Whitby Reporter, 28 Jun 1851, p. 2

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hadasrou Aersar O W4neda eenig heboasted ingenuity and enterprise of 000 ctthey t (i ing the sitep of Coutnty Tuo il., He tioitiwith ,i topto whichlà no oelat JmaPotrtmten ahvmpoeonr.tii A eicnshud aetornknt éau. hv']&broneutes ieso ---çontended that the-choice n left to --do *ith that mnatter, . a quet e dent that• a Ices of malachieoaite colornda. T'EASEthe Beeves,'mighit tead t h xing-of came u oun this.simple ppnt- a, .r N.1tay ofthis vinsgle, met wtony arm ror oCaa , u eynsty, and the only way t udeof'the ffculty of enaC uty Towds -in e in iin thr- ld be two members fr one0 nearly terminated fatally. The om lbsòf m . below afourth-rate nation. G.Dawson, wrkinitJs, temseeft h W- l ad I i ist pisces'. He womd ve'an amendment Cotyt. ' akdi hsbH was r da w, of Albany, thus writes to the "i'"nti'n toYaburalo n e mtuabe tcothe Ï0p the -choice of the .%:OAaiehtB i Junl.therarunvaeabatfsty ieth Cony'1hndb ett h o. o leigterpeettow let oir, and•h'W affrighted horse . ised r" a- • ,, sae aeurneial atbe-i ned ul leavfs a a f I ti h onty h T o w n s e f to th e r h o m tt e teG oo s n h i e f c ly b r h b n asocki ng m n ia e b e n h e da a a e o h mi ø n ' M 'n a o neet t;oe rmptofrielyjiand a ea T t Mn ure t é t nt ann nC t Vrvernmentlnedj ht 1a of eJoery. re. In rtiles of ispay -n rchat ni ue hm. Sohe ot heha w o u d n t a l o w o n e sy s e m t o r e v il H -R E O R T e i l l R s . n nema c e a g a sl e m a a r al l mo d , e ti t e r opa y fe 1 ail , w o ol o r toi a e , u t u p c lo sfo r a ofp c ub ,L7e p t in*n prtoYtecunradanter ylA U DA,11c18,68,. 2bte dioroth WityReorer oton w re ."no where Bute aais i nightl' loc e àks. , e eiu iË 2l n;aothr."e t -std te oe frhrcnvrainte oiw scrn. c-he h h" pfé oe . R r e ntbetn h r nagii, m tu l rn- popevsca she re opanw Id gs e t i df' l ofv te n oldse c netoth m nd saRLI stNT A R - ' t t4 l ien tsria e ,Id ar ubbplster g ods, Te eis othe li gt e td imstiop n f h e p,,lo n om tM a mid ment his hon riend proposed'to make. . thke fn a toebring pomnn lyh ef eo i nyo tesi eraticls outlit. eie, taate eP t oo e, n nrtoLno ;i th frm ouReiae drri upro f -Hereaffom ptitto ofth Can- Litlewaàdoe eile H us duin th pb i eerythn tndng o he enraOU TY OU CI setl metofth Ct n e- tyhoerk n uppo ty of th s y s oua u uyigap o pTha epByoato Gazt tem lo ti ff 9 th i s bed t h de h alfr Ferguon truted ib t no c ange The a M we e in c n seqit n d.ofso e lid a r l ue mefthe u naghe libet T i od doredo ene'd u iy .' .g v sa ea c of ito ccd nst tiio(wee sstd irAli pct . Sit' Dyinereidn i mmedi-carsneoféate-nofTbe pran of i gael piedteatnino otiteo h hlfl oshow ofl hotha't ot'he ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ,Elm eae soFlmbro inf. . coroodaeh vedonatthe ans Bhein, a Ido tat hepuli wel s âp..,onf mtinhbeM. mine fr g-an taTrda, ofO wbdadohr lcs'InW: 5. rad keepi u ngdbefre tie com un theinils, 1n h cm-tino tertiCreit Bridge Rida Fal. he cci# p on1- aubr figaurswa na aoroiawnget ch cat o«et tteGvrm ntHuenl fwhc isintei nttto poietpstonEegatws nl are y h atn oe i ihnathoranrteaortebét b ralyro 7 to00 ' ,it. te at-paer ;an indeso e e- re of em ers ffrom " , ithi b fisc mptoewk linyu sitnead-o-te W ardetanpoi id edn, asatthe fi nd ad rcovre frmehe hoeWallhe Isrm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Béi ofTre n uryo fti i . T eslcint ae a D 0 e a tep'rtin i n e -16th lof un e,18, th e sp.l e ndéi stame sowathd Pr rei ro r mayhdi ie au uorwsi iclt ,ta au on "h d e , aamo y rics o a, at k reighted with lessAn contributéd aatçdn equ l a un i - w e tr menThad ben caid t e r the l sac i td' th H ., -No h oernmeGe n heptaneohafastrnidedsnc ormoaylie hig fl',"maetialynep tsamgedshphaset t teføettinofth erwhc.wsaariddvr heFE ean **e bsedth t € te 'so lw ould refoe thatte at erva las T h E eeir Fdsc sio-oR t T E R - h paid b so f a eOna oacedd h ountyo ntanorovidethat l l'eeveof he tOcr cu sa os w ih aen w td W4 .nh a - e a e . No i an a r a e v e r , a n d d l i a r e d h R h n g o a a t e n e t r n o w isgivat ea Fsoti n o h e f e s b e e e wi c h h a s r n gP ahi e t y ro e en-d q ùkam ? u ld 0 e mn a a n" itrilDiisontil-east c meof'Lepsonihepatywreson etein ar popstin ftrthont auae,85.Thad-lrngn hetmbr rontte a re o h t em th Conntyof Y rk u dertood yestrda , an wil be impo28'tant1as THav ing l igtdatth E gof teth . e y rsepbetdtoMsiauled fo,,asd oposedto asteivrynifetl andot h le-cren trn he uesti o the unerook t ohol Îmem br s e l ncinDA t i h it f *baY nhad t e , nt e nr tou, p t e "no w he nar Cb tButac v h aewg h7 ' h ete not odonractwas neie the os r. e uotey.staed ta teteC uty T w fO roithe pi sc. wsar mst alon ein hein voagc ofthe ivisn' ion ' above tcFlosoebosethe our, la d Ba lgat me9$ A -iWecotrary. Tey n onttue rsad fr igtheaptalofa C uny o igandallspiaces of é ione st ot h a l lspoed ymen s srn s.a , Giabbe, Gamble , ol.h i in tthe a, h estcaried"ru nd int' thed p h b llha e c r w d e d it h h e a x i o uuh a pydo n soen tf , T h o m s o n , a nd o i n e t h e r g e n t e m e n T h e a e - d y b l o w . o me<e n-oYt h e sh o r a hnet i a ls . ti v o n y a s  e t a l ; t h e h a o c o m r e h n ' e ri g o t h L a e , n l a d , n d e al l t in e d its e t c n b s etmi rj o redt h aty t h e l i g n t r s h eti t o no wde ate y w e n t * t g s s s a c , w e e h d n ng i ton o the at tr. . - . hat cn bi enjoed. And, imuhn ybelse o re Par ie t impavr t e vso, were yinese g th to hold byna, be,&nwhil h a i t le rm p r o nine t ipr#r .of e à 'rood aid the on i m er vdfromavi abl co m u ic t he band very u h i enjoyed at the gl ls.m nics sota yidiet m an r m h i d nos or u h vn ee .are ti r pm o, sN nu wpud lkel. indoutwhehe thLuttCl rne broemarkedthat' Hôs itby v il n vsfs, ee ithnth eteig orofcnsiu nts n t it oesnote rs hi nsin lhuhmdcladwasol eed h the mihty cafaact, bu to stan where ou can woresim asuchpastheyfar opposedto aa< aon-ounc, he exirei witin thre or reProsiioi iol.n ,M ra le d rat o d il. m at e r okn ot I teq a e lgl a e f r o . ttel o c ti o n a n d u p e r orhH a-gse th e r,.s i ngâf.th m ad d n ednat eroab o euae nel ay f r core-h u sesg ahs , R gistr rshi s , d ath a vi n b ee ca u s d b y a r u t u re er th li ve an t , far o a tey wee isaen luttbo asthenatual sie fo theàount leap Cag, foammg, andd ain onw r tyof aw an Conty.85gesips an cs reuent eelble edig. 1A9tahs.0 sem v n ein f w s i