Whitby Reporter, 14 Jun 1851, p. 2

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Bimaton ' Jane sth, A bsruitaltgedy tuok fihacà lai VSin(b ocxuur.Ayeunig umai iOPSUnting himmeif tasi rager froi -ug# A phYsWcaaoand;requ- 'tedimec JOI aiesi. Mrs. Ci, i Ith"silee -b«buosbad, invited huim ite thse paloui WwXUatkgktert a thiid, entered th. ruof q~a istaty drewamrzc ~Amt. Thé iiwuii Lvritl ,contiue toissund lb. whoieledthof oùr 1eve à 1 idmmnrgoc. -A*large amnount or prý pety ed cuinjitred, and the, dii eultY tof. f-shipping muid -lnding gou< ha. cacused a ushupeIIisio u-business. Wtirlinton 8ili June. Thse Repuèieut ates, that, Sir linr jauIwe will ssii for Eôgiaud in OCXtbý Mmd wuhl b.absent- two mnstisa. Cinclnnatîl, June 9ts. - Ohter is oun (ho inereaae, and la ve ryfu4a<._ _ _ _ LXGISLAirE ASSENIDLY. Tuicsday, Jiîne-10. * Nr BagEymnved tuefirst resudin, dtvo 611., for incorploraiig lime Co'r p.uY o mi srance and gis ing giunrari loua onbehalfortîblic officérs andi pri, v «eoMployewandIbrjorovdingfr i ltatagement et lb. Teinporaiities c tbi! Cbhe of EOadind tise Dicces la haer 10 Mr. .Sherroucl, Mr. Dsildwisaid tihere was no despaîci fin the Impenial Goverunuent reia. livé 10 o te ue eof tise St Làiw rone.- At aîîy raùte il cuuld nul bc i4f..Hincksa<jded,îisat the Provincial Geverament had fusil powver Lu open the * St. Lawrerîcc TÉhe bill te Aoil h Rkb rp tii:gehitiiea r enda i ut Prie n i. Thé Fliou'se havimie goncp iutoccsmnittc. -Vr.Lofm( aine movu4) ilIsiricle le tie t tu auu-end thmeAci relative tu-t l * Salries of certain Offiec'rs out Jisic< (Canada -Eaut,) wIsicIsw*as. carried, as wèflà#tes liesceeding clmuuses. *Ur, Hinck, muved cimesecond rendin g etl.Trturiai DiviisBi l ivi an- * sch billeishad been broiught lan by idi. VidPmuai usembers; huItit Ilwusthoughut tIsai it ira a measitre tisat osght lu ha v6e'u * flclso offgovermment. TIse bilheba boom iruîrodmced la nearly-tlim sane furisi lait year;ibuit had bseis luit owing I delay occausélby endeav:i ringloUis tain tise vîews cf inîeeuJpris-- Tlere *wre tew cîaluge:s ;rulxised Eastî ofuthe Cuutycf Ytir k.-Pîr< ' o' ïOvet Wllicb u avtrvilurge Coii y, * w. h b.dîvided imtc lwo ct"untîs Iwhaeh, li 'ime-menlinie %wotild remaBili * ssumedeCountfes htilthey tlbuuht fil te Parate, and even theuu wuid cons- laejusl at-ýpreseilt, for electorni pur- lpwses, liitIsere mhcsuld l>ein inereétse in tbh. representation. Tise Cunn!iy OF 455 Ui$sronceoutopusitiai lu otise coi- rect moude ot' eguaratioifor fc-lmc Cuunîv for the old Cotiunty dd; 0 esr~l have any change, Ihsouis tise presenf eoOdiîion 'vas very bard, mpen thé, ne w- or part, but- ho tîtouglit 'gentlemen would and the proMoed lia. of division upons Ibo who tise bçst tsat: coildbe 4rit upon. In âagswer 1 o nmeobservatîeisfromi îh thrsideof thtie 1Iotiq, M'rlioka ~su4 t sva inteisded aI présent te div ide t Il ~ry-cf York iLe oneolargo -met- Cepo tin ti;lty, and lwo olher Cotin- 1i ,with ' -for meniherm among, the whla Conty as nt prisent. * Mr. J.otnan said fht inl votiuîg for Mh.eeooed readi#sg ofthbill1, he gave nti hat ho shou'iidnove auti mnend- ment'tu dividie the Ctiîuîvy by a limm ÃœmnNort4,ti, Souths, iîsstvnd 4f(a ~td by the ::uder bis iill.