Whitby Reporter, 14 Jun 1851, p. 4

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EYAN - uwl4eut, by the m~ di M",lof several t Ire patenletiIjrç1 m .I te rte 4an: nel Sff~T~? ~l Ft AfI. ' DM , 'Ir uî , .4r t (mp rs aen t r i ' - I'.gtv;af îOd.to'g is modien lthe 01,D r> 4~pIrIIb Pli NCIVLE OF4KING 771r, J'L I,: rit s~ trartef l» liaIleflire catnnt iijure lhem. I*Ie.is 2 Q111, PAIfotLit ' ,fÀi'IIýXR Ç' > o~is 1 li e, n buhch, iri îwclve îrorfhs, or as %viii uîî'a.2à, lut 1-tu Firmcr% wil Jbaye 110u Otber Store. <7li<rnia Gofd, Io yet ,tetormir:tl t.,%,qpply h4ý' cufmo* viihG4,ý0â jt such t'»" janes il).-I theYM4,e #of .l d n so :r ttf 4,t Ih,:roilih thie <,' Uvittn-r efied t 1Y hie î:.,;aud tlie *V04d gwrebis n~itilrou. $r'tqîds. :h4loflv:ry t' h îçjý nf.id.' prrmi od y nw trhe' q.îali:y 01,is G ,l .wilI ;.iî.tiit înîve)'d$îhaia. ofhr- hi;à i. .l.ûîuiuýtity t.4%, ri'tu w;m a' l~it. f1151 s Ç-i,.t.,.:.>( i the ma)SIîs'.u weap@a l f. rai wic4di, lie will rnak'e if I)h.' iriteiesl ol ottop>i<lise rouIi iun. loy 5IPyff ba wiîtlifequ.#itesof <wdt. a 11 di Laer i l~ rty in s 11c u fd~het 1iWef <fdonic. Çugara. T.mýeeo.;,F. uitg, $f.,tkaua~,Ilard- the m*st @art sî ie-expcctit inns ofnittirehn4ers. Tav.$mkeepers and the T.-ade, surpied as 1.ow s' v an purchase in Canaldt. Whitby Village*- 3gn. 24, l&)t. 4-f 'NEW CHEA? HIAT STORE y-arly opposte me"Globe" Office, K*g ,tStret, -Toronto.' T HF, Subseriber, having Wi !long-exg.eience in the buinms, respect fully aflnotinfes to 1he -IMi hi~ i h@ aths opened the.buve premises wif h an exceI lent assortruent of HATS, and tm I. Éur CýaVo, Bnf'~alo IIbee, 1 dtlésFý '»-e w a ys ~o haug. ir The biihest price pi! in cash for Iialittng and Shipping Furs. JIACOB BASTEIlO, E7"II!! TEE'rJJ!!! f cr~ ~ C T' 12'." 1 i The vivaSag it osassesof akiriuz in a long stick of wood, anti havin-eai- large and" capaciou OVCu, -OIiotd Iuwo> tiers of bièati pans, 'andti eing noiti I'rr' excellent bakirla ovený, re far supe- rior Ioa ary stave he bas eold !ýereîoforpf Piýîifd ! Dnt' ë~ Twh'é'*eîÙ1 ë rlln and exm,'ta he .'aid l sceS are CA o bfole f"rîi ai Bryau.'.' Sov lou onni, inth. l'rsiî vsilIaý-,pof Whîthy. wte gonds i ail borfis are put dowip b hoile.si t eandt f .uif ct teic.. lier, conlwood, &C. &e, taken in Xl.jîc '1T4e S'.st'riher has ' niso yporte lime since Lpîîtt ' love Sîp i Piîr i Next duor tu Mr iard, Store, 'Where b.' aln ke'ps oon nau!acorisorm cOf foot... fr U b~ich oatii and ti hr produce wii fjr'7'hey make YOU p(uY lrofit 'd losS.. - B. 13UYAN. Wbilhy ant] Prinre Afbiert, October Dit), 1850. 26 WIVHIIBY VILLA~'GE. Sprfng and 'Ummpr Fnlhioîîs fur ISJ. >AL EX.