ul t e m ein -ot e ip nthi ei i n u r ci e hre y u an se t em thnbin A Reo r n on roerty wpes nt ee y aw h rnj m ed di't e rb s d at o eh tod en a edl dl. u n a i a o s ns u h w s lt fow ,p an e w rd t e toP t a t Fect l.,° gheywmtng a eno, w ereyo u cab W n tAz er. G t ou d s n te o misi o e rs appchointd| wimt ow alteksor, u as d - as ttithoh'm'drupon thet pr" stie cl rs of T e b woppoéraongnitciheh iieat orte ora xer- h hec re T h ep i nt-o e bse o w g the tDattr. spray to see al these nd the t n thousand ieother a tion-otareort hic hwacrred wOiUt onn o, WolflimCrow sulï¶ ail B e e l y rg l m e , n M . 'r i c e s a d h e h o n m e m b à t er h d ~ ~'n t ee n g t i n g , - b o ,t h a u e a d a t h c n p o i n M . G u d s hat i tew a s c s t o m a - cl u t o1t h e ti h e rna s t ei r o n l yo f Da f t y OQ "On- rO uë, d « e hufýIng oted s i n ict he-. o thr even- Thiy egisltv od , i y heRevo fr owd u lx n t se n es aÎth handottheiFalls, not ry£ 00IothrG adJ e s and otheýr' e to th row ora th nttey c ame w ith the ai it f a race h ,et biU thea-o tetekand ledpig b t le co u . thir pric es sufien thecco odt nb t heC ssoners t e hore, lwh .n The e ,wc h assiewy of ambeQovern men-tz ws made for hisandcth ept ihte ern e n u ing0 its 1ses- n y th e n tandtyounow a o i thoton veirnethepubinlc at edthe asould ach w erbeorakn upnisdeeny en .-Wh ae ne10toni thendM . ukwn' advnae . Hre aonjutclsean utellfrfiedth rsecAr. hibsowuot ihbiarttorunroth CtyCrprain loe.Teyha hee-ferulcrs, ndscterngl al med haaffthmT p he for statedtrhe proceeding taken9by b'hem to ope PoorfCrowuunfsrtunateyeheng to the fram Je m o v e d o at e r t h eo f W i a t a c t "ma r s o mei e mas un sppor t o i e r a o l e e fts c n ti u n t , b y i s a e r n , i i d adi . e mti n o r t h e u - h c e t r n m v d h reng t a i n # w t h th e it y o r p cag d ti o , an d o t h c e i an d i c o m sd f o n s aà ô w i t ht e e arn ofqua r n ider, whndo M urY rkretayl ng a v cte ,ad o cc p ig h en rton piou ,b R eoi e idpodu e therc m uati osubeng, neg- billicih e whrlp la oe i th e falanisd D tml te guusuia roi e ce lt t .Kr JerrsTheaskewht wat he gad£50prdy otu"h poicû"O the-6 ofk a 81b eslnddseae ho ht the seeircumsdta the Commyhdinspndrte, -fgra meurthisasinCircu ais beftyt toei rmoe-ol nat f g# fto iem tea yr e-•W adm rt rsad we a mjsycrw fteC unib o roceeed fwth,s ele-t asuou, a afUikRrsMoh W ect o i a ptay i ed th e b a" h or m b e r i t e p r vi c ; th y h aeoe ce d d o os m iv t g es i n, a n r t u n t k m it ou t n i w u d e s le s toin u a la g a - i re ro a o g t e n ny vi t m e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~v mrt h on i e å raesadteekn fdsu-uevaepoSooin g aeake ss and awaited ntw ar ival -Re r Pot t l , c rattne c te Twitotmin wit an y co- a ter y a i hs w'loedaits' iee• angAn i AittivowhaleÇgpmhe of , pe rom ther.city. Thencety»contributesnobypànly'emaameDday, at theeMrmouthoastheaRiversGad ed tht theHarbne vi wa kown. He ws n ginstthe ne sesion o anoher.Thereare n dout man Ormston b ornon, ho, i thei'usul a tolon er staute t afrrd vht accmmod-Tandboypnocroiingont te fooet a agedan. fouit to on thexpo tprichie ota e'gvrnarecnf Ties, in t e ouncl of tern nle iit of p r moead, , imeeva