Whitby Reporter, 14 Jun 1851, p. 3

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M-GOktype$ for if yott bad,- I ourreà at tè'St okéîth 10 M TTH 'l-rbew i t-i p8d ur 11RepiibiaIl 'fe Ottawa. Thé ât"aûst ~ i jüo tI"on her TO - 0 tO "Pdl*t" by wq of a derte waY upw er. lo ds, lrgUilbr 0 DARA FALL9 1Q -1 id ID auOro ,oosiêuyqw1mUsopesnoioi ka >pithe9 severai mboL ýreýéjedgthis Stores ini Whitby aiId N»$ i~ ~ t No~< ~ho < li djum- pipi leadiog1, rým the boiler, bloWf? 1islosofWIBY Rrote emal NÃ"; 5 b.rk fim tbà irar, tîbrow doww b is by *hiolý i dnibeof frions weirG in- E*e Dalontohe OPÂLTI PL p-o .MNAme WIIantIaYS i8heQus1ssms »d buzz 'the foutwing jured W brthatfiveperâoojjswere eçommni. by aU ErrICIZUT fDa#i ingeýô b. .trl igdthèi ecIr* ,and oelild A vint Claie Steamer hhu1beea Chatered, and 'CJASH FOR WOOLO v0F in b m te- dptcaiioa. The Bétwii eavu O.baws lirwO? t 1310V*io, suad sa dto so daring su 4 hild nçver sbold be ndul S o ck, T0 sandpund singuIar to wb ho ~ .' 4 L~ t2 J rY hUB& ave become f1iit, ýgiddy, ly oe8*", tobe happy... Sy P-3o theme gwcning. DALR, NGh i ave i, ttl f coIsl wU.dIJAMES15M«bldfak dn.They have had teftM0 coo iîgtr te-ubot~'d~ 11 eI,~4ÉUb mml sgceiv sd&àyin Dinerr Pe N às. tred attbe céiebrtd Fiory 6fI I i v tificateâ, and though I bave Beefdag- dTare Ts canehthT Fi rfhtb,~Cni~i~bert f .k,ê.tc gedtsîeotherc Lnia.qut&ueidi heir Tî&zBca i be had n »the T essu ftQt, p o itul ring," hados on wili[b. neeeaary,bmasithesage muet.be Iuittod, OSHAWeApçErfih eta~emîy~ur ~ soita h ayed tebedpoie otib~'of Petri- D I EDT and wilipoïtivey cloe on the FIFTHo June. in thepremIeomerly epd y G. Burs, *tbihb~3 faction ia the centre, .na d îhiingt brfahr c iin lePortHope, after a On returntiinand entein the Ha buPfVitY£qi PoffÇce, one do'>r £at'Of JOHN*omdhepurcb ý a si gi t1i hcpsWuétbMfkt. severit 1 hve à ký a tea êMy lingering and s etilneu f mafly monb, Mary, and Oshawa, a Splendid Exhibition of MM'H<iN'8 Store, where the (ooMay hoiSYbn- IN rhain tiU t~ wo d;"ye I b vetas htthe edeet daughte of Johà Steele, Eq., the propietor Mâ . aed, e-, angïie up o i uhm r avu~ l t mr l oid "ra gt er - - - --ptim oneom 'ea brfun e he R D )O T e ti ,a d o * IlO uCfS P1ia y t e t1esltr eOt iat66Gas deditore, y&saed 9 menthe. will be made; and throimglmIît the trip no exertion terme t*. in formfer yeari,defyiii5stiéie«UîÜ coin -trdW* and qêut"Dote.spOs bnakelthe tripea pleueantend ektbitenatinc recn!