j noesfor the folowing ndvdrtisemènî, whichi !1, wa posted in ' a tvesrn ini New born, ~ wîoh, ~ wolcls~e, tey aidwhile.the, legislettlie.wns in session at ~~y~i--teM. 8.essel . fma lov i An. that plae.ý Mine host, il seerna, wcs .1rr,,Were the; âtto!eeded 1le a #tinÈ tic lois ellme n fettow, whâ ~ erterd a miîe'g hopeebrthebers were tho vefy- sati bf the earth, and "'vert l gtl, n o biteY ared o7had listenéd to the borepleints of certain ~vea1 oot, c dubtinîid tu1 fa-tif tient relative telte doings of a fow cilit9tîe furîher depraclations. Thé in"- ivilder characteig, who did net belcang frenea~r~f-îaew~ctme*hits indteed to their frateenity. Here is teenfotice 11W rral JOpultu lie very carelens *hieh hoiepoteoiin the most eonspieu- iaUiebir Waf.guua4ls for the. protection of ~iffprOperty, wlich are su Irldispensa-. L Paee !Th. o. infdiso litein-or.opupusplaces. It is to ho Lo ao!Tefolwu eieo e;gpeetedtthat these laltdi dig otitragea tir lr will ho hereafler o:iaerved idi this wil inalucemore catltlio iiif,îture.-. Htel: Members of the Asdembt - wil ______________ go tue tablé fir8t afr! hheti rieen - tfterwards.1 IWA SHOOTING IN4 GAR. Afterreadilig itovef,Iledid ilotex- -~ ~1A~F A XA~ emlytikeil.Il didn't Say ahytlîin Ot1ee4day test, Mir. G. Keret about lowdlies ud b!ackgemardâ; ho eau-c Verglit, aotem'ator! by the treje spirit of h ion îhern paitictlarly, he addeâ-- :ùJ4 repaireofo theagpt, armed o, 1 Nota Beda, rowdlies Lnd blnckgtiardsE w h 1 .singo-barreled gun, ttcd-placed will pease flot mix with the uléibers, hirnwefiin ambtish tô awail lie anticipa- es It is bard iotelI eue fioen 111-btler.' ~,ipàjsMnrCe of Master iEruite,,uncon- We aie 0éodralé. anioutdabeut'Ijsg *el-bé- *Ê Rard isetwitmg t 'gof ehe ediiîacof Ibm Ohawa .eoumuLamI ô ooeqence shontd the aftjir corn ek bisgaper iade lils apèaramo, uwithout as .by eloje combar..11a-in calcus a lice 1,dm hin. Westntiérèly hope thal 110 n .tfwihmoy ilaapersbe is oui y uking breah à eek irasol agaiemIo edhnmifwithso'-MOU SpàprSa&ine forth ln recewed spîmenioltleduezîe bis ram- l =àahate letedieim of inaction and ex- ders with biu rilliacî ireas, mcnd eclîpse Ibm Reput. lu tent semdentca ere, tho tailes special iielighl in teaîic w<lut wdr pau$~Uon Mr~err içiis byheap liy contempurmry.-Boencuîrilka~"r th?%~frpsfliRtl# Ci ar e bac r, fuich Mr Bos ictrodilctid a bil tut vacate p i a~itey satnted withi a traceof tesmso nciesvehiese hidi jieriiïtîheteart, et guifly cf Ireasoi, or Who have taken èiM.îýtud lu i nimt's axis-. teoath of ilegiance t10'foreign s'ates. Xtdav ou sortan asThisslooks yery persônal, and we thlcak a - ,S eies flot kown To-day benr a stcttitory saiet day. nitm - u vo iivorarely seen theo ise 'wi! not tiioet;and asIhe é- ofh t ave Drnting-Room is te norro* e-Jenite-g, - ~ta fe if he relite lmure business cari be lhbped Éfor fromn Fergeiansd thetiswecGlô<fTeady - --Guselph> Herald. 