- PJIM1NCi LéE Thte lntest Fashuons always on iband,1 Whilby,iîîrl 19, 185.m ~ _ Y , MiTY IV 1 113 Y J , ~1 1j~t% , Ill1,1~A 1. ~1ND TRU~K lI$ititire iîilai'fcw lJuyh 1. CLIII tenbu4h) - " havie be.-fi, or of- t rd per Box. -- Wkiby, De.r. 7,z j I 55r5 13-11 'MYSVERIOLTS K/V'OCKLV'G>$ r Lcc ~ r'r PýULMONJO W24FE.1s-j "1fE Snhsrther bas on banit, and continu" a 1tt.>I I'>UUu t:re ci' OiS OG "4.nuftuç, or, Lot No. 35, 2a>ilCon. MWhîiby, #7!LM JONH'j. UM lisghL klleiivy %Wapp Io JR lrrw t1Y coNvsuMýP 'iDsman ailaieinsc e of ifrriu-Patterns. jBet niLînsMnuFttîrdyE ai B%ç'pizbp ishng to purchbue Plruui;h IWnodi. prieler ant ýI afiificturer oli the C.,ntinent . cf wilu'irlti spply nit reas'nuabie terntus. Ameri.h:y assigarnenfitif ighi fient JAMES ." Rpmnngu~ fl ~s arious âbratnches .aIY iJO)IINSTO. 11eleas ouii- Til§ celj'ebratpd rerredy, i.'trsale b W. Sur-_ W4rkm h e h el coi, _TON D" tbOshawa; 1Tnfos.5Srroxa 4eat of giviia; fuîlltuaiii.D4vinaq& oRc$oudxc R ,aira - NS. W. BROWN. :roxu, L'ro0liù; Lu.srw , ffin's grteké; a;id Whitfby April 12.81 i 1f. JAMES Il, GEl~; Wkoleçale «ami Real Aet 'a, llonrga. Witb', thN'ov., 185Q', 30 T ÀDANEsINCASH oi 0' _AND CAUTION. PE AUIHES coosIg-ntat'Moritrei., ROIEIZT H. LAWDER. D Ohei-reby calitio)n Ille, pîblicangninsîI PôtW-dïy s Auguoî,450. 17 1 uuînçg aspurinu~s article calIed Dr L'aeo4'sa h. >'Moe.cWaÇelà;, manu4faettired by ' E. .Gren »R. . L 8lR~ÇIA1,'t Hamffiurfn. Canada We.t, as ali-te informaliaff be 3EAVEWI'ON, THORAIT. ever receivecl for mnaitufacfting thesie wafers was -~ by Ieing inJames Bryan.'l>rug-Store,lRocheter, b A.W OFFIC <E. fbr <wo onths. James Brya'n ia. is a cotante.'- ~ ~ feiterof Liork's Waters, which he cals Byon's. 0 Puamtonc'cYers. .Barrltr aai4 &ttorney, f 1 an]i prepar.'ttog-ive mcst gatimîaef.ry evjJenc P zýni ipit for (tif sage e otie ab<ver cotuir! ets, 0 Mecita Maixei--i.,IV.CLAKI , Pamphlets, ]lanks, and aitrqust informa- tionIrmay4ho1a on application to £Attorn*ç anid Counaelr.at.Lawo SOLIOITUR-IN-CHANCERY, &-c.,' &C. Wl!IXI Y VILLAzGE, cA D. w E fiT, WALKER & WHOLESiý CIQt hiers, Ouitters 'and oAM, 2 6rîl AI SGO LT -D ET L x orç,or r o 2 6, Rrzq "0SIBEJT EAST, TitoNTo, 6 ioSRETEaT~wO,< J3EG ti iiibrm'-the raders of thci WItby Reporter,-nd publie generally, that -b y ae com pleted ther aîi ni orato SP taplc andi Faticy Dry Go d.ï,w hicli having 1e ) selerieti frm the besi Stockis inf, reg N arkett, and i rchastilfor CAS U, wili be fjund, ur ) i 8 -w . ami nation, unsurpased in this City, l'or qtiatity, otye andi ceapness. on An 1Inspect in i uvltcor IRETAIL »2-y (Joods MC7Ck0IIS, READ, T1IFFOLLOSING: lWhite Collons rGrey 't 1 yd. à. i Arnerican Bed 'i"ck' Birovn lullanti Gala Plaids. Dark' sable 1buffst G~rey Squirrel ' sione MNanifi Catit pftiflfor JIdes ami Skins, lWheat, loey e i n xeln îc iFashiriablte PIWSS GCODS, Siiks, CGloves, Ilosiery, &cé., afAg.