- M ILZo( .8 . Wxz,£e. tih hve Wh lee > yi pûI? ~i cmopl em mystou#adI<nu*ale vnertionforatiofl. Commitice of ernen;enments-Châirmefl, rented f4r a.tenm of years, wbere 1 shall 60 rpr- EDWARI) EVANS,' Srç, A. Frewell, Mr. Cheent, C. Camepbell, %Wm. c ,Ot awnccv ' e011b@ Cord ,cGi'ISrefi ot sOftcttbâîbéngn with VILLAinDa Carpenten, R. Gartehone,, J. Gordon, Mn. Kelly, upo ________________________________as__*Dy___________> Ya i tin tcm II WITDTS l. eny, M. B. Stone. Shop in the trade. Toronto, Juie'7tli l&ll. t1intht y prg-JWILSON 1 'eto-- form the In- By Order, ERetiy n W 'hî1 i dicy teta uvi JOHnËity, ihait an q ûUity of W 0 O L . ci nosb êdetes suhaqueous 4"pleflet is," b yU O Ç h:tyMey20,851y7-w.JAMS WLKE <"ý ýwith à *'abbmînable tendency"tc ,ub- open<d a tore .ucactly opposito to &ptrliBcrettrJ.Fmabr: M A&re ot d Pat Op«c, Xingst, O " FTJ{Dfll thO ii v ùtat'iltuiu? redikonntex-Do îgOYSDGrocereie, rcey&IIR1Al COMMERCIAL 1HOTEL, Oshawa, Maîy, 185..3-3. lbe29 SI. Law,6tç iU1hUS'T 'otl I l is tat rny tîpispolt e -lt is Gods have been--carefully selected, andi are- -XOR E AMOKE Y T0 L END. isatuîizn o the 3eopar- frd o al tàlýlidit primecoltVIL L'A0rE'O F1O R EL IA. tObv 4y dyof b "kntgIemiteos if sueI 1OD pritmet 1 nov tfere fNE cf the flrst r;neîp o1 orièi col4l" becoing pterIL8Tbe attentioà fîf Househoideis je partîctAlarly - cas ,atiint i nw fe "ukt ni' nmeslypeeie b'ald d&iciîM1tt4eS D T E étr1wth n s e s. Iomake an tjee ment je what is more te preent day, by premotief holee ecmqttOl gvsb tePbi b . "T1ruMPeer oral unus TE ails- for the liberultstipport he lias rece,- valuabte than cash ilstjf, vt--Two velîsableen 'Protpctiun"' the Most rîçîi dniltcn4er u itteslcil0 Qui velvettan coattîne babebt.' . ved i;ince he cornce nti.odSand, (for. improved 1Bîltiing Lots nt PORT-,WHITBY, b.- MÂRTV," it ahould ieb bonne 'n mithtQJLTY eltietstdCM* hywiII earn that i'auooil twih ll ofdnl ejvtwh dstai-merly kept by Mr. HUNTER). tCRAINDLE'S i% omos ,i liecorsef Buitdig Lot N.9,lnurbstaLplyorCbr<mteM:tcueSU RTAPatl. ~~'I bOY faction~~~~.àÀtrial ersetul 4iied. CORN ERS, and topès by strict attention to bus'- Block 3, iKjoinie; Batesl' Baker>', contaiennghaîf andi intent on SELLING et the L(W3 MN.KlGPOVT o anuo Pbic cesinbulandi GS~d Country' Produce teken in cxchange. ceas to hie favoret i wth e centiecance cI' the pa- a ce aitegoiBi hro.a xeln post14 185 an Act.wopubrnliceon ancrceles pro fsiin. r1.9-f.tronage hitherto conlerreti. ROB lma R 7 im$A R (Af rai7 4Frui more.', I o n y rviewers thnxt Whitby, 4 11 le oavii asereete ngeri wvhcn they speak of, or totnîe,-tIICY shali The Bar is furnisheti with the bjst tiquers, and