- He Iik~anccd a.Mr. to iccrease Thorehili who wae na retired Cierk of the Crowvn Lands office, who lie belle- y Mes-os. yod, had per(qrmed Iiis dilties imprup- gatori), the, erly, and who, ho believed, was stili hy4ho né* able to. work. ,Hoieknade -sonefurther wed te. ayremarks, toutendin.g tIua' more Gterks r pleased... were ernpioyed iûîbihi f tbe-depart- ýf the propo-méats thasi was needfi. Se- l 0IUUaAWJSÇfIS slandO w L'rontenw m- oin'ty, de hàtthé %ishes of ll i sertL be; cuncerncd, and apparently for Isulitici ice -purpoem flV.' ep .?.fr. Hinciça replied, showingthat Mr Dr-,ý Notmitn had compietely, changed-hî mind with respect lu the Couinty Middle ex, .auslie be.hiànseif brougl int ia bill for theyproposned division., Thi feet 'vas, *tie Reiristrars and -Shorid, mwere opposed tu ail divisions. In'repi te the lion- member for Toronto, ho cor, ý.;tende tere svasnu argumînt on thi score of increàsM lexpense. Tho Poo r.pic understood. Ibis motter 'potrfectli rn. weII, andw'iero wiIig lupayfor in. ;or caedacenfiniîdatiun. T.he hor tes dieniber. for r»ienae-ijjd spukea une of the details of 'the bi!l, udhac uqnj.itltv charged the Government Witt ~,, politic l tveswitTI resj.et-.to Ànmý hoerst Jstand. In dûùing su, that geitle man iait dsa;d thaït the.peolsle ut Am. herst Island did al their btisincss ai 3aLhi, yet -the veryCuunty Coulîcilo Leniiox anèd Addington fiurnicrly uppo sed the setting-pff cif Lennox aud'Ad. dington, on tlue gruund LiaI the peuple y ut. Amll'er.at Islund, who, did allili~eit M - business at Kingston, would ho forced Lu: Napatrsee, (su lhe was ifrutnied, at lcrts) if those, at présent united parts, wvere sejsarated frnim- Kinguton. iJow. evero itimavas only a Mi»mter osf detail, and thomîgîs Fronitenac had alJarger Ler- ritoy thais Lenisox ard Addingtun, it was to a -great extent barren, and was muel: legs pýuio11s. .Mr. S'eymoiur deniedf whist the Hon. TnsSictur Genermr 1usd said about the ~ unîy Counîls, ammd smd lie sisiopusd bhd b.dluard iL huom a great friend of thI MsISistry. If s0, thaL persun neec eut ofter himself fur Leuînux and Ad- ,gdington. ;e The Bill hnving been read a secound time by a mnjunity of 42 fi 10 1 * Mr. ffinckg moved that the Bill b Sreferr, t't a Commsittee of tlie whole -un Fridoyv mmxl. cmpindc Mr. H. J. Boulton opand f h urrving flice Bill. Mêr. Hincks lied nut ary desire t< press the bill. If' hon gentlemen 'vere edno then preltàred, it miglil be postpon. ed uttit 'rîesdiy. - Tiiesday 'vas finally agreeed upor *fur ilsg Comnîltal. _Mr. H. J. IJouïlt moved the second .réaditig of flueic il-tu îprolibit Ltse ex- q- peud iture of publie nsoney for piirposes uuot atithorised by lzw. Tfhe hon mcm- ber arLuned t4at the proesent system did not affurd amfficient protection tlu*.he publie; ' and made some ,general re- rmnrkb o lu sow trhc proneness uf' puiblic rmon. tu become eurruîpt., It was a wise *Maxim for the -peuple tu put nu more t confidence tisan w'as absolutely neces- Dsary inpnblie men, especiaiiy asreia"e 1td giving theni uncbecked power Over the pulle money. Me showed.how,îli miany coiîirues, publie men lied macle *ai 11p11, r se ofthLie public nionies5. l 1e referred u the £6000 t bat b.d beets exîseucled-,ou Mon klandsi eir 'ilien ,tliseGuveru muent 'vet to Luwer Canada1 and- held ,that hua r.affurded a m1ruîa g remmson for not fem 'ving umicon- trolled lxtwet.un the hancis of