Whitby Reporter, 21 Jun 1851, p. 3

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o -à or Is Uoou IOJ' )m tfpublic uction ~She HA< À.EI stl lt, Or t lt aco »OSTIeffy G O ~ I S fl (>*e.go; hor -owneirs not having Chêl been ïb1e to vmiser her, sncethe PX 0-Sucri1erswil1sell by AucriON Sionl, tho9 several ottempt a lîtIVOlî VI ,,nade. The-three perîons gjnîssng im- --AYES ËÉOýrI1IRS, D>i inediateIy after the-biîrst in -,of her- boI., ofTUESDAYI >be 241h,June, îhi ler blive not beenf6uind Bce' h olwi;6itrtdod ' rm Cal ifornla, the nc'w t T0 65 barrels "CIy briht ir , ewdiy i. confirmeci. The wloi-c of Ssn 2o 's Cnshed Eraz'ciqco Wasin 1asiies. -E.VerY pritit-.10 hhd.flefitiýâ Loof ing Ofie xettao the AltlCa1ifori. 315 haif-chests Froh-Young fiYson e, self teà ritan, was dd. The IO-s i >3esti fresh evem ai Favorite Carjoes this Spring. h 'desyed.16Th 000,-1<packages Black Tes,th 000. 80 baga Green Coffee,> 20 deo Roasted do, te Tuz iPFCIULY IEMF Ln(irs 30 do' Peppel. TUEDIJIULY 3.MF.It~LIos10do AlIspire,fi vith lais ankies.cn a " e no lleCsitft- rmA ,GLASS lVTtrLEs The rapiditY with wiir 1ýtg bnî hl ls p re made is al ioti ticredible. -A wLi(k tui.W hetlw iistance eof*- aherer, arnd il Cor, wilI be'rn and fa,laus 1201 dozen -quart botties ini ten heuir% whbelih jarierges riearly two rund n. qtmtur per .niîîte. Thîis is urdinarry dutie; anci us oisworkstlre menia 1re restricAted ef twe per tniute toi prenît thre wrbe- îng lgltd.-Y.Y. Mirror.ý À et4uediter, ina narraf itg onaLn n counit of a steamboat accident, 14'yS ayr se'rlpersonn weroslighitly killkd! - - --- ------ MONTriM.k, Jtîne 7. '38. FLoULt-Sllperfine No .2, 1889d. a les.; superfinie No 4, -19s 7 1-2d. e' lRs JO.1 i2d.; fanny & extra Sup i. 20s. a .,-Os. 9d.; sotur 18s. ludian meal i5s.- o0atmecal 20.sdW. a 21s. iluiN. -Wkielt, tJC, mised, 4S. -a 6d4 .. 6 Papy soNI4.~~.BCP~> oi es, 42%. o6d.; 'Prime 37s. F Pri--m435% 82t. Od. a 85s-; I'ciatMeuo8$s 24.; Prime 473s 9&. ROCKIER Y! pteWiCjst ifactuirers at Cash Store. aiàIwhihby village ~4~Ar~fHTTS!I UST~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~o avieago ,sotel lJ ion cf hi. custômers end tbe publie 10, hie GentloeoD.s'iIk Ratst ttYV~, .w toc3k 0f ap for Cash. SAL W N!D GOOI)8 7P, LIEGHORY, .AND WOLl TS Just being received et bis Stores i htyad~£. h~Lj ther with 2Doi. CLOTII VAPs. CHIL- Cl1 i LOrtJ ~ lJjJ S~ NInS' FUR a&MUSLIw HÂTa, <Funny littIC 1 b,21hMy 15.THOMAS DOW.,_~DPlTQ3 1 O1%4Y -- R. E. PER Y. WAHFRW O. rSG 1<ir~~ Yhitby, lune Oh,181.8.if 'R/LLWOOL j.&Sa FE)L? ENfT NOTICE. V ~rjro ail and singtular to whon these E V N~ 4 Ji.PI X LL Parties jndebted' to laie Butate pîeseflts May corne, Griting: .arr, n L ni the Late Daniel Ë. Gould in bu liîfetimle of ICnno ail mien in general, and WHITBY' and Custc>mý-? and Friend% %wîll' olwOyaa wellSSleCan 'I7WIIbipofRacb' yoma' ereuested DARLINGT<)N in paitictilar, tbat 1, JAMES o !Tonsipofinah,à do stoe1kofseasonabbté 'iTiBIC immedjatea ndt st aviflg WALKCER, havé bein agait