$,I u a ts , IP o ts a n d P i"rl . h s. I cn r sj o d i ces. A gI24 BLickOrlens Coth rom 8. P, y. lckoureansC- ii. rin0 pr.id. BlkCobourg 0 10" 44- I fllaobaurglà1 " " O de 10 9 Misliri DeLaines - 0 10 Prints lyi. %vide "ft>ri Hoyle's'i. "l(0 7 l yil C.nghamn.'(Heavy) t( ) 8 Dark Sable lis é4 "3 (i Grey 8qtîirrt!l" " 26 storie Martfti Il 15I () Frid 't àt 1 5. D 4j3p~d O4 4 1-2 7> 1-24" O7 1-2 " o 71-244 39 Il3 40 Q warerr for- on the Whit T bav, Whitby Vit"a;e, 7th Jâme,I39 NOR'THIIMERICAN LHOTEL ( ar PORT HOPE; c. W. ~ENLAL TAGE ,OFFICE. t-1 Trusty Porter.' ahway's n aitendarîce at the oaîgt. 1,%ýLr santi iheir l aiucuaveyed Io nd from the bolis fief. c ' 'kJe l'art llope,Jok', 1950,. 12-1 y 1 L L I A M J E F F Il, EY, AGENT F011 'TUE Wi 4Î1i0i l on(5- ililt n 1 i t ual Excellent acconsîmodwatina fr travéletîrs. Cood fihiglor Ilorae,. i LdJXJJ CON VE./N 6WR SDIL/UGHJiPN, OFFIJCE, opposit e if. c Couirt-biouise. VJLLAGE -0F ANCLSE, 1R EACE, O. W. WO1IRM1ANBR<Yi'IEJS& Co No. 36, Ring Street, Toronto, Il. W.- CU FFI GROUCEWSi !QIIIus; ýAND PROtVISIONS.' PRIODUCE BOVGHIT ANI) SOLD. J3etwee t 61roudIs «ni P14ltxs avern,LEst Skie of the AMarL'et, c 1 -' ýý B11. 'FL Pv X 1 i 11 làlj ei RE310VMciED 170 Brock Street, nexi dur ta llryan's Tin Shop,- JYiIITB Y? C. IW. Wh*tby Ladies, Scmi»ary, OP'O#SITE TIHEGAîAh CIO Publlcieuse ýCan bc soipiplieti wîba fi.sî rare article ai' aie o6r Strong Bcr on Mlodenate Terms, for CASU!, ai CLARKs D»,RE*wIERY. Whithy VÎiage, Jan.,, 7, 1851). ' t WHIIBYC. w. BXXT ~IE ANUATR8 AXIN DIALFRP lx Whtby viIIa2t. Jn ~) flrifisk Cnta ltheoVillage orf Ncwcagtle, lJ. E TENNEUy, PROP~xJ?7roR. ~~E1.2,I8~O. 18 ,,/11.o, 1,010 Wooi Scaf ,lzwl, oirthy of n-otice. Wteredg and J)aas J'oeesCape!,J)'gts, &~.~~c. of ele.gant Patlemns. fren OW'irn S C:olh, " 3 G ion4in " 3 fi .1to4a4r Plaid, Sivansdowns, Lroati Cloths Cas.'iniert's (Plan &Fancy) Pilot Cfoths " Y.'tuin bWooien, * Tluey would cal! prrticuilar attention te titeir assoriment 'Of C LOT 111N-G',; Thr whoîp of wlîù'h beinc rriadeiîtp rîider their owni inspection, by t1he st of work~men-, are not equalled iii Ca'nada, l'or si-vit of cultiiig, r(iuality cf workmarihip anti material, andi general cüuitabe,-- ncss If) tboe'malts of tFpe p.opfc. Partiezi almou*, b puirchiase Goodi ini ibis fine nnay 9ý pal' toe dear for f heir wbasile"»If ftlîy buy before lookirtg over W. & Il. Stock, amoffwhich will lbe fand. front "8 6 S2 9 't 36 Grey 0O'er Coats Pilot t Fine t Ljonskin t Fine 'l'aczis