11AR» io i1 tmaN i* diM BOS-rTO N I- - AiL4 FA4à, 3ONTRICAL AND QUrsmc-.We are Paus.?pineau, Nelonc, Mal- lad IC aee, bY the-BostaurPaPum,thateMu. Ptr- -Mackenizie bat nighl gave ham (Proprieior ai Ihesevenalm irror) announ- hie cnotice in the liouse of cea ihal ha hWmd icjlbted, bii ditgenenlslor a chepamronter" erçursloP 10 Canada, forthe gond lagveclieIat h. wiîle to-ioks of the Ne*- EulandZîtates. Lit tbem orne n tle ha orli thefIborder ofl In uands, lbey wzIl bdiIl"wettomm S la te g 118.(belg f t-tii. edradicg ers (ibat ahmbbily relbsand tao blo m) iMmr," "bi eI.tUso fMemn- Whec Alexander Gunti vas diamksaci roui tb. '13") t alet c1 omnmillee, Iocuston of Edinbvrgh, the dttf niadeainmî bit Ito enquire into th, reported ncame ie the book tas, - A. Giindt, dichargd for of the itlSmuel ieat, Eiq. iakicgt a famase reiort."ý 'NOTICEI lagob the ucdraig.ediaGeceral Merlïhants under M le Mcd 11m cf G. A T. WALtACEJ la Ibis day dussotvmd byr MuSsaI cccsece,- mcd GUeo Wallace à aulhonised dieive ail dellîs diSe mci liquidaI. li tlaimcmlg'nnuithe fSrM. 6 WALLACE, TNOMAES WALLACE; Whicbc lutne, 41b 1851. - 8 .5< jROMLot -Ne. 32, înli e r«a ~, DbiuPickering, a Cheua yaciiM COLT, witb Set0goûtaialno.raàh and aou-gm n a w vlteci.rknu tamU a godIll&ly toit&,- Amy lahenéton~r viiersabdtaWii' b. stluably .a b icg, tir JAMES DÂVDA>< udlc.l.3, aqd agiletpmém albym. rcsblgcbe Pickering, di.Oum 81. h*J *NEW GOS UOME 0WIfTOII AIA«'lI. "' L-wbo have bmnsai nxiocthly waitt 00ORg ODB, are i.-farid thil liebas Jue lt"eVed a&v"u- Large IM.uipthidi lia. beed purchasmi ce lb. veiy bemi teinsact i afolly pred smemal (uieml)a utIle lover Ib»»othep Yel.t ct.nikmaaecctpL 170t*Ctt VmaisremimM le. MI Q mtwfroqu la. -go 1-2&t , 14a k ws m tm S. G. i i P RSU TFAS: uo e exlrmEte;l 25boezGdiijsUtder. 1'mata aar < 200 packages amorlmiiTobacéco, la5% gSI,, arte, &C. &t. SUGARS: 25 bhds. Brighî Porid Ricoi, Locndon Lc.f Sugmr, Liiveoansd Dulmi Crumba I osprm ceanciés;-bced 1 'ATES OROTIIERS. 6 & ,ÃŽ amm'Suldiiump, Kdg&, i- Ju*uelll5l 1. 1 .10,0R SAE,100'd *Cnt Steel' 1r1iS.IÂWORTR. 4 IG~RE T, 1ToRoi4TO. TRE ýBubRcihéb1i', -to infotii l Eentlk, cm ýpper, St. A Iris<uns, C~Uelner, Phyr, mand mvetoi ca*hm Llwts- Wog&~oo.an md 14 ahw days, hommi ihave a lompiteaormecî cf fleav -m * :»zd To T.-HRAWORTH. ¶Trao ay a2nd 1851, -, ,, , JOHN MAR & Co). WANTfED TO BORROW i en u ie, wo or Tpa aýt, ýoid cf £l)ilr £».Ofor thicit the 1Jicimitblhari àty t-fwil b. glvec, ruaior Pesmal. I ml.aJed" À GOOI> opoàùlbh1k is noxv offered vmlumli ale.t 1w a ituelfia, 1--Ti v vmiblmmcd icmrovd Blillw;Lit at~OR laJit Y, b.- agg compjaeillthe - merBiduàLb No. jn Bl&k 3,iadoicic4Bls' BS4' iiblali~ff ah Acre, bavn1a c a n lhrebexcellent iteil ,I a oc, soîre' c1GmIe ruit T ceci. A gondtirad lteasinclfié ciaLt. fao, Building L îtNb. 11,oBécISatc- taicing ne*rly hall ail cre ,6llaga alè em Honce teoen, t-hiFi reitbrfiir 1a ye1. Ibis Li bheile dTUa.heti osdaii ?iub. .idl'i part, Or the t-bole, vmry ct! p. amcd icverj easytae« ~~orir~rlbài moraudhc L41PORLmue fff)IR-LAN Max tmdm t ë %kmWJw4 6 Went ldiated another jour. A Party of ybUagf ell iéfndid *à,sR~?ur l.A a WhT iiPu- Withth0ter -on fhe origus flm à2Q U) Oraeafg. ,He purposes toieeabe,"W atisth e r otus. O,¶fld>A 13h oÀ witb ablâl m" Wht es th' 1w le ià, atmcàwa 'ngofteOreas daid theà mistresan~ ~md cmrried Ithe esonre*c, <kg; oinee, "atasold enùugh toapeakfor jtself.