on t 'Agent for H lins againut the said :state, riîll pèaie #end in the purellase f Wool and sale of loibi munhifae- E 7 A W 'T't&lbt r. suife dutY attemtedbîh , deig, Sole ttired at the celebrated }'acîory of.EI2i FX J .. , n itra t of e thme sid ex t ,o rbeoete *Jrc E CH l Ciei' ,nsisting of every kind' r.nd'qstyle of C~oatga, eièf' wd - '~I P4' *ft k~ ct9lAf. ust ~ ~ OSP DayLD ofSetmbrOUxtR0~~G, and may,durngyIleaerot rce 1851, si~ores, Vcstifgs 4c. 5C&C -J dminiitaoUL. betossnd at myresiienice on Kins;Street, IJSH AWA _______ Uxrize Jne2n 85. 2 inthmreuseior ed yeorat b Glitit,_____________ýisi en fr ýn"k Eqas a Pnot Office, one do'sr Yasit of~ JOHN From41tWe extra Çaeiîty for niakig uP stoc tterEtbîh8l t jItlI IATS HAT ! ! IATS! I Ispeced a~ny ~~ne,~<j fr whch ~atid purelhasxn i~n the ehealiest WholsI ares ~ MrAl.111 (J'S Store, where the Groods may be in leA eMarets lie taken hi exchange upon rnui-ch mn ailrale 1? l:yjich , and peuî:son, or liermy lie fouind at théeCA B 1)IN G Thcy 'anfand d (10ÇIEALW.t la" 11hV Ius~ uthT~d ceivd the Spring style ofEngish, chadJIiILL ofaI B. WARREaN, Eilwhich ) Itve iWhlole'iale buvers sîçls% ~j~>lirIlI r~ ~neiOlSatin HBats, invite,; the attenltionut eethe I naerm of yeao, whpre 1 shall lie prgear- EDIIAID EVANS.-\ 3 ~iî"N pilhic t6i Cati andl examine for themnsClC el " d hy 101 h Mayi, Io receive, Wool t6be Carded .'ÃŽGîIsret ».el, IKin4 Street, Toronto. ail astirc themrithere lias bettu none hitter î.tro- upon us îow end luvourudîle ternis as any at-fier Tro.u 1 e t, ,451.unret 6 tn Alin a few cases of London llack tend DrafiSo i htae Beaver flats. C-o ei hef n.s rce o ayqa jOSE pli ]OGF.ls lify afidil juality of %V OÃ"L. -Oý EAN 5EF -romt, Jne 20191.8 1il, Rernember lte td TPost Oflice, Kung-st., OsharnaE ~rrnoJoc,2rd shw~ MA3181. AMS WLEI .E E T R-A 1) -EZlE i 0ý, COMMERCIAL 1HOTEL, âae %y 81 v s 9N. a rneiuligxTi4,-o VILLA G E 0F 13O0It F.L 1 A..M ORE, X.) OE Y TO LENVD. *'.2 L a rfC JU igTr. A GOOP apportiunity iq now offrc piz. r h irtriitciilI5. of " Domc'Stï' rG, 0rry', is trolnuy ithe L'Aefyet r IEB retturil thiauks A toa ay pei-son who bas a iie ?pare cash, andi Nàrksýt, adi neslypa:ist ya1I cioia n-teYe *o lîhrul u ortli btsrervi- wishrs teo make «in unveilmeuit i what is more the pres-ent dayd lu unielly praaôlt;sel hîy altfn, nve o the mss te fPPer" ai t lIESt et for tue dybyprmoirr alesmecoiieh7iflIivS <>tb Pihllieue;ratètaroiôte ve ineli orvPfci1 n the nid S4mint,(for. valtble ihan cash jusehi, v,a:-Twio valiaahle andt IlPropetiut",theérn9sl.rigid Econnomiât cari desi rp ;but i t1w > eetiQu Of a t"BOVSER erl itin MC(r. UItR) itCIADL' aroved lloillinirLots ut PORT WH LTBY, lie- XMARTI, "it should W borne in muid thbat IlQIJALITY is the trne lett fciHAlEu." I-faiii CORN3i ad hoes ly suict tterttolàta tns-t, coinposed QI the coiner BilidimtLot No. 9, inipurchalied princîpal!yifor CASH, lrom the ?dlaîatartul'ersin 13ITAI and theéLNITETIDSTATIS COEIss an h ne st arl' in - '4te I.Bock 