tIe Min- istry. Thisw'as aninistaticeucfcens4ir- aie extravaance frr itu wuleoi'sg- o»it lof ise ba.nds oif Pmrimeni, and llting it; ,ituo 'tiseCouirts df:Isrwîr; lie reud frtomLise 1umli c sccounts iflhe items £1000 for thse Mouinted Police. £i1115- for Col. Wetheral and W. R. McCord.' Helre were aurais lîat would hardly have béen expeocled if tIhe matlçr hadbeeua, in the first place, reterred for the sane- lion of tIse- legislaîu 're., This MIr. Me- Cord was il Ihe 'whide a police, magis- trale at a saiary of £",0. 1-l. macle l'oe-uf thsre kind et arguiment wih' regard tomel item of £700 for liomes ft >r this saine police force. They foujnd notling like Ihut ounthe American aide (if the-a r Th lion meniber went over chlier items of ihie public éccunts, as for instali"ce oinuerise-sims'lpid for pickiog case.s ud the removai cf vsr. .uu&iy so.iaewmotione.- .M r. Hincks replié4 ten m gthe a Gov eramnt could u now:eýpend :the public usoney. witho1î iipon#ent ci eailmul, uny mor6 than îhey culd liunder the hon member's bih huldi >f heme law.; and if theýre were the p.. t cuniary penalty lie prdposed olu evy-- e lie proceedud te observe Ihat general f4conomy. was observed by tise Govern. Sment, and as mlîch Si'se s tmld ha un-. -dor any other sysions. o'vetunt ë speak at length in genetal don dénination -urthe bi I. It woul d hé a degzradÃŽus Sposition lu place a rîsînister in, 10 niake -him liable for a. penalty of ;£500 be- Milase be should emplojy an extra clerk f oinday s., j, Mr. --T-hm iould b contingent xnum ploc ' .4tfor tisaI. b -Mr-.Ji".ksaid LÏsp.biHll4is 1Ihit cas Uwotild i;e perfectly inoperative. 'He M uade sonie remnaiksoupile".ions lu the tsame e fiect ns his speechoft Lime other revenitug. H1e eonelmîded by- nioving in *amendasesit thuit the bill ho read n. se- *conudfinie this day six montish Ï r. Véacke=.ie spoke at letigh li fa- r vomir of thse l. lie believed thse peu- 1 ple of Upper, Canada huud fur years de- tsîred sischli 'teatire tobepassed. ~ spoke iis general terms lualIse lcltuc2 lanighter of tIse liuse and the galle;y. But Our space ducs notpermit our repqr- ting thse speech at lengt., and a coiide- issation wuuldflot corvcy iLs spirit, its pu n geney consisting is, ità parénrtheses. . Mr. Gugy condc.ned tbill1 but in the course of hibi pech lbrouglît Ont Euo iv arguinsent A. He alluded lu Mr. Mackenzie, and madle a long anti vio- lent attack upon hirn. He stated by inuendo that hoe had been golten be- twceus a cat and a monkev-; and-during bis speech alluded iu him, as a. raitor a liara îtcoundrel, a rohiser, and a mur- dorer, a9d une wbo had fletl bis conintry. He sonsetimes ailuded to Ihin by nuinse and lu conclusion, as haIfçt a al mon- ken haît tiger and hart goat.-With *these last 'vurds lho gat dowîî. 1 Mr. Scot4.ufByîown considered Il a disgrace for tbe Honso lu have listened Lu sucb a epeech as thaL iicli liad just fallen frqýÀ the lips csfiselhon. meniser from tliOTovn ff Sherbrooice, nis the speech ifself was disgracetml lu that niember., The questio n vas Iheis put on the amnendasert and carried ; yens 49; Trhe IMotusetheis adjonrned. Ficar NAvIGA&TloN OF TRE S7. LW RENCE. Tii answer Lu an enquiry ut Mr. H. Sberwood Mr. Ilineks stated tisat tIse Provincial Governsment hiave authority lu throsvepopn tho free navigation ut the St. Lawrence 'vithont referencé Lu the Imperia) Goverament. ABOLITuIrONvO TUE RIGHT OF-rPRIMO- GENITUaL HIon. MJir. Jaldwin introduce4e a bîlt' Io abolish lIse riglît off Prinsiogenifure in thse sulccessions lu reai estale heidAîn. tee simple, pr for Lthe lite ut another is Up-, per Canada, and tu pruvicle for the di- vialion tlscreutamun gst. suieof Lise rel a- tives ufthLie last proprietor as may best accord with lthe relative dlaimis ut suds ,.