Whitby Reporter, 14 Jun 1851, p. 1

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M ~; ~ 4~ *4 ~ in Witby 0149ga aidin$a mmot; Twlve Shillinga t çv4 cat the CZQCé' of the year. 01' LeUtter addresscd to tiiO Ofice h ibal Diseount epiowed to per- bteomiug Agents fur the RepOrt r V7OL. 9. P. - wJI 'W il 1 T B r r,. r <Z ai~ i hia»4 an4 ~1IIh~ aotblng lummu indiff.rfltt@ m2~0l4~<' r r rr ~- __________________________________ r r -. r y, UAINAJ>A WIE~T, SA-T UIL1X4Y, JUN1~ .1~, F~>n tie Faq oonrunin. heir' respective destinatians. 'Cbartey Saù nders n ia, annd passes-Iaws for the regutafiuig at r ini new*trees and' aïtie in t4favor as arehmatyyr ôher ip~#? i "I'cinne tp"sai 4fin g property. freeli gtirnitiire. mnt Lii alisllmei; 'the" càiniioim<r îen ulu~fiM.Çg# CHANSING Tu ENELPE .bte,î ne aâ "i l "Done what 1" !4~~any 'god veins %~ve been discov- of thfe coâe have !înto1fcèd,it iî~~r Vlii Tho ?oublc et yj~j~i îWar. " M. >flazardl gave hîm van accont of his opea- credi, butrire knoéwn only tef the few FËIàHTFUL RAILUOd-A» AectiÉ,i,1T. - -evised VOr ~ste ubdu 9«-'~ The TroublesOr» ofi Chnrle, id-bnajaimfortuflite fiuders, àndthey dare not énm On Sattnrday-, the l7th iultiio, on thé 123 case~sbrmiâgt ï6r cuiiiltat'liifrc r1 s~r .,Otf g~~aflernoon. Wtr up9f liem mi-til such Iaws are pas- Fan n. ndLonIe-afrad-*il i n. 19 ~4 ;thè ebrar sete bY Sib»N-rY E ittM-godar. atd rse hmepwihteti 3tse.W e hte r~Snto rtrainî of freight cars, to whliéh were îwI1louit a, iàv suit. m i~LrdIi< ~<yXifi atrernbing had ho k&ked a ~e d ~ eptesetntivewlîoîsattiiched two passenge'scri rs, g ontafili t lùd etnàct that no court fawteQnrilS1(< a Gentie tender, did voit ever sce êtMr- *e adlen i wyoarsRs Vic Wt raeRnese VýreJerck Iazard, or- ratbet, ehIdahiave a. i 1Evelina at home n vto $rîg f ti on, 111Egnes drneiens n 1cîdb ieniWItik onzac et'h 4~~ ocen hlm, for hc is no'v but a nisrC sha- déNot at hom," said a servant. copledt lar h ft fths , ôtone&tead Wv ith trW et, weef ay rvacii scuion r elian idafei'~~4al dowet iforer el'. ButlsW dd Bul-,ý-but-mý' gond man, 1 amn Mr. IFred,hclc whoîn he kees i suspenise, te wvield psssg vt 1fw .rig »et fder, maicosprcctolbud ftbeisI We'hi ome et. Bt11% i Hazid," mreetFs.kh ikadnsaîuaetpntes~-Frankfort, wllen it gave way, ind-rér- p'romfis (if tmarriagye, issatit, -baer.CfYtCQUIS; he0$ that-aU halppen 1'" you WM lask. Mr. e, Z velina balle mesay taoyou that at ve]l tnt11 the iirgency of fthe idea shoild cipitated the lasegregncr, ase itiprisontit, flor pvrsonalvinel tth giViP tel.l ion, if you %vil wtit patienhlY. Mr 4iat b pasedshe cudntse ou, osa, uerse etr.