3. atijonînrlg Bates's Bakery,"contaiiuîuthai it -d itent on SELLING at the LOWEST REDIJNFAiLNG PROFIT, fer CAH OKLT' îronagefiittilti coolrred ar- cteP. havinz a ýoad Barn îhereon. an excellent R o, ~ ?7 S ? A~r~ 4 ( Thé Barju turnishet4 with thie best 1jiîr.and Well; also a goal assortmTent ofa Graited Frui É E T S RA T the'1<hue 5ppiedwih ltechucet uafies uhut TreeS. A gond toard fence encloses ihie Lot. ch ari çtiplli wl h hiet Als.o, Building L t No. 11,, on Bond St.re-et con-- Offer t6 thbe Public of Toronito, and the snrrounitig ceuîntry ani prnuue. ai:ig eartY hall an Acre, havirte a cond Fr.giru. F XT r N SIV E A NDPW E LL-A 850 &T ED STOQCK&0OI G 0 0 D S 'r A B3 L I N G 1 Hot se thereqn, whichi rertîs tor $30 a year. Tuuig and a ste"dy hIoiler iii ittdane Lot torrl ri% 'e alla.- nont he.Witîtuul BuiiuiingLatit de' ~~~ ~ Ee aet-rrîrm,)da lion Id tifake Travlers comn- ti the Villat:e. Te ahove will fie sold ini part, or I*th irtlmo adNe nr ttbisieui (0tu -eSTG daity Ita nd tram part W/ii- the w fiole, very chcap. aid an very easy ternis ai Al of which îvill fie foiîîtd fuiily equal in qîîality 1 t1 xstLs~i~ ~wTr s bibDIS iby , TFINIS (01E puiynelitt, su ailIo suit 1Ptrçhtasers. and, at a Ponsiderahiy lower Pfice than any Hanse in tlis Locality, P. S.-Carrj-itp in atte'ndante on thé Boa;. For further paticulars Apply ta Thp present systeif of diPifinli alias Lyung" 15s bere repudialed; and FR. S, & Co. (i keeping te Borlia Juîc.t11155. 83m. JAME ATS thet nid adagte, Il Hanesty is the best Poicy'.> bave every confidenfce in divinal wiversa4 Ostifgt BflaJui611Baker anîd Cont!elinner. t iis womay-favour them*ithtfei ,atuae, îhereby gi g g rekw rpttblucily ho tbefr caps- Por Whub, Anit22ud 851 -. îilthns frpoigte bem ti eir atr te oal>oîh ef'eyT"' 44 opri ceiving iiste, lher Sprit!rsupphy or GRO- - gc4£IL. FLC£ SSRMNTO CRÉ orriàii he lmuai asisorifmetit, amid ýnor4.,IuTAj" àEAlvu,~AN Y U G O OD S% which they are enulled to S T fi'eANDart va.rDRy thi ofrespontsaui avuua tBho%, oh huiaw, ye hpavetily lîreezes 0 h eetSye n auatrs < cous ternis îthi creopndlts i the trade Alil amon% te leaves anîd treeses. O h eetStlsadiauatrg YUHTA.Whiit 1 mate yoîar bots arnd hoeses."1 Ladies' Cloaks 't.Nuif oa c c. 270 p1lcageg yVouinq Ilpoti, comnptîîîîîgstome TUIlE Stîbseriber lîeg, t ucq nih i% lL C') IIA )0E ( L O T I extra fine, I.friend.4and the public.that he has corrîn",ed RAY' 60 pacikakeà Twankal. lte abolie l, iitai.,thet EZISt erac1Ofthe WlItTi ueeyvrey olTrorluesatd ofts a suiperbe eut and Maae. 30 packag. sacrte, lalwear CARIIAGE FAC.iORY Bu.ats where ail Cus- 25 boul Genpo*d~T. tomWorkwilbe dnne withuutWS.i lt/(aundULTC F~ ~ - dOF1tF~~ f thatsi more tha i most Shocimakers cao elay) and To-ellIer with a large lta .~v'aa eulie' Au4 asvreteirWiadfed.phh .W TILL0T.SON. D osaj14 Shoes of ovtcry dsc ptO - - 18 l'ago St. Ilamingot wlihy Api 1218.5l. 2tf0 IiG R1E S 10 miats Java, ALEWTU I11 TO KO0 UC '0l'E 200CC tadlaAe assrhe lu UgE's Tbey Caoi %îth<c onfidenlcp recompiend. fas beirugenliréoly free (rom uiny darnaged or iufMror 200 2'kae note.