{rlîes. w cunsideraûtion is tIse divisiun CONTROVERTED E LECTION PETITIONS. Hon. Mr. Baldwi momved lthe second reading off the bill for lise trial of con- trovertcd election petilions. Tise mea- suren lprinculîle la idenlical -'vils hat2 establisiîed by an adt intruduced by lise, lâte Sir Robert. Peel; lthe-abject tfils madoption s sate suisatit mte a rèsponsible îseîhod ut dealing w'ithelection peti- ions for, the chance system thsat now ex i st s. Dcides Nwbich- are now- pertorm- ed ina aisaccidenltai ueay 1%1iimunder'tlis bill be pertornmed by eonniiree fo r wIseeseloction tIse' Iouse'iii ho re- spuusible. Hon. AMr. Bouiton ejected te 1ihi pritie u fthelise ut sinapplicable tIse ci remu rostaneces oft îlet cournlry, wbere - î.àrîianship mies every thleg. Tflue Coizmittces 'veuld hein dng e of . iùg:made tise c'r Ëeo.tures<,of - IsielevorY house. Thse', bi l'vas thoen.read a. secondt lime. - UN41VTNOUIZED PUBLIC 'EXPENDITURE .tzw PrioNs. ia ,va.. vi u. ge b4: the t. m tsafd ith the greates pou sible speed ; thé, other authorizing SUt jects tu plead atnd reason for. themselve, and'otherz, in a.ll Ier Majesty!s Çourti ofkJudieature wfthln the provincee, anè to repanmd bntl aIl Àeîs'undet tht atoity of w h ich-Qu 'eeuls Couincil 01 the Lb.w Officers èif the h-rw ave pretsedene in their private practice 3. courts off Jaw; ýMrMalsà,ggveotice 0 a motion fbr a rettjrn relating to-the Unr iverwfty, ahe Upper- Canada Coflegl sind-the Gane Shoi DIr. R H.ýý4roed:gavenotic<o oof a bîi ta, amend 'thé Act ncorpoira:ion thi Company_ of the:,Toronto and Lake HuronRailroad ti*a Guclph.. Alsoofe bill to-extet.d the powers of the Briti Amerieca Thauraruce Coompany, and Vc reduce the number of Directors. Hon. R. Baldwin bri-tght a. mesa*g fruram' L-5 celilency, cunmunnîet!fl despachesand correspondence relgt'flI tau the flailroad from Halifax ta Qobec The. docmenî ,>wre urdered tO b prîîted, and tale refered,<lu thosIt1fl e Blank Deeds & Memnotials for 6aleat ha: Of4é ITHE R EPO RTE-R-li WHITBY, SATURDAYI JUKZ J4, 1851- PA RLIANE N TAB I- The most impnrtant feature of the epast week, as regards the interest of the . ppe off this section, la the second' rea- ding of thne Territorial Division Bill, b3 ri rajority or 42 te 10. it wilI be dis scussed l nCommittee >on 'uesday next, L everal depuitations from Ouhnawa have ýPasseýd through this place düring the week, luiving for their object the influ- encing cof niernbers tu vote fer the lu- îcation osf the Cotunty totn iin, Oshawa, The parties Wh~o 1ave -gne ifs 'iii have« nu influence, )ovever, as the honse by this ime i.s pretty well aare Iliat the people wilI bhave the Coîsnty Tc>wn where thzey briug their produce te mnarket, emnbraeing ofle. of the safest :iîd rnost eonveusslent Harliors on Lake.on- ttarie, with an excellent PIauik and Çhný-« vel ftôad leading to it; and which will soen be exteruded thronîgh the center of the new coîînty. Mr. Boulten'sbjll Lu prohibit the exlieditaie cof public mu- ney without the unetion off Parliament, 'vas, Iost by a laige maiuritv.