nnern,ofI de nliver addree upn ut.h watofnreehe conndt"o Uisúra atomnonheaeiei and he as nef voroféhe ele atin o . nap rane, ndeare llseply t wa v t o m ens f or e cassifi a t h e city requirethe ernploy M'ar oe, uwere takn o met be couse bt he ea-mnddept lu terers Th e s onio f e Othart o e what ofthe CtY ,Vaounty C e ,iberal avancethe r kiled o dro ned. theiinndE p. e saw no good e anwhyerasoct. ue, vad in <.fo the ofpbiaTerNion araininte rl, tishareerFa lsi ng aa i he u Cr ommsissine ýr s fiCoun t nia bv the frlhbezwihea o thee utellouofthi e m e t g t e a m t u e s b y S d i g aoe r t f r e ; a n o n et ei r uiv s ef un s B ,b y e v e y pt t yC u ile ' h e O l d G a olTteM r.a rT y r r e l l , t a i n g a s n eignb orro d w i t h i n t h r e e dayh eale td c o m m e ntt 61 t snklarth , a e r raed i s agutuen ts o te oh rta anpoogte su. W av o he To 'ciriffl E ditoofthe Wy Re orterFit. act e scrt ' Artgag e bi on the cstintybe of if e ýar W e1 h d- o b e awé l r, o a j aàe' I l O nea t i v -ot t h e d e s i n o f t h e ets n deny s o t h e r d i c u s s o nro t h e T e r r t e M a . E i v o n - - H a i n g e e n n a r i cl e i nhmn n . o l i c o f n s u r n c e o r £ 5 0 s whho t'ehe in e o Goernme tin the new mo tide*o le- ilD ivs Bl otbfr Prim nt8It ap. g i ll"ji"at a be 'n e oionteyoigar, A obetdtionU " tWo le oe r he ommdIo s. ýg eylfEtA MBOA T POiN. eirsog bruken a g n ingme bespeas, owver tht heywih tethttr a inters wthroI lno dthe deOnb té re c esiners ofCond wy propteribty t sofoced ilWe ar etorisryhae Ifto ie thát the stenrier Jlfr. incon a dthaunettsevener eiht poê estoned fr nh e aro ithe sithtteo gadugland which the atr eesnot to benoitie. t once iPth t herecit; io n fa New dForestr n RieLkurterbiron'e- ed aw rombers had addr siated Houew ie1difr M..P . o amowaehea or H ueo elieS at ngshe tPeer lbvoxgindte ri for Î iirestd sd s' .ithlf rat o n ofene OntyoOnario thamn traeetthroughenchantd and eysihneuade with the the wdge over the OFali nee:Riteandwiliedtai où W ou m ove âpna m end m ent.ooH e T hgr ouns; y tf he met wth hideous g estatr s ft eal t ea nd po p tion of the Co unty r o o boe Bad a tepas en rthe b iny b rt w n me, ent on to replyWtothe Z deb.ate r" BsidlWewoudlike o knwho ften o pewant r oi rpiaadaatsm repn hhg ok"wa aredol yth t tebo n ewaddc, iha bonti en i wa ad attd bythehon embr Pepteto epreether oinio onany n.a retTha i oe eyat, tsheisud sens i o u on yteof terWardei nd'a C teuusca in g ndesftwee t intoa tiv.nf h tht.e twnhresol b tkn f rdothythnkeatth eoleca eihir ie ,a d a iplaeaf ntrabutall s , ot tot y-on eu hr. h e CGboln i oe CO r f in th e ck o an n tieairidro ntter, t a M fo ue ou Ty f On taro ndesaid forns s- te apitlome attheir own boy ei yowdthin.B ithenane iou tenyons atr- wee itrther vid nstmeteto ell .theyaold was .ad ousi onTheorsefatned ti ab S ai n ey htro u feehag in t e rngestof Jn-tyhe 1,thereorketei i°e'ensss popeiaondohae stamRaHCur Hose ethr mmdiaal r-caIon n dck wreblwnman yrdCalith ýYq4st ,re gbeairesedCo miutirnthi sa sub t ws o xer biAlm t asUa a lith m efldr t t h os haltl eetinn y or rh e r, oey e n bir soasssance, to en (idesis sisutly onrlarg m¢tr p olitnqcou ty.din dantvPe s of heeRe resen ativefitth s C ou .sit a,•a reed - si.'Tatith boatshoul leateat t g eou . yng ofist am wh n theboat toppe .