&. 1db~ 6 R O0 (4i a , Articloit anti are of tih. plirest Qual ies autlst rrd dsoalreAsotitt -s 25bhda. Brighit Pôrto Rico, libéral suîpart iincè îîndeîtakinc the aId stand ncludinc a large lotoi Job:? Wilsonl5 'lBuJrcHY.R Kzrçvzs,"l of a i;uperior quality, an my , Lonidon LoefSigar, LiverîÏl d Dutch Crushed ( lte Mes WriY') h he'ROUGE. and-anal R. S. & Ca., lieing de4ertuited ho cul exceedîggl!fiute, naly apon rmaking gret slaghttr aon Suger, ~hapes by strict attention gao business ta bis favoreci higt'r prs inittcediggins. %#iih a cauuhînuancau of the iloual patronage. . nS. & C '-aSlni salsnel"i ro pn n1rut o~istclion; and tbey woeuld 9L 2 loris prime American Cbeese, just landcds far firnisil Wlth choke lîquos,antd'fi#s Table priuat 'niptoi>Coîîntry Friencîs ualtaopirchasa'e rwe~btÇfoe iivitig them aIir chance * 1IÂI.S lIlt)TIERS. well lipplediwithl the suli3tantiais'of Canadu ar.clryivt hi 1>' ~ ~ HYE BROL ae ~liig,1nTHERaSta-rganlaseayliie nate ne of provingthe îruth of their pretenslottt.,--Nu &cméd Price! JueTh 81 5 i telacfimdhn t aetaelescmcr-G«rllfft' made ICI ieasur.*, in elea}rt style, un lthe shoresi notice. etý ale. Sitages tcila tu bund fromiTc'ronhta lng- lrJ'Rem etTuber h the FREE TRADE OS sN.28.LWZC u.sO W oT DOMESTIC MANUPAý(GTUREý. sa,&C-&.wesî i lo n teeylu heN Stone Black oit the Old Market Sta~ii;teAcd.Ci azd ~ or -AîDRE*_ N0113LI. yonmis it «fter this?1 t tSel10i4an Y r ' . shage BusMarch 1iSth, 1851. a 4 1-rn ROBIEfT SARGM<T kCo. SkL1Ë, 100 (10Z,- Cast lsteel wacck i< el rorono, 27th Septembe r, 1850. 31 Ï F%.«,,dlI 4a rks,uu a&ire Nayîor'îI:R TJ E tIO.HWR1~- BICCrs.TTul euantîe'rvlln t g . 3O IT'X wara re thre Tra Tare T. HÃŽAWOR lion, after this, in adotinigtheiew IM2Wýatf Caslis, fashiOn;'at It hasbeeu -voted îtjîî order" 800 lb. Nulmegg, for persona affiicted in that wal ho fwenr 5o boxes M R Raisins. ais sin crrtain.»20 arrels Currants-Fresb, large rufes as70in packags.es Tonacco, romprising A tobbery distinguished for Its ritift cses 's, S'a, 16s, end 32us, 2 aé, ndigo-lu> lots, City and shiguirity recently tuok zplace 10t) boxes l3iton Bluie, i. Paris, et the Jardin det plantep. If. & do10 starcht, appearîoiethiieve-,siceedeýdil lcarrY- l100 <la SnapN i~i à~~iu cftir lins t' he ucrnneie 10 tierct-s Aluino ig offon f te s ofth- nelaYl.. ,- 10 do Rifce, an&l -s u iorwilistati..ng 5ta'itaaîOf 20 barrelf? BarleY. bloodk4èdbeeîî disooveved on thle groiind - *soA hard elude4 the argus leyes urth te Police. 400 hatf-b7dxaXflatài assoiied, - 9w<7,loto 8, 12m 10, 1216, 12m 18, &c.&c. A P~Ob»ta£ CAIIGHT BYA 1¶tS5.-- 80 flarma'ls No. 1, 1erringe, A few 1#hts since, after the lttumily of 125 boxe$ Pieby' do, Mr. Fitéh on l3roadway, had ytred Io 40 qujilulas Cod Fiai>, ~s, a£e1!w, b~>e4Richrd sau 25 barreli Taters' Oit, ret aft cia ine ihr $ntl---1 oElephant do, having hy some meanii got tu tO le 40 rases Olive dou, bouse cfntered the sle'eping aparîniient Of 20 tins Castor -do, a yauing lady, andi riiled t4e drawerà or 2 ToUS Ptinio Americu. Ohesse. a bureau of thieir contents, coîisi,,ting ny %onle- tIhirty dollars in nmoncy,. go .5 spuincheons Pore »emarit'a Rom, ehaîn, and othe.r articles DÉ je-welry. 