ý nd aor sase itote1ae11 dstne«ftwrt ntÃŽil attempt lhad be ud tcn Of etnoe Freierick Iazard wtasalwzivs a great flie 8ervant, as lie closc'd tigedoor. i.ahis Sxhead Id1desbvé iénrtat%,iéove^r favrie îthth ldis, r t eiît ic ~Wlt iotthis mcn 1'1saiil Iotard, a' liesentence fur te'correction 1' uf mani'f±t icmtiltybdishv ee Iitoo ta hsee eot t» hve ben, or h haI stggeedhos.'aiain, and thîowilig himsetf on! evils. cved. î-ù t frtnsaesh roer m h xiMnf4' ought ,hv enfrlehdsplid e wf iehopagi%1a leepless nisght. The next* e h rvneb ri> hatand whiskerSs, ad 16>1, -Y rmoiriing lsie .otUded b Y a vikdt frornhe tui(asli8$ Stndad'P.q r- necnc.Lo h Po vice edvde uin fae a ekOdS 'nt aton- no", andsi along ure uilMathMdg. sTT) Tîc h16 bsth fllwzi Isomtl tik >ýjîdeîf uniiaj6tdhosiôirstiobu, 1t heesopit fýi t)eatesi WmIl,"began s tiflT pt ise t*Pttil ( n)Pocro te1-the dentrai rairossi ls-',Tiieeastern r: ~tise parti-rts, 1tl<icr , ~ctu~h ani alîi gId-iQae~r -~flin lathe rnoetIovilig'nwansser. ilîst., spcaking cof the feîsdt:among the pusesen,ýer train, going at therate cl'nof cehenfir p(t mt-. -b? vchtec?-,J fr Batto otrr No woluder tliCY- likesi'àWhat l' "saîd fJarard anmazed. Itîdians of' that teri1ory, says:-The p laiîrtdnîjies hur, ewhennear )enlitfCS~'Tems eù~h hfl 1i " J r e e v e d y o t s r Ét n d I e t t r y e s t c r d ; y , a n d h a v e a o t t r , v m l s a n l o i , w e r e r n o n e pb e 1 tL id g o a n u t d h i r Coo 'allîson stry M. lzad Ottc-broughit it her;, oçneï e uteDreUne<îarîcomneiaottu iii >'Blair Fltrnnce, paýsec1i îotgli, a 1arc' . rset In 'je sattn vih h ~strss f iving tthm again. ail instat. Ilrr A1ril, uponbunting gnîdcîroiwgowilswscosn tce~d c o abe givénnftWusd'h. ae îaels1t itrn seihfe admi)ý f ili'a 'ns therel, made-iqCr". yie nXdd YshlY The trth lashed upnn hm in hhisat.1-Ietweven a prty f htntcrs and tet'0 a heLme"aun th th Popîe e1çtIW W tlth nlsi iss cf seveniteen, îî)anwd tEv'c- had e:rnlosed îhem in dise Nvrong envelopte, and aty ot gr i ewahsunters.- Tise hiut-an 'ou vhcsonoi sd, , is ic matdecftserrghsasial fbi ue.jigsîuit iiIlwif Lin Evrgren.It wus vvery srage, M iss Iudge had gotithe aieelhq ntesîretefr JEve- aarnd fesin sgosn hihliuit heels nni'te hdy on tirtle pnel id> pxtt~éo~t hi fHsr .'l su ail tlièédisappi ojted oeles$ aifur lina. lie ishpil from the bouse. Msies 'sartha Iidwiesad iltelovo 1et eogi sud u inefehow s ~ teg ~~~ sused hm l'or breach f promise, antd rerovred the Cilii pje %vs ai M to owit by coluqucst oie ie.Tmaet a prolne udin aeîes k ei w1e eItè 5 C e eclen y t14~ abfit the ltti mis ht auei ls hertheavy dania-ces.IBay~Atd wandered about a more (froui tise-*,iotix. ut wliich tieseioux o ans i i sa eet th;e pîlMiersh tresi toahoo i h)l h iteMs ht aie i ilr hdwo irs former self ; bsu lif 1i urnourei s Iat e ett elsqi ti.- quicky adquietlýv ltîedtbe fpaen.9r pruaidti te~ ~~%a uets uci n ne cf tIle most themt fas ben explainedta eEvelizm)a, and that ts dtrn:ie ns ilei co otie w a nd tey he e. V i 'Jd tor bette iw csl 80îl torly be t stesiar W enh Eariy ini Apriispon thisdispttteil grotnsidis e oie t n h Pee of the tiri hr a jitdgient, oie a&t5 eaii t!