> Abîili to irucorporate the MUedical pr&fession lbas recciytd the first reutding, We have not yet heard any thing of' the powers proposed te be grnted te the profession by this set ; but if it exelude -ôr not, from practie, 4111ose, whu profess the healing art Uflder the new% systera, the people ooght ktebe made acquainted with the &et. lU is a matter of import- ance to knoW Iy whieh system a man ruay Idgnlly iake h*wcxi t, if the lnw deleruinies, ta preseribe the nature off bis physic. On Tuesday flhe 4th imat., a Donation party cmet at the Congregational. Chueh in this villiage, fur the .benefit osf oi tale.ntei and worfliy Gu,-nge&,ationial nhjister, Rev.3. C. Geikie. Thîi newý feature,- in the voluInîaryý systemi Was neyer Lhoro:îgbly tested befiwe, in- this neig-hburhood, and %vas notl'airly under- stood, notwithstanding, however, we are< lalppy tLUsay, the resuit shewed . very lh-vomble beginning, alhuugl Ive have not learned tihe exact arnountre- ahlzed. Wo hope, thnt on the next oc- casion cf thiis kindy wher the thing is ftat ufthlis neighborhood wvill evince stncb n spirit off liberaitinlasupport cf lise Gospel,- as wmi ut ho surpassed, if equelled, by aîsy commcunity in lIhe Pro- vince, eajoying an equal share cf those bl.ssiigs whiéh wealitu bestow. Near the clmose thlIe afternoon, the fuiluwving address, by lise eongrcgation, tIo hirrespe.cled Fester, mwas read .hy Mr. Basuurn b. your true reward; and we hope, y'u- bi wsill look upon thes. trifiing gifts wth1s h en gofic whieh we haver the pleasure off present- ot thék subscriptions, Wh jl ing y uu, fot as-any part o t yosr recomf- n i î tiy a b tI fu le pense, but me rely as a light proof of i' dvitlyisbtrfin l teisèat gratitude and respect whsich we ail gate ofwhich, te us, ia ever 's certaiuly owc. hope tbey 'ill think and ac b No oe saequainled wi*.h unr pat cir- immeôjteiy. 0 cunstances as a-Churcîs and congrega- in, can fait, te bts struck witi tie ai- A . l e v r a at ,e mut uneqlualled successwith which 'v o Cucil a few days s-Mce g have *been bliesed since your appoint- the fo*W JÃ"i6n uta mew C gment lu Lb. patoral, charge uver us.-j the ÇoUtst Seat at Whji e As it- 18 ever pleasirmg te revert te, the course,'8s net the ptition1 past when the' retrspective view is of sented tou ur honouirabli e a dlîiglifu C'hiataiter, 'vo hope you will signature, asking the Col, -net take iL amiss if 'vo make a féw r- vided, mund the capital te I ferne.es bohtoutl pst ad te present, or wkrever a majoritwofthe in connexiati wiils yolirsef. ,- - desre te place it ! Thse j L-It isnot yet three years since yocs h- oficning-, pure-herrted p is came a sojourner amon gst.us; y-ou.camie sadly imposed on by trick ini September, 1848, and truly, the posi- must point uri peu is ti t ion ut affara the, was enough le have t4- ivie th te Cotntmy is d discotiraged a person uftmnuch stronger in Oshawa .41-Reformr, *n.erves and less sensibility Ihan youL.