ý, vere ched tlw miliria, 1e o. mc~i ere i alu oht n cohmmand of tb, national mgai, mo-ndefered thî le à ti ý ivseaeiowoi uold ha- lamurgel.Sxenrwee esý1.i alt OE N A~ vices f ~chelor,sanys, "iWe ievcud fr altni sb, mcd rf-t lwu ed.Clre ila vain" p ane i - immd k. i vk fouParis are budyne. h *ùboevotni r caied,&*,tif...rekili. rsdnnelidtmoicsmsrue*U O ea>y. tikaàt g e. khanmi.îV..wuD. Co aia w eeplacýýinath iW, uî eep onm PORTUGAL. ctten t -oli r' e!~~,uenngîu-,~înt.saefrChorWew.s Jt ieported that Godgrbnt li e . un 1 efo CshorWt latter1 o rial Ssd h was be.. eie - it-AfhPla~diruhiiimfvdsmne Mdp i;friiiç, mcd"Spicýilng hy eh. potind, lin erY Us enmPtlar With tthe s i. ao.: ~in thsp0iw 0i o ids, ini Pmris, ibaacà,hmd doue 10sult éditsonëiran md lus & n fomI:re tdit New Zealgnd d ybmr~-~ iWQUOL cI0îx Gté renëh foot ford <t hat R 2 U BUILDNGbol an md CL1O-f11 REMING -à'ôae à Teached had Young MIdéonary lÉnded at ie msl.d, oan eet'gTo& SI<tend Io Mr tà.dçM )Whlià 1to ucceed à saored teac herMi Te s ~ lzTut.h Lua tiN cmpo ,D A SPAIN~. domne heinbeiq'orte î At -an ihtervjew S'o a gb ed-at N .a y tVaprvalkeir îpsta of ala VOt&it 5,00 men uwith the chief,,thti Young miil3tora aàjci..einYh uy e.V IFÛeAMbeomcmghSid~hPuatI mad o1~re, tibilf ero 7"o, tu inter an "-Did Yeti knci* My depait6d.2-brot âh.FLý Pourtugal, 8oe Ëir u it Wle Fltrdi4$ erti ee WDU a rue ieu CAh; -vs! Iwa rIi' ilà n i m. I#hitbyi lune t20lMé âàd1S51* Y cre uidmby ,rrninà r 'P 1ecsnî}he taorai ri*Er MART," it ahouldhise bni. î'ic: mlitaentan SELL IG aeîhe L offer 10 îbePid E£XTENýstVg Al ol vbiclbS will be Mbnd hli" le i eh. le of1l A hr it they cmii vîiý cosîfdeîdlitll.recocimecii,a lfg etiidy Artc.u, mcd areof thé pclrest Qualitim mand beC Bti scldlc 4mre o ipT leti t cé-liBude. K<a ]geReimlemb«! tbihé.FR SE TRA» )râ, IV à lt cf Nelmen-Stfflt, ile elf m e 111-g»k ishle01 nist "ertIl- HEPo Wb*àad BcôugoStqI la 2Meee,.,~A miuezeo ORetUmcc fePÙt Perqm1 TERE o'çW, Oc t c 8cllt futbelu Iro4ice. a ALO nurntp- of writihg of vnrious kiq',d exeeedwI 4elh LitiMé, Mieb o.; -tn~ntes orAp don.- Am. Arbàv"Àýi. alofeBosd an j à., .4 a , i - otcmd,s -ii h'ë* i aiUdp-ttk They.êàii, apddCO eill Whmltàd EDWARD EVANS JtcGi'tS'treJ;; Tatncto, Jucé, icd t.8 - If WRITBIÈ VILLAGE. JWILSON bega te infursa the In- - abitanti fit whittay anti ls vîciniey, ibal he bmi OIekll i tote .!xmcîly ppemite 1 Scipeurem ilfir tlieSale oi "Olt" GjrürlmCrs*ry,,& IIWARE. buic. A trili beepecfully selicied.an q Wb;iy use iel4.185. 9Imetot .DRY GOODS----, .- fYries, & haràdwarý leW, Whplestitis& t ait, aITlusto p e s, t-aoil . i mil ai I-es. Weùante iahSe.etkù aàýiù Whlutby, Jmaa.5lb851. - 8tl Craql l 'ýteo obeuj, lljéui WellauC ChshtUcu- 'w 1rtB ildinmgs, *lttiy Viage. ah 7,Ln, 111851. Sut. Il- - 1 il

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