~ ~n yen~~~on the sdacour ofth Flsgg shaH holCei - t'otue1,ci the fr-t it x j4e effl'c as qanduissl f r a atp ,rl '- jo ru o i n the cee ouse in& w lek i a li e is o t o mocfarts--rt, enve- he pewva liai f-.b ed. Socn A ter, oee a cati im agine the drive r'a tprse on see- i 1 ii .I ýuw & ,ùrt-. vdtere i y Il~ e,1 zar'sattntonsatlas hcusxepoisi- opes; ail secondtly, that'LIis'ludge htuitcranthgoni j..ingatacin 0 ri c say htcurli i a, uhi etejtdcsrw.r rti terds iitntti çqat iat he catimu' a- kimger lband, having sigied eut ta doe con- gn ibtî eiuci isyn y os à-or. psu1wlictefle u b ici vesà îhs teîandfniug ft t )y ive Sioux, retturnesi te his three fae ree tpiu omuea i-let tU i jn g ertify ihat îi tu1 ç 0 ins, dssy _____! a le'es-rre r ing was to Ie et[et thait ti v. wr' -TRE LATE' CALIFORNIA GOLD cmpaiuions, wlso went by his guisiance elg!_____ _____ tt *ie '_Zîè hrèèn~ut gaged. Asîd d Ecid d hke hin, for DS OVRIS.te liSiuux lusige inithse niglt,and wsc Saiilis et eti 'estlPaaecxcelit a feV pen~ce f(r fié, diQa~Rvis ~pî~ M D 1 a i l l i s , P t Il S . S pla i n l i a s s ec ft s u s rt h e sr ydstas eP alda cu> . .f i latI -leo trolddt-, tn ie lcntea most sii erb clecinof.'dcadiy wea- wr. ~ th iet tiat ever lu d lîjuo tis eoincto1 st, a ort giîf: gd beà,ttc ic the bne amospvre l)0V asîI tsotuid A correspondent of the Yo Xrk illI-uates, wiuu wcre asieclp in tiseir biats - pcns. Among othiers a.~' pair of rat- Suc ~cutWt1 i i ubi îe-~eesfh at.>gt th. blue a peloie rc. oru liilItiuck. Journl cf Commee, wriing frnt kts, kiiling tiVo îmesî ansi une child i tt I131cm cf'Toedo mn i ltfacituire. O efsn.~~r - fheeu~us'ii~ ' lVcliipene t~cerica-ut isteri- Sasii Francisco, gives the subjt>jeuc -i fisishtilieits lsg e it, as te tise Ianile -nuid! shcuut 1 Thse rondsliLwrun~ài~s.t u~iisst sn~r~t 1,ve Iîhppned to'ovelient-110dowu andstheflic CI1r1cwas CCutsîuued tu fasliinesi into thse sli.spe.of asive.sr- a sik-cniin L t ru ya cenversitoi l iai rk triae coun L th Uic od discuvries ini Calferor- e t il s ls kssc hch i fS jes. XXlc h aieii fru- .ot- de I'i iirs a s h t o n~ ii îbe n a~ f mwchar¶ lîan ( rs tt tn tetui tpi fr ,m made, wlereve rtley eouitd perceive atny lCecrl-uiwî-da n t. ~ anett wlsowisire oiieiW a vRral uts ié,ti »Cht4e,"said Ilazard, '19M unwecks b'ack,bis ts ecu ile ciscever>'e' oin.Oecffi Soxsqa' ecu qîstetmerelis tetc secI! ru tîtjuaet( ie snhiîrUa-3i1u u go a hWii out romiiidrtise loige, ands tried te stri-lten att onve. "'Ume pairq 0o pis- ifaxa distatic, cf about20IOt love." ne v venss nt Nevadau City. Tise fa- ni rr~s~ Ilip 1a 5ý Il, "love ufuIt ousPtp tik Crvc a pnd crawl u r x Cip eVsfoilowing Luis, uwousgt irolu damrascesied gver tlîree weeks oci _110 ruuue, *1sn~ ry ~n lu¶sttu1 à4 i r-t e OU ondes n a o "1P 1 no u thcre j i tcrc I frft b t otcuisi îand d)JIciuarsed tlieir rifles at br ages rtn , re or 'lit m iii- do » ev ui tns, nc p tl airii g yasu u~kd ~aside~, .