2 pipes Martel'o BrtndYi Tht's far thre îransac'ion wam exceed- 10 qr-disks Port Aine, ingly- commun pAace.: but nu! ctiteit 24 baskets Champttgiçi -with his acqisition eor valuablest the 5 hhds lfflanîl Gin, Impuident rascatl could not thinkaU paIrt- 10lari bscy ing wilh theîr lait owner thtlont )eOV- unhnn Moam in sm tke f ri-iottrle I5it S A Iurg asortment of Cordage. stepping-p to t4 e bcwhiere 9.s, eiy n&J0 enfolded in the armrs of 1Morphelus h Wrsprlag Parer, imprinteil on lier u'by-lipl one partiiig Valu, lciss. Wlhether it was Ille report that Broe nuînecessarily have flluwed one of ~smbl5 the rillht sort, or something elg,we did Whiting flot learn, bat cre the sentillleltal scamnp Puty, coula beat a retremt, the fair lxand of the Powdtltunid sitt, damusel vaisfounâ grippiug tho skirt (if BFancyetad oetgs his conti,while ber voice calledl lotudlY Ani ther arile3 smitable for lhe Truido. fur lhelp. Thee bouse wasoosatinuised sale ho coilatuatcêat ONE o'clock-ptelsely. and Mr. Smith arrested and coligned * ttM5 À JL. to thre calaboose t.. repent at bis leistire nw:L WAK~EFIELD, lus untitnely 1f1.rt tu. do the agrecable. ootJme11h uto- ~Globe, geneerer-,St. Catharinae's Cow $tilt cnU!ý Tnrr '\rtw PLIANET..Tlic rnew platnet, aiWkflYReli.'ter, s"d OsiawaReformiertri dliscovýcred byMr. Ilitnd lias hec eaed pn1t e n ao ontl. ecmud (ation -uof sir Jolin a3~W ' S 0 8 lle,îselleli, Irene, (('coin. irece, Gue1~~ f'or peaee), one of'Ilhe feuoSanin;g bes t ifornthe In. lie, Grecks, and theretlore 05tisfvitîi9 the J haitnI OX 1~i;siç t~qntthet ld condition whioh lias ititherto glded ovened t ee. e>yQjýxitî tro iptUfr,ý *,strpsQiners -i thre eleetion off nlMe* H ote, for îhf Sale fl for ,iewlv dirtcovercd planets,nRumelYt DRY ~jGy, Gecrrdoe &l1lWI thant it shial be found ini the mithl<ug0 - idahv lue erilly .ftd *de of rf reece or Roue. Tlîerc is nîso au o atteoriSalefaIs sholdnniuQ pjrcu allusion i Ile peOce 8acîually reignng alled tlo f lushloi s ihi in Eurille, te tbé frieiudly fceeing prC- TE à uvaltil inu relationite ail foreigners b in b, cîeÏfidently believed, wil aflord al auuil(j ut tlire reseflt-momnent, anfd l'Y fiction. À îatI,is ,epetftîlhy solirihed. mIiaiuî eth r saniciener,« fos- -oo4 ountey'PrMcl taken in ,xchange. tere4l 6y pesce alfflrepresenled lan the P yuue4. 15.9h Crtlpalace. ril-- syiblol Fstiggseied -D R 00 GO VS, is Ça do'e -'it.h oiv0 r e nci h n cxdW te, lues 1;e-adl. 'hli ew 1ianet i Uth utîeitîl t(-Riil, t Wtopiewl.bf wlieloias lre*a-diçvrtl rbetvcOi1 Geo. Wallacet sh Ort e e, %wlt y ilafoue. Ma*i aud Jiaiter.Corarmereii ings W9tyViij > Mt adJpie.whitlw lJune th 1861. 8 IL e., - 1 ïtrît»:,Bvo

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