Trees.. A gmoo iard -feece- encloses ibis Lot. ,lasbear in ini that "nam.RY G o oD S the Table .wpplied m :tb the choiceet eatahles that AIse, Building L)t Ne. 1l, oe Bond Strt'let-con- Offer te the Pti 1Torno ni~es4,de iut~~ debetur pueris reverentia." Is My re- cnb rbue.tiins neof îbv eatn bce, avtlBiliigSots« X-N V,> .iew ir "km ip* t--' f r occries,& Hardware, WVholeoae & G 0 O D S T AÀ 1B L 1 N G l[ouse thereon, wbîch rent'fr $30 a year. Tbie ; Geo. Walacei Cash Store. nhNlae hseiieoiimt t 'Ex plain upon the tIînj tiIal iùin deuht it." Comercial Buildings, %WhitLiy Village. Efentrle AGE citi tI e a rom orn thei whole, voychcap.an on very eaîtnsy a v o li-hw fud ül ti cr Ltu ohl. STAE dal) t and sumPtrtPuit basernde. acoesidenal o.e ncehba> o Are irny friends ocnvinced that I é titido V itby, une th 185. b. THOMAS GOREY . tso a o w tu a s eprs.ré ç dît it 1 Ycs, I think, even nowI1cati hear li.-arnagne in att85.iîacPo h Ba.JAME BTE, the olti adate, lonesty me the'beetPlc')hv vV'eniec e~vî i îutin -î~cosiûttsa x r Oc , xuY? CR0CKF~R Y! Parrtun, itht 1 8 n. aeril and 51. .tee. ta {base who may faveur thent wît irPtna. habgvetetrpls ci îiuiiMflg e g ulirws jtt e-ril£SU13SCRIBELIS are eow ne- Pl'o11ck's PIWrJie LoStý.." t ie it e Mthe M tinufactumeeiî t cWigle Sl.tore, t1tir Spîing etappi>' cf GRO. KESV N AIFLÇ1'SLCK SOTE 'oh, N*(r,e ere, Weilth*on as wleUE. are, 'S CERIES, cernpriit- the usual asortrteet, andSTAPLE 1 W. !Com'metcîalr aUýuên loisà-arn." WittbY Villago. geôùp ternis t» ber car orndeftà, andth tr atie AIl1amonc the lcaves and i t.-eso. re, heý ate -dumouuadered, (Meý hib,*mecal5th 8 ~aeif.re. wÃŽhth- re nbe uofro r'vna- "Btowine h bb.ye bveny brezs O b eet t4sad*natf lai they got <o brùî y en tif- vityJue.3b 81.S f gnraly RE TFAS: Whil- 1naake ycur boots andi dhoese." ais lasBnes Afl 6s >c> inéuer traso euicdancd l e1fido *li- il. U. OlI4 2~pces cngtlsrm c fi oneeT fiend and the public, thet he bas commenced XIIA' III U E Int tmef ogan olsarngaîd èreI '¶11E >u)tlesq carri 0 ii h~Vi, etathe ahove buineinlethe Eaet ei Of the WIHITBVt fCas Toies n Và,ofsU affi îenjo3ing, -in ttiuiiVh, te soft de- lage by the undesignel asGtoneral ?eerehaîits 6 akg.'llaa' ARIG-FCO& LCwet I . evcry varietyo o t~ ent~ne b L!T Il, Quîia tident te Style ad irn 1 cf G. & 'T. WALL ACE, 30 ackages gre tom WorSwil k teü, C Rh neatneeeqBLoc L efit a ni TusA P , o- lï li t n ent 'e hmri-- " o nowe 4this day dtsselved b)' Mutual COiienya ll Uen: 23, Mxes G ôw er. tt' m ore thanlie ine t h e n e ui y)andiT .b T ib eeg oo g ii.g n l~ e i éàUegtliï.IS o, Wallace *15-authsrised In receîve alildebts due andiCOtE J. W.moe T[LLstShemkeoTon. Booandts sd hoc o Cr0 wilh jO'q )tt¶ 'd'IlMy CaUt Igerer e iqîtdate ail cdaimrs aàaint thelire 45bai LuT oIiý r a de.patch >. idihk secin E WALLACE. 