~îuha tie flcst ein ~j ise pedforwrd asi kuckd lir bmins Spendi spejdnesicfSP""aandcoareiciitinrOU thc thtpresnt rudglt wih cof lus>Illet h e i f i h ea 1 h e g .l ,ft JUc' h a.l s e cenny ic . t ry. SIC I n' em roi erqtaelsavonsone of'cm t eju irimgr:? tb ro ds y S at: tis uW 1sil ju'isa IIIç ar, n oe i ei i Irt E' a n a ývr ct bl Y UAâg o ev r ia rve t t c p r telp frw r n k oc e le in autrnvu. S e d sanunri -i. id ca hated-fbtîtno ilesIlith-sco dunta A tI ofwbfi sel ndash terucdesa4hukau esirema 1ocberddi ltblra>le, eenifi th o d fs, it d F ut%lg .caiWinîle3bc's nît f t o d o cuit l sIren1 seains n irc. Gev. ___________ ladies_____ho toooinit taer a marri r! " cd S utu bndiio 13cd-ilitcrsvoof altîiesà ,etmisittiwsi'ratgspotubde W m cuir d ti e j ut F çUn E e1re f i. 30. e t as c î a T ' c f s ii pet s- B an s y îus i e l t oo f t i t h p e 'a naeni t ok'os c- t cr - W h n p a e a e-dg t~ ~ i e , ie v~ , "Vus, "jrisrîju."s. I n iam , w u i'd jît a rv d " I ig t , îm. \ trlsoui , aJsývsg im u a r te ij.r . d reM),ana ilop ea 1 sýa e n sh rV tîu ndie isè¶,r. arnow bush; îhehou;b stepy hehelsaid:aý pir 6d 1 ne as ijf i cl eW ss t tedf uy ila dAtw îi u len siw rtm tie l t an cf a k ss drc'te e I!t(l rr; t~ti5t o 1 Wlvar ottt asO cbtii tie i d e r' 'n po icfy & a ru tIiý»1t -inle bo e t asea te bh tsts sv f e r ise fld a toteiîfia m it u~ - m aîiî,ts aiusbusc iu e e aiaetude ansihearP tildetWr.L lise iurceplsilireiyi 4a(t in ti nzi i rdi mn " snty. xcant Me eran iteylu ias irpus o ie ipes f V ur t . h- l lt -rpetllor a liti ole aresn & mweiL ter ~~,ou" m ben -mad e y a ner . o s îî 1tîv hnrigcftss'arciis ac tires ns oriéy.-A. f o '6tybd'rmet)t' teefhami-"jrticOVt the ase.rekandtusathttiW.wM "Lo.1ets ni ny"surete arir roal wty feet be t"*l l ise urtch e to S'guariur, r i uV aia 'is afr scnd e caseleasvssh r tl olts tsieaf-t1l g ls oe as mi~1 isb o~b S "W'ht do cam 1erth.emots> 1 strîckadmo im î'oii ne, sktiewr al, sa, yte aiteîuîs dlertsure. ustd nte1â Theh lôBf' IIât'14'ifeI%-~ié "Cornteches i ilte cI,. tep on usst .aCa! ; hyqat h'Useleths nu4lu(553ri~It tm~i cl,-cif 'ctfens tsesane lec ah r i r 1uar fte' s iofrnt ano ti tisadct, Il Va t pÀwiWNTOl a Vt Y g;c, paert oef- t 'sp' rouid e r'y to~ & e zadbe e c s 04 the i lleIuut iat s ai àr3dad 1 a lie,.idfearful cfthecesujcctuîrssg.nd t ernsut r -an lcr efr - hiu u'ucuir vry prsst wuttr ofii dretEN, o nd tess aî i en r , ffl»hse J1 ji*ef '--ae--.-r he-lm. W l men Ie l ryl ir vrlus ,clte t luQtiSauld i e us r.' iltaey v__________ er fue sd Ille lio er tuti f-r t-t?ý ai i gîTOuld _ Rni1ye ÃŽine Lpwlrl:nMx "r"-'lhad ot1n .w. fae lam uep< of'hil tuhi aw luae k e ef usesilLrwi o3t'rhr ft i pse l ' r -u vu hei hetll .idiqothe , ia oit' iw ýà[ t.:caskadré .i %~ titic i'îhsr .ov -- - the ..as.,.n..ioix m, rr.u-.iari'r.td. ucuure In(,-adv4 'd r aer -for :th 1- fleurface.Il lidâd iy he ia qudsof gr m Air. Itrr.-l ruy sf'en mdelicate ÃŽline te sîîch discoverim - They arc almost li- Thée lass cfIgentrY kilown iii tîis itlt f tCIUii'OJt.W wrihte oyouî, tut rof laie 1 have beçà rmnch pîuzded-Y1d isb dtth ou- in itellht Of orJsutsry triendship, or tran sèmne blarder U1,011 furtuliesu, becatiâ;e they j.in eclaîs iatgazîisîe e t o nîeals iW ouê. of tiule b sst,- s (Y u'usr tenios n egad e bi uattr Yur %Vouild avasté a bl o f.his pck ecd. andi that oee ade candles totir Tîe p:îgsedRpibian asUîtllpoiorieue.Xul e leseoxlii e wl ryweo i niîrofe1eue>e Twnyyetsgo h1 iu uthrelrati. -- arra EVELS EvzsGsurKs. -Stili it ul b or puattion fer scld chése asxd" buther; a fuuîrtlitcarrieis rltt iescvdresses tfu-r îdie hiiAt ~Ma.Fazsrasc \lÃŽZAIu> Plauan Valey. oneto ttry ail unromisisigs'pots; for the on a disti1liery; a nother W'as a con trac- csssiîrfts hr r~aQd~4W nk "~jv,~i lettiu.