- The above extract, we ,A*. that l 'ime, theire 'vere oniy'fourteon, members lis goud standing lisn ie a ibe su a m ea c Churcliw'itîs scarcely any congrega- Ouisbaw, which le evideni ion, and public opinion nsuch agzainat have great effeet. We 1, -tIse body. But lisanka to a kurud and over.wafchirug Providence, yot1r paths in state,te slio ree e the midst ut us bas been narked by a Lie clause of Il"or whierev, -steadiiy ÃŽicreasing'-bleâsing in both tise ofthLie peopie uimi.i desie Chtrch, and congregation. Durng Lihe E!>tm ha you have contntuecd iere, yot rec ived th-. whol'enumntbex haimsed une oft tielargest and most sigynattures and nu mulle, w] respectable congyations outhtIe kind lin JCgDt hs osr *tise Province, and tisat ou, in tIse face ktet.en fui and five hio Of therriost influientiai opposition. Yen I- arc 110w thIe atr over n. Cliurch, lav- Pwpe.-ed xew County, pî*u ung ne fewer Lisais seven ty-ftnu mcm- 1 Z.ouwty Town lu-ho in th, bers on tIseroll, twenty-eîght ut W"(,,' beîn-g shovn ho nluis iM were added lue the original flzteen,.n- j >dependently ut LIe laboure of' tha tuvj office, by a gen tleman, who t ly usais-9t God,,MNl. Burehard, whuowals cd: At as an interestiusg cvii lately here.î stabitity off il, signers as lin .Now 'vo are quit e sensible, dear sir, that sucli a lhappy state ot afiirs'cotld'n mind, Iht ianèe thon, neveu have Liceui Uruîght roluusd w'vutit fonturrfive differentschem( tlbe inost igurous exertioisson ypour part,f have been proposled by th0u and tise inimnediate blessing otGod t ipon *~~~~~~ -ou ao& W ievr eti ia p-titiunèrs, locatingî he Cou yen bave exerted' yourself Lu tise utiotha a This, trulv, b)as of youur abilif les, and sumetimes, even ance cf Ieaving iLs location beyondyour strengls, in Lthe prosectition auaoiyofts epemi ut your duties. * lcei. But- t is net unjy in therepcaJs mentioncd, tîsat yii have beeht a hIes- Several petitisns havini sing roums. '['ho Sabbatbh .--ehsi, w h ich clause, 'vçre sent intof inow li a most-iottrisb.in -.condition, which 'vere neyer heard i and cf which yoti are constittatiomually tie head, lies uider mssy deep obliga- anat now bc fouindI Sui ienis Lu yon . You have aIso, establish- tremendous petition oflfi e d a-Bible Instruction Css in'this place, 'natjures. whicî prom-ises Lu bc a great benefàL tu The Refornwr sas,44our LIse comnsu-nity;j 'vo understandtlisat it ll nt h oiin ulready numbers about fifty meèmbers, olkowheostn'e whieh s lacertaùsly enough tlu shéw tîis p'ocLiglrg nC nii 'it mut be uta very inîoresing character. dety bis reades ;cl pin fikc There are insu y otiser inatters 'vei direct "lpuaso-n "en tslii worthy off notice, in which yuu have an, kler. Hs iwar bossa ehiefiy instrumental, such as the n>isvesmu paihnting cf thse Chapel, lthe eslablishing a9 thislle blows, omsly net ' csfa Cisurcis Library, &c.; aud there are gezona; and we doubî mu at Ieast, two old and feeble part ners is readers kncuw wheLher the life, at no great distancé- frora here, uausadiioatalr ehiose prayers 'vill often tiscend te ILea- yen un your beIsait, snd dotless, cati >For 146 fTiWtbjRppri duwn blessiigs upon yeux head, foi yen M;t. UxPuRTM, have becu the princip'al meanusoff LdZifr Ile reafter let Bot ansy ou itig away chili peu uiry and 'vant trousmboan edreîe leclared luto-» cult from Otur hemporary aI tlY intends to have oaiy tc, ýd lu, bavin-. ;Crmwntv i 1dle I 'lat a b 1 )IIS

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