-Jt sai ,il]"' ýýS- - BU as the s oid enin was b-er ov from avi ab e own m mr a ion a-nd erin hour. 2ndetthe art ligtl ns. hench eo Ta i $ nete csas f the cptaintô habt he ke ting en b*n ou t-1r. i~e t st ioon dhethugtt tbextprhaeteyslttn f.5,00 ae vienlysuh s ottorerehmetsasthy eqirdexep mal. rd A reoltiw , me ig ndstam ad heEninerrresd 19 houseoïw p huld b lk lowed ot lto e ti dun Cleas u e mreasad oof dou b the m ind thy i l n elast etrihe tJ .3 .eah t.T e- rp sd b r.Ro on a.frmteodcutr aty aiwd ýplt iat hleo f mý#ath lmn h j o e;ancilthat laige majorty ofsaid ihabitnts a e lar w aaateke thut Isan her. Thisatimaine, nea tivingthe a ppopi tadiation a nce. e wse plyed tin the ine a t onlit he T tesa a e w n rn v h un od t h lpo-deiedl f vo f.ie o ration ds o r aid n tew rv onwsan mo t a t ed witherscabose, a s tla oroe r th e s uRe oti s ipa t u aving beviltin thja Ptrce tl' y lira ï inon , fyedn eac nig lire ih e oth r e.n a tk e 1th ContiÎ Ota i., teapmost of the ,anywodas be Sns of tempehPesaan ct ad Toont R il le isnd onseg t ervision in g.,Ard to ;. âmmetr& ier:tin r d n f th eigh- C lat theefct ttal l thecoun iesi n bo w the aft is bie foandte-ir oleny fan rce, d wiseheryunseno t e rinking n q Ard. eprt n tha t taki rtway ;reande(as- aradth porntmpen the riqu ali d eaes da, shwi e certain'other as, own a7ads ' ' vtheu rht be f h Ai he astiula i eept the e con e II goud* n g th ock iinea on R il Enineeron adaofebtem. T he f'l an _teh -e thenresmued, cReplto fteConyo orwih th a fthe immediate formation d the'ne t hée behinte houroreoteandno pronive e n ouni otle gall y, eviauthoriz one tit enb tc are n oard et o soe air 91 m . ' bouhtina idtoprsie or he o ld rt unt woTCunty of T Ontri i fvesh rt thtb i nior t fr tehdla . n id atain n thee e ward prorienOfthe Rfu n rsi t i l'a oiap-he ea os our innd w ts. TMs iei srtea antub c ed aist dhihtf ter om r oe.ad enev~rt dcat o tobe sold on rd, exepdtwha tent y might doea do tono erp S moer ad Hk w u o nR il - cti u lpablg e nt . llig m c a sta f tings, J . ùos inga id t e gaenrd o he alaet n dc eay nth ron i s it h c omm ttereonaturad aant this raoad, eas rejected yalmjorhi y a o hir tmue. The subet hoi t one otgreate stty g ilsweele ee Aa tbi»w s i ick ing.th .hr vn. Tiaséilaie-theynd yth itvha d gan tsedn.ersaidaonttheparis, o l'tee rGa uinsud- and we trustithe On th a i t-hotadty illrb e o m t - 1»t iman the ilig" lu.i- . Bicssintigcudb lata h epeaeidfrn h u-sc n nkie sale&c;and h ibe captaolin C T ue ird r e a 2 wa ly w tOft evegifth atg pnit, ,e CW ,t donnuleW em erswold sito the actandc maring t e sion y choniIand ear nctdgSeandlon nth par ty l thep lad e- uiijtho h n g of m b y-law, au-miss o tapbh scu t ofandpo tbeW ii 80Wl' alat1C eto.Thyhdnthn od wt ednto h il ftegev it e ten th oned, a d yow" knt'ýew , oatt h"7 Prem iHu d Ptthe saule «the id ouaddpers " ainte e fhta o e .g OftTwnshipof ien g. T ad frbi onnepsitthe a nuary 852 urpn wat dit&llreresent.. rd. eul id, r t ith e rIpbious 'tthé d e oul e ah eunalowmit thin opthntlPe W*mi b k un e Owrpaa' M r.Butsidthey ad ncient r d te tfytis nncear re ilÉge of thie a petai a n