t Boys' Cotingi, in great v'arîcty. Paris Velv . t-n.ap lits, Fur & Cl.oth Caps, &c. &c. (jarments made te measure and u'arranted te fit. t:'3-Farmers and ti iers rets,*Irlinj the cuntry, anti nul arquainteuti with tricks piaetise d on stran- goels, by many ticalere, %would do well t'> citil aibtis estabjishmertt, as lhey'have but-ôce straight for- w~ri mde i toin baines.Among f heir ruiles are lte fo)lluwing:ý ,. r. fîin 17 6 't113 44 4o i'; ' S Fle$bootîne Coats Fin ancy Poe Pais Blick :Satin Ves!.', Failcy ' 1 44" Taifinett d .25 t' 7 't 4 NO SECOND PIIICE. Alf Garmenîs' nuL suiting, exebangeti. AlGarrocs arratiîk'd nolt tosbrink or spot 'wit rain. Ait picce Goedi, cut in the tisuat lengibai, excbangerl. Toronto, Novenmber.1,1850. BtTBGESS & LEISHMAN, 'orner of King 4' Church Sicets, joiniùg flic Court House, hIAVE ON IIAND ToIr 61 1850. G-EO. 18, Kin Toronl or'to Scolie c-A thing beri lie at hart tiiy of G the pa.t) Goode, ai &oap ai Wh ill HI 32-y nve jlots ýrondo » 1 ne s' Lt"'t ii ý,n v -a, tUtui iie .>tut 'Lssor ien i abovet Readïtîae1tide Cloltîitg and Dry Goods Wb IN CANADA WEST. CLOTIIS, Cassinieres, Vestings, and Gencral ýDry Goods, Impo-rted direct froni WH '-'Iritiiîby Oïtrselve. G~arments macle te order of every description. PAUI, I1ODdxY, 4AND NEW YORI<FSHOSRECEIVEI>310-NTHLY Th'e 'most appk-oved style adopted. RE4D -MA~2 LOTHI] Men'.'Brown RIollandi Coats, Do Check'ti tico 'b f )., do Nflekin do I)u fBlack Af paca do DO jiuicl Cor do Do G- mnl>roî di) Do Tweed,'d 'Do Broat Cioth dol, Dû Olil'd Water Proof do IBov's ltrowux .'i-ie» do Do .uMlsi'd Do -Fanry Tweed do J)Aiaca - do DoIîs~lCord do W1hif<, Shirts. Linea Fronts, Men' Mol#ki»Trousers, fIa Linep XPDrillt, do Du Drillededo .Do Csmn>e do (nom t' 't t' 's 't t' t' 't 't t' s' t' 't 't froin t' 44. 17) 2, 13 12 17 Io- 4 41 12d o 9 0 -6 6 6 4 1-2 6' Duo '.'nerleTrousers, Bo{' DniI -do Fanrcy do laDrab Me!lkn do Do Checla"l do do l'o;Doeoskin do D)o Ca ssi mefrle do Redi Flanel Shirts, Crader >'4irts and Drawers,- Men. 3tck Cloth YVests, Do Black Satin ' do 1).> Yancy Sain do PO io llaoct do JDo Fuon cy do Do Xehveî 4.> DO Plolsit do DO M1alcelles 'do Do flarathea do Do. C£asôipere do ID.> Tweede do eloyiu'Yaccy do J)o silk du Do' Satin do dro 't. dé 1. 4' ~ster,1L Y. j - W~ill ýgive pro rpt attention-ta ail business of his Profession entrustedti t hinm. ti'Oflec opposite, the resitience el Peter Pcrry*, Esîq. CAJtLETON LIrN*DEý, IVIIOLESALE AND) RETAIL DEALERt EN TEIIS îODIC'03#RWCE9PlrE 4N AINUFF ESOLE, UPPIE-R, AND) 1 1 1 1 1 1 il 1 ï'ý [ SION 01. TuE Got-I)ZIq LION, 1 BRITI tif' 1 &ýý 32-y À N D

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