- 'lrpee er nes Ci'ctliat t~aýînO1igiuL wst iiLObs er on cçanais; oelers ,we.re 1 ferchasits sers, apped u s tr esftlae.wîrtel &Y - but let me reatii tubcier lbiter. Net et whije life in stiech ut temits, nS descrv'e and i cs, Th.cy are aeïluaititLed U xnduy ---.i Mnucl consequsosîe, I presssnî. Sonie money mat-bi 'ae etiee.l'so iitiswtîbohnsc'soet- lirhl- .,. usdd tor « <tbet', lilukt a trkey .sssçpe." Weihs-tii h e e' . wî s 'w ir drenwîîî s aoft-en t iî~ 15 airce ewevr look swer bis diocildeu ain qcu iC refreihing tu know that Winordenwlte ftrte, houuh t i \atpt if1ri b na aglil, orttber sevefriP- party first wcntt te NcvaJ9. tve encarip- not do se lu say se ott od .--For <.tne i Infaunt and a soldier îT Ofie isiu àirns ;rW >udr ir ~hazerd î tsske ai penn esi for !a week untisite idejsticarl:spot, y9n illPin c, ue oiliuugrvoMstietertirnri.--- -r r w vGot-20> showsçn I)ol riaRdCa11f the bed o go -afew yyar.P R J?0 oV1IN C I Ar, sueps Til DeTh aS if it was nr if îtdet than eider dow~n D]eath bringa ciivigkun ofprort,; MARTil iUvaGE A0rs 'alley, a few miles belw ni itbringe îîew financiers; die yu*n7g - C(ILIATON COU'RT. ItTIR I sDsiIX uAEPthis, iunothet veiln of quartz is worked gentlemnerntakes lus ereven~ues, ui4 bc- Tlîcfeiluwing s î à ex- ~ Thes ilt H rrn suid laizrd ;Ilif 1 donut >cni~abeaiatg.- J i c is te travei-tewards lpoverty, w)îich planaticiu f ÇCncilitis or i ggeve se ber se lur1nee 1A111iki t.i e9nty, A 9 unius wresuces4,t.nberi r.ahhibeer 0e.t--t lih1d-s es ilh - . 1ùlh'2 pois, sowrote btb e fsuloNwisî<effet: ~ id~~hes~~r r.ii eonl ~ îanfî~ohk e idf'l PloasttValleytOMt. 7î g- Old Zady-1 bad 14 grest hôîour of civs~ at thiee spntfs, bowever, have pro- hr famnyd<nk tl oLhr-si3e ebr n~tai a let*sr (r9sn y<ru.thiâ lay.Ai te tise nQtter. ia véd ttht ýltq WCtOfai riéner in. the titary -it- fa -cèesible ro ail;'thtee tltîng 'r1Cü saa e o ts'-nt,'*ëw- - <sl 'at1 can rsily oupîsî itl. 1never an a9 S >oith trnii tiues iluugh as yetfe-weZ sigodse» iscnof iottol.-will'ýnd'a geî- mnt t ftlkokiîùioW - teohs sdkai; sonumb jr,.,<t uya atioà of menup gscore of yeàus wil t 'ficial: - iy~mluw ye ~'tht,»$nn J sù iti trieswlieh can âcndthemtalUdown,ýan&senlp tbé il- ' Ir. iI4 o sn Ã"Itl ~ &e.~ r ~ 1IAz~i~. them. thon agaîn te labôr. e rp deox*pd le d dle-t~ Pleant ally, Ot, ý 1S.- ont's ýgfowî iù1k cssn f era~ hildreninîrit îbe'pt1dèendgot<éhiift- eciiation couryts would arï faïfi riîs nw-1 te' Ivmsr,knd nte a f w.,iîaat harandthe very naine .es ý l vgéaee DedrLah eivd ew milion tet1w creoVerY; h "*,ehwtén'e" Hi:5 a - i - - - ý - - - -f.Qý ý : -, , -1 - « "Il >1 1 1.111, ý 1 ý - CANA A TUlj.Dlý,Yp ' -TýUNI,: - -1 i ,esdîky,

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