6fW) p'sRâe Whiýby April 12, 1851. 52-tf. thie ç x paîithetie lunets of ?iltont bibyJô.e 1851 rO. 18 b.HA F-W YHO SE.T EIR ST CK F (R *hitby Jàne,.4th 1851. tmalte Java. T EI S Til dayligtdth appear." 200- £&I-V O S 7T eýcnwt onieC1 wir tid Ã" cakaýe-s.aen1red Toacce inj51, 8416e1Go UG -1,Atcotan r'o 1 (A pMr. Itemtfer. t a'ero wl Lot N . 3 *i là n retr tr thé3nid giv.n&c. I--E ubseriber rettirnç îhanks for the R%~L ~ié 50 Ufl'W0ftb)' <'~ îIt. id givea SLGRo libenal support siece undertaiint the olti-stand Inceludin<Za large lot of John Wisn 'BTtE¶ }<Vs, olmea' tôpfdbil. ias his naog CLT, ih aring uuliot Z eaat r oltdAE 9 a.b ' pthhtPnmto RicoWSLY1)tth OUEa ý'd - mith a secetlI.l edition of 1the Ilepiode. éndi long Niane. Net awhite mark oa i en, at .Lno ofuaLvnoand iutcLondon l(lateMrs. WSLEYLivetrpeoROUGnant ant I r S. & C i.;bieineg derxmine eeteeedhlyld syusaî Sugar. ;. - hopes b>' strict attentîfen tebusiness to -1ho avored - g p i u i'tlaedgouvm. ~vj1,omtdoppflgt sxiurbof crcdit e good likey tolt. An>' information teucbing ber %wi:b a ce,îtieuancce of, ihe usual Patronage. The eea~rd ô.njt iu t he f MBa Irnthd mth ha e iq er: d iTable R. S. &CelsSplendid Esta'lsm n"rhio lg~ ti-e oCwhrabUt, il . iiaby earedb> mmJMEI MAIR 9thb eçes6, Ne. «S4, Tckeî- 3 tol i"ie ni ',ericaOn Cheese, justliannted. lIai ffrnshetinvitbeb'dçe l1qrnsatl h WJLEIICn' F WHE IV'T . Hr AMSJAIS, n o.fAYES BROTlH11S. Gond S1tatffinîýandi e aîeadý ftoitlerit â1atenriance; of pro viiîgthe tnulh ef thonirpneniiS.NScodPce Wb)iib>', 35110 13, 19.5. lint ail expenses paiti, bý' arLy persene linging lier 6 & 7 St James' Biildingd, King St., / een aecnmt*iation té ke travelors «MiOrt- Gannetati eneerie~ran Qlb iesoeiio to céther oet 11 b@Y '4W4'Ïp a' UI eJ 1Mt bl.Stge ai>8wa te onne King- *- .. R-mmer t tht'FREF IÂEHOS sNe ,T Lvcri ~~OMESTIC MANUFACTURE.c.Wet aï' belso Steet, i th'NdWîd le~WhOdMre~t~ lon From 4e ,ornirg (ikr-encle. Picelrieg J une 2nti 1851. 8 3 lin- ~ ~ £~ NRWNBE.~~IOEL  ' o~$t.te~ s~ofiers of ailrg-S te2.S.b t. aaols, ..u . rngejT. BIIAW'RTH.. wimbin twentyý-five ilesoft te Toiw e' tntine iue n t ou g h t x 4 ,e,b1p4 d upon an eqima l ia i r c t r s B to s S i p . F i g aed oele ate ohm arrh >Griotondilc WtLaes, Gloee, pruecla 1oota, KitI Shec, T'ronno, Mq> 22ed 1811. 