ita, tchruiReevte Cofth Eat onrmtetngantathee. tieo 4"h"4 - i. . M jstfct d tt e ly et.t dheeset rnes. eei r a ed -a fnlY Crrieden onse h hip, r e- t e sad sa t n da appue, 'r trusted the loveréent destrectoitantalithetheipeopleebytheeprdagethegallowed to andfdidtgetpdn nk, torthe nosat three. ofve mt g vertb i wouldVnt p ftnup theC Ot Of tYo f mesusowthat itiss w ihi*ngtimdlaitasineoane of thA e»oL ad The ére utn nitely . AR IVALhOF THE4 ovro to the order of the Countytof Cork and the Countyaof O - the"crib,*'ydarticle in me ree- Th a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t IItt Ce h c o- • ersnaie ftes onhp aeiet AD ent nh of.li thle atain, migh t y hav rcednehdfiedo rdcn ayef rde ----is Ro a M aU ii tea e uo 9ligraes y wread a tird tie atig herer e t o d ticuhe in tmse l with thi herrdnbemv et.W oca ee oe o utfrth ah uess a hE s k at.Lt, ecedH lfa tag at n needd the a t t ory o es h ati 1, I t ssib e t c-si éra tiw ofear ls ewen. F mthe epl bginty o mean h mvit ti Um h o fgethaf e e tevae c t le anns o h mdrC to i c h ft eaA te res0 aa yia tme• prtb& th ath etrt tppréitetherelcdvalaesandinalulalehéa tai uonhisch rnnoimfod O FidyVhereeipa;t 6dlhdumprve . he ,théhirif î M t e he Y lep ths afutbarrerand bru wige a eg gohe weeki U;bai- -Vt- AIA dtestnad aspeh mmnan mising,"09:frmth* spedy desptch U f of t pente 4sttey 't5'10»7X'wf 6,1 e, f'h .f,à»f ýa ppc o o tePdl eteforma»tioùen a neremove 12b6d. Thmiwas h dy tje ., to 67y1 ivere 36,810 bale[ouf gwhichm* som lngt cntedn ba th Bll outyb-3.adam spg d by -the· di ýî, they eiot alakn .daig 1 Os[à, Wi ,a maet dthe took 32,,and texporter d wasa ernl inokery and hat head-. wMi ha u reso se proud of the 'tion they I ld haveadvind eC. e toIMOthi rat, l et h ac~~joting of represenittsän der it was opied lathe present crisis, ebcneaie e a oseQe nwdt h aae .Teewsmc aiiyi h taugn. He enfalgd upon the eralOxmte Methinkate burniaN bushe wa.era.......y ebere, and teMreaddaeswr ltD e eff red ona'ionthé'tradl Fn xNia a .--"arev r e-ai n hhe fta at:,f sms aeM r rely than for sMmetime aiver talbpopnietion and the number of ,OUM din tisvillae ata, whietbroke ont tdrunkecoin o . *e as a "r.gero ea n in o R C ....ýAchstof the d iferent elpunties pro j isa stab e b iftoMr MOéier, and in twoCdbe paenger. The whoîe t",Qnt th have wasae '*e ,Com mni o M bthe ,bill, and asked what reson there bIshiw. a itptmo tevlael- a xanOt i e( o c, rTiw Yaakous ehiW biahaaoeoy-prigh oaja gb in givîing 60,080 p jdie and'a pro- in boaums syteB"te, Main-m.tet, and tblishedin New iYork, wOpen f n ition, c iuýajae.is favonmtIshdiaW pt tum ber of aced, one mern m- >,hS. D t l m rb-tretwitaOce. anSá.. 0 . .T.he ..nsar se ee eand 1,M00people,and a propotion- bI tio fCatbraw's (ee$ onice ing, 12 bufidiss, -----ut t#e kade Mie auinber of acreealso, une member. hashiesa god w r bas ogigt- 1 -y oldsFiras bringing IXOther hO e O 4 smà n apportioamnent was unjdst and jser, andw s asb edty-qfppetybeoghgtato i ess.H nsout ..pt"or -m"àa - m- - -1i in patint. Thiàms at id &Imm eduim thatncmaio ih . t lat IWI 0rý aft n o du *ýUsug 7 " uW1Lother natios ky, hetiot hat he cracked himself tobeafel 411 It is hy b v" gre

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