8 rnes brcugîi île P. inadmi.rteoarm ,aud juit footwishetl to o r c c c iv ,hether Ean ri fy i- he14ad amy corn- ÂS 5unieatiofl withi the Gqyçrnmuit of Oilpt, ynot,1ailà, PaUtaPails, Broon"e WISK w# WAcres , ni iti 8mle oetî ew, butFrtepetiehandn irU0l oiw an 4.*1~ --Canada, witit,tlie , 4ew çfjýçlieving usWlieel: Reade, Sole Leather, Ploudb Liftes. Fines, e5 (0 tAELS PORT DOVtER WIhl%- Tge ei Lcti dLog « ' , 3aa adStiblee on0 -i'mlite bturden Qf Lootsl1.hal pat o pte&SoelGanSopGlaSyhî ey for Sale. ivêrýrlw > h bvÇli.~Me , lP.4 r IIe~ ~if5 Our N orth A rnericaix. po sseosiolq a. T he S eth, Ra kesl , folk#, Crales, w itb à com plete JOHN__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .arcibfâ! 1851. 4 tf. I eh -exorbitant expense of our coioni, côtps. risa itl t wlich heofteii lowei' than ever. hrithtbvlçi;ISO Y-Fà iCaaawould appa ro 4epar- R. E.5s1FERRY.__ ewisJ ing the ostizute fur ýbe1ýoy44C»' - whltune 7,1851.- -ECANGiraR~ .RI'RA Ã"K(~J~ O>1ew Ys. , 4mdecila i ian Ride Réffiment,,w.ith thatcfthe XH&N£ O d jÉSLO 0U. O WwYrlv Ns~~4îa~d HATS! liA Ts ! LIA TS !- 4W NTE. t,o.Ecehapge for LANIs . "' Ul Oa ,tkItl4. -" ltI ,en3;AUi uis, lattir WU QiIY £ M028 10s24, Whuike Jg ST arrived, a good amsortment of in Wht4 or a 6PEI id. Iseriberg of the >WI-ITBY sitido teRvrTaebteis tn ,iw 4.hiXgzr the formerk 5nouùted to £a1,50 -7ss SI gaoiLate1tZtleC ACOR, nTHE o âei.$ln ét.-1- ý î1p le thought -that Canada and al the % ç forCash. liasnmet c te, F CR sI mer and a igm ept.tele, J'eOStpUia otherBritait ~xtls.&meiean ALS09s kep pce -with the time, keep on bnia oê ApplyI tho t d i* Papr. zýf ~ JU s, 'rtet f lo Bktho , Caini ,Stein ta, otWhtai . . rYb rL ý . ohh t ear theit' wn xpen$ei 0f LEGHORN, AND WOQZOA.L ee ,pani laktadStcigT r, 'Whty, iy Iib.' l?8m.aa cmeaà tgt«with 20 Doz HO'BVP.CaL e Cash or Wool, whelesaltr or retail.t, ,1% bp FoxMauoai, i wa pu"th FI, 81 MITLIN MAT&, (uny4ittle Manunatainhg, andi Spirning by lbe poun, POR TLVXT 'PA_. UES. c iboiee pioa ci tht vï- Mr* Fx aue ai, t asno te zse 40 t suit custoiiiCiC, and ¶ W ~~~*4~1i Mentionof the uvernmet eiatiely toR. E. PERRY.V E sýhtbé W1W 1itep_ýt ,etY w draw lt o ii uvrlUItWnir 0,0thiig. L CA R D i JX G iube ene~~~ ebt ~h ~' dft he iitary fXrm ewSouth wIiltby, np 6t, 1851, --S- Mancactrmi5hrth8e *bUýqebrthe ik;but thi e o were o be re- andi CLO » )R.SSNG donc on the shortest -li .1~~la, anm e 5 SSnce-NO In' otice. The iW4inte$ ~tart an Accommodation i-, .' ý- _ ,Perq a.a ws efl-ndth ie Wh~tyaitb

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